Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
| De Performers: 1995 Introducing: NOB Interactive | CDI | | Original | | | |
| Philips Media Medische Encyclopedie | CDI | | Original | | 814 0161 | |
| Planten tegen Zombies Plants vs. Zombies | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pokémon Play It! Ruilkaartspel | PC | | | | | |
| Pompeï: De Dreiging van de Vesuvius (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pompeï: De Dreiging van de Vesuvius (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Prince of Persia Collection: Limited Edition Prince of Persia: Collector's Edition | PC | | SoftKey | | D01426, PNC844AT-CD | |
| PuzzelMatch Kruiswoord Puzzels op de Computer | PC | 2.0 | | | | |
| PuzzelMatch 75 Puzzels: Moeilijkheidsgraad 2 | PC | 3.2 | | | | |
| Pa Oppdagelsesferd med Peter og Marie: Bondegarden På Oppdagelsesferd med Peter og Marie: Bondegården | PC | | Original | | | |
| P.A.W.S: Personal Automated Wagging System P.A.W.S: Symulator Psa | PC | | Covermount | | SELL 0071 | |
| PC Premiera 1/2008 Wydanie Specjalne Airborne Troops | PC | | | | | |
| PC Premiera 1/2010 Code of Honor 3: Stan Nadzwyczajny | PC | | | | | |
| PC Premiera Speed 1/2006 Jacked | RC Toy Machines | JAM | PC | | | | | |
| PC World Komputer 7-8/2002 (120) (Disc A) DesignCAD 2000 Pro | PC | | | | CD 7-8/2002/A (120) | |
| PC World Komputer Extra Gra 1/2000 Alien Nations | PC | | | | | |
| PC World Komputer Extra Gra 2/2000 (Disc 1) Ancient Conquest | PC | | | | | |
| PC World Komputer Extra Gra 2/2000 (Disc 2) Russian Roulette II: The Next Worlds | PC | | | | | |
| PC World Komputer na Gwiazdkę 1999 (Disc 2) SantaZia II | PC | | | | | |
| Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLES-53705 | |
| Piłkarskie Mistrzostwa Świata Korea-Japonia 2002 | PC | | Covermount | | | |
| Piłkarskie Mistrzostwa Świata Korea-Japonia 2002 | PC | | Rerelease | | | |
| Pompei: Legenda Wezuwiusza (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pompei: Legenda Wezuwiusza (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Prince of Persia: Dusza Wojownika | PC | | Kolekcja Klasyki | | CENEGA 480/PCDVD-ROM/2006 | |
| Pro Pinball: Timeshock! | PC | | Covermount | | | |
| Pszczółka Maja: Urodzinowa Niespodzianka | PC | | Covermount | | | |
| Pysio: Bardzo Smoczny Sok | PC | | Promo | | | |
| Pharaoh BGamer 075 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | | |
| Planeta das Surpresas: As Minhas Primeiras Descobertas | PC | | Original | | 61068.12 | |
| Pan Schastlivkin v strane Vverxtormashii Пан Счастливкин в стране Вверхтормашии | PC | | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 2004/556 | |
| Pan Zabyvalkin sobiraet komp'yuter Пан Забывалкин собирает компьютер | PC | | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 2004/491 | |
| Panzer Elite Танковая гвардия | PC | 1.1 SE | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 203/2002 | |
| Pautina vlasti Паутина власти | PC | 1.0R | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 2004/539 | |
| Pchela Majya: Syurpriz ko dnyu rozhdeniya Пчела Майя: Сюрприз ко дню рождения | PC | | Original | | | |
| Penumbra 1: Istoki zla Пенумбра 1: Истоки зла | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | | |
| Penumbra: Special'noe izdanie Пенумбра: Специальное издание | PC | | Original | | | |
| Penumbra: Special'noe izdanie (Disc 1) (Penumbra 1: Istoki zla) Пенумбра: Специальное издание | PC | | Original | | | |
| Penumbra: Special'noe izdanie (Disc 2) (Penumbra 2: Dnevniki mertvecov) Пенумбра: Специальное издание | PC | | Original | | | |
| Penumbra: Special'noe izdanie (Disc 3) (Penumbra 3: Rekviem) Пенумбра: Специальное издание | PC | | Original | | | |
| Perri Rodan. Cena bessmertiya Перри Родан. Цена бессмертия | PC | 1.2 | Original | | | |
| Petson i Findus: Findus i kompaniya (Disc 1) (Ustanovochnyj) Петсон и Финдус: Финдус и компания | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | SNOW PFC04 0264 IR | |
| Petson i Findus: Findus i kompaniya (Disc 2) (Igrovoj) Петсон и Финдус: Финдус и компания | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | SNOW PFC04 0264 IR | |
| Petson i Findus: Masterskaya Petsona (Disc 1) (Ustanovochnyj) Петсон и Финдус: Мастерская Петсона | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | | |
| Petson i Findus: Masterskaya Petsona (Disc 2) (Igrovoj) Петсон и Финдус: Мастерская Петсона | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | | |
| Pinbol zhelanij Пинбол желаний | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M -2003/336 | |
| Pinbol zhelanij 2 Пинбол желаний 2 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M -337/2003 | |
| Pirati Karibskogo Moryua (Disc 1) Пираты Карибского Моря | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pirati Karibskogo Moryua (Disc 2) Пираты Карибского Моря | PC | | Original | | | |
| Plants vs. Zombies | PC | | Original | | | |
| Plastilinovaya Kamasutra 2: Kvartira Pedro Пластилиновая Камасутра 2: Квартира Педро | PC | | Original | | | |
| Playboy: The Mansion (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Playboy: The Mansion (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Playboy: The Mansion: Zolotoe izdanie (Disc 1) Playboy: The Mansion: Золотое издание | PC | | Original | | | |
| Playboy: The Mansion: Zolotoe izdanie (Disc 2) Playboy: The Mansion: Золотое издание | PC | | Original | | | |
| Podglyadyvayushhij Подглядывающий | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 188/2002 | |
| Poselency: Zakoldovannye zemli Поселенцы: Заколдованные земли | PC | | 1C: Igrushki | | | |
| The Powerpuff Girls: Modzho-Dzhodzho: Zona klona The Powerpuff Girls: Моджо-Джоджо: Зона клона | PC | 1.0 | Original | | | |
| Poxozhdenie Rayany: Mir 3: Krug sud'by (Disc 1) Похождение Раяны: Мир 3: Круг судьбы | PSX | | Unlicensed | | | |
| Poxozhdenie Rayany: Mir 3: Krug sud'by (Disc 2) Похождение Раяны: Мир 3: Круг судьбы | PSX | | Unlicensed | | | |
| Poxozhdeniya Larri: Konchit' s otlichiem (Disc 2) Похождения Ларри: Кончить с отличием | PC | 1.00.0001 | Original | | S1001705 | |
| Prikljuchenija Sherloka Holmsa 2 Приключения Шерлока Холмса 2 | PC | | | | | |
| Primal | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SCES-51685 | |
| Proklyatye Zemli: Zateryannye v Astrale (Disc 1) Проклятые Земли: Затерянные в Астрале | PC | 1.0 | Original | | | |
| Proklyatye Zemli: Zateryannye v Astrale (Disc 2) Проклятые Земли: Затерянные в Астрале | PC | 1.0 | Original | | | |
| Protivostojanie III (Disc 2) Противостояние III | PC | | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 062/2001 | |
| Protivostojanie III: Vojna Prodolzhaetsja Противостояние III: Война продолжается | PC | 1.21 | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 134/2001 | |
| Protivostoyanie: Aziya v ogne Противостояние: Азия в огне | PC | 2.2 | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 2003/351 | |
| Protivostoyanie: Prinuzhdenie k miru Противостояние: Принуждение к миру | PC | ver 1.2 | Original | | | |
| Psi-Ops: Vrata razuma Psi-Ops: Врата разума | PC | | Original | | | |
| Puteshestvie k centru Zemli: Zolotoe izdanie Путешествие к центру Земли: Золотое издание | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pyatachok sdayot e'kzamen po anatomii Пятачок сдает экзамен по анатомии | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pametno Razmisljaj | PC | | Original | | 272038 | |
| Pac-Man World 20th Anniversary | PSX | | Original | | SCES-02280 | |
| Patrician III: Imperio de los Mares | PC | 1.13 C | MultiEstrategia | | ES v. 1.13 C - DVD | |
| PC Premier 5.0: Temporada 96-97 PC Fútbol Liga Inglesa | PC | | Original | | | |
| PlayEnglish Playenglish: Desvela el Misterio | PSP | 1.03 | Original | | ULES-01440 | |
| Primera División Stars | PSX | | Original | | SLES-02702 | |
| Peter Schmeichel Soccer | PC | | Soccer Superstars | | | |
| Putt-Putt Travels Through Time / Freddi Fish: The Case of the Hogfish Rustlers of Briny Gulch / Lucky Luke: Western Fever | PC | | Kellogg's | | | |
| Pettson & Findus: Födelsedagskatten | PC | 1.0 | Original | | GAMOP667 | |
| Pettson & Findus: Spökskrämmarmaskinen | PC | 1.0 | Original | | GAMOP655 | |
| Pettson o Findus i Trädgården | PC | | Pettson o Findus tre i en | | GAMOP641 | |
| Pettson o Findus i Trädgården | PC | | Original | | GAMOP 6 03 8 | |
| Pyramiden: Gåtan vid Nilens Strand (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pyramiden: Gåtan vid Nilens Strand (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Rerelease | | | |
