Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou vs. Zeon DX ~ Mobile Suit Gundam: The Earth Federation vs. The Principality of Zeon Deluxe 機動戦士ガンダム 連邦VS.ジオンDX | NAOMI | 1.000 | Original | | GDL-0006 |  |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Renpou vs. Zeon 機動戦士ガンダム 連邦vs.ジオン | NAOMI | 1.000 | Original | | GDL-0001 |  |
 | La Keyboard Laキーボードュ | NAOMI | 1.004 | Original | | GDS-0017 |  |
 | Kinnikuman: Muscle Grand Prix 2 キン肉マン マッスルグランプリ2 | NS246 | | Original | | KN2 |  |
 | Kidou Senshi Z Gundam: AEUG vs. Titans DX 機動戦士Zガンダム エゥーゴVS.ティターンズDX | NS246 | | Original | | ZDX1 DVD0 |  |
 | Kidou Senshi Z Gundam: AEUG vs. Titans 機動戦士Zガンダム エゥーゴVS.ティターンズ | NS246 | | Original | | ZGA1 DVD0 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam 機動戦士ガンダム ガンダムvs.ガンダム | NS246 | 1.01 | Original | | GVS1 DVD0B | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. 機動戦士ガンダムシード ~連合vs.Z.A.F.T.~ | NS246 | | Original | | SED1 DVD0 |  |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed Destiny: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. II 機動戦士ガンダムシード デスティニー ~連合vs.Z.A.F.T.Ⅱ~ | NS246 | | Original | | GSD1 DVD0 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kids Can Read! Thomas' Snowsuit: R. Munsch | VIS | | Original | | 25-6129 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! The Tale of Peter Rabbit: Beatrix Potter | VIS | | Original | | 25-6125 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! The Tale of Benjamin Bunny: Beatrix Potter | VIS | | Original | | 25-6126 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! The Paper Bag Princess: Robert N. Munsch | VIS | | Original | | 25-6127 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! The Night Before Christmas: Clement C. Moore LLD | VIS | | Original | | 25-6135 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! Scary Poems for Rotten Kids written by Sean O Huigin | VIS | | Original | | 25-6130 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! Mud Puddle: Robert N. Munsch | VIS | | Original | | 25-6128 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! Moving Gives Me a Stomach Ache: Story by Heather McKend | VIS | | Original | | 25-6134 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! Heather Hits Her First Home Run by Ted Planos | VIS | | Original | | 25-6133 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! Cinderella: The Original Fairy Tale | VIS | | Original | | 25-6131 |  |
 | Kids Can Read! Aesop's Fables | VIS | | Original | | 25-6136 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kids Can Read! A Long Hard Day at the Ranch: Audrey Nelson | VIS | | Original | | 25-6132 |  |
 | Kid-Fun | VIS | | Original | | 25-6164 |  |
 | King Arthur: Legends of Saxon Conquest and Medieval Chivalry | ARCH | 1.12 | Original | | |  |
 | Kaplan Mobile SAT·ACT / PSAT 2005 Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions Mobile SAT·ACT / PSAT 2005 | PALM | | Original | | 531-1004-10 |  |
 | Kosuke Fujishima World: Megami Kourin: Ah! My Goddess Special Vol. 1 KOSUKE FUJISHIMA WORLD 女神降臨 AH! MY GODDESS SPECIAL VOL.1 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | |  |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 9: World Tour コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.9 「世界の旅」 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.908318-9 |  |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 8: Colorful Color コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.8 「カラフルカラー」 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.908311-4 |  |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 5: Flowers コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.5 「花」 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.908315-5 |  |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 3: USA コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.3 「アメリカ」 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.908312-2 |  |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 2: Marine コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.2 「海」 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.908316-3 |  |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 16: Apollo Mission コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.16 "アポロ計画" | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.914347-0 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 15: U.S. Fighters コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.15 「U.S. FIGHTERS」 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.914348-8 |  |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 14: Landscape of America コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.14 「アメリカの風景」 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.913935-3 |  |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 13: NOAA コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.13 NOAA | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.913934-6 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 12: Space Shuttle コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.12 スペースシャトル | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.909739-5 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 11: NASA コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.11 NASA | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.909738-7 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kodak Sampler with Film: No. 10: Landscape コダックフォトCDサンプラーウイズフィルム No.10 「風景」 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.908319-7 |  |
 | Kodak Photo CD: Discover Photo CD | PHOTO-CD | Version 2 | Original | | DCI-304 |  |
 | Kodak Photo CD: Discover Photo CD | PHOTO-CD | Version 1 | Original | | |  |
 | Kodak Photo CD Portable Player Demo Disc | PHOTO-CD | | Photo CD Hardware Bundle | | |  |
 | Kodak Photo CD Photo Sampler | PHOTO-CD | 2.0 | Original | | PART NO. 15-1010-01 |  |
 | Kodak Photo CD Photo Sampler | PHOTO-CD | | Bundle Version Macintosh OEM | | PART NO. 15-1010-01 |  |
