Download: SHA1MD5SFVCuesheet

Shogo: Mobile Armor Division

SystemIBM PC compatible
RegionUSA, Brazil
EditionOriginal, CD Expert Magazine
Errors count0
Number of tracks1
Write offset-12

Added2009-10-13 09:17
Last modified2021-09-06 01:59
6 49280 51490 8

Track(s) 2 and more dumps from original media [!] | Cuesheet Has to be confirmed

1Data/Mode 100:00:0071:56:34323734761422368f5b0bef02f25ddf27f2ddcdffc62ca7e3e20b52594a53343c8e90c1a50c2dd55f8be4212655dfb8c


#Mastering Code (laser branded/etched)Mastering SID CodeMould SID CodeWrite offset
1FM 14341 (514908/ST0003)IFPI LG31IFPI 3V22, IFPI 3V29Has to be confirmed-12
2SONOPRESS:CDE26CDA 4856/99IFPI LB43IFPI 1118Has to be confirmedNULL

Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) Has to be confirmed

Record / EntryContentsDateTimeGMT
Creation31 39 39 38 30 39 31 36 31 36 32 39 35 33 30 30 1C1998-09-1616:29:53.00+07:00
Modification31 39 39 38 30 39 31 36 31 36 32 39 35 33 30 30 1C1998-09-1616:29:53.00+07:00
Expiration32 39 39 38 30 39 31 36 31 36 32 38 34 39 30 30 1C2998-09-1616:28:49.00+07:00
Effective31 39 39 38 30 39 31 36 31 36 32 38 34 39 30 30 1C1998-09-1616:28:49.00+07:00
Total: 68 bytes
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