Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
 | Rummel & Rabalder: Jakten på Kapten Hanssons Guld | PC | 1.1 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Rummel & Rabalder: Dr. Franks Mask | PC | 1.1 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Restricted Area | PC | 1.09 | Original | | |  |
 | The Rule of Games (Disc B) 게임의 법칙 도전5 | PC | | Original | | SRRD-1451 |  |
 | The Rule of Games (Disc A) 게임의 법칙 도전5 | PC | | Original | | SRRD-1450 |  |
 | Reader Rabbit: Learn to Read with Phonics: Preschool & Kindergarten | PC | 1.11 | Original | | 380848-CD |  |
 | Rayman 2: The Great Escape / Hype: The Time Quest / Tonic Trouble | PC | | | | 5051860 |  |
 | Rise of Flight: The First Great Air War | PC | 1.021b | Free2Play Edition | | |  |
 | Rebel Moon Rising | PC | 1.1 | Original | | 04-12309CD |  |
 | Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Road Construction Ahead | PC | 1.0 | Software of the Month Club | | 255K200 |  |
 | R-Tuned: Ultimate Street Racing R改 アルティメイト ストリート レーシング | LINDBERGH | 1.000 | Lindbergh Yellow | | DVP-0060 |  |
 | Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa | PC | | Original | | NCS-TR-DVD01 |  |
 | Railroad Tycoon 2 / Fly! / Jazz Jackrabbit 2 | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Red Faction | PC | | Demo | | |  |
 | Re-Volt | PC | 1.3-L | Tsunami Visual (Arcade) | | |  |
 | Rollin 2+3 | PC | | Original | | SP1002 |  |
 | Robinson | PC | | KappAhl | | 901140C |  |
 | Robinson | PC | | Original | | 901112C |  |
 | Riding Star: Die Simulation rund um den Reitsport | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Reading Blaster: Ages 4-6: Stage 2 | PC | 1.0 C | | | |  |
 | Reader Rabbit and Friends: Let's Start Learning! Ages 2-5 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Reader Rabbit 2 Deluxe! | PC | | | | |  |
 | Read, Write & Type! | PC | 1.0 | | | |  |
 | Richard Scarry's Busiest Neighborhood Ever | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 0206 Part No. X11-91186-01 |  |
 | Rally Championship 2002 | PC | | Gold Games 6 | | |  |
 | Rozovaya Pantera: Fokus-Pokus Розовая Пантера: Фокус-Покус | PC | 1.1 Build 1553 | Original | | |  |
 | Red Seeds Profile レッド シーズ プロファイル | XBOX360 | | Original | | MV-2001 |  |
 | R.U.S.E. ルーズ | XBOX360 | | Original | | US-2038 |  |
 | Rayman | PC | 1.12 | PC Best Buy | | 900527 |  |
 | Richard Scarry's Best Neighborhood Ever Richard Scarry's Best Neighborhood Disc Ever! | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Robbie Konijn Engels voor Kids | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Redcat Kleuter | PC | 1.0.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rayman Junior: Rekenen en Lezen | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Robbie Konijn Peuter: Sprankelsterren in Nood! | PC | 4.2 | Original | | KLB3754AT |  |
 | Robbie Konijn Groep 3 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Riviera: Yakusoku no Chi: Special Edition Riviera ~約束の地リヴィエラ~ | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJM 05283 |  |
 | Ragnarok Online | PC | | Audio CD Bundle | | SSCX 10091A |  |
 | Routes Portable ルーツ ポータブル | PSP | 1.03 | Kinou Genteiban | | ULJS 00094 |  |
 | Reader's Digest Multimedia Crosswords Volume 1 / Mayo Clinic Family Health Book / Selections from The Kidstory Series / Jump Start Kindergarten Demo | PC | | Bundle Version OEM | | 170306 |  |
 | Romeo & Juliet ロミオ&ジュリエット | PSP | 1.02 | Original | | ULJM 06360 |  |
 | Rat Hunter (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rat Hunter (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rome: Total War: Gold Edition ローマ:トータルウォー 日本語完全版 | PC | | Original | | 673-04400 |  |
 | Rome: Total War: Barbarian Invasion ローマ:トータルウォー 拡張キット バーバリアン・インヴェイジョン | PC | 1.6 | Original | | 673-04398 |  |
 | Rome: Total War (Disc 3) ローマ:トータルウォー | PC | 1.1 | Original | | KOEI-19692C |  |
 | Rome: Total War (Disc 2) ローマ:トータルウォー | PC | 1.1 | Original | | KOEI-19692B |  |
 | Rome: Total War (Disc 1) ローマ:トータルウォー | PC | 1.1 | Original | | KOEI-19692A |  |
 | Routes Portable ルーツ ポータブル | PSP | 1.03 | AquaPrice 2800 | | ULJM 05481 |  |
 | R-15 Portable R-15 ぽーたぶる | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJM 05960 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | RTL Winter Games 2007 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Ren'ai Banchou: Inochi Mijikashi, Koi seyo Otome! Love is Power 恋愛番長 命短し、恋せよ乙女! Love is Power | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJM 05742 |  |
 | Rulers of Nations: Geo-Political Simulator 2 Politik Simulator 2: Rulers of Nations | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Restaurant Empire II | PC | 1.001 | Purple Hills | | |  |
 | Rush For Berlin | PC | 1.23 | Best Games | | 00060424-01 |  |
 | RefRain: Prism Memories | PC | | Original | | PNB-002 |  |
 | Ranshima Monogatari: Lair Land Story: Shoujo no Yakujou 蘭島物語 レアランドストーリー 少女の約定 | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | ULJM 05387 |  |
 | Rescue 2013: Helden des Alltags (Bonus DVD) | PC | | Collector's Edition | | |  |
