Download: SHA1MD5SFVCuesheet

Secret Service CD 44 (Strona A)

SystemIBM PC compatible
Errors count0
Number of tracks1
Write offset0

Added2018-08-21 08:48
CATALOG 0000000000000

Track(s) Dumped from original media | Cuesheet Has to be confirmed

1Data/Mode 100:00:0072:05:663244417630852322eb84d760ab7d6de1a3f21c7dc20ff85008ff2945d903768ff216cdd0f0de781a3440eefef01a268


#Mastering Code (laser branded/etched)Mastering SID CodeMould SID CodeWrite offset
1GZ I22117   CD-ROM SS CD 44 AIFPI LD01IFPI 5J02Has to be confirmed0

Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) Has to be confirmed

Record / EntryContentsDateTimeGMT
Creation31 39 39 37 30 32 31 39 31 31 34 38 31 33 30 30 001997-02-1911:48:13.00+00:00
Modification31 39 39 37 30 32 31 39 31 31 34 38 31 33 30 30 001997-02-1911:48:13.00+00:00
Expiration32 30 30 37 30 32 31 37 31 31 34 38 31 33 30 30 002007-02-1711:48:13.00+00:00
Effective31 39 39 37 30 32 31 39 31 31 34 38 31 33 30 30 001997-02-1911:48:13.00+00:00
Total: 68 bytes
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