ResetDisplaying results 1 - 500 of 1431
Starts with: All | ~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z • Region: All | TwinsWorldEuropeAmericaAsia • Added: None | AscDesc • Modified: None | AscDesc • Status: All | Possible bad dump Dumped from original media 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
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Dumper: LoStraniero91 (remove filter)
ItalyWorld Cup 98: Coppa del MondoPCItalian EAI08801478DDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine Giochi n. 63: Ottobre 2009PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyWin Magazine Giochi n. 55: Febbraio 2009PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine Giochi n. 39: Novembre 2007PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine Giochi n. 35: Giugno 2007PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyWin Magazine Giochi n. 29: Dicembre 2006PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine Giochi n. 15: Novembre 2005PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine 88: Maggio 2006PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine 200: Gennaio 2015PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine 191: Maggio 2014PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine 180: Luglio 2013PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine 121: Natale 2008PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine 116: Agosto 2008PCDumped from original media
ItalyWin Magazine 115: Luglio 2008PCDumped from original media
ItalyVideogioco anch'io N.4
Celtic Kings: Rage of War
PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyVideogioco anch'io N.3
Erotic Empire
PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyVideogioco anch'io N.1
America's Secret Operations
PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyVideogames PC Journal 2PCDumped from original media
ItalyVideogames PC Journal 1PCDumped from original media
ItalyUniversal CD-ROM: New Age Television 5.1CDIItalian NAT ROM 5.1Dumped from original media
ItalyTorrente: El JuegoPC1.0Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyTip Top: Il Mistero dei Libri ScomparsiPCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalySpycraft: La Grande Sfida (Disc 3)PCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalySpycraft: La Grande Sfida (Disc 2)PCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalySpycraft: La Grande Sfida (Disc 1)PCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyIl Soldatino di PiomboPCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalySoftware&Co.: Catalogo Interattivo 1997: Edizione 1PCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalySoftline Software World: Novembre 2000 (Disc A)PCDumped from original media
ItalyShogun: Total War (Manuale in formato PDF)PCItalian ZMAECA471SADumped from original media
EuropeSheep, Dog 'n' WolfPCEnglish Italian Portuguese Spanish 1008993Dumped from original media
ItalyShareware Games: The Best of 1996: Luglio/Agosto 1996PCDumped from original media
ItalySentinel: Il Regno delle Illusioni (Disc 2)PC1.0Italian Dumped from original media
ItalySentinel: Il Regno delle Illusioni (Disc 1)PC1.0Italian Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Mega Play No. 5: Arcade ClassicsPCDutch English German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Mega Play No. 3PCEnglish German Italian Polish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Kid Fun No. 7PCDutch English German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Kid Fun No. 6PCDutch English German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Kid Fun No. 5PCDutch English German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Kid Fun No. 2PCEnglish German Italian Polish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Action No. 8PCDutch English German Italian Portuguese Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Action No. 7PCDutch English German Italian Portuguese Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Action No. 6PCDutch English German Italian Portuguese Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Action No. 5PCDutch English German Italian Portuguese Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Action No. 4PCEnglish German Italian Polish Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Action No. 3PCEnglish German Italian Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Action No. 2PCEnglish German Italian Dumped from original media
EuropeRom Factory: Action No. 1PCDumped from original media
EuropeRidge Racer Hi-Spec DemoPSXEnglish SCED-018322 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyPSM DVD Vol. 49: Febbraio 2008 (Lato B)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyPro Pilot '99 (Disc 2)PC1.1RItalian S0014878Dumped from original media
ItalyPro Pilot '99 (Disc 1)PC1.1RItalian S0014875Dumped from original media
ItalyPokémon: Stampali Tutti! Versione RossaPC1.0Italian 40395-0919Dumped from original media
ItalyPlaytoons: Spirù: Patatrac a ChampignacPCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyPlaytoons: La Pietra di WakanPCItalian S2280320Z12ZZDumped from original media
ItalyPizza SyndicatePC1.0.0.1Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyPCGiochi Vol. 2: 02 Novembre 2002PCEnglish PCGD002Dumped from original media
ItalyPCGiochi Vol. 1: 01 October 2002
PCG Interactive DVD 102 Classics
PC1.0.32766.32766English PCGD001Dumped from original media
ItalyPCGames World: #13 Luglio 2004
Top Games
PCDumped from original media
ItalyPCGames World: #08 Gennaio 2004PCPCGWD008Dumped from original media
ItalyPCGames World: #05 Ottobre 2003PCPCGWD005Dumped from original media
ItalyPCGames World: #04 Settembre 2003PCPCGWD0042 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyPCGames World: #02 Giugno 2003PCPCGWD002Dumped from original media