 | Kodak Photo CD Access Software & Photo Sampler | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | PART NO. P10071 |  |
 | Kodak Photo CD Access Software & Photo Sampler | PHOTO-CD | | Bundle Version Sony OEM | | CDRM1071380, PART NO. 15-1132-01 |  |
 | Kodak Photo CD Access Plus Software & Photo Sampler II コダック アクセスプラス | PHOTO-CD | 2.0.1 | Original | | Part No. 002-02 |  |
 | Kawasaki: 1999 Good Times Photo CD | PHOTO-CD | | | | |  |
 | Klax | AJCD | | Unlicensed (CD-R) | | |  |
 | Kursbuch Gesundheit | CDI | | Original | | 813 0113 |  |
 | Die Kunstschätze der Russischen Zaren | CDI | | Original | | 813 0051 |  |
 | De Kunstschatten van Rusland | CDI | | Original, For Demonstration Only | | 814 0024 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kulturbergnaturtal: Eine Tirolreise auf CD-i | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Krys: Conseils et Demonstration Interactifs No 1 | CDI | | | | |  |
 | De Krijtjesfabriek | CDI | | Original | | 814 0105 |  |
 | Kosmografie | CDI | | Original | | 819 0101 |  |
 | Koninklijke Luchtmacht | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Know Now: Module 2 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Klik | CDI | | Unlicensed | | 810 0069 |  |
 | Klantenservice | CDI | | For Demonstration Only | | 8180077 |  |
 | Kiss | CDI | 1.07 | Original | | 811 0047 |  |
 | Kiss | CDI | 1.04 | Beta | | 811 0047 |  |
 | Kingdom: The Far Reaches | CDI | | Original | | 310690262-2 |  |
 | Kingdom: The Far Reaches | CDI | 1.03 | Original | | 810 0252 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ein Kind Entsteht: A Child is Born | CDI | | Original | | 813 0089 |  |
 | Kid's Geography 지구마을 여행 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | De Keyn Interactive | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Kether | CDI | | Demonstration Disc | | 310-690-275-2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kether | CDI | | Original | | 310690275-2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kether | CDI | 1.05 | Original | | 814 0100 |  |
 | Kether | CDI | 2.01 | Original | | 813 0100 |  |
 | Kether | CDI | 3.11 | Original | | 810 0128 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kether | CDI | 3.09 | Original | | 810 0128, 815 0100 |  |
 | Kether | CDI | 3.08 | TESTING - PHASE 1 | | 8120067 |  |
 | Keeping Customers Cool | CDI | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Keeping Customers Cool | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Keep the Faith: An Evening with Bon Jovi (Disc 2) | CDI | | Original | | 310690294-2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Keep the Faith: An Evening with Bon Jovi (Disc 1) | CDI | | Original | | 310690294-2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Keep the Faith: An Evening with Bon Jovi (Disc 2) | CDI | | Original | | 810 2003, 810 2012 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Keep the Faith: An Evening with Bon Jovi (Disc 2) | CDI | | Original | | 810 2012 |  |
 | Keep the Faith: An Evening with Bon Jovi (Disc 1) | CDI | | Original | | 810 2011 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Keep the Faith: An Evening with Bon Jovi (Disc 1) | CDI | | Original | | 810 2011 |  |
 | Kathy Smith: Personal Trainer | CDI | | Original | | 310690049-2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kathy Smith: Personal Trainer | CDI | 1.08 | Original | | 810 0209 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Karaoke: Noël Christmas Weihnachten Navidad | CDI | | Original | | 812 0120 |  |
 | Karaoke Vol. 3 | CDI | | Original | | 814 0062 |  |
 | Karaoke Vol. 2 | CDI | | Original | | 814 0072 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Karaoke Vol. 1 Karaoke | CDI | | Original | | 814 0069 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Karaoke Voetbal | CDI | 1.02 | Original | | 810 0975 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Karaoke Schlager 2 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke Party | CDI | | Original | | 814 0059 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Karaoke Klassics 5: Special Occasions: Volume 1 | CDI | | Original | | 819 0034 |  |
 | Karaoke Klassics 4: Contemporary Pop Female: Volume 1 | CDI | | Original | | 819 0033 |  |
 | Karaoke Klassics 3: Male Standards: Volume 1 | CDI | | Original | | 819 0032 |  |
 | Karaoke Klassics 2: Greatest Love Duets: Volume 1 | CDI | | Original | | 819 0031 |  |
 | Karaoke Klassics 1: Family Favorites | CDI | | Original | | 819 0030 |  |
 | Karaoke Klassics 1: Family Favorites | CDI | | Original | | 819 0030 |  |
 | Karaoke Klassics 1: Family Favorites | CDI | | Original | | 819 0030 |  |
 | Karaoke Klassicos 1: Musica Popular Portuguesa: Volume 1 | CDI | | Original | | 816 0022 |  |
 | Karaoke Kids | CDI | 1.04 | Original | | 814 0079 |  |
 | Karaoke da Cantare in Coppia | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke Collection N.8 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke Collection N.6 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke Collection N.3 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke Collection N.2 | CDI | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Karaoke Collection N.17 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke Collection N.16 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke Collection N.15 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke Collection N.1 | CDI | | Original | | |  |
 | De Kabouter | CDI | | Original | | QU95.1103 |  |
 | Kid Pix 3D | MAC | 2.0 | Original | | 2039-1-01 |  |
 | Kyoto Sennen Monogatari: Cosmology of Kyoto 京都千年物語 Cosmology of KYOTO | MAC | | Original | | SCD-1 |  |
 | Klik & Play クリック アンド プレイ | MAC | 1.0 | Original | | HMH-726 |  |
 | Klik & Play | MAC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam Illustration World Vol. 1 機動戦士ガンダム・イラストレーション・ワールド I | MAC | | Original | | MMCR-0001 |  |
 | Kid Pix Studio Deluxe | MAC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kid Pix Studio | MAC | | Bundle Version Apple OEM | | |  |
