Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
 | Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku 麻雀悟空 天竺 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00014 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku 麻雀悟空 天竺 | SS | 1.004 | Original | | T-10601G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku 麻雀悟空 天竺 | PC | 1.2 | Original | | TW-1 |  |
 | Mahjong Gokuu Tenjiku 99 麻雀悟空 天竺99 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02098 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Haou: Battle Royale 麻雀覇王 バトルロイヤル | PS2 | 1.00 | Original, Mycom Best | | SLPM 62629 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Haou: Dankyuu Battle 麻雀覇王 段級バトル | PS2 | 1.05 | Original, Mycom Best | | SLPM 62609 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Haou: Dankyuu Battle II 麻雀覇王 段級バトルⅡ | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPM 62725 |  |
 | Mahjong Haou: Jansou Battle 麻雀覇王 雀荘バトル | PS2 | 1.04 | Original, Mycom Best | | SLPS 20134 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Haou: Shinken Battle 麻雀覇王 真剣バトル | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, Mycom Best | | SLPM 62755 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Haou: Taikai Battle 麻雀覇王 大会バトル | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, Mycom Best | | SLPM 62683 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Hiryuu Densetsu: Tenpai 麻雀飛龍伝説 天牌 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPS 20310 |  |
 | Mahjong Houtei Raoyui 麻雀河底撈魚 | FMT | | Original | | |  |
 | Mahjong Hyper Reaction R 麻雀ハイパー・リアクションR | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-2402G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Kaigan Monogatari: Mahjong-kyou Jidai Sexy Idol-hen 麻雀海岸物語 ~麻雀狂時代セクシーアイドル編~ | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-2201G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Kaigan Monogatari: Mahjong-kyou Jidai Sexy Idol-hen 麻雀海岸物語 ~麻雀狂時代セクシーアイドル編~ | SS | 1.004 | Sample-ban CD | | ST-2201G |  |
 | Mahjong Lemon Angel マージャン・レモン・エンジェル | PCE | | Original | | NXCD3028 |  |
 | Mahjong Musashi 麻雀武蔵 | FMT | | Original | | HMA-224 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong on the Beach 麻雀オンザビーチ | PCE | | Original | | NAPR-1037 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Party: Idol to Mahjong Shoubu まーじゃんパーティー アイドルと麻雀勝負 | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPS 20349 |  |
 | Mahjong Sangokushi 麻雀三国志 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, Mycom Best | | SLPM 62781 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Sengen: Saken de Ron! 麻雀宣言 叫んでロン! | PS2 | 1.01 | Original, Onsei Ninshiki Doukonban Pack | | SLPM 62030 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Senjutsu: Andou Mitsuru Pro no Akuukan Sappou ~麻雀戦術~ 安藤満プロの亜空間殺法 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00364 |  |
 | Mahjong Station Mazin 麻雀ステーション MAZIN | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00005 |  |
 | Mahjong Station Mazin 麻雀ステーション MAZIN | PSX | Rev 1 | Original, SunColle Best, Value 1500 | | SLPS 00005 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Sword: Princess Quest Gaiden マージャン・ソード ~プリンセス・クエスト外伝~ | PCE | | Original | | NXCD4031 |  |
 | Mahjong Taikai 麻雀大会 | PSP | 1.03 | Original | | ULJM 05004 |  |
 | Mahjong Taikai II Special 麻雀大会Ⅱ Special | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00603 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Taikai II Special 麻雀大会Ⅱ Special | PC | 1.0 | Original, Igo / Mahjong Twin Pack | | KN11-51101 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Taikai II Special 麻雀大会Ⅱ Special | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-7621G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Taikai II Special 麻雀大会Ⅱ Special | DC | 1.003 | Original | | T-7601M |  |
 | Mahjong Taikai II Special 麻雀大会Ⅱ Special | PC | 1.1 | Koei Teiban Series | | KN11-51101 |  |
 | Mahjong Taikai II Special 麻雀大会Ⅱ Special | SS | 1.100 | Original | | T-7621G |  |
 | Mahjong Taikai II Special 麻雀大会Ⅱ Special | PSX | Rev 1 | Koei Teiban Series | | SLPM 86993 |  |
 | Mahjong Taikai III: Millennium League 麻雀大会Ⅲ ミレニアムリーグ | PS2 | 1.10 | Original | | SLPM 62003 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Taikai III: Millennium League 麻雀大会Ⅲ ミレニアムリーグ | PS2 | 1.30 | Koei the Best, Koei Teiban Series | | SLPM 62191 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Taikai Wii 麻雀大会Wii | WII | | Original | | RVL-RMJJ-JPN |  |
 | Mahjong Tenshi: Angel Lips 麻・雀・天・使 エンジェル・リップス | SS | 1.020 | Original | | T-27001G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Toriatama Kikou 麻雀鳥頭紀行 | PSX | | Fukyuuban 1500 | | SLPS 03064 |  |
 | Mahjong Triple Wars Bangaihen: Sailor Wars with Yonin Uchi MAHJONGトリプルウォーズ番外編 セーラーウォーズ with 四人打ち | PC | | Original | | FSCR-003 |  |
 | Mahjong Uranai Fortuna: Tsuki no Megami-tachi 麻雀占い フォルトゥーナ ~月の女神たち~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03123 |  |
 | Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome まーじゃんバニラ・シンドローム | PCE | | Original | | NBCD1001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Vanilla Syndrome まーじゃんバニラ・シンドローム | PCE | | Original | | NBCD1001 |  |
 | Mahjong Yarou ze! 麻雀やろうぜ! | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 86173 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Yarou ze! 2 麻雀やろうぜ! 2 | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 62004 |  |
 | Mahjong Yon Shimai: Wakakusa Monogatari 麻雀四姉妹 若草物語 | SS | 1.002 | Original | | T-18704G |  |
 | Mahjong Youchien Tamago-gumi 2: Taikai e Ikou! 麻雀幼稚園 たまご組2 ~大会へ行こう!~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02956 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong-kyou Jidai Cebu Island '96 (Disc 1) 麻雀狂時代セブアイランド’96 | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-2204G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong-kyou Jidai Cebu Island '96 (Disc 2) (Omake Disk) 麻雀狂時代セブアイランド’96 | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-2204G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong-kyou Jidai Cogal Houkago-hen 麻雀狂時代 コギャル放課後編 | 3DO | | Original | | MC-701 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong-kyou Jidai Cogal Houkago-hen 麻雀狂時代 コギャル放課後編 | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-2203G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong-kyou Jidai: AV Gal Seifuku-hen 麻雀狂時代 ~AVギャル制服編~ | 3DO | | Original | | MC-700 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong-kyou Retsuden: Nishi Nihon-hen 麻雀狂列伝 ~西日本編~ | NGCD | | Original | | NGCD-004 |  |
 | Mahjong-Tenron 麻雀天龍 | PC | | Original | | WR-9668 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahoroba Stories: Library of Fortune まほろばStories‐Library of Fortune‐ | PS2 | 1.01 | Original, Shokai Genteiban | | SLPM 66751 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahoromatic Adventure (Disc 2) まほろまてぃっく☆あどべんちゃー | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mahoromatic Adventure (Disc 1) まほろまてぃっく☆あどべんちゃー | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mahoromatic Digital Maiden まほろまてぃっく デジタルメイデン | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mahoromatic Digital Maiden 2 まほろまてぃっく デジタルメイデン2 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mahoromatic Digital Maiden 3 まほろまてぃっく デジタルメイデン3 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mahoromatic: Moetto Kira Kira Maid-san. まほろまてぃっく ~萌っと≠きらきらメイドさん。~ | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPM 65333 |  |
 | Mahou Daisakusen 魔法大作戦 | FMT | | FM-Towns-ban | | HMF-182 |  |
