Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
 | Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 3 (Disc 3) ファンタシースターオンライン2エピソード3 | PC | | Deluxe Package | | 673-05414 |  |
 | Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 3 (Disc 4) ファンタシースターオンライン2エピソード3 | PC | | Deluxe Package | | 673-05415 |  |
 | Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 4 (Disc 1) ファンタシースターオンライン2 エピソード4 | PC | | Deluxe Package | | 673-05518 |  |
 | Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 4 (Disc 2) ファンタシースターオンライン2 エピソード4 | PC | | Deluxe Package | | 673-05519 |  |
 | Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 4 (Disc 3) ファンタシースターオンライン2 エピソード4 | PC | | Deluxe Package | | 673-05520 |  |
 | Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 4 (Disc 4) ファンタシースターオンライン2 エピソード4 | PC | | Deluxe Package | | 673-05521 |  |
 | Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 6 ファンタシースターオンライン2 エピソード6 | PC | | Deluxe Package | | 673-05646 |  |
 | Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition デビル メイ クライ3 スペシャル エディション | PC | 1.0 | Sourcenext Selection | | 70570 |  |
 | Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator: WWII Europe Series マイクロソフト コンバット フライト シミュレータ WWII ヨーロッパ戦線 シリーズ | PC | | Original, Best Selections | | 708-CD-001, EMWB-7040 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Hellgate: London ヘルゲート:ロンドン | PC | 1.48010.50.4101 | Original | | 7108BAPWNJP |  |
 | Monsters, Inc.: Monster Yousei Gakkou モンスターズ・インク モンスター養成学校 | PC | | Original | | 7266-32-01 |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | Bundle Version IBM Aptiva OEM | | 73H8118 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Tomb Raider / Terracide | PC | | Bundle Version Diamond OEM | | 75040061-001 |  |
 | Dixiacheng Shouhuzhe 地下城守护者 | PC | | Original | | 762401 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Jane's Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical Fighters Gold 先进战术战斗机黄金版 | PC | 1.00F | Original | | 7766 |  |
 | Jane's Combat Simulations: Fighters Anthology (Disc 1) 战斗机诗集 | PC | 1.00F | Original | | 782701 |  |
 | System Shock 2 시스템 쇼크 2 | PC | 2.3 | Rerelease, EA Classix, Gagyeok Pagoe! | | 796917 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | Bundle Version IBM Aptiva OEM | | 83H5231 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Shisan Zhiju 十三支局 | PC | | Original | | 917311 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Daedalus Encounter: Episode 1: Nanpasen no Alien (Disc 1) デイドラス ~エピソード1:難破船のエイリアン~ | PC | | Windows-ban | | 9180-45HM10 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kasumi-chou Yonjuuni-bangai: Heaven's Boulevard 1 霞町四十二番街 HEAVEN’S BOULEVARD 1 | PC | | Original | | 94-005 |  |
 | Dan ダン | PC | | Original | | 95・5・19 |  |
 | Delta Force 2 デルタフォース2 | PC | 1.04.19 | Original | | 9764-0414 |  |
 | Tachyon: The Fringe タキオン | PC | | Original | | 9765-0414 |  |
 | Tachyon: The Fringe タキオン | PC | | Super Price Edition | | 9765-0414, MMCDW-1035 |  |
 | Battleship (Second Player CD) | PC | | Windows 98 Kinen Kakaku | | 99004 |  |
 | Monopoly: Star Wars モナポリー スター・ウォーズ | PC | | Original | | 99075 |  |
 | Datang Shilu: Jinxueban 大唐诗录:金学版 | PC | | Bundle Version Zhaomi 900 Jingpin Xilie: Legend Software OEM | | 9911 |  |
 | Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings マイクロソフト エイジ オブ エンパイアⅡ:エイジ オブ キング | PC | 2.0 | Original | | 999 Part No. X05-07802 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Disney's Tarzan Disney's Tarzan 액션게임 | PC | | Bundle Version OEM | | A, Mat.No:111211/Rev |  |
