MacFormat n. 11
System | Apple Macintosh |
Media | CD |
Category | Coverdiscs |
Region | ![]() |
Errors count | 0 |
Number of tracks | 1 |
Write offset | -22 |
Added | 2023-11-15 15:38 |
Last modified | 2023-11-15 15:46 |
Dumpers |
Barcode |
8 414090 103466 00011 |
Comments |
Volume Label: MacFormat 11 |
Contents |
[+] Games: Highlighted (Destacado): Gravity Balls v1.0. Shareware Internet: Applications (Aplicaciones): Yue-Ling Wong's Michael's Haunted House v0.0.1. Playable Demos: Demos: Descent. LucasArts (The Dig, Full Throttle). Oregon Trail II. Total Distortion. Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-ROM. Wings: Korea to Vietnam. Wings: Midway to Hiroshima. Shockwave Assault 1.0. Educational Shareware (Shareware Educativo): Al Bunny's Typing Class 1.21. BabyLabyrinth 1.0.5. Highlighted (Destacado): Glenn Seemann's Mac Video Poker. Shareware Internet: Games (Juegos): Spacestation Pheta v2.7. Josefin Software's Digital Vendetta 1.0 pre-release. Skydive v1.0. Yuuki Hashimoto's Woden v1.0. Apeiron 1.0.2. Philip Miller's BlackJack Tutor. Chris' Puzzle 1.0. Karl Bunker's FloorTiles. Christopher Lee Chin's Tic-Tac-Toe. Gold Digger: The Lost Mines v1.2.2. Shareware MacFormat: Xiola 2.0. Videos: Shareware Internet: Sound (Sonido): Clixsounds' Flyby Startup Movie. Clixsounds' Ultimate Startup Movie. Patches: Shareware Internet: Updates (Actualizaciones): Apeiron 1.0.2. Extras: Demos: Zeta Multimedia catalog (Cómo funcionan las cosas, Mi primer diccionario interactivo genial y alucinante, Enciclopedia de la ciencia, El cuerpo humano, Polizón). Educational Shareware (Shareware Educativo): Science, non-science and pseudoscience by Stephen K. Lower and CHem1Ware Ltd. El equipo de MacFormat (MacFormat Staff): Quickshow L.T. 1.2 presentation of the Ediciones Zinco staff. Shareware Internet: Communications (Comunicaciones): Jay Boersma's The_Web_Rules. Eric Lease Morgan's Teaching a New Dog Old Tricks. Aplicaciones (Applications): Essais nucléaires. Yellow Lemon Software's Welcome to Macintosh. Information (Información): Various Internet articles. Games (Juegos): Monopoly cards. Graphics (Gráficos): Jose Tan's 3D PPC Startup Screen. John David N. Dionisio's Batman Portraits Volume II. Dan C. Rinnert's “Friends Don't Let Friends Buy PCs” Startup Screen. Dan C. Rinnert's “Eighth Day” Startup Screen. GIFConverter Documentation. GifScan 1.6 source code. Tim Blanco's POWER through it. Icons (Iconos): Steven Louie's DC Icons 1.0. Eric Sheehan's Grateful Dead Icons. Steven Louie's Image Icons 1.0. Benn Coifman's Rail Icons 1.5. Steven Louie's Valiant Icons 2.1. Steven Louie's X-men Icons 1.0. Emmanuel Rayzal's Icon Collector. Sound (Sonido): Clixsounds' 8-bit and 16-bit Aluminum Beep. Clixsounds' 16-bit Tazer Beep. Jay Boersma's Volume One: Stereo Beeps v1.1. Shareware Internet: Updates (Actualizaciones): RAM Doubler 1.6. RAM Doubler 1.6 Indicator patch. Contributions from the readers of MacFormat. Clip art from Corel and KPT Power. MacWorld Expo San Francisco 96 catalog. Software: Demos: Fowler Media Graphics. Educational Shareware (Shareware Educativo): ABCs for Grown-Ups. Blake Helppi's Quizzer 1.0. Alphabet Pro v2.0. BabySmash 5.4. Edith A. Murray's A Collection of Children's Literature. Robert M. Delaney's Circuits. Colors & Objects v1.0. Conrad Weiler's Food Chain. Find The Missing Word v1.5. The