 | Mahou Gakuen Lunar! 魔法学園ルナ! | SS | 2.000 | Original | | T-27902G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Gakuen Lunar! 魔法学園ルナ! | SS | 2.000 | Original | | T-27902G |  |
 | Mahou no Janshi: Poe Poe Poemy 魔法の雀士 ぽえぽえポエミィ | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-15004G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou no Pumpkin: An to Greg no Daibouken 魔法のパンプキン ~アンとグレッグの大冒険~ | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GCWJ-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou no Pumpkin: Ann to Greg no Daibouken 魔法のパンプキン ~アンとグレッグの大冒険~ | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPS 20280 |  |
 | Mahou no Shoujo: Silky Lip 魔法の少女 シルキー・リップ | MCD | | Original | | T-49024 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Sensei Negima! 1-jikanme: Okochama Sensei wa Mahoutsukai! 魔法先生ネギま!1時間目 ~お子ちゃま先生は魔法使い!~ | PS2 | 1.02 | Yuutousei-ban, Konami the Best | | SLPM 65870 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Sensei Negima! 1-jikanme: Okochama Sensei wa Mahoutsukai! 魔法先生ネギま!1時間目 ~お子ちゃま先生は魔法使い!~ | PS2 | 1.02 | Tokutaisei-ban | | SLPM 65871 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Sensei Negima! 2-jikanme: Tatakau Otome-tachi! Mahora Daiundoukai Special! 魔法先生ネギま!2時間目 戦う乙女たち!麻帆良大運動会SP! | PS2 | 1.02 | Kin-medal-ban | | SLPM 66062 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Sensei Negima! 2-jikanme: Tatakau Otome-tachi! Mahora Daiundoukai Special! 魔法先生ネギま!2時間目 戦う乙女たち!麻帆良大運動会SP! | PS2 | 1.02 | Gin-medal-ban | | SLPM 66063 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Sensei Negima! Kagai Jugyou: Otome no Doki Doki Beachside 魔法先生ネギま! 課外授業 乙女のドキドキビーチサイド | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPM 66329 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujo Fancy CoCo 魔法少女ファンシーCOCO | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00460 |  |
 | Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Battle of Aces 魔法少女リリカルなのはA’s PORTABLE THE BATTLE OF ACES | PSP | 1.01 | Lyrical Box | | ULJS 00240 |  |
 | Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Gears of Destiny 魔法少女リリカルなのはA's PORTABLE -THE GEARS OF DESTINY- | PSP | 1.01 | Original, Genteiban God Box | | ULJS 00384 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Portable 魔法少女まどか☆マギカ ポータブル | PSP | 1.03 | Gentei Keiyaku Box, Tsuujou Keiyaku Pack | | ULJS 00429 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujo no Taisetsu na Koto. 魔法少女の大切なこと。 | PC | | Taikenban | | |  |
 | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Heart no Kimochi 魔法少女プリティサミー ~ハートのきもち~ | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-20112G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Kouhen 魔法少女プリティサミー [後編] | PC-98 | | Original | | 21D-2076 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Osorubeshi Shintai Sokutei! Kakubakuhatsu 5-Byou-mae!! 魔法少女プリティ・サミー ~恐るべし身体測定!核爆発5秒前!!~ | SS | 1.000 | Shokai Genteiban | | T-20110G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Part 1: In the Earth (Disc 1) (Episode 23) 魔法少女プリティサミー PART1 In the Earth | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00645 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Part 1: In the Earth (Disc 2) (Episode 24) 魔法少女プリティサミー PART1 In the Earth | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00646 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Part 2: In the Julyhelm (Disc 1) (Episode 25) 魔法少女プリティサミー PART 2 In the Julyhelm | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00760 |  |
 | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Part 2: In the Julyhelm (Disc 2) (Episode 26) 魔法少女プリティサミー PART 2 In the Julyhelm | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00761 |  |
 | Mahou Shoujo Pretty Samy: Zenpen 魔法少女プリティサミー [前編] | PC-98 | | Original | | 21D-2058 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahou Shoujotai Wars: Magical Jam 魔法少女隊うぉ~ず マジカルジャム | PC-98 | | Original | | Jam-1302 |  |
 | Mahoutsukai Kuro-hime 魔砲使い黒姫 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPM 66164 |  |
 | Mahoutsukai ni Naru Houhou 魔法使いになる方法 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01754 |  |
 | Mahoutsukai ni Naru Houhou 魔法使いになる方法 | PC | | Original | | TGL-970131 |  |
 | Mahoutsukai ni Naru Houhou 魔法使いになる方法 | SS | 1.001 | Original | | T-32510G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahoutsukai ni Naru Houhou: Yumemiru Hoshi no Monogatari 魔法使いになる方法 ~夢見る星の物語~ | PC | | Original | | TGL-970630 |  |
 | Mai-Hime Senretsu! Shin Fuuka Gakuen Gekitoushi!! 舞ーHiME 鮮烈!真風華學園激鬥史!! | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJS 00062 |  |
 | Mai-HiME: Bakuretsu! Fuuka Gakuen Gekitoushi?! 舞‐HiME 爆烈!風華学園激闘史⁈ | PSP | 1.04 | Original | | ULJS 00040 |  |
 | Mai-HiME: Unmei no Keitouju 舞‐HiME 運命の系統樹 | PS2 | 1.01 | Original, Best Collection | | SLPS 25508 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mai-HiME: Unmei no Keitouju 舞‐HiME 運命の系統樹 | PS2 | 1.01 | DX Pack | | SLPS 25507 |  |
 | Mai-Otome HiME: Otome Butoushi!! 舞‐乙HiME 乙女舞闘史!! | PS2 | 1.01 | Limited Edition | | SLPS 25680 |  |
 | Mai-Otome HiME: Otome Butoushi!! 舞‐乙HiME 乙女舞闘史!! | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPS 25681 |  |
 | Maid-san o Migi ni メイドさんを右に | PC | | Original | | MSCD-0019 |  |
 | Maihana Soumakyou: Uniting Barrage Action 舞華蒼魔鏡: Uniting Barrage Action | PC | 1.1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Mainichi ga M! 毎日がM! | PC | | Original | | KA-0046 |  |
 | Mainichi Kawaru Quiz Bangumi: Quiz 365 毎日替わるクイズ番組 クイズ365 | SS | 1.001 | Original | | T-21201G |  |
 | Mainichi Nekoyoubi 毎日猫曜日 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01249 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maison Ikkoku: Kanketsu-hen: Sayonara, Soshite めぞん一刻 完結編 ~さよなら、そして~ | PC | | Maison Ikkoku Music Box Package | | |  |
 | Maison Ikkoku: Omoide no Photograph めぞん一刻 ~想い出のフォトグラフ~ | PC | | Maison Ikkoku Music Box Package | | |  |
 | Majewelick Impact | PC | | Original | | RCD-0003 |  |
 | Majewelune World Special | PC | 1.02.00 | Original | | RCD-0002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! (Disc 1) (Game Disc) 真剣で私に恋しなさい!! | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! (Disc 2) (Date Disc) 真剣で私に恋しなさい!! | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai!! R 真剣で私に恋しなさい!!R | PS3 | 01.04 | Original | | BLJM60430 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Majin Tantei Nougami Neuro: Battle da yo! Hannin Shuugou! 魔人探偵脳噛ネウロ バトルだヨ!犯人集合! | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPM 55031 |  |
 | Majin to Ushinawareta Oukoku 魔人と失われた王国 | XBOX360 | | Original | | NM-2070 |  |
 | Majin to Ushinawareta Oukoku 魔人と失われた王国 | PS3 | 01.00 | Original | | BLJS 10098 |  |
 | MajiTen: Maji de Tenshi o Tsukutte Mita マジてん ~マジで天使を作ってみた~ | XBOX360 | | Original | | IF-2011 |  |
 | Majo ni Naritai! 魔女になりたい! | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Majo no Ochakai 魔女のお茶会 | DC | 1.000 | Original, Limited Edition | | T-20124M, T-20126M | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Majo to Hyakkihei 魔女と百騎兵 | PS3 | 01.04 | Original, Shokai Genteiban | | BLJS 10159 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Majokko A La Mode II: Mahou to Ken no Struggle 魔女っ娘ア・ラ・モードⅡ ~魔法と剣のストラグル~ | PS2 | 1.03 | Original, GNsoftware Best | | SLPM 66755 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Majokko A La Mode: Tonaete, Koi no Mahou! 魔女っ娘 ア・ラ・モード 唱えて、恋の魔法! | PS2 | 1.03 | Magical Box | | SLPS 25432 |  |
 | Majokko Daisakusen: Little Witching Mischiefs 魔女っ子大作戦 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01850 |  |