 | Sha Wu She III: Lang Shiji 殺無赦Ⅲ:狼世紀 | PC | 1.0.2 | Original | | A0163 |  |
 | Ying Hua Da Zhan 3: Paris Zai Ran Shao Ma (Disc 1) 櫻花大戰3 ~巴黎在燃燒嗎~ | PC | | Original | | A0174 |  |
 | Ying Hua Da Zhan 3: Paris Zai Ran Shao Ma (Disc 2) 櫻花大戰3 ~巴黎在燃燒嗎~ | PC | | Original | | A0174 |  |
 | Ying Hua Da Zhan 3: Paris Zai Ran Shao Ma (Disc 3) 櫻花大戰3 ~巴黎在燃燒嗎~ | PC | | Original | | A0174 |  |
 | Ying Hua Da Zhan 3: Paris Zai Ran Shao Ma (Disc 4) 櫻花大戰3 ~巴黎在燃燒嗎~ | PC | | Original | | A0174 |  |
 | Ying Hua Da Zhan 3: Paris Zai Ran Shao Ma (Disc 5) 櫻花大戰3 ~巴黎在燃燒嗎~ | PC | | Original | | A0174 |  |
 | Ying Hua Da Zhan 3: Paris Zai Ran Shao Ma (Disc 6) 櫻花大戰3 ~巴黎在燃燒嗎~ | PC | | Original | | A0174 |  |
 | Eberouge エーベルージュ | PC | | Original | | A28800F0 HMH-720 |  |
 | Teo: Mou Hitotsu no Chikyuu: Fin Fin (Kihon Set: Amiru no Mori to Tsubu no Hayashi) TEO -もうひとつの地球- フィンフィン[基本セット/アミルの森とツブの林] | PC | 1.0L15 | Original | | A28800K0, HMH-717D |  |
 | TEO: Mou Hitotsu no Chikyuu: Fin Fin (Remu-gawa no Hotori) (Installation CD-ROM) TEO -もうひとつの地球- フィンフィン[レム川のほとり] | PC | 3.0L10 | Original | | A28800K3, HMI-401 |  |
 | TEO: Mou Hitotsu no Chikyuu: Fin Fin (Remu-gawa no Hotori) (Contact CD-ROM) TEO -もうひとつの地球- フィンフィン[レム川のほとり] | PC | 3.0L10 | Original | | A28800K3, HMI-402 |  |
 | Tan Tan Teo タンタンTEO | PC | | Original | | A2880170, HMJ-306 |  |
 | Microsoft Pinball Arcade マイクロソフト ピンボール アーケード | PC | | Original | | A35-CD-001 |  |
 | Tiandijie Waizhuan: Huanshenjie (Playdisk) 天地劫外传:寰神结 | PC | 1.065 | Original | | AA0194 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Tiandijie Waizhuan: Huanshenjie (Disc 1) 天地劫外传:寰神结 | PC | 1.065 | Original | | AA0194 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Tiandijie Waizhuan: Huanshenjie (Disc 2) 天地劫外传:寰神结 | PC | 1.065 | Original | | AA0194 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Cardcaptor Sakura Typing Adventure: Clow Card-hen カードキャプターさくら タイピングアドベンチャー クロウカード編 | PC | | Original | | AART-1001 |  |
 | Re-Volt リボルト | PC | | Original | | ACLC-W1008E1 |  |
 | Rekishi Adventure-gata Typing Renshuu Soft: Ryouma ga Utsu 歴史アドベンチャー型タイピング練習ソフト 龍馬が打つ | PC | | Original | | AHR9-50069 |  |
 | Dual Soul デュアルソウル | PC | | Original | | AIL-00006 |  |
 | Koumajou Densetsu: Scarlet Symphony 紅魔城伝説 緋色の交響曲 (スカーレット・シンフォニー) | PC | 1.00 | Original | | AJAG-0001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Koumajou Densetsu II: Stranger's Requiem 紅魔城伝説Ⅱ 妖幻の鎮魂歌 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | AJAG-0005 |  |
 | Big Bang Beat: Revolve | PC | 1.00 | Original | | AJAG-0007 |  |
 | Koumajou Densetsu: Scarlet Symphony & Koumajou Densetsu II: Stranger's Requiem Premium Pack 紅魔城伝説 緋色の交響曲 & 紅魔城伝説 Ⅱ 妖幻の鎮魂歌 プレミアムパック | PC | | Original | | AJAG-0008 |  |
 | Jet Copter 2nd ジェットコプター・セカンド | PC | | Original | | AJC2-N1 |  |
 | DAG: Digital Art Graphics: No.0 ダグ Digital Art Graphics: No.0 | PC | | Original | | AKCD-018 |  |
 | Locus Alba II ロクス・アルバ2 | PC | | Original | | AL 00054 |  |
 | Clover Heart's クローバー・ハーツ | PC | 1.00 | Taikenban | | AL-CH-000 |  |
 | Champion Inu Monogatari: Wan Wan to Asobu Game Champion 犬物語 ~わんわんと遊ぶゲーム~ | PC | | Original | | AL00002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ore no Shita de Agake 俺の下であがけ | PC | System3.9 Ver.5.43 | Original | | ALB-005 |  |
 | Kakurezuki 隠れ月 | PC | | Original | | ALB001 |  |
 | Eiyuu Kourin: The Seven Heroes & Cinderella (Disc 1) 英雄降臨 | PC | | Original, Rerelease | | ALG001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Eiyuu Kourin: The Seven Heroes & Cinderella (Disc 2) 英雄降臨 | PC | | Rerelease | | ALG002 |  |