 | Kid Pix Deluxe 4.1 for Schools (Program CD) | MAC | | Original | | 1083591 |  |
 | Kid Pix Deluxe 3X | MAC | 1.0.2 | | | |  |
 | Karma: Curse of the 12 Caves | MAC | 1.0.3 | Covermount | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kana: Imouto 加奈 ~いもうと~ | MAC | | Original | | DCD-00384 |  |
 | Kyuukyoku Tiger 究極タイガー | FMT | | Ving Marty Taiou Vol. 5 | | HME-246 |  |
 | Kyrandia II: The Hand of Fate キランディアⅡ ~運命の手~ | FMT | | Original | | HMG-130 |  |
 | Kyouko no Ijiwaru!! Hachamecha Daishingeki 恭子のいぢわる!! ~ハチャメチャ大進撃~ | FMT | | Original | | |  |
 | Kyouiku & FM Towns Vol. 3 教育&FM TOWNS VOL.3 | FMT | | Hibaihin | | HMC-526 |  |
 | Kyouiku & FM Towns Vol. 2 教育&FM TOWNS VOL.2 | FMT | | Hibaihin | | HMB-520 |  |
 | Kyouiku & FM Towns 教育&FM TOWNS | FMT | | Hibaihin | | HMB-506 |  |
 | Kyan Kyan Collection: Daifugouhen KYAN KYAN COLLECTION 大富豪編 | FMT | | Original | | HMA-236 |  |
 | Kusuriyubi no Kyoukasho くすり指の教科書 | FMT | | Original | | WIC-5185 |  |
 | KU²++ クゥ・ツー・プラス・プラス | FMT | | Original | | HME-243 |  |
 | Kousoku Choujin 拘束超人 | FMT | | Original | | CBF-0006 |  |
 | Kouryuuki 項劉記 | FMT | | with Soundware | | HME-202 |  |
 | Kotoba Asobi: CDView HiP Catch ことばあそび CDVIEW HiP CATCH | FMT | | Original | | HMC-190 |  |
 | Koko wa Rakuensou 2 ここは楽園荘2 | FMT | | Original | | CBF-0004 |  |
 | Koko wa Rakuensou ここは楽園荘 | FMT | | Original | | CBF-0003 |  |
 | Kiwame II 極Ⅱ | FMT | | Original | | HMF-158 |  |
 | Kiwame 極 | FMT | | Original | | HMD-172 |  |
 | King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder キングス・クエストⅤ | FMT | Rev 1 | Original | | |  |
 | King's Bounty: Nusumareta Chitsujo King’s Bounty ~盗まれた秩序~ | FMT | | Original | | HMF-154 |  |
 | Kindan no Ketsuzoku 禁断の血族 | FMT | | Original | | HMF-155 |  |
 | Kikou Shidan: Panzer Division II 機甲師団Ⅱ | FMT | | Original | | |  |
 | Kikou Shidan: Panzer Division 機甲師団 | FMT | | Original | | HMB-219 |  |
 | Kikai Jikake no Marian: Electric Device Marian 機械じかけのマリアン | FMT | | Original | | JAN-048-TR |  |
 | Kigen: Kagayaki no Hasha KIGEN ~輝きの覇者~ | FMT | | Original | | HMD-122 |  |
 | Kid Pix Jr. キッド・ピクスJr. | FMT | | FM Towns Soft Collection Kaigai-hen Vol. 31 | | HME-116 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kid Pix Companion キッド・ピクス コンパニオン | FMT | | FM Towns Soft Collection Kaigai-hen Vol. 44 | | HMF-120 |  |
 | Kid Pix キッド・ピクス | FMT | | FM Towns Soft Collection Kaigai-hen Vol. 22 | | HMD-114 |  |
 | Kero Kero Keroppi to Origami no Tabibito けろけろけろっぴとおりがみのたびびと | FMT | | Original | | |  |
 | Katakana no Ehon カタカナのえほん | FMT | | Original | | HMG-104 |  |
 | Kanji no Ehon 2 かんじのえほん2 | FMT | | Original | | HMF-142 |  |
 | Kanji no Ehon かんじのえほん | FMT | | Original | | HMD-139 |  |
 | Kanji Land 3-nen 漢字ランド 3年 | FMT | Rev A | Original | | OSL-010A |  |
 | Kanji Land 3-nen 漢字ランド 3年 | FMT | | Original | | OSL-010 |  |
 | Kanade V1.1 L20 奏 V1.1L20 | FMT | | Original | | B276E210 |  |
 | Kanade V1.1 L10 奏 V1.1L10 | FMT | Rev A | Original | | B276E210 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kamimura Kei no Sexy Telephone: Pink no Hanayome 上村ケイのセクシー・テレフォン ~ピンクの花嫁~ | FMT | | Original | | HMD-176 |  |
 | Kamimura Kei no Sexy Resort: Momoiro Quiz 上村ケイのセクシー・リゾート ~桃色クイズ~ | FMT | | Original | | HMD-175 |  |
 | Kero Kero Keroppi: Uki Uki Party Land!! けろけろけろっぴ ~ウキウキパーティーランド!!~ | QIS | | Hibaihin | | BS-010 |  |
 | Kyuusei Senjutsu ni Yoru: Heisei Kaiun Koyomi 九星占術による「平成」開運暦 | 3DO | | Original | | FZ-SJ4051 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kyuumei Kyuukyuu Teate no ABC 救命・救急手当てのABC | 3DO | | Original | | NBP-SK-001 |  |
 | Konpeki no Kantai 紺碧の艦隊 | 3DO | Rev 1 | Original | | FZ-SJ5751 |  |
 | Konpeki no Kantai 紺碧の艦隊 | 3DO | | Original | | FZ-SJ5751 |  |
 | Kingdom: The Far Reaches | 3DO | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kingdom: The Far Reaches | 3DO | | Beta (CD-R) | | |  |
 | Killing Time | 3DO | RE2 | Black Disc | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Killing Time | 3DO | RE1 | Red Disc | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Killing Time | 3DO | 10.5.95 | Beta (3DO CD Services CD-R) | | |  |
 | Killing Time | 3DO | | Original | | |  |
 | Kero Kero Keroppi to Origami no Tabibito けろけろけろっぴとおりがみのたびびと | 3DO | | Original | | FZ-SJ6252 |  |
 | Keiba Saishou no Housoku 競馬最勝の法則 | 3DO | | Original | | FZ-SJ3651 |  |
 | Kakinoki Shougi 柿木将棋 | 3DO | | Original | | FZ-SJ0902 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '99 ~ The King of Fighters '99: Millennium Battle ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’99 | NGCD | | Original | | NGCD-2510, NGCD-2511 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '98: Dream Match Never Ends ~ The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’98 | NGCD | | Original, Genteiban | | NGCD-2420, NGCD-24201 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '97 ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’97 | NGCD | | Original | | NGCD-2320 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '96 ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’96 | NGCD | | Original | | NGCD-214, NGCD-214E | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '96 NeoGeo Collection KOF’96 ネオジオ・コレクション | NGCD | | Original | | NGCD-229 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '95 ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’95 | NGCD | | Original | | NGCD-084, NGCD-084E | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '95 ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’95 | NGCD | Rev 1 | Original | | NGCD-084 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '94 ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’94 | NGCD | Rev 1 | Original | | NGCD-055, NGCD-055E | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters '94 ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ’94 | NGCD | | Original | | NGCD-055, NGCD-055E | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kingpin: Arcade Sports Bowling | CD32 | | Original | | |  |
 | Kid Chaos | CD32 | | Original | | |  |
