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Randevu s neznakomkoj 2 (Disc 2)

Рандеву с незнакомкой 2

SystemIBM PC compatible
SerialRUSSOBIT-M 054/2000
Errors count0
Number of tracks1
Write offset0

Added2022-09-21 07:10
Last modified2024-11-02 07:04
4 607036 722010
Volume Label: Randevu2, RANDEVU2 (ISO)

Track(s) 2 and more dumps from original media [!] | Cuesheet Has to be confirmed

1Data/Mode 100:00:0065:34:342950846940375687eb9c90c053881b93708813a349252a16d233dfb0be086f58e60066b9ae40bf787ca4b803bd8ca2b


#Mastering Code (laser branded/etched)Mastering SID CodeAdditional Mould TextWrite offset
1RUSSOBIT-M 054\2000   РуссобитIFPI LJ66ООО "Руссобит-софт" Лицензия МПТР России ВАФ № 77-78Has to be confirmed0
NULLNULL3, 45, 9

Primary Volume Descriptor (PVD) Has to be confirmed

Record / EntryContentsDateTimeGMT
Creation32 30 30 30 31 31 32 37 32 30 35 35 32 30 34 32 0C2000-11-2720:55:20.42+03:00
Modification32 30 30 30 31 31 32 37 32 30 35 35 34 38 36 30 F42000-11-2720:55:48.60-03:00
Expiration00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    -  -    :  :  .     :  
Effective00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    -  -    :  :  .     :  
Total: 68 bytes
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