Palm Games 2003: Professional Edition
System | Palm OS |
Media | CD |
Category | Demos |
Region | ![]() |
Edition | Original |
Errors count | 0 |
Number of tracks | 1 |
Write offset | -12 |
Added | 2022-05-26 20:05 |
Last modified | 2023-10-27 18:01 |
Dumpers |
Barcode |
693039940060 |
Comments |
Volume Label: PalmGames2003 EAN-13 may be erroneous or missing a digit. Freeware/Shareware collection |
Contents |
[+] Games: Action 1. 3D Master Thief FREE Demo Mission 1.2 2. 3D Tennis 3.2 3. 3V Quidditch 1.3 4. Aardvark Antics 1.0 5. Agent Z 1.0i 6. Air Ball 1.0 7. Amoebas 1.00 8. AncientRed Color 1.51c 9. AnotherBottle Game for Palm OS 1.0 10. BallBall 1.03 11. Battle City 2.1 12. Beer Kegger 1.4.3 13. BombRun 1.0 14. Booty 3.0 15. Bouldermania 1.04 16. Bugs Attack 1.0 17. Bzzz! 1.11 18. Derfflinger 2.6 19. Devil House - Resurrection 1.01 20. Dragon Bane 1.15 21. Dragon Bane II 1.0.1 22. Dungeon Adventures 1.0 23. EarthDefender 1.03 24. Easter Bunny Game 1.0 25. emHunter 1.0 26. Fantasy Realms 1.1 27. Fire Escape 1.3 28. Flytrap 1.1 29. Four mm 1.0b 30. Frog Way for PocketPC (ARM) 1.1 31. Gunner 1.0 32. HandiGolf 1.7 33. Herdin' CatZ 1.4c 34. Hoggie 1.0 35. Incoming 1.3 36. Invaders 1.1 37. Nebulus 2.2 38. Parashoot 1.2.2 39. Perfect Hunting - Easter Edition 1.1a 40. Pharaoh 2.1 41. PilotMicroRace 1.3 42. Planet Lander for PalmOS 1.4.3 43. Pocket Scorch 1.22 44. Qubix 1.2 45. Recon Commando v 1.0 46. Rescue Me for Palm 1.0 47. RifleSLUGs Game for Palm OS 1.0 48. Rollin' Bowlin' 1.1 49. ShootMe 1.0 50. Silent Ngiap 1.0 51. SkyPatrol 1.0 52. Snowboard Bob 1.4 53. SphereRunner for Palm 1.0 54. Super Duck 3D 1.0 55. The Cave 1.0 56. The Prison 1.2 57. U-Boat Alley 1.1 58. Ultimate Table Hockey 1.72 59. Volleyball 3.1 60. Whack-the-Ngiaps 1.0 Adventure 1. Tolemac Arcade 1. 300 Bowl 1.0k 2. 9-Ball Pinball 1.03 3. AckAck Attack 1.0 4. Alien Terrain 1.0 5. AnotherBall Game for Palm OS 2.0 6. Archon - The Light and The Dark 1.21 7. Artillery Duel 236M 8. Astro Defense 1.01 9. Atom Smash 2.2 10. bee 11. Beiks Xonix 2.0 12. Biplane Ace 1.3 13. Black Hole 1.30 14. Bomber 1.21 15. Bubble Shooter GraySkin 1.50 16. Bubble Thriller 1.12 17. Bump Attack Pinball 2 18. Bump Attack Pinball 2.24 19. Cecil The Centipede 1.0 20. CFB Pong 1.1 21. Colors Mania 1.10 22. Dartz 1.34 23. Egyptian Skin for Clickomania2002 1.0 24. Elvis 25. Emerald Hunt 2.0.1 26. Fish-Globe 1.01 27. FlySnake 2.0 28. FruitySlots 1.1 29. Galaxy 1.40 30. GamePak Bundle 1.1 31. Gem Slider 2.0 32. Gem Slider GraySkin 2.0 33. Grand Theft Auto 34. Hoards of the Deep Realm 1.1.2 35. Hot Xonix 2.6 36. IMR-Bombers 1.02 37. Jump Wire 1.0 38. Jumping Jack 1.11 39. Karateka 1.3 40. Lemmings 3.1 41. Liberty 1.3b2 42. Lines 1.01 43. LuBall 1.0 44. Maxwell's Demon 1.0 45. MegaBasket 1.1 46. MegaBowling 3.2 47. MegaHockey 1.0 48. MiniGolf 2.0 49. Monkey Business 1.4a 50. MoonShot! 