ItalyPC World Italia: Service Disc: Luglio/Agosto 1999PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Upgrade: Ottobre 1999PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Subito Facile 1PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Pratico: Giugno 1998PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Play Magazine n. 23: Novembre 1996PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Play Magazine n. 10: Febbraio 1996PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Open: Settembre 1999PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Open: Ottobre 1996PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Open: Luglio/Agosto 1998PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Mosaic n. 7PCGerman Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyPC Mosaic n. 4PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Fun eXtreme n. 13: Luglio/Agosto 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Action: Febbraio 2003 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Action: Action Disc: Settembre 2003 (Disco 3)
PC CD-ROM Vol. 12
PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Action: Action Disc: Settembre 2003 (Disco 2)
PC CD-ROM Vol. 11
PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyPC Action: Action Disc: Maggio 2004 (Disc 3)
PC CD-ROM Vol. 24
PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Action: Action Disc: Gennaio 2004 (Disc 3)
PC CD-ROM Vol. 17
PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Action: Action Disc: Dicembre 2003 (Disc 3)
PC CD-ROM Vol. 16
PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Action: Action Disc: Agosto 2003 (Disco 2)
PC CD-ROM Vol. 9
PCDumped from original media
ItalyPC Action: Action Disc: Agosto 2003 (Disco 3)
PC CD-ROM Vol. 10
PCDumped from original media
EuropePayuta and the Ice GodPCEnglish French Italian Dumped from original media
EuropeOfficial PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 53PS21.00English French German Italian Spanish SCED-529902 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeOfficial PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 43PS21.00English French German Italian Spanish SCED-52354 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeOfficial PlayStation 2 Magazine Demo 30PS21.01English French German Italian Spanish SCED-514572 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyNuovissimi Giochi per PC & MACPCDumped from original media
ItalyNovità CD: Demo ShockPCDumped from original media
ItalyNovità CD 4: Electrical PackPCDumped from original media
ItalyNeed for Speed: Porsche 2000PC3.0Italian EAI08903050DDumped from original media
ItalyIl Mio Computer: Ottobre 97PCDumped from original media
ItalyIl Mio Computer: Maggio 2003 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyIl Mio Computer: Il mio CD-Rom 2/99PCDumped from original media
ItalyIl Mio Computer: Agosto 2002 (Disco B)PCDumped from original media
ItalyMCmicrocomputer: Gennaio 2001PCDumped from original media
ItalyIl Maxigioco: Visual CD Game: Visual CD No. 4
Visual CD: Giochi di Strategia
PCDumped from original media
ItalyMaxi Giochi: CD Navigator 2PCDumped from original media
ItalyMaxi Games CD: Winner CD-Rom 3PCDumped from original media
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia Demo 02/04PS21.01English French German Italian Spanish SCED-522722 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 12/03PS21.01English French German Italian Spanish SCED-520572 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 11/04PS21.00English French German Italian Spanish SCED-529812 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 09/04PS21.00English French German Italian Spanish SCED-528552 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 06/04PS21.00English French German Italian Spanish SCED-525802 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 02/03PS21.03English French German Italian Spanish SCED-514112 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Italia 01/04 DemoPS21.02English French German Italian Spanish SCED-521862 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 08/03PS21.01English French German Italian Spanish SCED-518802 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMagazine Ufficiale PlayStation 2 Demo Italia 03/2006PS21.00English French German Italian Spanish SCED-540902 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Longest JourneyPCBuild 156Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyLeader: Catalogo Autunno '96PCItalian Dumped from original media
EuropeKiyeko and the Lost NightPCEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyInternet News: Novembre 1998PCDumped from original media
ItalyHugo: Nell'Isola SelvaggiaPCItalian 116-1 ITADumped from original media
ItalyHover Ace: Zona di CombattimentoPC1.00Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyHell: A Cyberpunk ThrillerPCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyIl Gobbo di Notre DamePC1.00Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyGiochiamo col PC & Mac: Settembre 1994PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Settembre 2002 (Disc C)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Settembre 2002 (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Novembre 2003 (Disc C)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Novembre 2002 (Disc C)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Natale 2003 (Disc C)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Natale 2003 (Disc B)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Natale 2002 (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Natale 2002 (Disc C)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Marzo 2003 (Disc C)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Marzo 2003 (Disc B)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Luglio 2005 (Disc 3)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Luglio 2003 (Disc C)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Luglio 2002 (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Giugno 2006 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Giugno 2004 (Disc C)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Giugno 2004 (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Giugno 2002 (Disc C)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Giugno 2002 (Disc B)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Gennaio 2008PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Febbraio 2011PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Febbraio 2005 (Disc 4)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Febbraio 2004 (Disc C)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Febbraio 2004 (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Febbraio 2003 (Disc B)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Dicembre 2004 (Disc C)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Dicembre 2003 (Disc C)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Aprile 2008PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Aprile 2003 (Disc B)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Agosto 2006 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Agosto 2002 (Disc C)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: Agosto 2002 (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: 7/2001PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer: 3/2002 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer presenta The Sims 2PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Settembre 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Settembre 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Settembre 2002PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Ottobre 2006PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Ottobre 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Ottobre 2003PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Ottobre 2002PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Novembre 2008PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Novembre 2002PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Natale 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Marzo 2005PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Marzo 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Maggio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Luglio 2005PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Luglio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Luglio 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Giugno 2005PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Giugno 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Giugno 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Gennaio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Gennaio 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Febbraio 2007PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Febbraio 2005PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Febbraio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Dicembre 2006PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Dicembre 2002PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Aprile 2005PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Aprile 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Aprile 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Agosto 2005PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Agosto 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyGiochi per il Mio Computer DVD: Agosto 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 9: Novembre 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 82: Agosto 2009PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 8: Ottobre 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 7: Settembre 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 66: Marzo 2008PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 6: Agosto 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 5: Luglio 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 4: Giugno 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 34: Ottobre 2005 (Lato B)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 32: Agosto 2005 (Lato B)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 32: Agosto 2005 (Lato A)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 3: Maggio 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 28: Aprile 2005 (Lato B)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 24: Natale 2004PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 19: Agosto 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 18: Luglio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 17: Giugno 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 16: Maggio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 15: Aprile 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 13: Febbraio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 12: Gennaio 2004PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: Silver DVD Volume 11: Natale 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 34: Novembre 1997PCXENIATGM342 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 215: Giugno 2005PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 214: Giugno 2005PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 204: Natale 2004 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 203: Natale 2004 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 200: Novembre 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 196: Settembre 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 