 | Eiyuu Kourin: The Seven Heroes & Cinderella (Disc 2) 英雄降臨 | PC | | Original | | ALG002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | AliceCD Ver2.01 アリスCD Ver2.01 | PC | 2.01 | PC Game Bundle | | ALICECD-6 |  |
 | AliceCD Ver2.02 アリスCD Ver2.02 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | ALICECD-7 |  |
 | AliceCD Ver1.00 アリスCD Ver1.00 | PC | 1.00 | PC Game Bundle | | ALO-019 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Guiwu Moying 3 鬼屋魔影3 | PC | | Original | | ALON3MA5011 |  |
 | Kichikuou Rance 鬼畜王ランス | PC | Ver. 01 | Original | | ALS-0023 |  |
 | Kaeru Nyo Panyorn かえるにょ・ぱにょ~ん | PC | | Original | | ALS-0026 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ikusa Miko: Vestal Virgin (Disc 1) 戦巫女 -Vestal virgin- | PC | | Original | | ALS-0027.1 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ikusa Miko: Vestal Virgin (Disc 2) 戦巫女 -Vestal virgin- | PC | | Original | | ALS-0027.2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Type Zero 零式 | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | ALS-0028.1 |  |
 | Ningen-Gari 人間狩り | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | ALS-0028.2 |  |
 | Atlach=Nacha アトラク=ナクア | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | ALS-0028.3 |  |
 | Alice no Yakata 4, 5, 6 ALICEの館4・5・6 | PC | | Original | | ALS-0028.4 |  |
 | Oudou Yuusha 王道勇者 | PC | | Original | | ALS-0029 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Pastel Chime: Koi no Skill Up ぱすてるチャイム ―恋のスキルアップ― | PC | | Original | | ALS-0032 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Pro Student Good ぷろすちゅーでんとGood | PC | | Original | | ALS-0033 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mamatoto: A Record of War ママトト ~a record of war~ | PC | | Original | | ALS-0035 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | SeeIn Ao SeeIn青 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0040 |  |
 | Yoru ga Kuru! Square of the Moon (Disc 1) 夜が来る! -Square of the MOON- | PC | | Original | | ALS-0041 |  |
 | Daiakuji (Disc 1) 大悪司 | PC | 1.05 | Original | | ALS-0043 |  |
 | Daiakuji (Disc 2) 大悪司 | PC | 1.05 | Original | | ALS-0043 |  |
 | Dalk Gaiden DALK外伝 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0047 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Daibanchou: Big Bang Age 大番長 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0053 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Rance VI: Zeth Houkai Rance Ⅵ -ゼス崩壊- | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0055 |  |
 | Pastel Chime Continue ぱすてるチャイムコンティニュー | PC | 1.01 | Original | | ALS-0057 |  |
 | GalZoo Island GALZOO(ギャルズー)アイランド | PC | | Original | | ALS-0058 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sengoku Rance 戦国ランス | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0061 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Beat Blades Haruka 超昂閃忍ハルカ | PC | | Original | | ALS-0064 |  |
 | Toushin Toshi III 闘神都市Ⅲ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0066 |  |
 | Alice 2010 アリス2010 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0070 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Daiteikoku 大帝国 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0072 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Rance Quest ランス・クエスト | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0073 |  |