 | Majokko Sayurin no Magical Quest 魔女っ子さゆりんのまじかるクエスト | PC | | Original | | MS00-0312 |  |
 | Majokko Sayurin no Magical Quest 2 魔女っ子さゆりんのまじかるクエスト2 | PC | | Original | | MS-0406 |  |
 | Majokko-roid Kururu-chan 魔女っ娘★ロイド クルルちゃん | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Major Dream: Major Wii: Nagero! Gyroball!! MAJOR DREAM メジャーWii 投げろ!ジャイロボール!! | WII | | Original | | RVL-RMEJ-JPN |  |
 | Major Dream: Major Wii: Perfect Closer MAJOR DREAM メジャーWii パーフェクトクローザー | WII | | Original | | RVL-RXEJ-JPN |  |
 | Major League Baseball 2K6 メジャーリーグベースボール 2K6 | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 66451 |  |
 | Major League Baseball 2K7 メジャーリーグベースボール 2K7 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPM 66829 |  |
 | Major League Baseball: Triple Play Baseball メジャーリーグベースボール | PC | | Original | | EMW-4090 |  |
 | Majutsushi Orphen: Orphen de Asobou 魔術士オーフェン ~オーフェンで遊ぼう~ | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Makai Eiyuuden: Shape Shifter 魔界英雄伝 シェイプ・シフター | PCE | | Original | | JCCD2011 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makai Eiyuuki Maximo: Machine Monster no Yabou 魔界英雄記マキシモ マシンモンスターの野望 | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPM 65367 |  |
 | Makai Eiyuuki Maximo: Machine Monster no Yabou 魔界英雄記マキシモ マシンモンスターの野望 | PS2 | 1.01 | Taikenban | | SLPM 60212 |  |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 魔界戦記ディスガイア | PS2 | 1.20 | Genteiban | | SLPS 20250 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 魔界戦記ディスガイア | PS2 | 1.20 | Original, PlayStation 2 the Best | | SLPS 20251 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 魔界戦記ディスガイア2 | PS2 | 1.01 | PlayStation 2 the Best | | SLPS 73254 |  |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 魔界戦記ディスガイア2 | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPS 25608 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 魔界戦記ディスガイア2 | PS2 | 1.03 | Genteiban | | SLPS 25607 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 Digital Genga-shuu 魔界戦記ディスガイア2 デジタル原画集 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 2 Portable 魔界戦記ディスガイア2 PORTABLE | PSP | 1.02 | Original, PSP the Best, Genteiban | | ULJS 00182 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 3 魔界戦記ディスガイア3 | PS3 | 01.03 | PlayStation 3 the Best | | BLJS 50006 |  |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea 4 魔界戦記ディスガイア4 | PS3 | 01.05 | Original | | BLJS 10095 |  |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea Digital Genga-shuu 魔界戦記ディスガイア デジタル原画集 | PC | | Original | | NPC043800 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makai Senki Disgaea Portable 魔界戦記ディスガイア PORTABLE | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJS 00089 |  |
 | Makai Tenshou 魔界転生 | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 65329 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makaroni Hourensou Interactive マカロニほうれん荘 インタラクティブ | 3DO | | Original | | FZ-SJ4551 |  |
 | Maken Shao 魔剣爻 -MAKEN SHAO- | PS2 | 1.01 | Taikenban | | SLPM 61007 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maken Shao 魔剣爻 -MAKEN SHAO- | PS2 | 1.03 | Shokai Seisan Genteiban | | SLPS 25042 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maken Shao 魔剣爻 -MAKEN SHAO- | PS2 | 1.03 | Original, Atlus Best Collection | | SLPM 65144 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maken X 魔剣X | DC | 1.004 | Original | | T-14401M |  |
 | Makeruna! Makendou 2 負けるな!魔剣道2 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00128 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Makeruna! Makendou Z 負けるな!魔剣道Z | PC-FX | | Original | | FXNHE744 |  |
 | Making Candy: Oki ni Mesumama Making Candy ~お気に召すまま~ | PC-98 | | Original | | WIC-5461 |  |
 | Making of Eve: Burst Error Plus | PC | | | | |  |
 | Making of Eve: The Fatal Attraction | PC | | | | |  |
 | The Making of Nightruth ザ・メイキング・オブ・ナイトゥルース | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00562 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mako Mako Panic まこまこぱにっく | PC | | Original | | MAKO-2105 |  |
 | Mamatoto: A Record of War ママトト ~a record of war~ | PC | | Original | | ALS-0035 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mamimume * Mogacho no Print Hour まみむめ★もがちょのプリントアワー | PS2 | 1.04 | Original | | SLPS 20061 |  |
 | Mamono Hunter Mai 魔物ハンター舞 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mamono Hunter Youko: Makai kara no Tenkousei 魔物ハンター 妖子 ~魔界からの転校生~ | PCE | Rev 3 | NCS CD Vol. 8 | | NSCD 2011 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mamono Hunter Youko: Tooki Yobigoe 魔物ハンター 妖子 ~遠き呼び声~ | PCE | Rev 3 | NCS CD Vol. 14 | | NSCD-2016 |  |
 | Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta! まもるクンは呪われてしまった! | XBOX360 | | Genteiban | | GR-2038 |  |
 | Mamoru-kun wa Norowarete Shimatta! Meikai Katsugeki Wide-ban まもるクンは呪われてしまった! ~冥界活劇ワイド版~ | PS3 | 01.01 | Original, Genteiban, Best Hit Selection | | BLJM 60323 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mana-Khemia 2: Ochita Gakuen to Renkinjutsushi-tachi マナケミア2 ~おちた学園と錬金術士たち~ | PS2 | 1.00 | Gust Best Price | | SLPM 55114 |  |
 | Mana-Khemia 2: Ochita Gakuen to Renkinjutsushi-tachi マナケミア2 ~おちた学園と錬金術士たち~ | PS2 | 1.01 | Original, Premium Box | | SLPM 55005 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mana-Khemia 2: Ochita Gakuen to Renkinjutsushi-tachi Portable+ マナケミア2 ~おちた学園と錬金術士たち~ PORTABLE+ | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJM 05519 |  |
 | Mana-Khemia: Gakuen no Renkinjutsushi-tachi マナケミア ~学園の錬金術士たち~ | PS2 | 1.00 | Gust Best Price | | SLPM 66994 |  |
 | Mana-Khemia: Gakuen no Renkinjutsushi-tachi マナケミア ~学園の錬金術士たち~ | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 66748 |  |
 | Mana-Khemia: Gakuen no Renkinjutsushi-tachi Portable + マナケミア ~学園の錬金術士たち~ ポータブルプラス | PSP | 1.04 | Original | | ULJM 05345 |  |
 | Manami no Doko made Iku no? 2: Return of the Kuro Pack まなみのどこまでイクの?2 ~リターン・オブTHE黒パック~ | FMT | | Original | | WDM-303T |  |
 | Manami: Ai to Koukan no Hibi 真奈美 ~愛と交歓の日々~ | FMT | | Original | | |  |
 | Mandala-ke Ichizoku 曼陀羅家一族 | FMT | | Original | | FSCR-002 |  |
 | Maneki Neko no Koban まねき猫の小判 | PC | | Original | | TGL-951222 |  |
 | The Manhole マンホール | PCE | | Original | | SSCD0001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Manhole マンホール | FMT | | FM Towns Soft Collection Kaigai-hen Vol. 9 | | HMB-181 |  |
 | The Manhole マンホール | FMT | Rev A | FM Towns Soft Collection Kaigai-hen Vol. 9 | | HMB-181A |  |
 | Maniket 2099: Bishoujo Uru Uru Daisakusen マニケット2099 美少女うるうる大作戦 | PC | | Original | | OSA-003 |  |
 | Manji PSYyuuki (Install CD-ROM) 卍PSY遊記 | PC-98 | | Original | | PSD-01 |  |
 | Manna Space: Mother Network Business | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Manna Space: Network Shopping: Department Store of Japan | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Manna Space: Travel Business | CDI | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Manx TT SuperBike マンクスTT スーパーバイク | PC | | Original | | HCJ-0113 |  |
 | Many Colors | FMT | | Original | | HMD-225 |  |
 | Many Colors | FMT | Rev A | Original | | HMD-225A | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Many Colors II | FMT | | Original | | HMG-126 |  |
 | Manyoushuu 万葉集 | FMT | Rev A | Original | | HMD-149A |  |
 | Maple Colors: Kessen wa Gakuensai! メープルカラーズ~決戦は学園祭~ | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 65934 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maplus: Portable Navi MAPLUS ポータブルナビ | PSP | 1.03 | GPS Receiver Doukonban | | ULJS-00091 |  |
 | Maplus: Portable Navi 2 MAPLUS ポータブルナビ2 | PSP | 1.02 | Original | | ULJS 00128 |  |