 | Rescue 2013: Helden des Alltags | PC | | Collector's Edition | | |  |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj 3: Kurortnyj roman (Disc 2) Рандеву с незнакомкой 3: Курортный роман | PC | | Rerelease | | RUSSOBIT-M 2004/427 |  |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj 3: Kurortnyj roman (Disc 1) Рандеву с незнакомкой 3: Курортный роман | PC | | Rerelease | | RUSSOBIT-M 2004/426 |  |
 | Rekenen met Muntje | PC | | Original | | 10 |  |
 | RedCat Taal: De Woeste Woordenbrij | PC | | Original | | MMICDR 5519 |  |
 | RedCat Rekenen: De Razende Rekenrace | PC | | Original | | MMICDR 5517 |  |
 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (Disc 3) | PC | 1.0.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Radio 538 en Microsoft Game Studios | PC | | | | |  |
 | RPG Tkool Dante98 II RPGツクール Dante98Ⅱ | PC-98 | | Original | | |  |
 | Re-No: Stayin' Alive レノ・スティンアライブ | PC-98 | | Original | | 21D-2064 |  |
 | Rommel Soukou Shidan 1941: Operation Crusader ロンメル装甲師団 1941 OPERATION CRUSADER | PC | | Original | | GLA-00170 |  |
 | Rise of Nations | PC | | Original | | 0203 Artikelnr. X09-35405 DE |  |
 | Rise of Nations | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rymdjakten | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rebellions: Secret Game 2nd Stage リベリオンズ Secret Game 2nd Stage | PSP | 1.01 | Shokai Genteiban | | ULJM 06253 |  |
 | Real War Real War: Air, Land, Sea | PC | | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Rabota dlya robota (Disc 2) Работа для робота | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rabota dlya robota (Disc 1) Работа для робота | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Roland Garros 2000 Ролан Гаррос | PC | | 1C: Igroteka | | |  |
 | Red Light Tycoon Rotlicht Tycoon | PC | | Ludonic Blue Label | | 8032853240168 |  |
 | RalliSport Challenge (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 0802 Part No. X08-90450 |  |
 | Rise of Trump | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Runes of Magic: Sonsuz Macera | PC | | Covermount | | |  |
 | Rise 2: Resurrection | PC | 0.53 | Windows 95 | | |  |
 | Risk Risiko | PSX | | Software Pyramide | | SLES-00707 … |  |
 | Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins | PC | 1.2 | Shareware | | PSC014 |  |
 | Rising Force Online | PC | | Original | | MRF1CDEU00 |  |
 | Rocksmith | XBOX360 | | Bundled with Real Tone Cable (Best Buy Exclusive Edition) | | US-2163 |  |
 | Rangers Football Coach Rangers Football Coach: Season 2001-2002 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rio: Minigames | PC | | Nestlé | | |  |
 | Rio: DJ | PC | | Nestlé | | |  |
 | Rocket Mania! Deluxe | PC | 1.02 | Original | | |  |
 | Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (Disc 2) | PC | | Ubisoft Exclusive | | |  |
 | Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (Disc 1) | PC | | Ubisoft Exclusive | | |  |
 | Redneck Rampage | PC | 1.01 | Serie MAX | | |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon | PC | 1.08.172 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Rocket Science Game Sampler | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends | PC | | Demo | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Mystic Forest (Disc 2) | PC | 1.4 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Mystic Forest (Disc 1) | PC | 1.4 | Original | | |  |
 | Rugby League Live 2: World Cup Edition | XBOX360 | | | | HE-2009 |  |
 | Road & Track Presents: The Need for Speed SE | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Remute 3D | 3DO | | Unlicensed | | |  |
 | Railroad Tycoon 3 (Play Disc) | PC | 1.00 | PC Best Buy | | 181005-2 |  |
 | Railroad Tycoon 3 (Install Disc) | PC | 1.00 | PC Best Buy | | 181005-1 |  |
 | Ryoujoku Costume Play 凌辱コスチュームプレイ | PC | | Taikenban | | |  |
 | Rocksmith | XBOX360 | | Bundled with Real Tone Cable | | US-2163 |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Мир Аттракционов | PC | 2.01.028 | DeLuxe Edition | | |  |
 | Raptor: Call of the Shadows | PC | 1.2 | Mail-Order | | |  |
 | Ryouki no Ori: Dai-2-shou 猟奇の檻 第2章 | PC-98 | | Original | | NPC-9001 |  |
 | Rose Guns Days: Last Season ローズガンズデイズ ラストシーズン | PC | 1.007 | Original | | |  |
 | Rock of the Dead | XBOX360 | | Original | | UO-2004 |  |
 | Rise of Nations: Thrones & Patriots | PC | | Demo | | |  |
 | Rayman Ultimate | PPC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Revolyucionnyj kvest Революционный квест | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Casino: Championship Edition | PC | 1.6 | Original | | |  |
 | Rocket Jockey | PC | 1.01 | Demo | | |  |
 | Retruco 3D | PC | | Versión Especial | | BJB000523 |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 Deluxe Edition | PC | | MAD | | 136 MT v.1.A - MTC000496-D |  |
 | Rom Factory: Kid Fun No. 7 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Kid Fun No. 6 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Kid Fun No. 5 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Kid Fun No. 2 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Road Rash | PC | | Demo | | |  |
 | Rock Band: Country Track Pack 2 | XBOX360 | | Original | | EA-2348 |  |