1.4 51. MSSnake 1.0 52. Oktopus 1.2.2 53. PacMan 1.5 54. Palm Willy 1.01 55. Paratroopers 1.1 56. Patio PatMan 1.0.0 57. Phoinix v.1.2 58. Pinballz 1.58a 59. Pixel Panda 1.1 60. Pocket Roulette 1.0 61. P-Racers 1.1 62. Psycho Path Lite 1.01 63. Put 64. Qubix 320x320 2.4 65. Rapid Racer 2.0 66. Reflexor 2.5 67. Revenge Of Froggie 1.1.1 68. Revenge Of Toadie 1.1.1 69. Rotate Mania 1.1 70. Runes 2.20 71. Runes for Clie 1.11 72. Scud Attack 1.4.2 73. Sector Patrol 1.0 74. Snake 123 1.1 75. Snake 3.40 76. Snow Baller 1.0a 77. Soccer Palm 1.2 78. SpiderLab 1.10 79. Spy Hunter 80. Summer Volley Stand Alone 1.7.3 81. TanksWar 1.0 82. Universix 1.0.4 83. V-Rally World Championship Racing 1.6 84. Wak-O-Sama 2.0 85. Welded Warriors 1.3 86. Willy! for PalmOS 2.0 87. WV OutPost 2.10 88. WV Zoop 1.0 89. XoniXElite 3.52 90. X-Xonix 1.0 91. Yummi 1.08 92. Yummi 1.13 93. Zoop 2.00 94. ZX-Pilot 0.12b Board 1. 369 1.51 2. Abalinio 1.2 3. AIGO 1.5.0 4. Billiards 4.11 5. Blokus 1.0.2 6. Chess Tiger 14.9a 7. ChessEverywhere 1.4 8. ChessGenius 1.6 9. ChessPuzzles 1.1 10. Clickomania 2002 1.40 11. Color Quads and Quazars 1.1 12. dice121 1.3 13. EL-IXIR Strategy Board Game 1.6 14. Go 1.2 15. Good Old Simon 1.0 16. Hot Checkers 3.1 17. Implode 2.0 18. Knights Tour 1.0 19. Ludo 1.1 20. Medium Variety Chess Puzzle Pack VP2 1.1 21. MegaGammon 3.0 22. Mines 3.22 23. Minipolis 1.08 24. MonoPalm (eng) 1.1.1 25. OnLINES 2.0 26. Otella for Palm OS 1.0 27. PalmShido 1.01 28. Peg Plus! 2.11 29. PilOth 1.1 30. ReverC 1.0 31. Reverces 1.1b 32. Reversal 3.0 33. Robotic Skin for Clickomania 1.0 34. SAME 1.0 35. Shanghai Pocket Essentials 1.1 36. TicTacMax V1.00 37. TicTacToe 1.0 38. TileSwap 1.0 39. Tip-Tap for Palm OS 1.1 40. WordsPlus 1.03 41. Yahdice 2.01 42. YAtzee Game 2.0 Card 1. 4Corners Solitaire 4.2 2. Accordion Solitaire 2.1 3. AcidFreecell 2.8 4. AcidSolitaire 2.8 5. Alexei Solitaires Collection 1.0 6. Anytime Tarot 1.0 7. Blackjack Audit 2.73 8. BlackJack Challenge 2.2 9. Blackjack Counter v3.62 10. Blackjack Expert 2.7 11. Blackjack Mentor 3.62 12. BlackJack Solitaire 4.2 13. Bridge for Palm OS 1.38 14. Card House 1.8 15. CardSuite 1.0 16. CaribStud 2.0c 17. Casino World Championship 1.0 18. Championship Euchre 3.69 