 | Maplus: Portable Navi 3 MAPLUS ポータブルナビ3 | PSP | 1.07 | Original | | ULJS 00199 |  |
 | MAR Heaven: ARM Fight Dream メルヘヴン アーム ファイト ドリーム | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, Konami the Best | | SLPM 66156 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marathon 2: Durandal | PC | 1.0J | Original | | |  |
 | Marby Baby Story マービーベイビーストーリー | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01738 |  |
 | Margi: Marginal マージ ~MARGINAL~ | DC | 1.001 | Original | | T-46514M |  |
 | Margi: Marginal: Ano Toki no Tooi Yakusoku o マージ ~あの時の遠い約束を~ | PS2 | 1.01 | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPM 65290 |  |
 | Margi: Marginal: Ano Toki no Tooi Yakusoku o マージ ~あの時の遠い約束を~ | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPM 65291 |  |
 | Mari-nee no Heya マリ姉の部屋 | QIS | | Original | | BKPD-03 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo マリア2 ~受胎告知の謎~ | PSX | | Taikenban | | SLPM 80441 |  |
 | Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo (Disc 1) マリア2 -受胎告知の謎- | PC | | Original | | BM2-0001 |  |
 | Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo (Disc 1) マリア2 -受胎告知の謎- | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02240 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo (Disc 2) マリア2 -受胎告知の謎- | PC | | Original | | BM2-0002 |  |
 | Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo (Disc 2) マリア2 -受胎告知の謎- | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02241 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo (Disc 3) マリア2 -受胎告知の謎- | PC | | Original | | BM2-0003 |  |
 | Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo (Disc 3) マリア2 -受胎告知の謎- | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02242 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria 2: Jutai Kokuchi no Nazo (Disc 4) マリア2 -受胎告知の謎- | PC | | Original | | BM2-0004 |  |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PSX | | Taikenban | | SLPM 80185 |  |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | SS | 1.000 | Hibaihin | | 610-6800 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 1) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PSX | | Original, PlayStation the Best | | SLPS 01136 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 1) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | BM1-0001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 1) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-36302G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 2) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PSX | | Original, PlayStation the Best | | SLPS 01137 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 2) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | BM1-0002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 2) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-36302G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 3) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PSX | | Original, PlayStation the Best | | SLPS 01138 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 3) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | BM1-0003 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marica: Shinjitsu no Sekai マリカ ~真実の世界~ | SS | 1.004 | Original | | T-6008G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marie & Elie no Atelier: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 1 & 2 (Omake Disc) マリー&エリーのアトリエ ~ザールブルグの錬金術士1・2~ | DC | 1.005 | Original | | T-44701M |  |
 | Marie & Elie no Atelier: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 1 & 2 (Game Disc) マリー&エリーのアトリエ ~ザールブルグの錬金術士1・2~ | DC | 1.006 | Original | | T-44701M |  |
 | Marie & Elie no Atelier: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 1 & 2 (Game Disc) マリー&エリーのアトリエ ~ザールブルグの錬金術士1・2~ | DC | 2.000 | Original | | T-44701M |  |
 | Marie & Elie no Atelier: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi 1 & 2 (Omake Disc) マリー&エリーのアトリエ ~ザールブルグの錬金術士1・2~ | DC | 2.000 | Original | | T-44701M |  |
 | Marie no Atelier Plus: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi マリーのアトリエ プラス ~ザールブルグの錬金術士~ | PSX | | Original, PlayStation the Best | | SLPS 01418 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marie no Atelier Ver. 1.3: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi マリーのアトリエ Ver.1.3 ~ザールブルグの錬金術士~ | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-15033G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marie no Atelier: Salburg no Renkinjutsushi マリーのアトリエ ~ザールブルグの錬金術士~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00856 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marine Rouge マリンルージュ | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mario & Sonic at Bejing Olympic マリオ&ソニック AT 北京オリンピック | WII | | Original | | RVL-RWSJ-JPN |  |
 | Mario & Sonic at London Olympic マリオ&ソニック AT ロンドンオリンピック | WII | | Original | | RVL-SIIJ-JPN-B0 |  |
 | Mario & Sonic at Vancouver Olympic マリオ&ソニック AT バンクーバーオリンピック | WII | Rev 1 | Original | | RVL-ROLJ-JPN-B0 |  |
 | Mario Golf: Family Tour マリオゴルフ ファミリーツアー | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GFTJ-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mario Kart Wii マリオカートWii | WII | | Bundled with Wii Wheel | | RVL-RMCJ-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mario Kart: Double Dash!! マリオカート ダブルダッシュ!! | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GM4J-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mario Mushano no Chou Shougi Juku: Mario Mushano's Hyper Shogi School マリオ武者野の超将棋塾 | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-24905G |  |
 | Mario Mushano's Hyper Shogi School マリオ武者野の超将棋塾 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00964 |  |
 | Mario Party 4 マリオパーティ4 | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GMPJ-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mario Party 4 Event-you Disc マリオパーティ4 イベント用ディスク | GC | | Promo | | DL-DOL-DMPJ-DIS |  |
 | Mario Party 5 マリオパーティ5 | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GP5J-JPN |  |
 | Mario Party 6 マリオパーティ6 | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GP6J-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mario Party 7 マリオパーティ7 | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GP7J-JPN |  |
 | Mario Party 8 マリオパーティ8 | WII | Rev 2 | Original | | RVL-RM8J-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mario Party 9 マリオパーティ9 | WII | | Original | | RVL-SSQJ-JPN-B0 |  |
 | Mario Sports Mix マリオスポーツミックス | WII | | Original | | RVL-RMKJ-JPN-B0 |  |
 | Mario Strikers Charged マリオ ストライカーズ チャージド | WII | | Original | | RVL-R4QJ-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mario Tennis GC マリオテニスGC | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GOMJ-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mario Tennis GC マリオテニスGC | WII | | Original | | RVL-RMAJ-JPN |  |
 | Mario Tennis GC マリオテニスGC | GC | Rev 1 | Original | | DL-DOL-GOMJ-JPN | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marionette Company マリオネット・カンパニー | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 86810 |  |
 | Marionette Company マリオネットカンパニー | DC | 1.001 | Shokai Genteiban | | T-5201M |  |
 | Marionette Company 2 Chu! マリオネットカンパニー2 Chu! | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 87004 |  |
 | Marionette Company 2 Chu! マリオネットカンパニー2 Chu! | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02743 |  |
 | Marionette Company 2 Chu! マリオネットカンパニー2 Chu! | DC | 1.001 | Original | | T-5203M |  |
 | Marionette Handler マリオネットハンドラー | DC | 1.002 | Original | | T-2201M |  |