 | Rom Factory: Action No. 8 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Action No. 7 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Action No. 6 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Action No. 5 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Action No. 4 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Action No. 3 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Action No. 2 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Action No. 1 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Return to Mysterious Island 2 | PC | 1.06 | Original | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Mega Play No. 5: Arcade Classics | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Mega Play No. 3 | PC | | | | |  |
 | RSPB Birds of Britain & Ireland | PPC | 1.3 | Original | | |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 ローラーコースタータイクーン3 | PC | | Best Selection of Games | | FB144W000A10 |  |
 | Rivka Teaches Hebrew | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Kid Fun No. 3 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rage of Mages II: Necromancer | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Red Faction (Disc 1) (Installation Disc) | PC | 1.00 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Rom Factory: Mega Play No. 8: Strategic-Games | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rond de Wereld met Jommeke: Jommeke in India | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rond de Wereld met Jommeke: Jommeke in Amazonië | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rayman Origins | XBOX360 | | Kollekcionnoe izdanie | | US-2180 |  |
 | Rumble Roses | PS2 | 1.01 | Sample | | SLKA 25234 |  |
 | Real Bass Fishing: Top Angler 리얼 배스 피싱: 탑 앵글러 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLKA 25034 |  |
 | Red Faction (Disc 2) (Multiplayer Disc) | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Red Faction (Disc 1) (Installation Disc) | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Runaway: The Dream of the Turtle | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rexue Bangqiu 熱血棒球 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Red Faction (Disc 2) | MAC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Reader Rabbit 1st Grade: Capers on Cloud Nine! + Kid Pix Deluxe 3 Reader Rabbit 1st Grade: Ages 5-7 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 811180A-EP1 / CU149-01-1003 |  |
 | Revengers Delta 2nd: Soul Reformation リベンジャーズ デルタ2nd ソウルリフォーメーション | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Return of the Phantom | PC | | Player's Choice | | 0-481-40-101 |  |
 | Richard Scarry's wunderbarste Geschichten aus Schaffenau | CDI | | Original | | 813 0016 |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Magnat industrii razvlechenij RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Магнат индустрии развлечений | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Return to Monkey Island (Macintosh Game Disc) | MAC | | Limited Run Games | | |  |
 | Return to Monkey Island (Linux Game Disc) | PC | | Limited Run Games | | |  |
 | Return to Monkey Island (PC Game Disc) | PC | Build 573743 | Limited Run Games | | |  |
 | Record of Lodoss War: The Advent of Cardice ロードス島戦記 邪神降臨 | DC | 2.002 | Original | | T-27903M |  |
 | Rally Trophy: Volvo Cars Special Edition | PC | 1.01 | Original | | RORallyTro0014Lab |  |
 | Romans | PC | 4.0 | Book Bundle | | |  |
 | Rockman X4 ロックマンX4 | PC | | Yuuyuu 1,980 | | |  |
 | Riviera: Yakusoku no Chi: Prelude Disc Riviera ~約束の地リヴィエラ~ prelude disc | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | The Resident Alien | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rome: Le Testament de César | PC | 1.00.58 | Original | | |  |
 | Rance Quest Magnum ランス・クエスト マグナム | PC | 2.00 | Original | | ALS-0074 |  |
 | Renegade Racers | PC | | White Label | | |  |
 | Rise Rise | PC | | C73 Taikenban | | |  |
 | Rhem | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Reah (Disc 6) | PC | | Original | | 04-17771CD6 |  |
 | Reah (Disc 5) | PC | | Original | | 04-17771CD5 |  |
 | Reah (Disc 4) | PC | | Original | | 04-17771CD4 |  |
 | Reah (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | 04-17771CD3 |  |
 | Reah (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 04-17771CD2 |  |
 | Reah (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 04-17771CD1 |  |
 | Rance VI: Collapse of Zeth: Tsuuhan Tokuten Disc: Shibaraku Koko de Yakkai ni Natte mo Ii ka? Rance 6 -collapse of Zeth- 通販特典ディスク -しばらくここでやっかいになってもいいか?- | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 | PC | | Original | | 1006872 |  |
 | Remote Control Dandy: Bangai-hen リモートコントロール ダンディ 番外編 | PSX | | Audio CD Bundle | | SLPM 80475 |  |
 | Rance X: Kessen Rance Ⅹ -決戦- | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0087 |  |
 | Rance VI: Zeth Houkai Rance Ⅵ -ゼス崩壊- | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0055 |  |
 | Rance Quest ランス・クエスト | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0073 |  |
 | Rance IX: Helman Kakumei Rance Ⅸ -ヘルマン革命- | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0079 |  |
 | Rance 5D: Hitoribocchi no Onna no Ko Rance 5D -ひとりぼっちの女の子- | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Rance 03: Leazas Kanraku Rance 03 リーザス陥落 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0083 |  |
 | Rance 01: Hikari o Motomete Rance 01 ー光をもとめてー | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0078 |  |