195: Settembre 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 194: Agosto 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 193: Agosto 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 192: Luglio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 188: Maggio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 187: Maggio 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 186: Aprile 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 185: Aprile 2004PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 181: Febbraio 2004 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 180: Gennaio 2004 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 175: Dicembre 2003 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 174: Novembre 2003 (Disc 4)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 173: Novembre 2003 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 172: Ottobre 2003 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 170: Settembre 2003 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 169: Settembre 2003 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 168: Agosto 2003 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 167: Agosto 2003 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 165: Luglio 2003 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 164: Giugno 2003 (Disc 4)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 163: Giugno 2003 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 158: Marzo 2003 (Disc 3)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 156: Gennaio 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 155: Febbraio 2003 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 154: Gennaio 2003PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 153: Gennaio 2003PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 152: Natale 2002PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 149: Dicembre 2002 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 147: Novembre 2002 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 146: Ottobre 2002 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 145: Ottobre 2002 (Disc 2)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 144: Settembre 2002 (Disc 3)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 143: Settembre 2002 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 142: Agosto 2002 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 138: Giugno 2002 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 134: Aprile 2002 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 131: Marzo 2002PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 128: Gennaio 2002 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 126: Dicembre 2001: Speciale Multiplayer (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 125: Dicembre 2001 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 124: Dicembre 2001PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 122: Novembre 2001 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 116: Agosto 2001 (Disc 3)PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 115: Agosto 2001 (Disc 2)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 114: Luglio 2001PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: PC CD-ROM Vol. 112: Giugno 2001PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Ottobre 2007PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Maggio 2009PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Games Machine: Luglio 2008PCDumped from original media
ItalyThe Games Machine: Giugno 2008PCDumped from original media
ItalyFutur Show: Il CD-ROM di Natale: 1996PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
FranceFort Boyard MilleniumPCEnglish CD65002102Dumped from original media
ItalyFast Action 2: MS-DOS: Giochi d'Azione SharewarePCDumped from original media
ItalyFantastic Games: Visual CD GamePCDumped from original media
ItalyExtra Game: Visual CD Game: Visual CD No. 3PCDumped from original media
EuropeEuro Demo 38
Official UK PlayStation Magazine CD 38
PSXEnglish SCED-011482 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyL'Espresso Play: Giochi di Azione n. 2PCDumped from original media
EuropeEragonPC1.0English French German Italian Spanish S0030232Dumped from original media
EuropeDragon's Lair: Escape from Singe's CastlePCEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDracula TrilogyPCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Winnie the Pooh: PrescolarePC1.0Italian IT WTP INF 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Topolino & Minni Salvaguai: Avventura in 3DPC1.0Italian IT MSD AC 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Atlantis: L'Impero Perduto: Alla Ricerca del DiarioPCItalian Dumped from original media
EuropeDemo DiscPS21.00English French German Italian Spanish PBPX-955062 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDeep Sea Tycoon 2PCItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyComputer Magazine CD-ROM: 7/99 (Disc A)PCDumped from original media
ItalyComputer Magazine CD-ROM: 7/98PCDumped from original media
ItalyComputer Inter@ctive: Ottobre 1999PCDumped from original media
ItalyComputer Games Zone: Aprile 2001PCDumped from original media
ItalyComputer Facile: Marzo 1999PCDumped from original media
EuropeComanche CD
Comanche Maximum Overkill
PCEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyClub CyberlesquePC1.0English Dumped from original media
ItalyCLIC! Ottobre 1997PCDumped from original media
ItalyCD-ROM Software 2PCDumped from original media
ItalyCD-ROM Oggi: Settembre 1996PCDumped from original media
ItalyCD-ROM Oggi: Settembre 1995 (Disco 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyCD-ROM Oggi: Novembre 1995 (Disco 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyCD-ROM Oggi: Maggio 1995 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