 | Marionette Handler 2 マリオネットハンドラー2 | DC | 1.004 | Original | | T-2204M |  |
 | Marionette Mind マリオネット・マインド | FMT | | Original | | HME-251 |  |
 | MarisaLa: Super Marisa Land スーパーマリサランド | PC | 1.10 | Original | | |  |
 | Maristice マリスティス | PC | | Original | | ATON-0003 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Mark of Kri マーク・オブ・クリィ | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPM 65310 |  |
 | Marl de Jigsaw マールDEジグソー | PS2 | 1.50 | Original | | SLPS 20129 |  |
 | Marl de Jigsaw マールDEジグソー | PS2 | 1.50 | Genteiban | | SLPS 20128 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marl Jong!! マールじゃん!! | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03538 |  |
 | Marl Jong!! マールじゃん!! | PSX | | Genteiban | | SLPS 03537 |  |
 | Marl Oukoku no Ningyou-hime: The Adventure of Puppet Princess マール王国の人形姫 -the Adventure of Puppet Princess- | PSX | | Taikenban | | SLPM 80319 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marl Oukoku no Ningyou-hime: The Adventure of Puppet Princess マール王国の人形姫 the Adventure of Puppet Princess | PSX | | PSone Books | | SLPS 91415 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marl Oukoku no Ningyou-hime: The Adventure of Puppet Princess (Omake Disc) マール王国の人形姫 | PSX | | +1 Tasu Ichi (Disc 2) | | SLPS 02287 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marl Oukoku no Ningyou-hime: The Adventure of Puppet Princess マール王国の人形姫 | PSX | | Original, +1 Tasu Ichi (Disc 1) | | SLPS 01734 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marriage Royale: Prism Story マリッジロワイヤル プリズムストーリー | PSP | 1.04 | Shokai Genteiban | | ULJS 00272 |  |
 | Mars Ball マーズ★ボール | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | |  |
 | Mars Blade マルス・ブレイド | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | PX-004 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Martial Champion マーシャル・チャンピオン | PCE | | Original | | KMCD3006 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Martialbeat マーシャルビート | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 87014 |  |
 | Martialbeat 2 (Disc 1) (Disc-B) マーシャルビート2 | PSX | | Controller Doukon Set | | SLPM 87146 |  |
 | Martialbeat 2 (Disc 1) (Disc-B) マーシャルビート2 | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 87148 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Martialbeat 2 (Disc 2) (Disc-F) マーシャルビート2 | PSX | | Controller Doukon Set | | SLPM 87147 |  |
 | Martialbeat 2 (Disc 2) (Disc-F) マーシャルビート2 | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 87149 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maru Goukaku Shikaku Dasshu!: Care Manager Shiken Portable マル合格 資格奪取! ケアマネジャー試験 ポータブル | PSP | 1.02 | Original | | ULJS 00506 |  |
 | Maruanki Eitango: Chuugaku 1-nensei 丸暗記英単語 ~中学1年生~ | FMT | Rev A | Original | | HMA-227A |  |
 | Maruanki Eitango: Chuugaku 2-nensei 丸暗記英単語 中学2年生 | FMT | | Original | | HMA-230 |  |
 | Maruanki Eitango: Chuugaku 3-nensei 丸暗記英単語 中学3年生 | FMT | | Original | | HMB-101 |  |
 | Marucom まるコン | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Marugoto Hyper Police まるごと はいぱーぽりす | PC | | Original | | KB-401 |  |
 | Marumaru Omoikkiri Otoko: Kanketsu-hen 〇〇思いっきり男 完結編 | PC | | Marumaru Omoikkiri Box | | OTOO0105 |  |
 | Marvel Super Heroes マーヴル・スーパー・ヒーローズ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00763 |  |
 | Marvel Super Heroes マーブル・スーパーヒーローズ | SS | 1.000 | Taikenban | | 610-6664 |  |
 | Marvel Super Heroes マーヴル・スーパー・ヒーローズ | SS | 1.003 | Original | | T-1215G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter マーヴル・スーパーヒーローズVS.ストリート・ファイター | SS | 1.000 | Original, Doukonban | | T-1238G, T-1239G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter: EX Edition マーヴル・スーパーヒーローズ vs. ストリートファイター EXエディション | PSX | | Taikenban | | SLPM 80376 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter: EX Edition マーヴル・スーパーヒーローズ vs. ストリートファイター EXエディション | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01915 |  |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes マーヴル バーサス カプコン2 ニューエイジ オブ ヒーローズ | XBOX | | Original | | CC-007 |  |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes マーヴル バーサス カプコン2 ニューエイジ オブ ヒーローズ | PS2 | 1.00 | Taikenban | | SLPM 60188 |  |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes | PS2 | 1.00 | Beta | | SLPM 62227 |  |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes マーヴル vs. カプコン 2 ニュー エイジ オブ ヒーローズ | DC | 1.001 | Tentou Taikenban | | 610-7807 |  |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes マーヴル バーサス カプコン2 ニューエイジ オブ ヒーローズ | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 62227 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes マーヴル バーサス カプコン2 ニューエイジ オブ ヒーローズ | DC | 2.000 | Original | | T-1215M |  |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes マーヴルVS.カプコン クラッシュ・オブ・スーパーヒーローズ | DC | 1.000 | Tentou Taikenban | | 610-7121 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes マーヴルVS.カプコン クラッシュ・オブ・スーパーヒーローズ | DC | 1.003 | Original | | T-1202M | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes: EX Edition マーヴル VS. カプコン クラッシュオブスーパーヒーローズ EXエディション | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02368 |  |
 | Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes: EX Edition マーヴル VS. カプコン クラッシュオブスーパーヒーローズ EXエディション | PSX | | Taikenban | | SLPM 80508 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance マーベル アルティメット アライアンス | WII | | Original | | RVL-RMUJ-JPN-B0 |  |
 | Mashiro Iro Symphony: Mutsu-no-hana ましろ色シンフォニー mutsu-no-hana | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | ULJM 05889 |  |
 | Mashou Denki: La Valeur 魔晶伝記 ラ・ヴァルー | PCE | | Original | | KSCD1001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MasMon Kids: The Another World of the Master of Monsters マスモンKIDS | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01426 |  |
 | MasMon Kids: The Another World of the Master of Monsters マスモンKIDS | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 86520 |  |
 | Masquerade: Jigoku Gakuen SO/DO/MU (Disc 1) マスカレード ~地獄学園SO/DO/MU~ | PC | | Original | | PIL-B001-1 |  |
 | Masquerade: Jigoku Gakuen SO/DO/MU (Disc 2) マスカレード ~地獄学園SO/DO/MU~ | PC | | Original | | PIL-B001-2 |  |
 | Mass Destruction: Otousan ni mo Dekiru Soft マス・デストラクション ~お父さんにもできるソフト~ | SS | 1.002 | Original | | T-18007G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mass Effect マスエフェクト | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2024 |  |
 | Master Blaze マスター・ブレイズ | PC | | Original | | WIC-6482 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Master Burner Climax | PC | | Original | | STG-A1 |  |
 | Master Burner Climax | PC | 0.5 | C78 Saishuu Taikenban | | |  |
 | Master CD: FMV-Towns Series Master CD ~FMV‐TOWNSシリーズ~ | FMT | 1.1L10 | Original | | CA40700-6114 |  |
 | Master CD: Fresh Series-you Master CD ~Freshシリーズ用~ | FMT | | Original | | |  |
 | Master CD: Fresh Series-you (Ichitarou Model) Master CD ~Freshシリーズ用~ (一太郎モデル) | FMT | | Red Disc | | |  |
 | Master CD: Install Model-you Master CD ~インストール・モデル用~ | FMT | | Original | | |  |
 | Master of Magic マスター・オブ・マジック | PC-98 | | Original | | |  |
 | Master of Monsters マスター・オブ・モンスターズ | PCE | | Original | | MCCD0002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Master of Monsters 4: Hikari to Yami no Souha マスターオブモンスターズ4 ~光と闇の争覇~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | 00J1420TA |  |
 | Master of Monsters: Akatsuki no Kenja-tachi マスター・オブ・モンスターズ~暁の賢者達~ | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 86542 |  |
 | Master of Monsters: Akatsuki no Kenja-tachi マスター・オブ・モンスターズ~暁の賢者達~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00916 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Master of Monsters: Expansion Kit マスターオブモンスターズ エクスパンションキット | PC | 1.00 | Original | | 001J0343TA |  |