 | Rance Quest Magnum ランス・クエスト マグナム | PC | 2.00 | Original | | ALS-0074 |  |
 | Pastel Chime 3 Bind Seeker パステルチャイム3 バインドシーカー | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0076 |  |
 | Rance 01: Hikari o Motomete Rance 01 ー光をもとめてー | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0078 |  |
 | Rance IX: Helman Kakumei Rance Ⅸ -ヘルマン革命- | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0079 |  |
 | Rance 03: Leazas Kanraku Rance 03 リーザス陥落 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0083 |  |
 | Rance X: Kessen Rance Ⅹ -決戦- | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ALS-0087 |  |
 | Yoru ga Kuru! Square of the Moon (Disc 2) 夜が来る! -Square of the MOON- | PC | | Original | | ALS-4011 |  |
 | Heart de Roommate Demonstration Disc はぁと de ルームメイト デモンストレーション ディスク | PC | | Demo | | ANG-10051 |  |
 | Ano, Subarashii o Mou Ichido あの、素晴らしいをもう一度 | PC | | Original | | ANOS-01 |  |
 | Ano, Subarashii o Mou Ichido あの、素晴らしいをもう一度 | PC | | Original | | ANOS-01 |  |
 | Ano, Subarashii o Mou Ichido あの、素晴らしいをもう一度 | PC | | Original | | ANOS-01 |  |
 | Sora no Fudousan 空の浮動産 | PC | | Original | | ANOS-02 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ano, Subarashii o Mou Ichido あの、素晴らしいをもう一度 | PC | | X68 Fukkokuban | | ANOS-03 |  |
 | Sora no Fudousan 空の浮動産 | PC | | for X68000 & Windows Doukonban | | ANOS-05 |  |
 | Road Blaster ロードブラスター | PC | | Original | | ANOS-15 |  |
 | Thunder Storm サンダーストーム | PC | | Original | | ANOS-18 |  |
 | Arkanoid: Doh It Again アルカノイド ドー・イット・アゲン | PC | | Original | | ANWC-52-1 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Zangeki Warp ザンゲキワープ | PC | | Original | | APG-0010 |  |
 | Bishoujo Densetsu Complete 美少女伝説 コンプリート | PC | | Original | | Aq-0005 |  |
 | Twilight Refrain | PC | | Original | | AQLP-0006 |  |
 | Futago Mahou Kumikyoku: World of Twain 双子魔法組曲 World of Twain | PC | | Original | | AQLP-0008 |  |
 | Game Fan 1200 Vol. 3: Hasami Shougi / Daifugou / Volleyball ゲームファン 1200 Vol.3 はさみ将棋・大富豪・バレーボール | PC | | Original | | AQUC-W1003E1 |  |
 | Game Fan 1200 Vol. 6: Hanafuda / Backgammon / Spinner Strikes Back ゲームファン 1200 Vol.6 花札・バックギャモン・スピナーの逆襲 | PC | | Original | | AQUC-W1006E1 |  |
 | Toho Sky Arena: Kurenai 東方スカイアリーナ・幻想郷空戦姫 ーKURENAIー | PC | 1.50 | Original | | AREZ-0008 |  |
 | Genmukan: Aiyoku to Ryoujoku no Inzai 幻夢館 ~愛欲と陵辱の淫罪~ | PC | | Original | | AS-0001 |  |
 | Yoru no Kakera 夜の破片 | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | AS-0004 |  |
 | The Legend of Kyrandia: Book One | PC | 1.1 | Asia-CD | | ASCD-017, ASCD-017HB | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Arabian Kid あらびあん KID | PC | | Original | | ASCII-002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings: Enhanced Edition (Disc 1) (Game) 巫師2:王國刺客:加強版 | PC | 3.0.20054.8512 | Original | | ASIA_D1 |  |
 | The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings: Enhanced Edition (Disc 2) (Game) 巫師2:王國刺客:加強版 | PC | 3.0.20054.8512 | Original | | ASIA_D2 |  |
 | Ozzie's World オジィーズワールド | PC | | Original | | ASOW-71110 |  |
 | Taklamakan: Chin Jo Jubaku タクラマカン~鎮除呪縛~ | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00106 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5 A5 A列車で行こう5 | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00110 |  |
 | A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5 A5 A列車で行こう5 | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00110 |  |
 | A5 Tours: A Ressha de Ikou 5 A5 Tours A列車で行こう5 | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00111 |  |