ItalyCD-ROM Oggi: Aprile 1995 (Disco 1)PCDumped from original media
ItalyCD Gold: I Grandi Classici del Videogioco n. 1PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyButt-Ugly Martians: Campo di AddestramentoPC1.0Italian S0026677Dumped from original media
EuropeBonus Demo 5PS21.02English French German Italian Spanish SCED-519402 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyBarbie Stampa e GiocaPCItalian Dumped from original media
Italy650 Mega: Game Demos Collection n. 2PCDumped from original media
EuropeDeadlock II: Shrine WarsPC1.202in1 PackEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Ultimate Music QuizPC1.00.0000Atari Real ValueDutch English French German Italian Spanish Oxy06-534346Dumped from original media
ItalyReturn to Castle WolfensteinPC1.0.0Best of ActivisionItalian 31135.101.ITDumped from original media
ItalyDreamWorks MadagascarPC1.00.000Best of ActivisionItalian 32705.101.ITDumped from original media
EuropeTaz: WantedPC1.0Best of AtariEnglish French German Italian Spanish 1003537Dumped from original media
EuropePGA European Tour GolfPSXBest of InfogramesFrench Italian Spanish SLES-02396 …Dumped from original media
EuropeHogs of WarPSXBest of Infogrames, ZOO ClassicsEnglish SLES-01041 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeScarface: The World Is YoursPC1.00.1BestSeller SeriesEnglish French Italian Spanish S1004050Dumped from original media
ItalyHomeworld 2PC1.0BestSeller SeriesItalian S1001449Dumped from original media
ItalyCaesar IIIPC1.0BestSeller SeriesItalian S10009172 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyStarCraft: Brood War (Expansion Set)PC1.05BestSeller Series, CovermountItalian S00147982 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyStarCraftPC1.00BestSeller Series, CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeFord RacingPCBestsellersDutch English French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeColin McRae Rally 2.0PC1.11BestsellersEnglish French German Italian Spanish MRL2CDEU502 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBestsellers: Manuals / Demos / PromosPCBestsellers, Bestsellers: Top GamesEnglish MCLACDEU502 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyWho Shot Johnny Rock?PCBig Games OroItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyHidden & Dangerous: Fight for FreedomPC1.3BIS Collezione CD-ROMEnglish French Dumped from original media
ItalyHidden & DangerousPC1.2BIS Collezione CD-ROMItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGrand TouringPCBIS Collezione CD-ROMEnglish German Italian Dumped from original media
EuropeGears of War: JudgmentXBOX360Bundle CopyEnglish Italian Spanish MS-2598Dumped from original media
ItalyGears of War 3XBOX360Bundle CopyEnglish Italian MS-2219Dumped from original media
EuropeGunlokPC1.2Bundle Version OEMEnglish French German Italian Spanish P/N: Y03000282 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeDroneZPC1.0Bundle Version OEMEnglish P/N: Y03000292 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyLipsXBOX360Bundled with Wireless MicrophonesChinese Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Norwegian Polish Russian Spanish Swedish MS-2184Dumped from original media
ItalyCarioca Cyber SchoolPCCariocaEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyTotal Air WarPCCD-ROM Classic CollectionItalian TOAWCDRITDumped from original media
ItalyDark ColonyPCCD-ROM Classic CollectionItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyScudetto 2PC1.48CD-ROM Classic Collection 3Italian Dumped from original media
ItalySid Meier's Civilization II Scenarios: Conflicts in Civilization
Sid Meier Presenta Civilization II: Conflitti in Civilization: Scenari
PCCD-ROM Classic Collection 5Italian MP 591 307 DO1RDumped from original media
ItalySid Meier's Civilization II
Civilization II di Sid Meier
PCCD-ROM Classic Collection 5Italian MP591260DO1RDumped from original media
ItalyRed Baron IIPC1.0.3.0CD-ROM Classic Collection 5Italian S53303GOZ12ZZDumped from original media
ItalyI Tre Regni II: La Battaglia di Red Cliffs
Dragon Throne: Battaglia di Red Cliffs
PC1.0.0.1Classic PC CD-ROMItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyMass EffectXBOX360ClassicsItalian MS-2024Dumped from original media
ItalyMass Effect (Bonus Content Disc)XBOX360ClassicsEnglish French German Italian Spanish MS-2235Dumped from original media
ItalyThe Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: Legendary Edition (Disco 2)XBOX360ClassicsEnglish Italian BS-2038Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Tomb Raider TrilogyPS301.01Classics HDDutch English French German Italian Spanish BLES-011952 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeCrysis 2XBOX360Classics, Limited EditionItalian Spanish EA-22752 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeSpider-Man 3PS301.02Collector's EditionFrench German Italian Spanish BLES-00062Dumped from original media
ItalyWoodruff and the Schnibble of AzimuthPC0.01Collezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyVersailles: Complotto alla Corte del Re Sole (Disc 2)PCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian CRY505 DK2Dumped from original media
ItalyVersailles: Complotto alla Corte del Re Sole (Disc 1)PCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian CRY505 DK1Dumped from original media
ItalyTheme Hospital Screen Saver / Dungeon Keeper Screen SaverPCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.FD002Dumped from original media
ItalyStar Wars: Rebel AssaultPC1.7Collezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.English Dumped from original media
ItalySecret Weapons of the LuftwaffePCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.English Dumped from original media