 | Master of Monsters: Madou-ou no Shiren マスターオブモンスターズ ~魔導王の試練~ | PC | | Ultra 2000/Ultra Series | | MKW-065 |  |
 | Master of Monsters: Madou-ou no Shiren マスターオブモンスターズ 魔導王の試練 | PC | | Original, Meisaku Okaidoku Pack | | 001J0314TA | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Master of Monsters: Neo Generations マスター・オブ・モンスターズ ~ネオ・ジェネレーションズ~ | SS | 1.003 | Original | | T-6301G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Master The Arch マスター ジ アーク | PC | | Original | | 001J0330TA | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Masters Fighter ザ・マスターズ・ファイター | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00722 |  |
 | Masters of Elements: Unmei no Shihaisha Masters of Elements ~運命の支配者~ | PC | | Original | | SSRX-40026 |  |
 | Masters: Harukanaru Augusta 3 マスターズ ~遙かなるオーガスタ3~ | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-11401G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Masters: Shin Harukanaru Augusta マスターズ 新・遙かなるオーガスタ | PSX | | Original, Reprint | | SLPS 00373 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 87119 |  |
 | Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2003 マット・ホフマン プロBMX 2003 | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 65417 |  |
 | Matantei Loki Ragnarok: Mayouga: Ushinawareta Bishou 魔探偵ロキ ラグナロク 魔妖画 ~失われた微笑~ | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 66141 |  |
 | The Match Golf ザ・マッチ・ゴルフ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00178 |  |
 | Matching Maker 街ingメーカー | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPM 62066 |  |
 | Matching Maker 2: Zoku Boku no Machi-zukuri 街ingメーカー2 ~続・ぼくの街づくり~ | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPS 20469 |  |
 | Matching Maker 3 x Tousouchuu 街ingメーカー3 X 逃走中 | PSP | 1.03 | Original | | ULJS 00242 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mateki Densetsu Astralius 魔笛伝説アストラリウス | PCE | | Original | | AICD 0001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Material | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | The Matrix: Path of Neo マトリックス ~パス・オブ・ネオ~ | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLPM 66177 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Matsuda Senna: Paradise 松田千奈 [パラダイス] | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | KAS-011-PH |  |
 | Matsukata Hiroki no World Fishing 松方弘樹のワールドフィッシング | PSX | | BPS the Choice | | SLPS 02041 |  |
 | Matsukata Hiroki no World Fishing 松方弘樹のワールドフィッシング | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00198 |  |
 | Matsukata Hiroki no World Fishing 松方弘樹のワールド・フィッシング | SS | 1.004 | Original | | T-26401G |  |
 | Matsumoto Reiji 999: Story of Galaxy Express 999 (Disc 1) 松本零士999 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03220 |  |
 | Matsumoto Reiji 999: Story of Galaxy Express 999 (Disc 2) 松本零士999 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03221 |  |
 | Maverick Max (Game Disc) マーヴェリック★マックス | PC | | Original | | BGCD-018 |  |
 | Mawatte Mucho! まわってムーチョ! | PSX | | Taikenban Campaign-tsuki | | SLPM 80232 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mawatte Mucho! まわってムーチョ! | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01359 |  |
 | Mawaza マワザ | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SCPS 11027 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Max Payne マックス ペイン | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPS 25244 |  |
 | Max Payne 3 マックス・ペイン3 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJM 60463 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Max Surfing 2000 マックス サーフィン 2000 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02398 |  |
 | Max Surfing 2nd マックスサーフィン セカンド | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02871 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maximo マキシモ | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, PlayStation 2 the Best | | SLPM 62127 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maximo マキシモ | PS2 | 1.02 | Taikenban | | SLPM 60165 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maximum Chase マキシマム チェイス | XBOX | | Taikenban | | MS-046 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | May '96 Pippin SDK CD DR1 Pippin OS Ver. 1.1 | MAC | | Original | | APL-2 |  |
 | Mayu 繭 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mayumi Yoshioka for Janis: Last Nude 吉岡 真由美 for Janis | FMT | | Original | | HME-232 |  |
 | Maze Heroes: Meikyuu Densetsu メイズ・ヒーローズ ~迷宮伝説~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03490 |  |
 | McDonald's Original Happy Disc マクドナルドオリジナル ハッピーディスク | PS2 | 1.00 | Hibaihin | | SCPM 85101 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MDK | PSX | | Original | | SCPS 10052 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mechanical Violator Hakaider: Last Judgement 人造人間ハカイダー ~ラストジャッジメント~ | SS | 1.001 | Original | | GS-9088 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechAssault メックアサルト | XBOX | | Taikenban | | MS-023 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechCommander メック・コマンダー | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | The MechSmith: Run=Dim メックスミス・ランディム | PS2 | 1.04 | Original | | SLPS 20031 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 2 メックウォリア2 | SS | 1.002 | Original | | T-23406G |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | Bundle Version IBM Aptiva OEM | | 83H5231 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | Rerelease | | CDD-3115-101-JP |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | Original | | CDD-3115-102-JP | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | 1.0 | Original, Bundle Version Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro Joystick OEM | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 2: Arcade Combat Edition メックウォリア2 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00937 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 2: Youhei Butai メックウォリア2 傭兵部隊 | PC | 1.05 | Original | | CDD-3580-101-JP | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 3 メックウォーリア3 | PC | | DVD-ROM | | MMD-4280 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 4: Vengeance (Disc 1) メックウォリア4 | PC | | Original | | MMSD-0790 |  |
 | MechWarrior 4: Vengeance (Disc 2) メックウォリア4 | PC | | Original | | MMSD-0790 |  |
 | Medal of Honor メダル オブ オナー | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJM 60275 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medal of Honor: Airborne メダル オブ オナー エアボーン | XBOX360 | | Original | | EA-2038 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (Disc 1) メダル オブ オナー アライド アサルト | PC | | Soushuu-Hen | | EMW-4159 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Allied Assault (Disc 2) メダル オブ オナー アライド アサルト | PC | | Soushuu-Hen | | EMW-4159 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Europa Kyoushuu メダル オブ オナー ヨーロッパ 強襲 | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GONJ-JPN |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Europe Kyoushuu メダル オブ オナー ヨーロッパ強襲 | PS2 | 1.01 | Original, EA Best Hits, EA:SY! 1980 | | SLPM 55037 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medal of Honor: Heroes メダル オブ オナー ヒーローズ | PSP | 1.00 | Original, EA Best Hits | | ULJM 05213 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 メダル オブ オナー ヒーローズ 2 | WII | | Original | | RVL-RM2J-JPN |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 メダル オブ オナー ヒーローズ 2 | PSP | 1.00 | EA Best Hits | | ULJM 05430 