 | Karaoke: Julsånger I | CD32 | | Original | | CD32-S009 |  |
 | Kargon | ACD | | Original | | |  |
 | Kang Fu | ACD | | Original | | |  |
 | Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom | XBOX360 | | Beta | | |  |
 | Kung-Fu High Impact | XBOX360 | | Original | | LS-2029 |  |
 | Kung-Fu High Impact | XBOX360 | | Original | | LS-2029 |  |
 | Konami Classics Vol. 2 | XBOX360 | | Original | | KN-2067 |  |
 | Konami Classics Vol. 1 | XBOX360 | | Original | | KN-2066 |  |
 | Knights Contract | XBOX360 | | Original | | NM-2081 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Knights Contract ナイツコントラクト | XBOX360 | | Original | | NM-2081 |  |
 | Knights Contract | XBOX360 | | Original | | NM-2081 |  |
 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning 킹덤 오브 아말러 레코닝 | XBOX360 | | Original | | EA-2366 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning キングダムズ オブ アマラー:レコニング | XBOX360 | | Original | | WF-2001 |  |
 | Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom キングダムアンダーファイア:サークルオブドゥーム | XBOX360 | | Original | | BE-2001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | King's Quest: The Complete Collection | XBOX360 | | Original | | AV-2342 |  |
 | The King of Fighters XIII ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ ⅩⅠⅠⅠ | XBOX360 | | Original | | SN-2012 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters XII ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ ⅩⅠⅠ | XBOX360 | | Original, Promo | | SN-2002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinectimals: Now with Bears! | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2227 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinectimals | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2227 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Star Wars | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2318 |  |
 | Kinect Star Wars Kinect スター・ウォーズ | XBOX360 | | Original, Bundled with Xbox 360 | | MS-2318 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Star Wars | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2318 |  |
 | Kinect Sports: Season Two Kinect スポーツ: シーズン2 | XBOX360 | | Original, Kinect Sports Ultimate Collection | | MS-2518 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Sports KINECT スポーツ | XBOX360 | Rev 1 | Platinum Collection, Kinect Sports Ultimate Collection | | MS-2249 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Sports | XBOX360 | | Original, Bundle Copy | | MS-2249 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Sesame Street TV (Volume 2: Science) | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2522 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Sesame Street TV (Volume 1: Growing Up) | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2522 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Rush: A Disney/Pixar Adventure | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2486 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Nat Geo TV: America the Wild (Disc 2) (Volume 2) | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2509 |  |
 | Kinect Nat Geo TV: America the Wild (Disc 1) (Volume 1) | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2509 |  |
 | Kinect Joy Ride | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2363 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Disneyland Adventures Kinect 디즈니랜드 어드벤처 | XBOX360 | | Bundled with Kinect | | MS-2497 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Disneyland Adventures | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2497 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Disneyland Adventures Kinect ディズニーランド・アドベンチャーズ | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2497 |  |
 | Kinect Demo v1.3 | XBOX360 | | Kiosk demo | | XK-2109 |  |
 | Kinect Adventures! KINECT 大冒險! | XBOX360 | Rev 1 | Bundled with Kinect | | MS-2285 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Adventures! | XBOX360 | Rev 2 | Bundled with Kinect | | MS-2285 |  |
 | Kinect Adventures! | XBOX360 | Rev 3 | Bundled with Kinect, Bundled with Xbox 360 | | MS-2285 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Adventures! KINECTアドベンチャー! | XBOX360 | | Bundled with Kinect | | MS-2285 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kinect Adventures! KINECT 大冒險! | XBOX360 | | Bundled with Kinect | | MS-2285 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Killer Is Dead | XBOX360 | | Original | | VW-2006 |  |
 | Killer Is Dead | XBOX360 | | Premium Edition | | VW-2006 |  |
 | Killer Is Dead | XBOX360 | | Limited Edition | | VW-2006 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kick-Ass 2 | XBOX360 | | Original | | QP-2001 |  |
 | Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku-tachi Extra ケツイ ~絆地獄たち~ EXTRA | XBOX360 | | Original | | FV-2001 |  |
 | Kengou Zero 剣豪ZERO | XBOX360 | | Original | | GE-2002 |  |
 | Kengo: Legend of the 9 | XBOX360 | | Original | | GE-2002 |  |
 | Kengo Zero | XBOX360 | | Original | | GE-2002 |  |
 | Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore 2 | XBOX360 | | Original | | KN-2035 |  |
 | Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore | XBOX360 | | Original | | KN-2018 |  |
 | Karaoke Revolution Glee: Volume 3 | XBOX360 | | Original | | KN-2111 |  |
 | Karaoke Revolution | XBOX360 | | Original | | KN-2051 |  |
 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men 케인앤린치: Dead Men | XBOX360 | | Original | | SC-2016 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men ケイン&リンチ DEAD MEN | XBOX360 | | Original | | SD-2038 |  |
 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days | XBOX360 | | Original | | SC-2040 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days | XBOX360 | | Limited Edition | | SC-2040 |  |
 | Kameo: Elements of Power | XBOX360 | | Original, Platinum Hits | | MS-2002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kameo: Elements of Power | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2002 |  |
 | Kameo: Elements of Power | XBOX360 | Rev 1 | Classics | | MS-2002 |  |
 | Kameo: Elements of Power | XBOX360 | | Original | | MS-2002 |  |
 | Kurenai no Umi: Crimson Sea 紅の海 | XBOX | | Original | | KO-002 |  |
 | Kung Fu Panic カンフーパニック | XBOX | | Original | | MS-049 |  |
 | Kung Fu Chaos 功夫大亂鬥 | XBOX | | Original | | MS-049 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kung Fu Chaos | XBOX | | Original | | MS-049 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | KOF: Maximum Impact: Maniax | XBOX | | Original | | SN-007 |  |
 | KOF: Maximum Impact: Maniax KOF マキシマムインパクト マニアックス | XBOX | | Original | | SN-007 |  |
 | Knockout Kings 2002 | XBOX | | Original | | EA-010 |  |
 | Knockout Kings 2002 ノックアウトキング2002 | XBOX | | Original | | EA-010 |  |
 | Knockout Kings 2002 | XBOX | | Original | | EA-010 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade | XBOX | | Original | | TM-007 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Knights of the Temple II | XBOX | | Original | | TM-019 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Knight's Apprentice: Memorick's Adventures ~ Memorick: The Apprentice Knight | XBOX | | Original | | MI-004 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders 킹덤언더파이어: 더 크루세이더즈 | XBOX | | Original | | PL-002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders キングダムアンダーファイア ~ザ・クルセイダーズ~ | XBOX | | Original | | PL-005 |  |
 | Kingdom Under Fire: The Crusaders | XBOX | | Original | | PL-004 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kingdom Under Fire: Heroes | XBOX | | Original | | PL-006 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters: Neowave | XBOX | | Original | | SN-010 |  |
 | The King of Fighters 2003 ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ 2003 | XBOX | | Original, The King of Fighters 02/03 | | SN-003 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters 2002 | XBOX | | Original, The King of Fighters 02/03 | | SN-006 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The King of Fighters 2002 ザ・キング・オブ・ファイターズ 2002 | XBOX | | Shokaiban | | SN-006 |  |
 | King Arthur | XBOX | | Original | | KN-036 |  |
 | King Arthur King Arthur: The Truth Behind the Legend | XBOX | | Original | | KN-036 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kill Switch kill.switch | XBOX | | Original | | NM-011 |  |
 | Kikou Heidan J-Phoenix + 機甲兵団ジェイフェニックス プラス | XBOX | | Shokai Gentei Okawara Kunio Ver. | | TA-001 |  |
 | Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer | XBOX | | Original | | AV-002 |  |
 | Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer | XBOX | | Original | | AV-002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Karaoke Revolution Party | XBOX | | Original | | KN-046 |  |
 | Karaoke Revolution | XBOX | | Original | | KN-037 |  |
 | Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 | XBOX | | Original | | JW-003 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kakuto Chojin | XBOX | Rev 1 | Original | | MS-012 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kakuto Chojin | XBOX | | Original | | MS-012 |  |
 | Kakuto Chojin 格闘超人 | XBOX | | Original | | MS-012 |  |
 | Kabuki Warriors | XBOX | | Original | | CV-001 |  |
 | Kyrandia II: The Hand of Fate キランディアⅡ ~運命の手~ | PC-98 | | Original | | SC-95002 |  |
 | Kousoku: Yorokobi no Aegi 拘束 ~悦びの淫液~ | PC-98 | | Original | | PERS-9512 |  |
 | Kono yo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo: Yu-No この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU‐NO | PC-98 | | Original | | 21D-2080 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kanako 香奈子 | PC-98 | | Original | | |  |
 | Konpeki no Kantai 紺碧の艦隊 | PC-FX | | Original | | FXNHE504 |  |
 | Kokuu Hyouryuu: Nirgends 虚空漂流ニルゲンツ | PC-FX | | Original | | FXNHE625 |  |
 | Kishin Douji Zenki FX: Vajra Fight 鬼神童子ZENKIFX ~金剛交闘~ | PC-FX | | Original | | FXHUD505 |  |
 | Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy 空想科学世界ガリバーボーイ | PCE | | Original | | HCD5076 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | KO Seiki Beast Sanjuushi: Gaia Fukkatsu: Kanketsu-hen KO世紀ビースト三獣士 ~ガイア復活~ 完結編 | PCE | | Original | | PVCD4011 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kisou Louga II: The Ends of Shangrila 機装ルーガⅡ | PCE | | Original | | HECD5021 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kisou Louga 機装ルーガ | PCE | | Original | | KSCD3004 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kisou Louga 機装ルーガ | PCE | | Taikenban | | KS3001 |  |
 | Kid's Station Vol. 2: Atchi Kotchi Dotchi キッズステーション Vol.2 あっちこっちどっち | PCE | | | | KDCD30002 |  |
 | The Kick Boxing ザ・キック・ボクシング | PCE | | Original | | MWCD2001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kiaidan 00 キアイダン00 | PCE | | Original | | TJCD2031 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kaze no Densetsu Xanadu 風の伝説ザナドゥ | PCE | | Bundled with Magazine (Taiken Play CD-ROM) | | HE4002 |  |
 | Kaze Kiri: Ninja Action 風霧 | PCE | | Original | | NXCD3025 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kawa no Nushitsuri: Shizen-ha 川のぬし釣り 自然派 | PCE | | Original | | PVCD-2006 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kakutou Haou Densetsu: Algunos 格闘覇王伝説アルガノス | PCE | | Original | | IGCD-3007 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kaizou Choujin Shubibinman 3: Ikai no Princess 改造町人シュビビンマン3 ~異界のプリンセス~ | PCE | Rev 2 | NCS CD Vol. 7 | | NSCD 2010 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kagami no Kuni no Legend 鏡の国のレジェンド | PCE | | Original | | JCCD9001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kabuki Ittouryoudan カブキ一刀涼談 | PCE | Rev 2 | Original | | HCD5070 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kabuki Ittouryoudan カブキ一刀涼談 | PCE | Rev 2 | Original | | HCD5070 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kultowe gry komputerowe (Disc 5) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Kultowe gry komputerowe (Disc 4) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Kultowe gry komputerowe (Disc 3) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Kultowe gry komputerowe (Disc 2) 4 gry | PC | | | | |  |
 | Krylatye Xishhniki Крылатые Хищники | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Korea: Forgotten Conflict | PC | 1.2.7 | Covermount | | |  |
 | Konoyo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo Yu-No Soundtrack (Disc 3) この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO サウンドトラック | PC | | PS4 Game Bundle | | FPBD-0360-3 |  |
 | Konoyo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo Yu-No Soundtrack (Disc 1) この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO サウンドトラック | PC | | PS4 Game Bundle | | FPBD-0360-1 |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 6/2008 (41) Archibald's Adventures | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 6/2007 (35) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 3/2008 (38) Jungo | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Special 1/2016 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Plus 3/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Plus 2/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Największe Przeboje 2/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Największe Przeboje 1/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Max 1/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 2/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 6/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 6/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 5/2012 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 4/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 3/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 3/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 2/2012 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 2/2011 Machinarium | Mortyr III: Akcje Dywersyjne | Dawn of Magic | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 2/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 11-12/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 1/2013 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 1/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 1/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Biblioteczka Extra: Edycja 2015 200 Darmowych Gier | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 7/2017 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 7/2016 100 Najlepszych Darmowych Gier | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Komputer Świat 6/2020 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 6/2014 200 Darmowych Gier | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Komputer Świat 10/2017 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 1/2021 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 1/2020 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 1/2019 50 dobrych gier | PC | | | | |  |
 | A Kiss for the Petals: Maidens of Michael その花びらにくちづけを ミカエルの乙女たち | PC | 2.3 | Original | | MG-SM-RE-001 |  |
 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning | PC | | Original | | EAZ07708329D |  |
 | Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Disc 4) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | 1025066L4INT |  |
 | Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Disc 3) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | 1025066L3INT |  |
 | Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Disc 2) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | 1025066L2INT |  |
 | Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Disc 1) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | 1025066L1INT |  |
 | King's Bounty: Perekryostki Mirov King's Bounty: Перекрёстки миров | PC | 1.3 build 6144 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | King's Bounty: Armored Princess / King's Bounty: Crossworlds | PC | 1.3.1 (build 6171) | Original | | 128749 |  |
 | King's Bounty: Anthology | PC | | FX Interactive | | IT v.1.00 P - DVD |  |
 | Killer Is Dead: Nightmare Edition (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 00140424-01, 1004128L1INT | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kao the Kangaroo | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 530277-OBL | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kane & Lynch: Smertniki (Disc 1) Kane & Lynch: Смертники | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men | PC | 1.0 | Original | | MKALYPUS01 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men | PC | 1.0 | Covermount | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men | PC | | Software Pyramide | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men | PC | | Hits Essentiels: Collection 2008/2009 | | |  |
 | Kane & Lynch: Dead Men | PC | | Original | | MKALYVMB01 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days BGamer 174 | PC | 1.0 | Original, Covermount | | MKAL2VMB01 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kyonshii x Taoshii: Sanshou Zenhan キョンシー×タオシー 三章前半 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kuutei Senki: Tasogare ni Shizumu Kusabi 空帝戦騎~黄昏に沈む楔~ | PC | 1.00.0008 | Original | | EUDV-006 |  |
 | Kuon no Kizuna Sairinshou Full Voice-ban 久遠の絆 再臨詔 フルボイス版 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Die Kunst des Mordens: Geheimakte FBI | PC | | Green Pepper, Software Pyramide | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Die Kunst des Mordens: Der Marionettenspieler | PC | | Software Pyramide | | |  |
 | Kultowe gry komputerowe (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Kultowe gry komputerowe | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kroniki Riddicka: Ucieczka z Butcher Bay: Edycja Rozszerzona | PC | | eXtra Klasyka neXt | | S1003975 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Krome Studios Press Kit 2006 | PC | | Press Kit | | |  |
 | Krasny'j kosmos Красный космос | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kraj soznaniya: Pozhiratel' razbityx serdec: Kollekcionnoe izdanie Край сознания: Пожиратель разбитых сердец: Коллекционное издание | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kova su Teroru | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Koumajou Densetsu: Scarlet Symphony & Koumajou Densetsu II: Stranger's Requiem Premium Pack 紅魔城伝説 緋色の交響曲 & 紅魔城伝説 Ⅱ 妖幻の鎮魂歌 プレミアムパック | PC | | Original | | AJAG-0008 |  |
 | Kosmicheskie Rejndzhery 2: Dominatory, Perezagruzka Космические Рейнджеры 2: Доминаторы, Перезагрузка | PC | | | | |  |
 | Kosmicheskaya federaciya II: Zvyozdy straxa Космическая федерация II: Звёзды страха | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | |  |
 | Korsary': Vozvrashhenie Legendy' Корсары: Возвращение Легенды | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Korsary' III Корсары III | PC | | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek, 1C: Kolektsiia ihrashok | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Korsary III Корсары III | PC | | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Koropokkur in Love: A Little Fairy's Tale | PC | | Limited Edition | | MG-MG-RE-001 |  |
 | Konoyo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo Yu-No Soundtrack (Disc 5) この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO サウンドトラック | PC | | PS4 Game Bundle | | FPBD-0360-5 |  |
 | Konoyo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo Yu-No Soundtrack (Disc 4) この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO サウンドトラック | PC | | PS4 Game Bundle | | FPBD-0360-4 |  |
 | Konoyo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo Yu-No Soundtrack (Disc 2) この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO サウンドトラック | PC | | PS4 Game Bundle | | FPBD-0360-2 |  |
 | Konami Press Kit: E3 2005 Extra! Extra! Konami PR Assets | PC | | Press Kit | | |  |
 | Konami Press Assets Line-Up 2008/2009 | PC | | Press Kit | | |  |
 | Konami On Screen Line-Up 2007/2008 Press Kit | PC | | Press Kit | | |  |
 | Konami E3 2006 Press Kit Konami Electronic Press Kit 2006 | PC | | Press Kit | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 6/2006 (29) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 5/2008 (40) Tumblebugs 2 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 5/2007 (34) Gish | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 5/2005 (23) Bridge It | Strip Poker Exclusive Lite | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 4/2008 (39) The Games Factory 2 | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 3/2007 (32) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 3/2006 (26) Warblade | Strip Poker Exclusive 2 | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 2/2008 (37) Sparkle / Strip Poker Exclusive 3 | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 1/2010 (48) Deluxe Ski Jump 3 v1.7.0 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Twój Niezbędnik 1/2008 (36) Kingdom Elemental Tactics | PC | | | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Kolekcja 1/2010: Clifford | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 5/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 4/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 3/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 3/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 3/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 2/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 2/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 1/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 1/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 1/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Wydanie Specjalne 1/2007 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Plus 1/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Największe Przeboje 2/2010 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Największe Przeboje 1/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Największe Przeboje 1/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Największe Przeboje 1/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra Mega Hity 1/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 5/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 4/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 4/2007 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 3/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 3/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 3/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 3/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 2/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 1/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Extra 1/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Dla Dzieci Największe Przeboje 2/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Dla Dzieci Największe Przeboje 1/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Dla Dzieci Największe Przeboje 1/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Dla Dzieci 4/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Dla Dzieci 3/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Dla Dzieci 1/2008 Edukacja | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry Biblioteczka 1/2009 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 9/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 7/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 6/2012 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 6/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 5/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 5/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 5/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 4/2012 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 4/2010 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Gry 3/2012 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat Ekspert 9/2008 (54) The Games Factory 2 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 7/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 6/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 4/2011 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 12/2010 (303) Crystal Cave Classic | PC | | | | |  |
 | Komputer Świat 11/2014 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Kompan 01/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Kompan 01/2007 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Kolm Sõpra Prostokvashinost: Seiklused Parvel | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kollekciya razvlechenij N. 10 Коллекция развлечений №10 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kollekciya klassiki: Antologiya Fallout Коллекция классики: Антология Fallout | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kojoty: Zakon pustyni Койоты: Закон пустыни | PC | 1.0.0 | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Kodeks vojny: Vysshaya rasa Кодекс войны: Высшая раса | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kodeks vojny Кодекс войны | PC | 1.04 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kobatogaoka Koukou Joshi Glove: Gleam of Force 小鳩ヶ丘高校女子ぐろ~部 Gleam of Force | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Knyaz' t'my: Zolotoe izdanie Князь тьмы: Золотое издание | PC | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Knyaz' 3: Novaya dinastiya Князь 3: Новая династия | PC | | Kollekcionnoe izdanie | | |  |
 | KnightShift | PC | 1.0 | Director's Cut: Special Edition | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Knights of the Temple II Тамплиеры II: Портал тьмы | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Knights of the Temple II | PC | | Covermount | | |  |
 | Knights of Honor | PC | 1.03.1528 | Green Pepper | | 300011652 |  |
 | Knights and Merchants: The Shattered Kingdom & The Peasants Rebellion | PC | | Replay Now | | LB-1043 |  |
 | Klub lyubitelej shaxmat: Shredder 11 Клуб любителей шахмат: Shredder 11 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Klub dal'nobojshhikov. Rossijskie gruzoperevozki Клуб дальнобойщиков. Российские грузоперевозки | PC | 1.17 | Original | | |  |
 | A Kiss for the Petals: Remembering How We Met その花びらにくちづけを 出会った頃の思い出に | PC | 2.6 | A Kiss For the Petals: Double Pack | | MG-SM-RE-001 |  |
 | A Kiss for the Petals: Maidens of Michael その花びらにくちづけを ミカエルの乙女たち | PC | 2.3 | A Kiss For the Petals: Double Pack | | MG-SM-RE-001 |  |
 | Kishin Hishou Demonbane (Game Disc) 機神飛翔デモンベイン | PC | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kirigiri Sou 霧切草 | PC | | BD-Video Bundle | | GNXA-185303 |  |
 | Kings' Crusade. L'vinoe Serdce Kings' Crusade. Львиное Сердце | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | The Kings of Dark Age BGamer Extra: Strategy 2005 (Side A) | PC | | Covermount | | |  |
 | Kingdom Come: Deliverance (Disc 5) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | 1025066L5INT |  |
 | King's Bounty: The Legend | PC | 1.6b7 (build 32746) | Original | | Part # 27593DV |  |
 | King's Bounty: The Legend | PC | 1.7 (build 35'234) | Covermount | | |  |
 | King's Bounty: The Legend | PC | 1.6.4 | Original | | |  |
 | King's Bounty: The Legend | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | King's Bounty: Princessa v dospexax King's Bounty: Принцесса в доспехах | PC | 1.0 build 5424 | Original, Bestseller | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | King's Bounty: Legenda o rycare King's Bounty: Легенда о рыцаре | PC | 1.5 (build 18'766) | Original | | |  |
 | King's Bounty: Legenda o rycare King's Bounty: Легенда о рыцаре | PC | 1.0 build 7599 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | King's Bounty: Dark Side: Premium Edition | PC | 1.5.1048.1752 | Original | | |  |
 | The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate Match (Bonus Disc) | PC | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kimagure Temptation 2: Yuuyami Kaikitan: Sofmap Gentei Yoyaku Tokuten: Kimagure Temptation & Kimagure Temptation 2: Yuuyami Kaikitan OP Disc きまぐれテンプテーション2 ゆうやみ廻奇譚 ソフマップ限定予約特典 きまぐれテンプテーション & きまぐれテンプテーション2 ゆうやみ廻奇譚 OP ディスク | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Kimagure Temptation 2: Yuuyami Kaikitan きまぐれテンプテーション2 ゆうやみ廻奇譚 | PC | 1.00 | Original, Kimagure Temptation 1&2 Gentei Pack, Dakimakura Cover Set | | SPWD057 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kimagure Temptation きまぐれテンプテーション | PC | 1.0 | Original, Dakimakura Cover tsuki Special Version | | SPPD046 |  |
 | Killzone: Liberation (Press Disc) | PC | | Press Kit | | |  |
 | Killer Is Dead: Nightmare Edition (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 00140424-01, 1004128L2INT | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kidou Senshi Z Gundam: Battle Typing Game 機動戦士Zガンダム バトルタイピングゲーム | PC | | Original | | SIPC-0013 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Cinema Typing Game 2 機動戦士ガンダムSEED シネマタイピングゲーム 2 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Cinema Typing Game 1+2: Collectors Edition 機動戦士ガンダムSEED シネマタイピングゲーム 1+2 コレクターズエディショ | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Cinema Typing Game 1+2 機動戦士ガンダムSEED シネマタイピングゲーム 1 + 2 | PC | | Kanzenban | | SIPC-0007 |  |
 | Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Cinema Typing Game 機動戦士ガンダムSEED シネマタイピングゲーム | PC | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kid Pix Deluxe 4 | PC | | Scholastic | | DVD5145589 |  |
 | Kid Pix 5: The S.T.E.A.M. Edition | PC | 5.0.1 | Original | | 2092-1-02 |  |
 | Kiban-Daisuki 基板大好き | PC | 0.1 | Preview-ban | | |  |
 | KetnetKick 2: Het Mysterieuze Eiland | PC | | Original | | 08ASILK45 |  |
 | Ken ga Kimi (Disc 2) (Honpen) 剣が君 | PC | | Tsuujou-ban | | GPKKM-001-02 |  |
 | Ken ga Kimi (Disc 1) (Honpen) 剣が君 | PC | | Tsuujou-ban | | GPKKM-001-01 |  |
 | Keepsake: Il Mistero di Dragonvale | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Keepsake | PC | | Medallion | | MED2058 |  |
 | Keepsake | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Katawa Shoujo かたわ少女 | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Kasei Keikaku DVD: The Project Mars 2+3 火星計画 DVD -THE PROJECT MARS 2+3- | PC | | Original | | KGD-0330 |  |
 | Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 | PC | | Mega Games | | P_30078_01A_HU |  |