ItalyThe Secret of Monkey IslandPCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian Dumped from original media
ItalySam & Max Hit the RoadPCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyNHL 97PCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.English German Swedish ECA534Dumped from original media
ItalyMonkey Island 2: LeChuck's RevengePCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyManiac Mansion: Day of the TentaclePCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyLost in Time: Parts 1 & 2
Lost in Time: Parte 1 e 2
PCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.English French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyL.A. BlasterPCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.English CRY503 DK2Dumped from original media
ItalyIndiana Jones and the Fate of AtlantisPCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyIndiana Jones and his Desktop Adventures / Star Wars: Screen EntertainmentPC1.00Collezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian FD0042 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyF-22 Lightning IIPC1.02.00.07Collezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian NOV502 DK2Dumped from original media
ItalyEgypt 1156 A.C.: L'Enigma della Tomba RealePCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian CRY503 DK12 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDungeon Keeper: The Deeper DungeonsPCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Dutch English French German Italian Polish Spanish Swedish ECA556 DK2Dumped from original media
ItalyDungeon KeeperPCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian ECA556 DK1Dumped from original media
ItalyCall of Cthulhu: Prisoner of IcePCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyArmored Fist 2: M1A2 AbramsPCIT 1.03Collezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian NOV502 DK1Dumped from original media
ItalyAfterlifePC1.1Collezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.Italian LUC631Dumped from original media
ItalyTotal Annihilation: Battle TacticsPC3.1Commander PackItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyThe Wheel of Time (Disc 2)PCCovermountEnglish Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe Wheel of Time (Disc 1)PCCovermountEnglish Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyWarm Up!PCCovermountEnglish French German Italian Portuguese Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyUna Giornata con... BarbiePCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyTurok: Dinosaur HunterPC1.0CovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyTsunami 2265
1st Century After Tsunami 2265
PCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyTom Clancy's Rainbow Six: VegasPC1.06CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyTom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear: Black ThornPC2.61CovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyTom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Covert Ops EssentialsPC2.52CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyThief II: The Metal Age (Disc 2)PC1.17CovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThief II: The Metal Age (Disc 1)PC1.17CovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyTest Drive UnlimitedPC1.45ACovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyTerrorist Takedown: War in ColombiaPC1.0.0.0CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyTerrorist TakedownPCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyTennis Masters SeriesPCCovermountEnglish French German Italian Portuguese Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalySyberia II (Disc 2)PC1.0CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalySyberia II (Disc 1)PC1.0CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalySyberia (Disco 1)PC1.0CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalySyberia (Disco 2)PC1.0CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalySuzuki Alstare: Extreme RacingPCCovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyThe SufferingPC1.1.0.1CovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalySTCC: Swedish Touring Car ChampionshipPC1.32CovermountEnglish Swedish Dumped from original media
ItalyRunePC1.02CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyRobin Hood: La Leggenda di SherwoodPCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyRally TrophyPC1.0.0CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyRailroad Tycoon IIPC1.02CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyLa Quarta Profezia
La 4a Profezia
PC1.20dCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyProject: SnowblindPC1.0CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyProject IGIPC1.1CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyProject EarthPC1.0CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyPrince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Disc 1)PC1.00.181CovermountEnglish Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyPremier Manager 09PC1.00.0000CovermountEnglish French German Italian Dumped from original media
ItalyOniPC1.0CovermountEnglish Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyOmnia Junior 3: Il Mondo degli AnimaliPCCovermountItalian SIAE1001PADumped from original media
ItalyOmnia Junior 2: Storia: Attività interattivePCCovermountItalian SIAE 0901PADumped from original media
ItalyOmnia Junior 1: Enciclopedia: DizionarioPCCovermountItalian SIAE 08A01PADumped from original media
ItalyOddworld: Abe's OddyseePC2.0CovermountItalian IB2G-ODDI5Dumped from original media