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Disc 1) メダル オブ オナー パシフィック アサルト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | EMW-4156 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Disc 2) メダル オブ オナー パシフィック アサルト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | EMW-4156 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Disc 3) メダル オブ オナー パシフィック アサルト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | EMW-4156 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Disc 4) メダル オブ オナー パシフィック アサルト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | EMW-4156 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault (Disc 5) メダル オブ オナー パシフィック アサルト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | EMW-4156 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun メダル オブ オナー ライジングサン | PS2 | 1.03 | Original, EA Best Hits, EA:SY! 1980 | | SLPM 55002 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (Disc 1) メダル オブ オナー ライジングサン | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GRZJ-0-JPN |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Rising Sun (Disc 2) メダル オブ オナー ライジングサン | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GRZJ-1-JPN |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Shijou Saidai no Sakusen メダル・オブ・オナー ~史上最大の作戦~ | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, EA Best Hits, EA:SY! 1980 | | SLPM 65648 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medal of Honor: Vanguard メダル オブ オナー ヴァンガード | PS2 | 1.01 | Original, EA:SY! 1980 | | SLPM 55076 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medal of Honor: Warfighter (Disc 1) メダル オブ オナー ウォーファイター | XBOX360 | | Original | | EA-2451 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Warfighter (Disc 2) メダル オブ オナー ウォーファイター | XBOX360 | | Original | | EA-2451 |  |
 | Medarot Brave メダロット ブレイブ | GC | Rev 1 | Original | | DL-DOL-GM6J-JPN |  |
 | Medarot R メダロットR | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02414 |  |
 | Medarot R: Parts Collection メダロットR・パーツコレクション | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02635 |  |
 | MediaROMancer: DA: Daisuke Asakura mediaROMancer\浅倉大介 | SS | 1.000 | Original | | T-25001G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medical 91 メディカル91 | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPS 25526 |  |
 | Medicco to Asobou: Kazu Katachi Ryou ″メディッコ″とあそぼう ~かず・かたち・りょう~ | FMT | | Original | | HMF-173 |  |
 | Medicom Vol. 1 | MAC | | Original | | MD-0001 |  |
 | Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms (Disc 1) メディーバル2:トータルウォー 拡張キット キングダム | PC | | Original | | 673-04761 |  |
 | Medieval II: Total War: Kingdoms (Disc 2) メディーバル2:トータルウォー 拡張キット キングダム | PC | | Original | | 673-04762 |  |
 | Medieval Lords: Build, Defend, Expand メディーバル ローズ 中世都市建国 | PC | 1.04 | Best Selection of Games | | FZ187W000A10 |  |
 | MediEvil: Yomigaetta Gallowmere no Yuusha メディーバル ~甦ったガロメアの勇者~ | PSX | | Original | | SCPS 10081 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mega lo Mania メガロマニア | FMT | | Original | | HME-119 |  |
 | Mega Schwarzschild メガ・シュヴァルツシルト | MCD | | Original | | G-6020 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megami Ibunroku: Persona: Be Your True Mind 女神異聞録 ~ペルソナ~ | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPD-00054 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megami Ibunroku: Persona: Be Your True Mind 女神異聞録 ~ペルソナ~ | PC | | Original | | 2528901 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megami Ibunroku: Persona: Be Your True Mind 女神異聞録 ~ペルソナ~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00500 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megami Ibunroku: Persona: Be Your True Mind 女神異聞録 ~ペルソナ~ | PSX | Rev 1 | PlayStation the Best | | SLPS 91029 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megami Ibunroku: Persona: Digital Collection 女神異聞録 ペルソナ デジタルコレクション | PC | | Book Bundle | | |  |
 | Megami no Etsubo メガミの笑壷 | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJM 05107 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megami no Shizuku: Jonason95 女神の雫 JONASON95 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Megami Paradise 女神天国 | PCE | | Original | | HECD4008 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megami Paradise II 女神天国Ⅱ | PC-FX | | Original | | FXNHE623 |  |
 | MegaRace メガレース | 3DO | | Original | | FZ-SJ2751 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MegaSpectre メガスペクター | FMT | | FM Towns Soft Collection Kaigai-hen Vol. 36 | | HME-153 |  |
 | Megatudo 2096 メガチュード2096 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00435 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megpoid the Music# メグッポイド ザ ミュージック シャープ | PSP | 1.04 | Original | | ULJM 06226 |  |
 | Meguri Ai shite めぐり愛して | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01714 |  |
 | Meguri, Hitohira. めぐり、ひとひら。体験版 | PC | | Taikenban | | |  |
 | Mei Puru めい☆ぷる | DC | 1.003 | Original | | T-46510M |  |
 | Meikyoku Master 名曲ますた~ | FMT | | FM Towns Marty Rerelease | | HME-113 |  |
 | Meikyuu Cross Blood 迷宮クロスブラッド | PC | | Original | | EXPG-0009 |  |
 | Meikyuu Cross Blood: Reloaded 迷宮クロスブラッド リローデッド | XBOX360 | | Original | | VW-2004 |  |
 | Meikyuu Wakusei Desparaiso 冥宮惑星desparaiso | PC | | Original | | MSCD-0028 |  |
 | Meine Liebe Zwei: Hokori to Seigi to Ai マイネリーベⅡ 誇りと正義と愛 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, Konami Dendou Selection | | SLPM 66247 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meine Liebe: Yuubinaru Kioku マイネリーベ 優美なる記憶 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, Konami the Best | | SLPM 65684 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meisha Retsuden: Greatest 70's 名車列伝 Greatest 70´s | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01153 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meisha Retsuden: Greatest 70's 名車列伝 Greatest 70´s | PSX | Rev 1 | Fukkokuban | | SLPS 02159 |  |
 | Meisou Toshi 迷走都市 | FMT | | Original | | MDC-7031 |  |
 | Meitantei Conan 名探偵コナン | PSX | | Original, PlayStation the Best for Family | | SLPS 01690 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meitantei Conan: 3-nin no Meisuiri 名探偵コナン 3人の名推理 | PSX | | Original, Bandai the Best | | SLPS 02804 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meitantei Conan: 3-nin no Meisuiri 名探偵コナン 3人の名推理 | PSX | | Sunday Premium Disc | | SLPM 80568 |  |
 | Meitantei Conan: Daiei Teikoku no Isan 名探偵コナン 大英帝国の遺産 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original, Bandai the Best | | SLPS 25426 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meitantei Conan: Kako kara no Prelude 名探偵コナン 過去からの前奏曲 | PSP | 1.02 | Original | | ULJS 00488 |  |
 | Meitantei Conan: Saikou no Partner 名探偵コナン 最高の相棒 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03425 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meitantei Conan: Trick Trick Vol. 0: Meikyuu no Crossroad Special Disc 名探偵コナン トリックトリック Vol.0 迷宮の十字路 スペシャルディスク | PSX | | Taikenban | | SLPM 80640 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meitantei Conan: Trick Trick Vol. 1 名探偵コナン トリックトリック Vol.1 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03548 |  |
 | Meitantei Conan: Tsuioku no Mirage 名探偵コナン ~追憶の幻想~ | WII | | Original | | RVL-RCOJ-JPN |  |
 | Meitantei Evangelion 名探偵エヴァンゲリオン | PS2 | 1.04 | Original, Premium Box | | SLPM 66574 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meiwaku Seijin: Panic Maker めいわく星人 ~ パニック・メーカー~ | PS2 | 1.00 | Taikenban | | SLPM 61084 |  |