19. Clock Solitaire 3.1 20. Crazy 8s 4.1 21. Cribbage Partner 2.0 22. Elixir Spells 1.2a 23. Euchre 4.4 24. Euchre for Palm OS 1.03 25. Hearts 1.22 26. Hearts for Palm OS 1.18 27. High-Low 1.0 28. KO Whist v1.0 29. Last One 1.1 30. Montana Solitaire 3.2 31. Monte Carlo 1.1 32. NUMBERU 1.0 33. PalmHits 1.0 34. Patience Revisited 2.6 35. Pocket Video Poker 1.2 36. PocketBo 2.0.4 37. Poker Attack 1.1 38. Poker Logic 1.1 39. PokerHand 1.0 40. Pokerzee 1.1 41. President 1.2 42. Pyramid Solitaire 5.5 43. Real World Blackjack 1.11 44. RI 2m repeaters 1.0 45. Rummy 3.1 46. Solitaire Poker 1.4 47. Spades for Palm OS 1.18 48. The Art Of Tarot 2.1.1 49. Three Peaks 2.5 50. Topsy-Turvy 1.0 51. VooDoo Squares! 1.0 52. vPoker 1.3 Gamepack 1. 10-in-1 Christmas Games Pack 1.0 2. BapSoft Games Pack 1.4 3. Bubble Golden Pack 1.53 4. Ellams Software Pack 2 1.0b 5. ES Extreme Games Pack 1.0 6. MSGames 1.0 7. Palm Solitaire & Casino by ORUGE 1.0 8. PDAtreasures 3-Game-Pack 1.2 9. Seahorse Challenge Pack 10. SmallWare Solitaire Free 2.1.8 11. UPL Game Pack 1.00 Mind 1. 4Play Crossword 1.3 2. BlowUP 1.1 3. BrickShooter for PalmOS(R) 1.1 4. Burning Mirrors 1.1 5. Cartoon BrainStormz 6. emGems 1.0 7. emWord Jumble for Palm 1.0 8. Gem Hunt 1.0 9. Hot Hangman 3.2 10. Hunting 1.0 11. Knight 1.03 12. MagicBlocks 1.0 13. MemoryBlocks 4.0 14. Mind Meld 2.1 15. MSPairs 1.0 16. Pace with Words 1.0 17. PalmAddict 1.0 18. ParkingLot 1.0 19. Sherlock Holmes 20. SPAT 1.0 21. Spellbound 1.3 22. The Vault 1.0 23. Triv 3.3.2 24. Word Toss 1.2 25. Wordsearch 1.0 Misc. 1. 13 Mahjong(Chinese traditional) 1.1 2. 2" Town (Two-Inch Town) 1.3 3. Acrostics for Palm 1.0 4. Air Hockey 3D 1.1 5. Anatomy Hangman 1.0 6. AprilFools 2.0 7. Bars 2.10 8. Baseball Partner 1.1 9. Basketball 1.1.0 10. Beaver 1.0 11. BOUNCIN 1.1 12. Boxes v1.1 13. BS-o-Matic, Artsy Aroma 1.1FA 14. BS-o-Matic, Sports Aroma 1.1FS 15. Build with Billiards for palm 1.0 16. Bunny 1.0 17. Callisto 3.1 18. CherryOh 1.0 19. Cracked 1.0 20. Cracked 1.0 (In Color) 1.0 21. Cubicle 1.0 22. Don Dr. Butterfly Mirror 2.0 23. Dragon Hunter Pinball 1.51 24. Dungeon Delver 1.2c 25. Effects Demo 1.0 26. emClear 1.0 27. ESP Tester 1.0 28. Excuse Generator 1.0 29. Golf Scorer 1.3 30. HK Mahjong 4.0 31. Hortence Goes Skiing 1 32. Kid Paint coloring book 33. Kid Paint for Palm OS 1.0 34. LEDhead 1.0 35. Lemmings 4.1 36. Lottery Player's Assistant 1.0 37. LoveDice 1.0 38. Marble Master 1.1 39. Misfortune Cookie 1.1 40. Mozart 2.0.1 41. My Hair 2.0 42. NewHero 0.8 43. Pairs 3.10 44. Palm Server 1.0 45. PalmLunar 2003 2.0 46. Perfect Money (with color!) 