 | Retail Sampler No. 4 | PSP | 1.01 | Demo | | UCED-00686 … |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Soaked! | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Resident Evil 4 | PC | | Ubisoft Exclusive Adrenaline | | |  |
 | Rita Brentrups Fetch! Ein Hund zum Liebhaben... | PC | | Hall of Game: 4Games Vol. 13 | | CD 60858 |  |
 | Rankou Nyotaizuri 乱交女体釣り | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Ratchet & Clank 2 | PS2 | 1.00 | Demo | | SCED-51878 |  |
 | Robots (Disc 2) | PC | 1.00.0001 | Original | | S1002391 |  |
 | Robots (Disc 1) | PC | 1.00.0001 | Original | | S1002390 |  |
 | Rotlicht Tycoon: Gold Edition | PC | 1.1 | Green Pepper | | |  |
 | Rayman 2: The Great Escape | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Revengers: Seito Dakkan REVENGERS 聖都奪還 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Real Drift: Racing Handle 리얼 드리프트 레이싱 핸들 | PC | | Bundle Version Gammac Real Drift Racing Handle USB Steering Wheel OEM | | |  |
 | Rival Realms | PC | | Demo | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Realm | PC | 3.086 | ECTS Promo | | |  |
 | Rose Guns Days: Season 2 ローズ ガンズ デイズ シーズン2 | PC | 1.007 | Original | | |  |
 | Red Johnson's Chronicles | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rose Guns Days: Season 1 ローズ ガンズ デイズ -season1- | PC | 1.011 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Rise of Flight: The First Great Air War | PC | 1.0 | | | |  |
 | Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad | PC | | Original | | MAMG044 |  |
 | Ryuujin Naga: Zenpen 竜神ナーガ 前編 | PC | 1.01 | Original | | |  |
 | Ringlet リングレット | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Reise nach Nordland: Geschichten aus der Cultures Welt | PC | 1.04 | Green Pepper | | |  |
 | Rhem 1 + Rhem 2 Rhem: 2 in 1 Compilation | PC | | Play Orange | | |  |
 | Ripple リップル | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rayging Blue's: Conflict Warred レイジングブルーズ・コンフリクトワード | PC | C.1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Rinne 輪廻 | PC | | Original | | NW10107190 |  |
 | RedCard | PS2 | 1.00 | Demo | | SLED-50931 |  |
 | Russian Software Volume I | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Revolution: 25th Anniversary Collection (Disc 1) (Revolution Games 1992 - 2010) | PC | | Original | | 1013857L1UKV |  |
 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc | PC | | Kalas Puffar | | 5001863 |  |
 | Ro-Kyu-Bu! Himitsu no Otoshimono ロウきゅーぶ! ひみつのおとしもの | PSP | 1.01 | Genteiban | | ULJS 00588 |  |
 | Robinson Crusoe | PC | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Running Wild | PSX | | Preview | | SLUS 94272 |  |
 | Rosco McQueen | PSX | | Preview | | SCES-00257 |  |
 | RoadQuiz | PC | | Rerelease | | 1826 |  |
 | Robin Hood: Die Legende von Sherwood | PC | 1.0 | Back to Games | | CD 60812 |  |
 | Red Faction: Armageddon レッドファクション:アルマゲドン | XBOX360 | | Original | | TQ-2143 |  |
 | Rim: Battle Planets | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RORIMBATTL0003LAB |  |
 | Ready, Set, Listen! Game | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Red Dead Redemption: Complete Edition (Disc 2) (Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare & Multiplayer) レッド・デッド・リデンプション コンプリート・エディション | XBOX360 | | Original | | TT-2091 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Red Dead Redemption: Complete Edition (Disc 1) (Single Player) レッド・デッド・リデンプション コンプリート・エディション | XBOX360 | | Original | | TT-2091 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Real Deal 2 | PC | | Game On! Family Edition | | PCT01601 |  |
 | Randoseru Shougaku 1-nen ランドセル 小学1年 | PC | | | | GMCD-006A |  |
 | Raku-Raku Internet Game Sites 300+700 らくらくインターネット特集ゲーム300+700 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Roni, doch' razbojnika (Disc 2) (Igrovoj) Рони, дочь разбойника | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | |  |
 | Roni, doch' razbojnika (Disc 1) (Ustanovochnyj) Рони, дочь разбойника | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Złota Edycja | PC | | eXtra Klasyka Next | | |  |
 | Redline Racer / Sub Culture レッドラインレーサー サブカルチャー | PC | | Original | | CA91200-6637 |  |
 | Road to India (Disc 2) | PC | | Back to Games | | CD 60815/2 |  |
 | Road to India (Disc 1) | PC | | Back to Games | | CD 60815/1 |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 | PC | | Rerelease | | Part # 25655CDA |  |
 | Rage (Disc 3) | XBOX360 | | Anarchy Edition | | BS-2028 |  |
 | Relics Anthology レリクス・アンソロジー | PC | | Project EGG | | WR-03151 |  |
 | Reader Rabbit 1: Reading and Phonics | PC | | Smart Saver | | |  |
 | Rome: Total War (Disc 3) | PC | 1.1 | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Rome: Total War (Disc 2) | PC | 1.1 | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Rome: Total War (Disc 1) | PC | 1.1 | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Redneck Rampage | PC | | Original | | CD-ICD-474-0 |  |
 | Rome: Total War: Gold Edition | PC | 1.5 | Green Pepper | | SEGA-PC028-R |  |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj 2 (Disc 1) Рандеву с незнакомкой 2 | PC | Rev 1 | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 063/2000 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ride! Next Generation Equitation | PC | 1.03 | Original | | 16837KX0001 |  |