 | Meiwaku Seijin: Panic Maker めいわく星人 パニックメーカー | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPM 65642 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Meka Pokeler メカ・ポケラー | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02649 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mekutte Nyan めくってニャン | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Desktop Accessories 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 デスクトップアクセサリーソフト | PC | | Original | | KYOG-HA91 |  |
 | Melty Blood メルティブラッド | PC | 1.000 | Original, First Release Edition | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code | SRE | | RingWide | | DVR-0013D |  |
 | Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code | PC | 1.07 | BD-Video Bundle | | TMGVPA 0030 |  |
 | Melty Blood ReACT メルティブラッド Re・ACT | PC | 2.000 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Melty Blood ReACT Final Tuned Service Release Ver. 1 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Melty Blood ReACT Final Tuned Service Release Ver. 2 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Melty Blood ReACT: Plus Disc Trial Edition メルティブラッド Re・ACT -Plus Disc Trial Edition- | PC | | Demo | | WATANABE-007 |  |
 | Melty Blood: Act Cadenza メルティブラッド アクトカデンツァ | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPM 66438 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Melty Blood: Act Cadenza メルティブラッド Act Cadenza | NAOMI | 4.000 | Original | | GDL-0028C |  |
 | Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Ver. B メルティブラッド アクトカデンツァ Ver.B | PC | | Original, Shokai Genteiban | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Ver. B メルティブラッド Act Cadenza Ver.B | NAOMI | 1.003 | Original | | GDL-0039 |  |
 | Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Ver. B メルティブラッド Act Cadenza Ver.B | NAOMI | 2.000 | Original | | GDL-0039A |  |
 | Melty Blood: Actress Again メルティブラッド アクトレスアゲイン | PS2 | 1.02 | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPM 55183 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Melty Blood: Koushiki Kouryaku Guide Book Special CD-ROM for Windows メルティブラッド 公式攻略ガイドブック | PC | | Bundled with Guidebook | | |  |
 | Melty Blood: Trial Edition 2 | PC | | Demo | | |  |
 | MeltyCube: Another Adventure of MeltyLance メルティキューブ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | WIC-5313 |  |
 | MeltyLancer: Ginga Shoujo Keisatsu 2086 メルティランサー 銀河少女警察2086 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 00282 |  |
 | MeltyLancer: Ginga Shoujo Keisatsu 2086 メルティランサー ~銀河少女警察2086~ | SS | 1.002 | Original, Special Edition | | T-15016G, T-15017G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MeltyLancer: Re-inforce メルティランサー Re‐inforce | PSX | | Taikenban | | SLPM 80161 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MeltyLancer: Re-inforce メルティランサー Re‐inforce | SS | 1.001 | Taikenban (Eve: The Lost One) | | 610-6905 |  |
 | MeltyLancer: Re-inforce (Disc 1) メルティランサー Re-inforce | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01147 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MeltyLancer: Re-inforce (Disc 1) メルティランサー リ・インフォース | SS | 1.001 | Original, Special Edition | | T-15038G, T-15039G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MeltyLancer: Re-inforce (Disc 2) メルティランサー Re-inforce | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01148 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MeltyLancer: Re-inforce (Disc 2) メルティランサー リ・インフォース | SS | 1.001 | Original, Special Edition | | T-15038G, T-15039G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MeltyLancer: Re-inforce (Disc 3) メルティランサー リ・インフォース | SS | 1.001 | Original, Special Edition | | T-15038G, T-15039G | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MeltyLancer: The 3rd Planet (Disc 1) メルティランサー -THE 3rd PLANET- | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 86231 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MeltyLancer: The 3rd Planet (Disc 2) メルティランサー -THE 3rd PLANET- | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 86232 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Memorial Games Series Vol. 4: Langrisser I メモリアルゲームズシリーズ vol.4 ラングリッサーI | PC | | Original | | LRO-010-1 |  |
 | Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 1 メモリアル☆シリーズ ~サンソフトVol.1~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03135 |  |
 | Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 2 メモリアル☆シリーズ ~サンソフトVol.2~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03181 |  |
 | Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 3 メモリアル☆シリーズ ~サンソフトVol.3~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03366 |  |
 | Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 4 メモリアル☆シリーズ ~サンソフトVol.4~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03382 |  |
 | Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 5 メモリアル☆シリーズ ~サンソフトVol.5~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03397 |  |
 | Memorial Series: Sunsoft Vol. 6 メモリアル☆シリーズ ~サンソフトVol.6~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03486 |  |
 | Memorial Song メモリアルソング | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLPS 25144 |  |
 | Memories Off メモリーズオフ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02296 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Memories Off メモリーズオフ | PSP | 1.02 | Original | | ULJM 05334 |  |
 | Memories Off #5 Encore メモリーズオフ#5 アンコール | PS2 | 1.00 | Soundtrack Doukonban | | SLPM 66791 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Memories Off #5 Encore メモリーズオフ#5 encore | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | ULJM 05527 |  |
 | Memories Off #5: Togireta Film メモリーズオフ#5 とぎれたフィルム | PS2 | 1.01 | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPM 66146 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Memories Off #5: Togireta Film メモリーズオフ#5 とぎれたフィルム | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJM 05394 |  |
 | Memories Off #5: Togireta Film メモリーズオフ#5 とぎれたフィルム | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPM 66147 |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd メモリーズオフ 2nd | PSP | 1.02 | Original, 2800 Selection | | ULJM 05335 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Memories Off 2nd メモリーズオフ セカンド | DC | 2.000 | Shokai Genteiban | | T-19708M |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd (Disc 1) メモリーズオフ セカンド | PSX | | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPS 03289 |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd (Disc 1) メモリーズオフ セカンド | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03292 |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd (Disc 2) メモリーズオフ セカンド | PSX | | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPS 03290 |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd (Disc 2) メモリーズオフ セカンド | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03293 |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd (Disc 3) (Making Disc) メモリーズオフ セカンド | PSX | | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPS 03291 |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd Complete Box (Disc 7) (All About Memories Off 2nd) | PC | | Original | | SCDC-00306 |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd: Making Disc メモリーズオフ セカンド | DC | 1.002 | Shokai Genteiban | | T-19708M |  |
 | Memories Off 2nd: Promotion Disc メモリーズオフ セカンド | DC | 1.001 | Genteiban | | T-19705M |  |
 | Memories Off 6 Complete メモリーズオフ6 Complete | PS3 | 01.02 | Original | | BLJM 61033 |  |
 | Memories Off 6: Next Relation メモリーズオフ6 Next Relation | PS2 | 1.01 | Limited Edition | | SLPM 55197 |  |
 | Memories Off 6: T-Wave メモリーズオフ 6 T-Wave | PS2 | 1.00 | Limited Edition | | SLPM 66988 |  |