0.96 47. Pick A Number 1.0 48. PillTris 1.0 49. Pocket Aquarium 2.0 50. Pocket Rat Race 1.0 beta 51. Puss in Boots 1.0 52. Pyramid Master 1.0 53. Roll Em 2.30 54. Rollers 1.01 55. Score Wizard 1.1 56. See Syd Rant 2.666 57. Serpents 1.11 58. Siji 1.0 59. Slide-Em 1.1 60. Smack 1.0 61. Space Lifter Level Editor 1.0 62. StarGazer Astrological Sun Sign Finder 2.0 63. Syphilis Immune Horace Friend 3.0 64. Tarot 10 card spread 1.1 65. Ten Thousand 1.4 66. Virtual Cigarette 1.0 67. Weecky Dance Stand Alone 1.7.3 68. Word Splitter 1.0 69. WordForge Championship Edition 1.0 70. Wordful for Palm OS 1.1 71. WordShuffle 1.0 72. Xmas2k 1.3 Puzzle 1. 'Digits' Puzzle for Palm 2.01 2. 100 Boxes 1.3 3. 12 Color Puzzles - Betty Boop 4.1 4. 5 Puzzle Games Pack 1.51 5. Alchemy 1.22 6. Atomica 1.22 7. Bejeweled 1.42 8. Big Money 1.0 9. BlockSlide 1.1 10. Blox 1.4 11. Bloxer 1.0 12. BLUE MITT Word Squares 2.1 13. Bouldermania 1.03 14. Branch 1.0 15. Bricks Ahoy! 1.0 16. BrickSlider CE 2.00 17. Bubble Pop 1.2 18. Bubble Shooter 1.51 19. Bubble Trouble 1.3 20. Bubblet 1.7.1 21. Buyo Burst 1.0 22. Chain Reaction 1.5 23. Circuit Breaker SE - Electronic 1.0b 24. ClickPuzzle for PalmOS 1.2 25. Clickris for PalmOS 1.0 26. Color Memory Puzzle - FACES 1.0 27. Color Memory Puzzle - STUFF 1.2 28. Color Picture Puzzles - Cafe Rosa 4.1 29. Color Picture Puzzles - Materpieces 4.1 30. Color Picture Puzzles - Toby & Tigger 4.1 31. Color Picture Puzzles - Tomb Raider 4.1 32. Crossword Puzzles for Palm OS 2.2 33. Crypting the List for Palm 1.0 34. Cubix 1.2 35. Diamond Peg 1.0 36. DiSlider 1.10 37. Donkey Bricks 1.0 38. Dynomite 1.0 39. Earthquaker 1.2 40. Easter Eggs 2002 1.4.0 41. Eye of Horus 1.0 42. FIFO 2.2.0 43. Four in Line for Palm 1.0 44. Gid's Games 1.0 45. GravityBall 1.50 46. HandMine 1.16 47. Hangman 1.0 48. Hangman 1.0.0 49. Henry's Halloween Adventure 1.0 50. Hercule 1.21 51. Hot Lines 2.4 52. Hot Pipes 1.4 53. Jewelator 1.0 54. Joggle 2.0 55. JongPuzzle for PalmOS 1.1 56. Just Jigsaw 1.0.0 57. Langmans Hangman 2.0 58. LaserTank - cool puzzle game 1.1 59. Lines Mania v1.02 60. Literati for Palm OS 1.5 61. Lost Key for Palm 1.0 62. Magic Tiles for Palm 1.0 63. MagicArc 1.01 64. Mahjongg+ 1.0 65. Marbles Sqaured 1.0 66. Massive Attack 1.2 67. MegaPuzzle 1.2 68. Memory Coach 1.5 69. Mixed Words for Palm 1.0 70. Molecules 1.0 71. Nisqually 1.0 72. Nono 0.7 73. NRG 1.10 74. PalmVex v1.0 75. Pikoban 4.0 76. PixMix 1.0 77. PixMix Puppy Photos 1.0 78. Pocket Nums 2.1 79. PROcessu Memory