 | Return to Zork | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rock Manager | PC | | 1C: Originals | | SNOW RM01 0111 IR |  |
 | Record of Rozen War: Alibat: Anecdote of Alice Game アリバト | PC | 1.5 | Original | | PYNP-0013 |  |
 | Rig Racer 2 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Resident Evil 5 | PC | | Pomarańczowa Kolekcja Klasyki | | CENEGA/5623-DVD9/09 |  |
 | RACE 07: Official WTCC Game | PC | 1.1 | Review Kit | | |  |
 | Racing Records | CDI | | Prototype | | |  |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 3) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 1822116 |  |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 1822114 |  |
 | Remember11: The Age of Infinity リメンバー イレブン THE AGE OF INFINITY | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJM 05444 |  |
 | RC DareDevil | PC | 1.0 | Kellogg's Frosties | | |  |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj 3: Kurortnyj roman (Disc 2) Рандеву с незнакомкой 3: Курортный роман | PSX | | Unlicensed | | |  |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj 3: Kurortnyj roman (Disc 1) Рандеву с незнакомкой 3: Курортный роман | PSX | | Unlicensed | | |  |
 | Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins | PC | 1.2 | Original | | |  |
 | Rugby League NRL Stacey Jones Rugby League | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rayman M (Disc 1) | PC | | Ubisoft eXclusive | | |  |
 | RealArcade Games CD RealArcade Version 1.0 with over 40 Game Demos | PC | | | | 51174 |  |
 | Ripper | PC | | Demo | | |  |
 | Rock Manager Gold (Svensk Version) | PC | | Original | | SWELAB |  |
 | Rock Manager Gold (Engelsk Version / Installationsprogram) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Requiem: Avenging Angel レクイエム | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Relics: The Recur of Origin レリクス ザ リカー オブ オリジン | PC | 1.00 | Shokai Genteiban | | WR-00109 |  |
 | RalliSport Challenge (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 0902 Artikelnr. X09-00721 DE | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc | PC | | Kalas Puffar | | 5001862 |  |
 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc | PC | | Kalas Puffar | | 5001861 |  |
 | Ryuuki Denshou Plus 竜機伝承PLUS | PC | | Original | | JSGW60100 |  |
 | Rayman 100 Niveaux | PC | | Pointsoft | | CD1426 |  |
 | Rally Championship Rally Bajnokság | PC | | Original | | CDM 007 |  |
 | Rymden | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Riana Rouge (Disc 3) スプリング・コスモ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Riana Rouge (Disc 2) スプリング・コスモ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Riana Rouge (Disc 1) スプリング・コスモ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rise of the Triad: The HUNT Begins | PC | 1.2a | WizardWorks | | P/N 7083 |  |
 | Resistance: Houfuku no Toki レジスタンス ~報復の刻~ | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | UCJS 10090 |  |
 | Ran Trainer | PC | 2.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rise of the Tomb Raider | XBOX360 | | Original | | SQ-2083 |  |
 | Ragnarok Online: Sakura Romance | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends: Gentei Tokuten Original CD マイクロソフト ライズ オブ ネイション : ライズ オブ レジェンド 限定特典CD | PC | | Pre-Order Bonus | | |  |
 | Rolling Stones Voodoo Lounge CD-ROM ローリング・ストーンズ ヴードゥー・ラウンジ・インタラクティブ | PC | | Original | | TORP-3001 |  |
 | Risk: The Game of World Conquest リスク 皇帝の決断 | PC | | PCHome | | 506-9853 |  |
 | Rugby 06 (Disc 2) | PC | | EA Classics | | EAJ08004956D2 |  |
 | Rugby 06 (Disc 1) | PC | | EA Classics | | EAJ08004956D |  |
 | Revolver360 | PC | 1.000 | Original | | XEGL-0001 |  |
 | Rush Rush Rally Reloaded | DC | 2.000 | Sample | | |  |
 | Robots (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Robots (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Routes PE ルーツ PE | PS2 | 1.02 | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPS 25722 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj 3: Kurortnyj roman (Disc 2) Рандеву с незнакомкой 3: Курортный роман | PC | | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 156/2001 |  |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj 3: Kurortnyj roman (Disc 1) Рандеву с незнакомкой 3: Курортный роман | PC | | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 155/2001 |  |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj: Novye amazonki (Disc 2) (Ustanovochnyj disk) Рандеву с незнакомкой: Новые амазонки | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 5) | PC | | Original | | 1822118 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 4) | PC | | Original | | 1822117 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 1822115 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Return of the Phantom / F-117A | PC | | Original | | CDRM1115420 |  |
 | Das Reich des Drachen | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rage (Disc 2) | XBOX360 | | Anarchy Edition | | BS-2028 |  |