| Pyramiden: Gåtan vid Nilens Strand (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pyramiden: Gåtan vid Nilens Strand (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Rerelease | | | |
| Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor (Disc 1) 光芒之池:迷斯卓諾遺跡 | PC | 1.2 | Original | | | |
| Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor (Disc 2) 光芒之池:迷斯卓諾遺跡 | PC | 1.2 | Original | | | |
| Princess Maker 1 & 2 Refine (Anzhuang Guangdie) 美少女夢工場1&2綺麗版 | PC | | Meishaonü Menggongchang 1.2+3 Qiliban | | | |
| Princess Maker 1 & 2 Refine (Anzhuang Guangdie) 美少女夢工場1&2綺麗版 | PC | | Meishaonü Menggongchang 1.2+3 Qiliban (Windows Vista) | | | |
| Prisoner of Ice 南極冰怪 | PC | | Original | | PRIOIMA5011 | |
| P.K.'s Math Studio | PC | 2.0 | Original | | | |
| P.K.'s Math Studio | PC | 2.0 | Original | | | |
| Pacific HiTech MacGames Sampler Pacific HiTech CD Sampler | MAC | | Original | | | |
| Painkiller: Heaven's Got a Hitman (Disc 3) | PC | IV 1.0 | Original | | PC0391CD | |
| Painkiller: Hell & Damnation | PS3 | 01.03 | Original | | BLUS-31206 | |
| Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening | PC | | Original | | 04-00000H1678 | |
| Pajama Sam 2: Thunder and Lightning Aren't So Frightening | PC | | Original | | Part No. 04-00000H1678 | |
| Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat from Your Head to Your Feet | PC | | General Mills | | MCBBIGGCEREAL1 A46826 | |
| Pajama Sam: Life Is Rough When You Lose Your Stuff | PC | | Original | | Part # 24548CD | |
| Palm Games 2001 Palm Games 2001: The Ultimate Collection for Palm Devices! | PALM | | Original | | | |
| Palm Games 2003: Professional Edition | PALM | | Original | | | |
| Palm m500 Series Handhelds: Palm Installation CD for Windows & Mac | PALM | | Palm Hardware Bundle | | P/N: 400-3713A-US A/N: 742-3713A-US | |
| Palm Mobile Connectivity Software for m500 Series Handhelds | PALM | | Palm Hardware Bundle | | P/N: 400-3093A-US A/N: 742-3093A-US | |
| Palm Mobile Connectivity Suite | PALM | 4.0 | Original | | P/N 400-3093A-US A/N 742-3093A-US | |
| Palm OS Programming from the Ground Up | PALM | | Book Bundle | | P/N 212151-3 | |
| Palm Tungsten E2 Software Installation CD | PALM | 4.1 | PDA System Bundle | | P/N: 340-10241-02 A/N: 18510171-02 | |
| Palm Tungsten T Software Installation (Disc 1) (Desktop Software) | PALM | | PDA System Bundle | | P/N: 400-4571A-US A/N: 742-4571A-US | |
| Palm Tungsten T Software Installation (Disc 2) (Software Essentials) | PALM | | PDA System Bundle | | P/N: 400-4572A-US A/N: 742-4572A-US | |
| Panasonic REAL 3DO Interactive Multiplayer: Demonstration CD | 3DO | | Original | | FZDEM1 | |
| Pandemonium! | PSX | Rev 1 | Eidos Rerelease | | SLUS-00232 | |
| Panzer Campaigns: France '40 | PC | | Original | | | |
| The Paper Bag Princess | MAC | | Original | | CDRM 300302 | |
| The Paper Bag Princess | MAC | | Original | | CDRM 397300 | |
| Pariah: Limited Edition Bonus CD Pariah: Limited Edition Bonus DVD | PC | | Pre-Order Bonus | | | |
| Parker Brothers Classic Card Games | PC | | Original | | 99518 | |
| Party Pigs Farmyard Games | WII | | Original | | RVL-R5OE-USA | |
| Patriot Games (Disc 1) | CDI | | Original | | 310690314-2 | |
| Patriot Games (Disc 2) | CDI | | Original | | 310690314-2 | |
| Pavarotti: O Sole Mio | CDI | | | | 310690040-2 | |
| PC Accelerator: The Disc 15: November 99 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | | |
| PC Accelerator: The Disc 16: December 1999 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | | |
| PC Game Guide: 2000 Annual Computer Games Preview Guide 1999 PC Game Guide | PC | | | | | |
| PC Gamer Magazine's Sci-Fi CD Sampler | PC | | Audio CD Bundle | | | |
| PC Gamer: The Best of the CD Vol. 2 PC Gamer: The Best of the CD Volume II | PC | | | | | |
| PC Games April 1997 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Magazine: 3-Volume Software SuperPac | PC | | | | ZD-16-PN12 | |
| PC Magazine: Ultimate Utilities for Windows 95 | PC | | Original | | P54D | |
| PC Sig Library: 12th Edition | PC | | Original | | CDRM1062220 | |
| PC-SIG Games | PC | | Original | | | |
| PC/Computing Ultimate PC Tune-Up Kit Plus Y2K Utilities | PC | | | | D104 | |