ItalyNeverwinter Nights (Disc 3)PC1.23.6733CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyNASCAR Racing 4PC1.0.1.1CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyNASCAR Racing 2003 SeasonPC1.0.0.0CovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMyth III: The Wolf AgePC1.0.1.0CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMonster Jam: Maximum DestructionPC1.0.0CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyMercenaries 2: Inferno di FuocoPC1.0CovermountItalian Spanish EAZ07705820D2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMen of ValorPC1.3CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyMax PaynePC1.05CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyEl MatadorPC1.10.000CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyMaster RallyePCCovermountEnglish French German Italian Portuguese Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyLoco-CommotionPCCovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyLock On: Air Combat SimulationPC1.0CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyThe Legend of Mir: The Three HeroesPC1.00.00CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyLegacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2PC1.02CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyJust CausePC1.00.000CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish PJUSTVIT84Dumped from original media
ItalyJetfighter V: Homeland ProtectorPC1.00.000CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyJeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds (Martian Disc)PC1.00CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyJeff Wayne's The War of the Worlds (Human Disc)PC1.00CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyIron Storm (Disc 1)PCCovermountEnglish French German Italian Portuguese Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyIn Vacanza con SylviaPCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyIL-2 SturmovikPCCovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyHomeworld: CataclysmPC1.00CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyHomeworldPC1.03CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyHitman 2: Silent AssassinPC1.02CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyHeroes of Might and Magic V: Tribes of the EastPC3.0CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ItalyHeavy Metal: F.A.K.K. 2
Heavy Metal: FAKK 2
PC1.02CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyHaegemonia: Legions of IronPC1.10CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyGunman ChroniclesPC1.0.0.0CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyGround ControlPC1.0.0.7CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyGromada Revenge
Gromada: The Revenge
PC1.0.0.1CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyFull Spectrum Warrior: Ten HammersPC1.0CovermountEnglish French German Italian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyF-22 RaptorPC1.00.25.00rCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyEmpire Earth II (Disc 2)PC1.0CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyEmpire Earth II (Disc 1)PC1.0CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyEmergencyPCCovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyDriverPCCovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDivine Divinity (Disc 1) (Installation CD)PC1.0034ACovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDisney Magico ArtistaPCCovermountItalian 0048 PA2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDisney DinosauriPC1.0CovermountItalian SIAE 1302PADumped from original media
ItalyDeus ExPC1112fCovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDelta Force: Black Hawk DownPC1.2.2.11CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyDark Reign 2PCCovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDark Fall 2: Il Segreto del FaroPCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyDark Age of Camelot: Live The LegendPC1.32CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyLa CosaPC1.0.0.0CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyConquest: Frontier WarsPC1.01CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyConflict: Desert Storm II (Disc 1)PC1.0.0.1CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyCompany of Heroes: Opposing FrontsPCCovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyCity Life (Disc 2)PC1.00CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyCity Life (Disc 1)PC1.00CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyCantamondo: Canzoni da Tutto il MondoPCCovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyCaesar IIPC1.2CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyBrothers in Arms: Earned in BloodPC1.03CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyBoiling Point: Road to HellPC1.00.0000CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish DVD_WMGiochi_40Dumped from original media
ItalyBlood Omen 2: The Legacy of Kain Series (Disc 2)PC1.02CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyBlood Omen 2: The Legacy of Kain Series (Disc 1)PC1.02CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyBig Scale RacingPC1.08 HCovermountEnglish German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyAtari Anniversary EditionPC1.0.1.1CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyArcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura (Play Disk)PC1.0.6.4CovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyArcanum: Of Steamworks & Magick Obscura (Install Disk)PC1.0.6.4CovermountEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyAnkh: Il Cuore di OsiridePC1.0.0 ITA ESDCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyAmerzone: Il Testamento dell'Esploratore (Disc 4)PCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyAmerzone: Il Testamento dell'Esploratore (Disc 3)PCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyAmerzone: Il Testamento dell'Esploratore (Disc 2)PCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyAmerzone: Il Testamento dell'Esploratore (Disc 1)PCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyAmerican McGee Presents Scrapland (Disc 2)PC1.0CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyAmerican McGee Presents Scrapland (Disc 1)PC1.0CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyAliens Versus Predator 2 (Disco 2)PC1.0.9.2CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyAliens Versus Predator 2 (Disco 1)PC1.0.9.2CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