 | Rage (Disc 1) | XBOX360 | | Anarchy Edition | | BS-2028 |  |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj: Versiya 2.0 (Disc 2) Рандеву с незнакомкой: Версия 2.0 | PC | | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 115/2001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Randevu s neznakomkoj: Versiya 2.0 (Disc 1) Рандеву с незнакомкой: Версия 2.0 | PC | | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 114/2001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Rise & Rule of Ancient Empires | PC | 1.01 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Runaway: A Road Adventure | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Reach for the Stars | PC | 1.0 | Original | | FRS844AB-CD |  |
 | Rockman X3 ロックマンX3 | PC | | Original | | CAP.X3-01 |  |
 | Ragnapolice ラグナポリス | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rondo Leaflet: Trial Edition 『ロンド・リーフレット』特典付体験版 | PC | | Taikenban | | |  |
 | Reload | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Reaches | PC | | Original | | 752937-10971 |  |
 | Runaway: A Road Adventure (Disco 1) | PC | | FX Interactive | | IT v2.0 - 1 |  |
 | Rockman X8 (Disc 2) ロックマンX8 | PC | | Original | | CAPPC-01051-2 |  |
 | Rockman X8 (Disc 1) ロックマンX8 | PC | | Original | | CAPPC-01051-1 |  |
 | Rise of the Triad: Dark War | PC | | Original | | CDR2051 |  |
 | RPM Tuning | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rugby Challenge 3 Rugby Challenge 3: Wallabies Edition | XBOX360 | | Original | | HE-2011 |  |
 | Regina Halmichs Boxmanager | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Retribution | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Railroad Tycoon Deluxe | PC | | Powerplus | | PPX90166DO1R |  |
 | R.U.S.E. | PC | | Original | | 300030585 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Rebirth Moon リバース ムーン | PS2 | 1.09 | Genteiban | | SLPM 66142 |  |
 | Rilakkuma: Ojama shite masu 2-shuukan リラックマ ~おじゃましてます2週間~ | PS2 | 1.03 | Shokai Gentei Nuigurumi Pack | | SLPM 62679 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Rogue Ops | XBOX | | Beta | | |  |
 | Robinson Crusoe | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rockman X5 ロックマンX5 | PC | | Sourcenext Selection | | |  |
 | Redline Racer | PC | | Bundle Version Packard Bell OEM | | 6723090200 |  |
 | Rent-A-Hero (Disc 2) | PC | 3.2 | | | |  |
 | Rent-A-Hero (Disc 1) | PC | 3.2 | | | |  |
 | Road Adventures USA (Disc 3) | PC | | | | TRA744AE-CD3 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Road Adventures USA (Disc 2) | PC | | | | TRA744AE-CD2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Road Adventures USA (Disc 1) | PC | | | | TRA744AE-CD1 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Roots: Blood Knight Sion | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Retro Micro Games Action eMag: Volumes 1-3 | PC | | Original | | eIMA033 |  |
 | Retro Gamer eMag Load 03 | PC | | Original | | eIMA031 |  |
 | Rebels: Prison Escape (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Ryuuou Sangoku Engi 龍王三國演義 | PC | | Original | | RON002 |  |
 | Reel Deal Poker Challenge! | PC | 1.0 | | | |  |
 | Rome: Caesar's Will Rome, Caesar's Will | PC | 1.02.00 | | | |  |
 | Revista Player 18 | PC | | | | |  |
 | The Residents: Bad Day on the Midway | PC | | | | |  |
 | Rhodan: Myth of the Illochim Perry Rhodan: Myth of the Illochim | PC | 1.0 | | | ECD900081D |  |
 | Il Ritorno del Pirata Barbanera Le nuovissime avventure del nostro simpatico amico | PC | | Microforum | | |  |
 | Road to India: Between Hell and Nirvana (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 67202302 |  |
 | Road to India: Between Hell and Nirvana (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 67202202 |  |
 | Ragnarok Battle Offline: Extra Scenario Vol.1 ラグナロクバトルオフライン追加シナリオVol.1 | PC | 1 | Original | | FBCD-007 |  |
 | Rockett's First Dance Rockett's First Dance: Episode 4 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Reign of Fire | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLKA 25011 |  |
 | Riverworld Philip José Farmer's Riverworld | PC | | | | RIV-CD |  |
 | Rowan's Battle of Britain | PC | | | | |  |
 | Refrain Dream リフレイン・ドリーム | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Re-Loaded | PC | | Original | | CD-ICD-352-0 |  |
 | Razrushitel' totemov Разрушитель тотемов | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Casino: Gold Rush (Disc 2) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Casino: Gold Rush (Disc 1) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Bonus Mania! (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Bonus Mania! (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Blackbeard's Revenge (Disc 2) | PC | 1.3 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Blackbeard's Revenge (Disc 1) | PC | 1.3 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Blackbeard's Revenge (Disc 2) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Blackbeard's Revenge (Disc 1) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Casino: Millionaire's Club (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Casino: Millionaire's Club (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Mystic Forest (Disc 2) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Mystic Forest (Disc 1) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Ghost Town (Disc 2) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Ghost Town (Disc 1) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Really Cool Arcade Games | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rune Руна | PC | 1.04 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Replicore | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Roller Coaster World Deluxe | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rally Trophy | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rally Championship Xtreme | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | RIP | PC | | Original | | ALT0220 |  |