Game 1.5 80. PROcessu Memory Game Color 1.6 81. Pyramid21 1.0 82. QUIZ 1.0 83. Ringz 1.5 84. Rotation 1.3 85. Round Up 1.0 86. Sequence 1.1 87. Seven Seas 1.22 88. Sherlock Holmes 89. Shuffle 1.4 90. Socoban 3.0 91. Solve It Fast for Palm 1.0 92. Squareville Shuffle 1.0 93. Summed 31 for Palm 1.0 94. SwapIt v1.4 95. Tap Attack 1.0 96. Tap-n-Clear 1.01 97. TapOMania 2.2 98. Tiles 1.0 99. Traffic! 1.14 100. Twizzle 1.1 101. Valence 1.1 102. Vexed 2.0 103. Word Jubbler 1.2 104. WordMaker 1.0 105. Xwap 2.0 106. Zippit 1.1 Racing 1. Car 1.00f 2. E-Racer 1.1 3. MOTOR 1.0.0 4. Napalm Racing 1.26 5. Toy Races 1.00 Strategy 1. A Day In The Life 1.2 2. Aldon's Crossing 1.0.5 3. BeBop 1.4.1 4. Colonization of Mars 2.12 5. Conquest 1.0.3 6. Cool Curling 2.0.0 7. Critical Mass 1.0 8. Discovery 1.10 9. DJ Miner 2.0 10. Dragonfire (lo-res) 1.1 11. Dragonfire (OS5/Tungsten) 1.1 12. Dragonfire (Sony hi-res grayscale) 1.1 13. Dragonfire (Sony hi-res) 1.1 14. Dunes Trader 1.0 15. FlugLotse 0.9 16. Geeks 1.05 17. Heroes Of Redmarch 18. Heroes Of Redmarch 19. Kingdom v1.1.2 20. Legends Of Mystaris 21. Legends Of Mystaris 22. Lordinium 2.01 23. Market Trade 1.0 24. MONSTA 1.1.1 25. NumFight 1.0 26. PalmWars HugeLevel 1.00 27. PalmWars2002 0.95 28. Planets 0.92b 29. PROcessu BattleShips 1.5 30. Quest of the Hero 1.14 31. Quest of the Hero II 1.01 32. ReverseIt v1.0 33. Space Trader 1.2.0 34. Spam Trader 2.0 35. Stones 1.1 36. Strategic Commander 1.1 37. The Snurps 1.01 38. War of the Wizards 1.5 Tetris 1. Bubble FlyTrix 1.14 2. Perfect bubble 1.34 3. Petra-Luna 2.5 4. PilotLines 2.31 5. TumbleBlocks 1.11 6. VirusAttack 1.3 |
Track(s) | |||||||||
# | Type | Pregap | Length | Sectors | Size | CRC-32 | MD5 | SHA-1 | |
1 | Data/Mode 1 | 00:00:00 | 12:36:14 | 56714 | 133391328 | 7c4390b8 | 88e466ea51c426f655bb8ce29063fa3f | 0f6e8be94c96a7757a694813e971d68e1b595aa9 |
Rings | ||||
# | Mastering Code (laser branded/etched) | Write offset | ||
1 | Palm Games 2003 PRO-I MAT/CA | ![]() | -12 |
Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) | |||||
Record / Entry | Contents | Date | Time | GMT | |
Creation | 32 30 30 33 30 33 31 34 31 36 35 31 30 30 30 30 20 | 2003-03-14 | 16:51:00.00 | +08:00 | |
Modification | 32 30 30 33 30 33 31 34 31 36 35 31 30 30 30 30 20 | 2003-03-14 | 16:51:00.00 | +08:00 | |
Expiration | 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00 | 0000-00-00 | 00:00:00.00 | +00:00 | |
Effective | 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 00 | 0000-00-00 | 00:00:00.00 | +00:00 | |
Total: 68 bytes |