Italy80 Giochi per Stimolare la tua MentePCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
EuropeSheepPCCovermount, Absolute GamingEnglish French German Italian Spanish EI-12462 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeComanche 4PC1.0.1.20Covermount, EA Most WantedEnglish NLSW89048692 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeIL-2 Sturmovik: Forgotten Battles (Disc 2)PC1.0Covermount, Hitlist 2004English French German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeXIIIPCCovermount, Software PyramideEnglish French German Italian Spanish 50038352 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyAliens Versus Predator (Disco 2)PCCovermount: Gold EditionDumped from original media
ItalyPC Genius 5: Gli SportPCDeAgostiniItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyGioco e Imparo col Mio Computer 1: Al Parco GiochiPCDeAgostiniItalian Dumped from original media
EuropeCity of Heroes DeluxePCDeluxeEnglish French German COHEUCWUKDVDumped from original media
EuropeCity of Heroes (Disc 2)PCDeluxeEnglish French German COHEUCWUKC2Dumped from original media
EuropeCity of Heroes (Disc 1)PCDeluxeEnglish French German COHEUCWUKC1Dumped from original media
ItalyCommand & Conquer: Generals: Zero Hour (Disco 1)PC1.0Deluxe EditionItalian WWI08004230D3Dumped from original media
ItalyCommand & Conquer: Generals: Zero Hour (Disco 2)PC1.0Deluxe EditionItalian WWI08004230D4Dumped from original media
ItalyCommand & Conquer: Generals (Disco 1)PC1.0Deluxe EditionItalian WWI08004230DDumped from original media
EuropeMedal of Honor: Allied Assault (Disc 1)PC1.11Deluxe Edition, RereleaseEnglish DWE08903573D2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyVietcong 2: Online DemoPCDemoEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyThis Is Football 2PSXDemoItalian SCED-032042 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyStarship TroopersPC0.1.0.6DemoEnglish EI-1958 EUROPEANDumped from original media
ItalyDreamWorks La Gang del BoscoPC1.0DemoItalian 32923.981.ITDumped from original media
ItalyDizionario Universale Multimediale Grolier HachetteCDIDemoItalian IM 99010Dumped from original media
EuropeLomaxPC1.01DiceEnglish French German Italian Spanish DCG 0058752 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeDice Computer Games: ManualsPCDiceEnglish French German Italian Spanish DMM 0064142 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyWalt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour: Disney Corri con Disney
PC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT MRT RG 07Dumped from original media
ItalyWalt Disney Il Libro della Giungla: Il Ballo della Giungla
Walt Disney Il Libro della Giungla: Il Ballo della Giungla: Balla con Disney
PC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT JB DAG 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney/Pixar Monsters & Co.: Un Bowling da UrloPC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT MON BOW 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney/Pixar Monsters & Co.: L'Isola dello Spavento
Disney/Pixar Monsters & Co.: L'Isola dello Spavento Action Game
PC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT MON AG 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney/Pixar Buzz Lightyear da Comando StellarePCDisney ClassiciItalian IT BUZ AG 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Megaminimondo
Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Megaminimondo Action Game
PC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT ABL AG 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney's Magic English: Alla scoperta dell'inglesePC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT DME 072 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyDisney's Donald Duck: Quack Attack
Disney's Donald Duck: "Qu@ck Att@ck?*!" Action Game
PC1.0Disney ClassiciEnglish French German Italian Spanish IT DO AG 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Winnie e Tigro! È Qui la Festa!PC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT WTP PAR 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Vesti la PrincipessaPC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT PFB 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Ultimate Ride
Disney Ultimate Ride: Vivi le attrazioni da brivido di Disneyland Resort Paris
PC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT URDE SG 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Topolino Primi PassiPC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT MK TOD 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Topolino PrescolarePC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT MK GET 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Topolino AsiloPC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT MK PRE 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Topolino & Minni Salvaguai: Avventura in 3DPC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT MSD AC 07Dumped from original media
ItalyDisney Tigro e la Caccia al Miele
Disney Tigro e la Caccia al Miele: Action Game
PC1.0Disney ClassiciItalian IT THH AG 07Dumped from original media
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