 | Lunatic Dawn: Passage of the Book ルナティックドーン 前途への道標 | PC | 1.1 | Original | | ATDK-00112 |  |
 | A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5: Kanzenban (Game Disk) A5 A列車で行こう5 完全版 | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00117 |  |
 | A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5: Kanzenban (Beginners Guide Movie) A5 A列車で行こう5 完全版 | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00117 |  |
 | Eikan wa Kimi ni 3: Koukou Yakyuu Zenkoku Taikai 栄冠は君に3 高校野球全国大会 | PC | | Artdink Best Choice | | ATDK-00121 |  |
 | A Ressha de Ikou 3 A列車で行こう3 | PC | | Artdink Best Choice | | ATDK-00124 |  |
 | Lunatic Dawn III (Game Disc) ルナティックドーンⅢ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ATDK-00125 |  |
 | Neo Atlas ネオアトラス | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00129 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5: Kanzenban: Eternal (Game Disc) A5 A列車で行こう5 完全版 ETERNAL | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00131 |  |
 | A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5: Kanzenban: Eternal (Beginners Guide Movie) A5 A列車で行こう5 完全版 ETERNAL | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00131 |  |
 | Lunatic Dawn IV (Game Disc) ルナティックドーンⅣ | PC | 1.0 | Upgrade-Ban | | ATDK-00132 |  |
 | Lunatic Dawn IV (Install Disc) ルナティックドーンⅣ | PC | 1.0 | Upgrade-Ban | | ATDK-00133 |  |
 | Zeus: Carnage Heart Second ゼウス カルネージハートセカンド | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00134 |  |
 | A Ressha de Ikou: Fukkoku-ban A列車で行こう 復刻版 | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00145 |  |
 | Mahjong Gokuu Taisei 麻雀悟空 大聖 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ATDK-00148 |  |
 | The Atlas ザ・アトラス | PC | 1.04 | Artdink Best Choice | | ATDK-00149 |  |
 | A Ressha de Ikou: Memorial Pack (Game Disc) A列車で行こう メモリアルパック | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00159-A |  |
 | A Ressha de Ikou: Memorial Pack (Sound Disc) A列車で行こう メモリアルパック | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00159-B |  |
 | A Ressha de Ikou: Memorial Pack (Guide Disc) A列車で行こう メモリアルパック | PC | | Original | | ATDK-00159-C |  |
 | Maristice マリスティス | PC | | Original | | ATON-0003 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | LEGO Batman: The Videogame レゴ バットマン | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ATVI 0012 |  |
 | Fortune Arterial Promotion CD-ROM フォーチュン アテリアル プロモーション CD-ROM | PC | | | | AUG-5001 |  |
 | Dai Toshokan no Hitsujikai 大図書館の羊飼い 体験版 | PC | 1.546.7.0 | Taikenban | | AUG-9001 |  |
 | Hello Lady ハロー・レディ 体験版 | PC | | Taikenban | | AW-1013 |  |
 | Keyboard de Tsuzuru Ginga Tetsudou no Yoru キーボードで綴る 銀河鉄道の夜 | PC | | Original | | AWR9-77199 |  |
 | Aquazone Desktop Life Deluxe アクアゾーン | PC | 1.5 | Original | | AZDW-0002 |  |
 | Fujitsu Habitat II V1.0 L10 富士通 Habitat Ⅱ V1.0L10 | PC | | Original | | B28C4930 |  |
 | Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome Expansion マイクロソフト エイジ オブ エンパイア 拡張パック:ライズ オブ ローマ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | B47-CD-001 |  |
 | Midgard ミッドガルド | PC | | Original | | BAROQUE-971130 |  |
 | Elemental Arts エレメンタルアーツ | PC | | Original | | BAROQUE991220 |  |
 | Gorillaz: Phase One: Celebrity Take Down (Bonus CD) フェイズ・ワン:セレブリティ・テイク・ダウン | PC | | DVD-Video Bundle | | BCD-0069 |  |
 | Gorillaz: Phase Two: Slowboat to Hades (Bonus CD) フェイズ2:スロウボート・トゥー・ハデス | PC | 1.0 | DVD-Video Bundle | | BCD-0107 |  |
 | Ganbare! Inu-chan: Rock'n Roll-hen がんばれ! いぬちゃん ロケンロール編 | PC | | Original | | BCRH-0009 |  |