 | Raman of Tenali | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rayman Beshenye Kroliki 2 Rayman Бешеные Кролики 2 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rockman X7 록맨 X7 | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLKA 25115 |  |
 | Robotech: Battlecry 로보텍: 배틀크라이 | PS2 | 1.03 | Original | | SLKA 25044 |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots & Video Poker | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Riverboat Casino | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rise of Nations: Gold Edition (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 0604 Part No. X10-66520 |  |
 | Rush Rush Rally Reloaded | DC | | Special Edition, Unlicensed | | WG-21021-EU |  |
 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0.0 | Original | | 5002480 |  |
 | RTL Skispringen 2004 RTL Ski Jumping 2004 | PC | 1.42 | Original | | |  |
 | Rage Rally | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rolling Marbles | PC | 1.05 | Grabit | | GDL056 |  |
 | The Real Car Simulator "R": Nissan Edition ザ リアル カー シミュレーター “R” NISSAN Edition | PC | | Original | | MKW-125 |  |
 | Redline Racer | PC | 1.00.000 | Original | | CA40700-C269 |  |
 | Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc | PC | 1.0 | Hits Collection | | RHH854BF-DVD |  |
 | Retro Gamer: Volume Two Issue Five The Ultimate 2D Shoot-Em-Up Collection | PC | | | | |  |
 | Retro Gamer: Volume Two Issue Four The Elder Scrolls: Arena | PC | | | | |  |
 | Retro Gamer: Volume Two Issue Three 105 Essential Emulators | PC | | | | |  |
 | Retro Gamer: Volume Two Issue Two The Ur-Quan Masters | PC | | | | |  |
 | Retro Gamer: Volume Two Issue One Amiga Forever | PC | | | | |  |
 | Retro Gamer: Issue Eleven Durell: Big 40 Hits | PC | | | | |  |
 | Restricted Area (Disc 3) | PC | 1.09 | Original | | |  |
 | Razvivajka dlya doshkolyat Развивайка для дошколят | PC | 1.1 | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 2004/547 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Refuze: Ataka braka REFUZE. Атака брака | PC | 1.0 (build 331) | Original | | |  |
 | Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa | PC | 1.2.2000 | Original | | TR-RUSS-DVD-JC |  |
 | Ravensburger Interactive Demo Sampler 4: Young Edition | PC | | Demo | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Rückkehr nach Krondor (Disc 2) Raymond E. Feist's Rückkehr nach Krondor | PC | 1.00.6 (DE) | Drachenfeuer und andere Legenden | | S0022309 |  |
 | Rückkehr nach Krondor (Disc 1) Raymond E. Feist's Rückkehr nach Krondor | PC | 1.00.6 (DE) | Drachenfeuer und andere Legenden | | S0022308 |  |
 | Random House Puzzles & Games: Crosswords | PC | | Cosmi | | DPJ733D1 |  |
 | De Rode Ridder: Gebroken Kracht | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Ryuuki Denshou 2 竜機伝承2 | PC | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Revolution X | PC | 1.16 | Original | | |  |
 | Rapid Gunner: Tactical Shooter | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Rage of Mages II: Necromancer | PC | | CCCP Russian Collection | | PF5006 |  |
 | Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots | PC | | Original | | 0304 Artikelnr. X10-42231 DE |  |
 | Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown (Disc 2) (Spiel) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Robin Hood: Defender of the Crown (Disc 1) (Installation) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Railroad Tycoon 3 (Play) | PC | 1.00 | Software Pyramide | | |  |
 | The Return of Ishtar イシターの復活 | PC | | Ultra 2000/Ultra Series | | MKW-216 |  |
 | Rollerbot: Time Journey | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rayman | PC | | Back to Games | | CD1066 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Rowan's Battle of Britain | PC | | Xplosiv | | EI-1244 EUROPEAN |  |
 | Rallo Gump | PC | | Original | | SPI005 |  |
 | Ravensburger Interactive Demo CD-ROM | PC | | Demo | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ragnarok Online (Disc 2) (E'pizod 10.1) Рагнарок Онлайн | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Ragnarok Online (Disc 1) (E'pizod 10.1) Рагнарок Онлайн | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Ragnarok Online | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Re-Volt | XBOX | | Xbox Live Beta Starter Kit | | XL-008 |  |
 | Runaway: A Road Adventure (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Runaway: A Road Adventure (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Runaway: A Road Adventure (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rolex Collection Manual 世界の腕時計 ロレックス | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | FZ-YPE0702 |  |
 | Restaurant Empire | PC | 1.21 | Original | | |  |
 | Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure | PC | 2.0 | Single CD-ROM Release | | |  |