Math Lab Series "First Lessons In Multiplication". The Math Factory v1.1. The Math School v1.3. Preschool Primer 2.0. Spell Maker Pro v1.7. The Talking Spelling Bee v3.02. True or False v1.0. Lori Martinez's Volcano Stack. Highlighted (Destacado): SmartFolder 1.1. Program Switcher 2.0.2. Forward Delete 1.1.4. StuffIt Expander 3.5.2. TextBrowser 1.1b. Highlighted (Destacado) and Shareware MacFormat: Altair v2.0. Eclipse 3.0.0. Resources (Recursos): Disinfectant. QuickTime 2.1. CDIconKiller 1.3.3. Sound Manager 3.1. SoftwareFPU 3.02. DOCMaker v4.1. NewsWatcher 2.0. ResEdit 2.1.1. GraphicConverter 2.1.5. Graphics (Gráficos): Shareware Internet: Communications (Comunicaciones): AIMS Localtalk Bridge 1.3. ALB Monitor 1.1. Black Night 1.0.3. EVER: Easy View — Eudora Reply v1.2. exkitapp 1.0. FC Log Inspector 1.1. Fernmail 1.2.2. HTML Viewer 1.1. MailConverter 2.1a1. Set Clock 3.6. SingleTalk 1.0. UnUU v2.0.2. Developers (Desarrolladores): Prograph Classic 2.6.1. ABox v1.8. Jeremy Roussak's Apollo 1.22. Anark Corp.'s Better UDebugger 1.1 for PowerPlan 1.1 (CW6). Ronald T. Kneusel's CGI shell v1.1. Pascal Cardon's SPY v2.12. VideoToolbox. Education (Educación): Grades 1.7. Applications (Aplicaciones): AutoLaunch 1.0.3. BirthdayChecker 1.5. Career Buoyancy Profile v1.0. Alessandro Levi Montalcini's Change Styled Text Colors 1.0. Flight Master for Mac. Bruce A. Pokras' Hyper-Stack Player 2.3 v1.0. HyperWorks 3.2. Kalk 1.0.5. Michael K. Neylon's MacFlash. Panorama 3 MegaDemo. MultiTimer 2.0. MyJournal© 4.0. Personal Log v2.1.0. Phonebook Plus 3.0.4. SelfControl 2.1 e. sound shapEs v1.2.1. Soup v1.0b1. SportsLog 1.1.1. TakeABreak 1.0. ToScrap 1.1.0. Virtual Wallet 1.0. Platypus Software's State-Smart. Games (Juegos): Lord of the Deck v2.3. Richard Burgess' Marathon Phile Juggler. Graphics (Gráficos): clip2gif v0.7. GifScan v1.6. IconToGIF v1.0.1. HyperCard: Various HyperCard stacks. Control Strip (Barra de Control): Control Strip Menu 2.2. Extensions Strip (ES) 1.0. Plug-ins (Extensiones): Aaron v1.0. Sound (Sonido): Arnold's MIDI Player v2.2b and v2.3.2b. Two Bits Worth's ART Music 3.5. David Bagno's Big Note Music Speller v2.0. Sound (Sonido): Rocco Moliterno's The Musician 2.1. Utilities (Utilidades): CanIt! 1.1. Peter Hoerster's CopyPaste 2.5.3. DeAL! 1.2. Fabrizio Oddone's Disk Charmer v2.4.3. Roger D. Bates' DiskDup Pro v1.0.1. Fat Free 1.2.2. MacLED 1.41. MetroLIVE Software's Mac OS Purge v1.0.1. MultiTask Status v101. James W. Walker's OtherMenu. Pascal Cardon's PowerOff Scheduler v1.56. John V. Holder's ScrapIt Pro v4.1. Michael F. Kamprath's Super Save v1.1.0. Yooz v1.54. After Dark: Barney Blaster. Clouds 2.0.1. Refractor. “C” is for Close (“C” de cerca): CodeWarrior Lite 1.4. Shareware MacFormat: Addiction Manager 0.91β. Lawrence V. Snyder's Cryptogrammer v1.1. Extension Informant 1.0. Canvas Sky Software's MacBoy Organiser v1.0. Memo Buddy 1.0. Photomatica 1.2. ShrinkWrap v1.4.1. UltraDice v1.1.5. |
Track(s) | ||||||||||
# | Type | Flags | Pregap | Length | Sectors | Size | CRC-32 | MD5 | SHA-1 | |
1 | Data/Mode 1 | DCP | 00:00:00 | 64:15:16 | 289141 | 680059632 | 3f16fdba | 46552dff707fd6fd4e962b0bd20968c3 | 95623d8b72f8fb52b39930c81fa30fceb5b1323e |
Rings | |||||
# | Mastering Code (laser branded/etched) | Mould SID Code | Write offset | ||
1 | GEMA O. D. MACFORMAT11 @1$ | IFPI 3201 | ![]() | -22 |