| PCWorld Online / Earthlink Network / 4CDs: Games | PC | | Demo | | | |
| PDC World Championship Darts | WII | | Original | | RVL-RPDE-USA-B0 | |
| PDC World Championship Darts | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLUS 21773 | |
| Pearl Harbor: The Day of Infamy Pearl Harbor 2: Day of Infamy | PC | | Original | | 31626.101.US | |
| Perimeter | PC | 1.00 | Original | | MPERCDUS00 | |
| Persona 4 Arena Ultimax | XBOX360 | | Original | | AT-2018 | |
| Pet Pals: Animal Doctor | WII | | Beta | | | |
| Pet Pals: Animal Doctor | WII | | Original | | RVL-RYDE-USA | |
| Pet Pals: Animal Doctor (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | P/N CDR5036984 | |
| Pet Pals: Animal Doctor (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | P/N CDR5036984 | |
| Pete Townshend Live | CDI | | Demo | | 310690054-2 DEMO | |
| Peter and the Wolf: A Multimedia Storybook | VIS | | Original | | 25-6154 | |
| Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie | PC | | Special Edition (Bundle Version ASUS OEM) | | 5004443, V511 | |
| Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie | PSP | 1.02 | Original | | ULUS-10072 | |
| Petz: Dogz Family | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | ULUS-10463 | |
| PFS Interactive Training: Math | CDI | | Original | | | |
| PGA Championship Golf: 1999 Edition (Disc 1) (Installation) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | | |
| PGA Championship Golf: 1999 Edition (Disc 2) (Courses) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | | |
| PGA Championship Golf: Collector's Edition (Installation CD) | PC | | Original | | | |
| PGA Championship Golf: Collector's Edition (New Collector's Edition Courses) | PC | | Original | | | |
| PGA Championship Golf: Titanium Edition (Disc 1) (Installation) | PC | | Original | | | |
| PGA Championship Golf: Titanium Edition (Disc 2) (Courses) | PC | | Original | | | |
| PGA Championship Golf: Titanium Edition (Disc 3) (New Titanium Edition Courses) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Phantasmagoria (Disc 1) Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria: Pray It's Only a Nightmare | MAC | | Original | | | |
| Phantasmagoria (Disc 2) Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria: Pray It's Only a Nightmare | MAC | | Original | | | |
| Phantasmagoria (Disc 3) Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria: Pray It's Only a Nightmare | MAC | | Original | | | |
| Phantasmagoria (Disc 4) Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria: Pray It's Only a Nightmare | MAC | | Original | | | |
| Phantasmagoria (Disc 5) Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria: Pray It's Only a Nightmare | MAC | | Original | | | |
| Phantasmagoria (Disc 6) Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria: Pray It's Only a Nightmare | MAC | | Original | | | |
| Phantasmagoria (Disc 7) Roberta Williams' Phantasmagoria: Pray It's Only a Nightmare | MAC | | Original | | | |
| Phantasy Star Online Episode I & II | XBOX | | Original | | MS-074 | |
| Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLUS-21631 | |
| Phantom Brave: The Hermuda Triangle | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | ULUS-10572 | |
| Phantom Brave: We Meet Again: Digital Art Disc | PC | | Original | | | |
| Phonics Fun: My First Interactive Storybook | PC | | Original | | | |
| Phonics Made Easy | PC | V.8 | Original | | 08040 | |
| Photo CD Sample Disc | CDI | | | | | |
| Pikmin | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GPIE-USA | |
| Pillsbury Fun with the Family! CD-ROM | PC | | Original | | 030-01-021 | |
| Pilot Computing 99: Software for PalmPilots & Compatibles | PALM | | Original | | | |
| Pilot's Shop for Microsoft Flight Simulator: Aircraft, Scenery & Utilities | PC | IV | Rerelease | | | |
| Pilot's Shop for Microsoft Flight Simulator: Aircraft, Scenery & Utilities | PC | IV | Rerelease | | | |
| Pilot's Shop for Microsoft Flight Simulator: Aircraft, Scenery & Utilities | PC | V2 | Original | | | |
| Pinball Hall of Fame: The Gottlieb Collection | WII | | Original | | RVL-RQSE-USA-B0 | |
| Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection | XBOX360 | | Original | | CV-2007 | |
| Pinball Madness | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pinball Madness (Slam Tilt Pinball) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 17540-CD1 | |
| Pinball Madness (The Tomb & Platinum Pinball) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 17540-CD2 | |
| Pinball Master | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 14-6251-10 | |
| The Pink Panther: Screen Saver Entertainment | PC | 1.00 | Original | | 43831-911PPC | |
| Pipe Mania | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | ULUS-10359 | |
| Pirates: The Key of Dreams | WII | | Beta | | | |
| PixelJunk Monsters: Deluxe | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | UCUS-98739 | |
| Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Disc 1) | CDI | | Original | | 310690317-2 | |
| Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Disc 2) | CDI | | Original | | 310690317-2 | |
| Plants vs. Zombies | PC | | Game of the Year Edition | | PvZ-11-01006 07/11 11-00122 | |
| Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 7418203301 | |
| Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 7418203302 | |
| Plasma Sword: Nightmare of Bilstein | DC | 1.001 | Original | | T-1207N | |
| Platinum Series Blue | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 02-0157-10 | |
| Play with Me Sesame: Playtime with Grover | PC | | DVD-Video Bundle | | SS00114CDR1 | |
| Playable Eidos Demos | PC | | | | | |
| Playboy: The Mansion | XBOX | | Original | | AH-002 | |
| Playboy: The Mansion | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLUS 20988 | |
| Playing with Language: Games in English | VIS | | Original | | 25-6120 | |
| Playing with Language: Games in French | VIS | | Original | | 25-6119 | |
| Playing with Language: Games in German | VIS | | Original | | 25-6118 | |
| Playing with Language: Games in Japanese | VIS | | Original | | 25-6185 | |
| Playing with Language: Games in Spanish | VIS | | Original | | 25-6117 | |
| Playmates Interactive Entertainment Electronic Sampler! | PC | | | | | |
| Playmobil Circus | WII | | Original | | RVL-ROVE-USA-B0 | |
| PlayOnline Viewer and Tetra Master | PC | | Beta | | | |
| PlayOnline Viewer and Tetra Master | PS2 | 1.01 | Beta | | SCUS-97272 | |
| PlayStation 3 System Software Update (Version 2.0) | PS3 | | Original | | BCUS-98169 | |
| PlayStation Seizou Kensa-you Disc 3 CD-ROM US-ban Ver1.1 | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | PUPX 93033 | |
| PlayStation: Programmer Tools: Run-time Library 4.0 | PC | 4.0 | PC-CD ROM Release 2.0 | | DTL-S2002 | |
| PlayStation: Technical Reference: CD-ROM Release 2.0 | PC | | Original | | DTL-S2003 | |
| Pocket Express Handmark Pocket Express: Seven Wireless Services | PALM | | Original | | 929-0804-10 | |
| Pocket Express Entertainment Pack Plus | PALM | | Original | | | |
| Pocket PC StarterPak for Dummies | PPC | | Book Bundle | | Part # R1370 | |
| Pokémon Project Studio: Blue Version | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 378642-CD | |
| Pokémon Seek & Find | PC | | Perdue | | | |
| PokéROM: Blastoise | PC | | Mystery Series | | BLASTOI-CD V.1 | |
| PokéROM: Scizor | PC | | Mystery Series | | 380445-CD1 V.1 | |
| PokéROM: Slowking | PC | | Movie Series | | 380166-CD V.1 | |
| PokéROM: Spinarak | PC | | Mystery Series | | 380440-CD1 V.1 | |
| PokéROM: Squirtle | PC | | Premier Series | | 379956-CD V.1 | |
| Politically Correct Bedtime Stories: CyberSensitivity for Our Life & Times | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 610441-CD1 | |
| Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 610441-CD2 | |
| Pool Paradise Archer Maclean Presents: Pool Paradise | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GPRE-USA | |
| Pool Paradise Archer Maclean Presents: Pool Paradise | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLUS 20987 | |
| Pop'n Music | WII | | Original | | RVL-R83E-USA-B0 | |
| PopCap Hidden Object Treasure Trove: Volume 1 | PC | | Original | | 12-CB192 11/12 13-00101 | |
| PopCap Hidden Object Treasure Trove: Volume 2 | PC | | Original | | 13-CB261 03/13 13-00112 | |
| Power Rangers Samurai Saban's Power Rangers Samurai | WII | | Original | | RVL-SM5E-USA-B0 | |
| Power Rangers: Super Samurai Saban's Power Rangers: Super Samurai | XBOX360 | | Original | | NM-2120 | |
| The Powerpuff Girls: Learning Challenge #1: Mojo Jojo's Clone Zone | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 381679-CD | |
| The Powerpuff Girls: Mojo Jojo's Pet Project | PC | | Original | | | |
| The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLUS-20585 | |
| The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage: Pickled Edition | GC | | Original | | DL-DOL-GPQE-USA | |
| Powerslave | PC | | Original | | ITEM #6565 | |
| Powerslave | PC | | Demo | | ITEM #6565 | |
| Praetorians | PC | 1.02 | Original | | MPRAEPUS01 | |
| Premium Arcade Games | PC | | Original | | 663701.101.US | |
| Presenting... Mario's Game Gallery and Earth Savers Plus Many More! | MAC | | Spirit Technologies | | | |
| Pride FC: Fighting Championships | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLUS 20406 | |
| Prince of Persia 2: The Shadow and the Flame | PC | 1.1 | Smart Saver | | POP744AE-CD | |
| Princess Abigail: The Mystery of the Missing Princess The Mystery of the Missing Princess | PC | | Original | | | |
| Prison Tycoon 2: Maximum Security | PC | | Original | | P/N: 10585 | |
| Prisoner of War | XBOX | | Original | | CM-008 | |
| Private Eye Mysteries | PC | | Original | | CDRM1064400 | |
| Pro Cast: Sports Fishing Game | XBOX | | Original | | CC-011 | |
| Pro Media Director for Sony PSP | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pro Pinball: Fantastic Journey | PC | 1.0 | Original | | MN-W58-1158-1 | |
| Pro Pinball: Timeshock! | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pro Pinball: Timeshock! | PC | 1.00 | Gamefest: Pinball Classics | | CD-W58-1224-1 | |
| Professional Farmer 2017: Gold Edition Professional Farmer: Gold Edition | PC | | Original | | UI00746-DV | |
| Professional Farmer: American Gold | PC | | Original | | UI-00540-DV | |
| Professor Finkle's Math Mania! (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Professor Finkle's Math Mania! (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | | |
| Project Gotham Racing 2 | XBOX | | Demo: Dodge Magnum Edition | | MS-121 | |
| Project Gotham Racing 3 | XBOX360 | Rev 1 | Platinum Hits | | MS-2001 | |
| Project: Snowblind | PC | 1.0 | Original | | MSNOWPUS01 | |
| Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy | XBOX | | Preview | | | |
| Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy | XBOX | | Original | | MW-022 | |
| PSM DVD: June 2002 Special DVD | PC | | Original | | | |
| PSP (PlayStation Portable) Go Bonus 3-Game DVD PSPgo 3-Game Bonus DVD ~ DVD Contenant 3 Jeux PSPgo en Bonus ~ DVD Gratis con 3 Juegos PSPgo | PSP | 01.00 | PSPgo Console Bundle | | SCUS 90147 | |
| PSP (PlayStation Portable) Media Manager | PC | 1.0a | Original | | #55538 | |
| PSP System Kiosk Disc #1 PSP Kiosk Disc #1 | PSP | 1.00 | Demo | | UCUS 98642 | |
| PSP System Kiosk Disc #3: Yellow PSP Kiosk Disc #3 | PSP | 1.00 | Demo | | UCUS 98664 | |
| PSP System Kiosk Disc #4 PSP Kiosk Disc #4 | PSP | 1.00 | Demo | | UCUS 98665 | |
| The Psychotron The Psychotron: Dominate the mind... Dominate the world | PC | | Megapak 2 | | | |
| Psygnosis Accelerated Demo Sampler | PC | | | | | |
| Psygnosis Sampler Disk Psygnosis CD Demo Sampler: Destruction Derby 2 / Ecstatica II / Discworld II / Krazy Ivan | PC | | Original | | | |
| Pump It Up: Exceed | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLUS 21131 | |
| Puppet Combo Demo Disc 1 | PC | | | | DD-001 | |
| PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville / PuppetShow: Souls of the Innocent | PC | | The Best of Big Fish Games | | | |
| PuppetShow: Mystery of Joyville / PuppetShow: Souls of the Innocent | PC | | Rerelease | | 33372101US | |
| Putt-Putt Travels Through Time | PC | | Original | | Part No. 04-00000H1531 | |
| Putt-Putt Travels Through Time | PC | 1.0F | Fun & Skills Pack: Preschool | | 31800-CD3 | |
| Puzz3D CD: The Lamplight Manor Puzz3D CD: The Lamplight Manor: Thomas Kinkade: Painter of Light | PC | 1.0 English | Original | | | |
| Puzzle & Mind Games for Windows | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 6467 01 | |
| Puzzle Kingdoms | WII | | Original | | RVL-RZKE-USA | |
| Puzzle XP Championship 3000 30,000 Games (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | 30,000 Games | | | |
| Pyramid Adventures: Episode 1: Treasures of the Lost Pyramid Pyramid Adventures: Treasures of the Lost Pyramid | CDI | | Original | | | |
| Palm OS Web Application Developer's Guide | PALM | | Book Bundle | | 9432-6 | |
| Profesor Krejd: Novorichna Krejd-Vechirka Професор Крейд: Новорічна Крейд-Вечірка | PC | | Original | | LM M 001 | |
| Page & Moy Ltd: Cruise Directory | CDI | | | | | |
| Patriot Games (Disc 1) | CDI | | Original | | 811 1025 | |
| Patriot Games (Disc 1) | CDI | | Original | | 811 1025 | |
| Patriot Games (Disc 2) | CDI | | Original | | 811 1026 | |
| Patriot Games (Disc 2) | CDI | | Original | | 811 1026 | |
| Pawly Pets: My Animal Hospital | PC | | Focus Essential | | 5005378 | |
| PC Action Emulate! Issue 6 | PC | | Original | | | |
| PC Action Emulate! Issue 7 | PC | | Original | | | |
| PC Extreme Issue 10 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Format: Best of E3 Games PC Format Bonus Disc: Exclusive Preview: Best of E3 2005 | PC | | | | PCF176-CD3 07/05 | |
| PC Format: Issue 101: November 1999 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF101a 1199 | |
| PC Format: Issue 103: Christmas 1999 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF103a 1399 | |
| PC Format: Issue 104: January 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF104-1 0100 | |
| PC Format: Issue 105: February 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF105-1 0200 | |
| PC Format: Issue 106: March 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF106-1 0300 | |
| PC Format: Issue 107: April 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF107-1 0400 | |
| PC Format: Issue 108: May 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF108-1 0500 | |
| PC Format: Issue 108: May 2000 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCF108-2 0500 | |
| PC Format: Issue 109: June 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF109-1 0600 | |
| PC Format: Issue 112: September 2009 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCF112-2 0900 | |
| PC Format: Issue 114: Autumn 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF114-1 1100 | |
| PC Format: Issue 115: November 2000 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCF115-2 1200 | |
| PC Format: Issue 116: December 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCF116-1 1300 | |
| PC Format: Issue 62: November 1996 PC Format: CD-ROM Collection Number 35 | PC | | | | PCF62 1196-1 | |
| PC Format: Issue 63: December 1996 | PC | | | | PCF63 1296-1 | |
| PC Format: Issue 93: March 1999 | PC | | | | PCF93a 0399 | |
| PC Format: Issue 94: April 1999 (Disc 2) UK-Info Disk 4.0 SE | PC | | | | PCF94b 0499 | |
| PC Format: Issue 96: June 1999 | PC | | | | PCF96a 0699 | |
| PC Format: Issue 97: July 1999 | PC | | | | PCF97a 0799 | |
| PC Format: Issue 98: August 1999 | PC | | | | PCF98a 0899 | |
| PC Format: Issue 99: September 1999 | PC | | | | PCF99a 0999 | |
| PC Gamer: April 2005/Issue 147 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB147/04/05 | |
| PC Gamer: Christmas 2004/Issue 143 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA143/13/04 | |
| PC Gamer: Christmas 2004/Issue 143 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB143/13/04 | |
| PC Gamer: Christmas 2007/Issue 182 (Side B) | PC | | | | | |
| PC Gamer: December 2005/Issue 155 (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | PCGA155/12/05 | |
| PC Gamer: February 2004/Issue 132 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB132/02/04 | |
| PC Gamer: February 2005/Issue 145 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA145/02/05 | |
| PC Gamer: February 2005/Issue 145 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB145/02/05 | |
| PC Gamer: Issue 166 October 2006 (Side A) | PC | | | | | |
| PC Gamer: Issue 166 October 2006 (Side B) | PC | | | | | |
| PC Gamer: January 2004/Issue 131 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA131/01/04 | |
| PC Gamer: January 2005/Issue 144 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA144/01/05 | |
| PC Gamer: January 2005/Issue 144 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB144/01/05 | |