 | Ravage D.C.X (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | WEA#:70030 |  |
 | Ravage D.C.X (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | WEA#:70030 |  |
 | Rise of the Argonauts | PC | | Original | | MARGOCDUS00 |  |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst | PC | 1.0 | Demo | | |  |
 | Record of Lodoss War II: Goshiki no Maryuu ロードス島戦記Ⅱ ~五色の魔竜~ | PC | 1.00 | Windows 95 Remake Version | | |  |
 | Record of Lodoss War: Haiiro no Majo ロードス島戦記 灰色の魔女 | PC | 1.01a | Windows 95 Remake Version | | |  |
 | RaidersSphere レイダーズ・スフィア | PC | | | | |  |
 | Reading & Phonics | PC | | | | |  |
 | Root Double: Before Crime * After Days: Xtend Edition ルートダブル ビフォー クライム アフター デイズ Xtend edition | PS3 | 01.03 | Shokai Genteiban | | BLJM 61100 |  |
 | Rabbids Invasion: The Interactive TV Show | XBOX360 | | Original | | US-2256 |  |
 | Rayman Uczy Matmy i Polaka | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rudingard no Hikari ルディンガルドの光 | PC | | Original | | FLAME-001 |  |
 | RTL Biathlon 2009 Biathlon 2009 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | realMyst リアル ミスト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | MRD-8580 |  |
 | Rapala Tournament Fishing! | XBOX360 | | Original | | AV-2027 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Revenant (Disc B) 魔鬼英豪 | PC | 1.00M | Original | | |  |
 | Revenant (Disc A) 魔鬼英豪 | PC | 1.00M | Original | | |  |
 | Restaurant Empire | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Reading & Phonics | PC | | | | |  |
 | Roman Reine (Disc B) ロマンレーヌ | PC | | Original | | KIRZ14 |  |
 | Roman Reine (Disc A) ロマンレーヌ | PC | | Original | | KIRZ13 |  |
 | Racquet Sports ラケット スポーツ | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJM 60320 |  |
 | Rock 'N' Roll | PC | | Miço'dan Süper Bilgisayar Oyunları | | |  |
 | Rabid Helix ラビッドヘリックス | PC | | Original | | WIC-5694 |  |
 | Roland Garros 2000 | PC | | Covermount | | |  |
 | Reading Blaster Vocabulary | PC | 2.0c | Rerelease | | S02198 |  |
 | Rise of Nightmares | XBOX360 | | Original | | SE-2118 |  |
 | Rewrite リライト | PS3 | 01.02 | Original | | BLJM 61259 |  |
 | Rome: Total War | PC | | Demo | | 32809.101.US | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Resident Evil | PSX | | Demo | | SLED-00406 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Roller Coaster Factory | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | RollerCoaster Tycoon World | PC | | Deluxe Edition | | RTL3854AT-DISC |  |
 | Rhem Trilogy: La Sfida | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | RISC World: Volume 6 Issue 6 April 2006 | ARCH | | Original | | |  |
 | Les Royaumes D'Amalur: Reckoning | XBOX360 | | Original | | EA-2366 |  |
 | Railroad Tycoon 2 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time | PS3 | 01.00 | Original, Essentials, Platinum | | BCES-00748 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | RISC Domain: Issue Two: December 2001 | ARCH | | | | |  |
 | RISC Domain: Issue Two: December 2001 | ARCH | | | | |  |
 | Revelation 2: CD Edition | ARCH | 2.50 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal: Casino Quest! Reel Deal: Casino Master | PC | 1.0 | Champion's Choice | | P/N 61065-CD-03 |  |
 | Ridge Racer 7 릿지 레이서 7 | PS3 | 01.00 | BigHit Series | | BCKS 10039 |  |
 | Record of Agarest War 2 아가레스트 전기 2 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLKS 20300 |  |
 | Record of Agarest War 아가레스트 전기 | PS3 | 01.00 | Original, BigHit Series | | BLKS 20063 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Robaki 3D | PC | 1.3 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Rhythm: Koi no Rhythm: Shinc Renewal Rhythm 恋の律動(りずむ) ー Shinc Renewal - | PC | | Original | | WIC-5813 |  |
 | Renkinjutsu no Musume: Alchemic Girl 錬金術の娘 ALCHEMIC GIRL | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Rakuen Meikyuu PET 楽園迷宮PET | PC | | Original | | JSP-013 |  |
 | La Rana e lo Scorpione La Rana e lo Scorpione: Una favola e tanti giochi educativi per i più piccoli | PC | | Microforum | | |  |
 | Reader Rabbit's Thinking Adventures Ages 4-6 (Disc 1) (Thinking Adventures Ages 4-6) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RTG744AE-CD1 |  |
 | Reader Rabbit's Math Ages 4-6 | PC | 3.0 | Original | | RMB744AE-CD |  |
 | Rogue Galaxy 로그 갤럭시 | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SCKA 30005 |  |
 | Rayman Origins | XBOX360 | | Original | | US-2180 |  |
 | Rage of Mages II: Necromancer | PC | | Covermount | | |  |
 | Reel Deal: Casino Quest! Reel Deal: Casino Master | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Mystic Forest (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Mystic Forest (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Return to Zork | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Return to Zork | PC | 1.2 | Original | | CDD-3034-04-3 |  |
 | Rasetsu 2 (Disc 2) 羅刹 弐 | PC | | Original | | KGD-04021 |  |
 | Rasetsu 2 (Disc 3) 羅刹 弐 | PC | | Original | | KGD-04022 |  |
 | Rasetsu 2 (Disc 1) 羅刹 弐 | PC | | Original | | KGD-04020 |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Ghost Town (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Reel Deal Slots: Ghost Town (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |