Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
 | Demo Codemasters Démo Codemasters | PSX | | | | SLED-02246 |  |
 | Euro Demo 16 | PSX | | | | SCED-00779 |  |
 | M6 PlayStation: Best of '99 Vol. 2 | PSX | | | | SCED-02419 |  |
 | Retrouve la Magie Disney sur PlayStation disney interactive / playstation demo disc | PSX | | | | SCED-03924 |  |
 | Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver | PSX | | Demo | | SLED-02252 |  |
 | Spyro the Dragon Speciale | PSX | | Demo | | SCED-01637 |  |
 | Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation | PSX | | Demo | | SLED-02418 |  |
 | Soukou Kihei Votoms: Lightning Slash 装甲騎兵ボトムズ ライトニング・スラッシュ | PSX | | Limited Edition | | SLPS 01960 |  |
 | AI Shougi Selection AI将棋SELECTION | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 87068 |  |
 | Arcade Hits: Magical Drop アーケード・ヒッツ 「マジカル・ドロップ」 | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 87173 |  |
 | Battle Athletess: Daiundoukai Alternative バトルアスリーテス 大運動会オルタナティヴ | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 86525 |  |
 | Magical Drop F: Daibouken mo Rakujanai! マジカルドロップF 大冒険もラクじゃない! | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 86805 |  |
 | Zipangu-jima: Unmei wa Saikoro ga Kimeru!? じぱんぐ島 運命はサイコロが決める!? | PSX | | Major Wave | | SLPM 86643 |  |
 | Actua Soccer 3 | PSX | | Original | | SLES-01644 |  |
 | Andretti Racing | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00439 |  |
 | Army Men: Air Attack 2 | PSX | | Original | | SLES-03227 |  |
 | Chronicles of the Sword (Disc 1) | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00166 |  |
 | Chronicles of the Sword (Disc 2) | PSX | | Original | | SLES-10166 |  |
 | Clock Tower | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00871 |  |
 | Dai-2-Ji Super Robot Taisen 第2次スーパー・ロボット大戦 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02406 |  |
 | Delta Force Urban Warfare | PSX | | Original | | SLES-03952 |  |
 | Destrega | PSX | | Original | | SCES-01769 |  |
 | Discworld Noir | PSX | | Original | | SLES-02063 |  |
 | Disney's Winnie L'Ourson: C' Est La Recre! | PSX | | Original | | SCES-03706 |  |
 | Disney/Pixar A Bug's Life: Atelier de Jeux | PSX | | Original | | SCES-02459 |  |
 | Dragon Valor (Disc 1) | PSX | | Original | | SCES-02565 |  |
 | Dragon Valor (Disc 2) | PSX | | Original | | SCES-12565 |  |
 | Duke Nukem | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00987 |  |
 | Egypt II: La Prophétie d'Heliopolis | PSX | | Original | | SLES-03372 |  |
 | F1 World Grand Prix: Saison 2000 | PSX | | Original | | SLES-03345 |  |
 | Gakuen Sentai Solblast 学園戦隊ソルブラスト | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01852 |  |
 | Gauntlet Legends | PSX | | Original | | SLES-02931 |  |
 | Gran Turismo 2 (Un CD Bonus) | PSX | | Original | | SCED-02904 |  |
 | Guardian's Crusade | PSX | | Original | | SLES-01799 |  |
 | Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLES-55483 |  |
 | Hard Boiled | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00851 |  |
 | Hugo | PSX | | Original | | SLES-01590 |  |
 | L'Ile LEGO 2: La Revanche de Cassbrik | PSX | | Original | | SLES-03303 |  |
 | Jim Henson's The Hoobs | PSX | | Original | | SCES-03756 |  |
 | Kids Station: Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon World: Chibiusa to Tanoshii Mainichi キッズステーション 美少女戦士セーラームーンワールド ちびうさとたのしいまいにち | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03318 |  |
 | Kids Station: Hello Kitty no Ouchi e Oide yo! キッズステーション ハローキティのおうちへおいでよ! | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03448 |  |
 | Kids Station: Hello Kitty to Album Nikki o Tsukurimasho! キッズステーション ハローキティとアルバムにっきをつくりましょ! | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03544 |  |
 | Kimero!! Hero Gakuen: Eiyuu ni Kotae Nashi 決めろ!! ヒーロー学園 -英雄に真実なし- | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02545 |  |
 | Kimi ni Steady キミにステディ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02965 |  |
 | Kita Denshi: Virtua Pachi-Slot 北電子 ~バーチャ・パチスロ~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01821 |  |
 | KKND Krossfire | PSX | | Original | | SLES-01616 |  |
 | Knockout Kings 2000 | PSX | | Original | | SLES-02323 |  |
 | Kowai Shashin: Shinrei Shashin Kitan コワイ シャシン ~心霊写真奇譚~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 03454 |  |
 | Krazy Ivan | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00128 |  |
 | Legend of Foresia: La Contrée Interdite | PSX | | Original | | SLES-01273 |  |
 | The Legend of Heroes I & II: Eiyuu Densetsu The Legend of Heroes Ⅰ&Ⅱ ~英雄伝説~ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01323 |  |
 | Machine Hunter | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00830 |  |
 | Magic: The Gathering: BattleMage | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00787 |  |
 | Mirano no Arbeit Collection ミラノのアルバイトこれくしょん | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 02143 |  |
 | Nakajima Miyuki: Namiromu 中島みゆき 「なみろむ」 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01625 |  |
 | Omise de Tenshu おみせde店主 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01876 |  |
 | Perfect Weapon | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00685 |  |
 | Pet in TV: Ton Nouveau Meilleur Ami! | PSX | | Original | | SCES-01357 |  |
 | Puzzle Mania ぱずるまにあ | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01778 |  |
 | The Raven Project (Disc 1) | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00518 |  |
 | The Raven Project (Disc 2) | PSX | | Original | | SLES-10518 |  |
 | Roger Lemerre: La Sélection des Champions 2002 | PSX | | Original | | SLES-03604 |  |
 | A Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Children: Kuro no Shoka no Sho 真・女神転生デビルチルドレン 黒の書・赤の書 | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 87040 |  |
 | Silent Scope | PS2 | 1.11 | Original | | SLPM 62026 |  |
 | Silent Scope 2: Innocent Sweeper | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLPM 62085 |  |
 | Silent Scope 3 | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPM 62230 |  |
 | SingStar: Chansons Magiques de Disney | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SCES-55257 |  |
 | Sub | PSX | | Original | | SCES-01223 |  |
 | SuperLite 1500 Series: Farland Saga: Toki no Michishirube SuperLite 1500 シリーズ ファーランドサーガ 時の道標 | PSX | | Original | | SLPM 87237 |  |
 | Syphon Filter 2 (Disc 1) | PSX | | Original | | SCES-02286 |  |
 | Syphon Filter 2 (Disc 2) | PSX | | Original | | SCES-12286 |  |
 | Tiny Tank | PSX | | Original | | SCES-02072 |  |
 | Tower Dream 2 タワードリーム2 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01789 |  |
 | Treasures of the Deep | PSX | | Original | | SCES-01070 |  |
 | UEFA Champions League: Saison 1998/99 | PSX | | Original | | SLES-01744 |  |
 | Umezawa Yukari no Taikyoku Igo: Heisei Kiin II 梅沢由香里の対局囲碁 平成棋院2 | PSX | | Original | | SLPS 01767 |  |
 | Urban Chaos | PSX | | Original | | SLES-02354 |  |
 | Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 1) | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00104 |  |
 | Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 2) | PSX | | Original | | SLES-10104 |  |
 | Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 3) | PSX | | Original | | SLES-20104 |  |
 | Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 4) | PSX | | Original | | SLES-30104 |  |
 | World Cup Golf: Professional Edition | PSX | | Original | | SLES-00138 |  |
 | Z | PSX | | Original | | SCES-00601 |  |
 | Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Disc 1) | PSX | | Original, Promo | | SLES-02994 |  |
 | Driver 2: Back on the Streets (Disc 2) | PSX | | Original, Promo | | SLES-12994 |  |
 | Summon Night 2 (Disc 1) サモンナイト2 | PSX | Rev 1 | PSone Books | | SLPS 91517 |  |
 | Memories Off Duet: 1st & 2nd Stories メモリーズオフ デュエット ~1st & 2nd stories~ | PS2 | 1.00 | Ren'ai Game Selection | | SLPM 55101 |  |
 | Black/Matrix 00 (Disc 1) ブラック・マトリクス ゼロ ダブルオー | PSX | | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPS 03571 |  |
 | Black/Matrix 00 (Disc 2) ブラック・マトリクス ゼロ ダブルオー | PSX | | Shokai Genteiban | | SLPS 03572 |  |
 | Chibi Chara Game: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Disc 1) (Go! Go! Casino) ちびキャラゲーム 銀河英雄伝説 | PSX | | Shokai Tokuten Yan Genteiban | | SLPS 02025 |  |
 | Chibi Chara Game: Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu (Disc 2) (Let's Surogoku) ちびキャラゲーム 銀河英雄伝説 | PSX | | Shokai Tokuten Yan Genteiban | | SLPS 02026 |  |
 | Duke Nukem: Time to Kill | PSX | | Take 2 Rerelease | | SLES-03518 |  |