| PC Gamer: June 2004/Issue 136 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA136/06/04 | |
| PC Gamer: June 2005/Issue 149 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB149/06/05 | |
| PC Gamer: March 2004/Issue 133 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA133/03/04 | |
| PC Gamer: March 2005/Issue 146 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB146/03/05 | |
| PC Gamer: May 2005/Issue 148 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA148/05/05 | |
| PC Gamer: May 2005/Issue 148 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB148/05/05 | |
| PC Gamer: November 2004/Issue 141 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA141/11/04 | |
| PC Gamer: November 2004/Issue 141 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB141/11/04 | |
| PC Gamer: October 2001 Issue 101 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | PCGA101/10/01 | |
| PC Gamer: October 2001 Issue 101 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB101/10/01 | |
| PC Gamer: September 2005/Issue 152 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | PCGB152/09/05 | |
| PC Games Issue 8: March 1995 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Gaming World 25b PC Gaming World: Christmas '98 Disk 2 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Gaming World: Issue 2 May 2003 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Gaming World: Issue 33a | PC | | | | | |
| PC Gaming World: Issue 33b | PC | | | | | |
| PC Genius 1: The Wonderful World of Animals | PC | | | | | |
| PC Home CD-Rom MegaDisk: May/June 1995 Issue 33 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Kids CD-ROM 4: November 1995 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Magazine: August 1999 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Magazine: August 2000 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Magazine: September 1999 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Magazine: September 2001 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Utilities Plus+: Volume 2 | PC | | | | | |
| PC Zone: Issue #71 Xmas 1998 | PC | | | | DPPCZXM98 | |
| PC Zone: Issue #74 Mar 1999 | PC | | | | DPPCZ0399 | |
| PC Zone: Issue #87 Mar 2000 | PC | | | | DPPCZ0300 | |
| Peppa Pig: Fun and Games | WII | | Original | | RVL-SPGP-UKV-B0 | |
| Peugeot Product Guide: June 1994 Peugeot: Product Range Information for Showroom Use | CDI | | Original | | | |
| Peugeot: Product Range Information: For Showroom Use: March 97 | CDI | | Original | | | |
| Phase 1: Fonts, Clipart and Images | ACD | | | | | |
| Phase 2: Fonts, Clipart and Images | ACD | | | | | |
| Pinball Master 3D | PC | | Re:flex | | RLX027 | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 11 | PS2 | | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 12 | PS2 | 1.00 beta (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 13 | PS2 | 1.00 beta (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 14 | PS2 | 1.00 beta (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 3 | PS2 | 1.00 (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 4 | PS2 | 1.00 (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 5 Playable Cheats Volume 5 | PS2 | 1.00 (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 6 | PS2 | 1.00 (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 8 | PS2 | 1.00 (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| PlayStation 2 Cheats: Volume 9 PlayStation 2 Instant Cheats: Volume 9 | PS2 | 1.00 (European) | Unlicensed | | | |
| Pokémon Project Studio: Blue Version | PC | | Original | | PKB844AB-CD | |
| Pokémon Ruby Version / Sapphire Version: Collector's Edition CD | PC | | | | | |
| Prima Amiga Shareware: Volume 1 | ACD | | | | | |
| Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time | PC | | Daily Mirror/Asda | | | |
| Prison Break: The Conspiracy | XBOX360 | | Original | | KM-2014 | |
| PSi: PlayStation Interactive Magazine: Colin McRae Rally 2.0 | PSX | | Unlicensed | | | |
| PSi: PlayStation Interactive Magazine: WWF SmackDown! | PSX | | Unlicensed | | | |
| PSM2 71: Essential PSP | PC | | | | UPM71CD/FEB/06 | |
| Power Smash: Sega Professional Tennis ~ Virtua Tennis: Sega Professional Tennis | NAOMI | 1.001 | Original | | GDS-0011 | |