 | Wallobee Jack: The Thai Sun Adventure ワロビー・ジャックの大冒険 「タイの黄金像を守れ」 | PC | | Original | | BCRW-0006 |  |
 | LIPs the Agent 1: Kuchibiru wa Kiken no Kaori LIPs the Agent #1 「くちびるは危険の香り」 | PC | | Original | | BCRW-0022 |  |
 | LIPs the Agent 2: Show Hodo Kakoku na Shoubai wa Nai LIPs the Agent #2 「ショーほど過酷な商売はない」 | PC | | Original | | BCRW-0023 |  |
 | Silent Möbius: Alice Ridell: Digital Motion Picture サイレントメビウス ーアリス・リデルー Digital Motion Picture | PC | | Original | | BCRW-0025 |  |
 | Dark Seed II ダークシード2 | PC | | Original | | BCRW-0026 |  |
 | MTV's Beavis and Butt-Head in Virtual Stupidity MTV's ビーバス&バットヘッド ヴァーチャル・アホ症候群 | PC | | Original | | BCRW-0034 |  |
 | Hashitte Asobou! Kikansha Thomas はしってあそぼう!きかんしゃトーマス | PC | | Original | | BDE-50002 |  |
 | Victorian Park (Disc 1) ビクトリアン・パーク | PC | | Original | | BDE-50004-2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Victorian Park (Disc 2) ビクトリアン・パーク | PC | | Original | | BDE-50004-2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Gundam Tactics: Mobility Fleet 0079 ガンダムタクティクス モビリティーフリート0079 | PC | | Original | | BDE-50008 |  |
 | Mobile Suit Gundam: White Base: The 13th Independent Force 機動戦士ガンダム 第13独立部隊 ホワイトベース | PC | | Original | | BDE-50010 |  |
 | SD Gundam Wars SDガンダムウォーズ | PC | | Original | | BDE-50012 |  |
 | Tamagotchi CD-ROM たまごっちCD-ROM | PC | | US Version | | BDE-50014 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Anpanman no Aiueo-n! アンパンマンのあいうえお~ん! | PC | | Original | | BDE-50015 |  |
 | Maverick Max (Game Disc) マーヴェリック★マックス | PC | | Original | | BGCD-018 |  |
 | Isu: Invisible Sign イス invisible sign | PC | | Original | | BHSGM001 |  |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 1) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | BM1-0001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 2) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | BM1-0002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Maria: Kimi-tachi ga Umareta Wake (Disc 3) マリア ~君たちが生まれた理由~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | BM1-0003 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Wrigglui リグルイ | PC | | | | BNYH-01 |  |
 | On Air | PC | | Original | | BROWNIE 990201 |  |
 | SD Gundam: GGeneration DA SDガンダム GジェネレーションDA | PC | | Original | | BSE-2002 |  |
 | Situation しちゅえ~しょん | PC | | Original | | BSKN-9811 |  |
 | Bistro Cupid (Disc 1) ビストロ・きゅーぴっと | PC | | Original | | BT-900135 |  |
 | Bistro Cupid (Disc 2) ビストロ・きゅーぴっと | PC | | Original | | BT-900135 |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenka Sousei (Install Disc) 信長の野望 天下創世 | PC | 1.30 | Sourcenext Selection (Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenka Sousei with Power-Up Kit) | | C2804 |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenka Sousei (Game Disc) 信長の野望 天下創世 | PC | 1.30 | Sourcenext Selection (Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenka Sousei with Power-Up Kit) | | C2804 |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenka Sousei: Power-Up Kit 信長の野望 天下創世 パワーアップキット | PC | 1.10 | Sourcenext Selection (Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenka Sousei with Power-Up Kit) | | C2804 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Redline Racer | PC | 1.00.000 | Original | | CA40700-C269 |  |
 | Theme Park テーマ・パーク | PC | | Hibaihin | | CA40701-1120 |  |
 | Redline Racer / Sub Culture レッドラインレーサー サブカルチャー | PC | | Original | | CA91200-6637 |  |
 | Mega Man X3 洛克人X3, Rockman X3 | PC | | Original | | CAP-X3-01 |  |
 | Rockman X3 ロックマンX3 | PC | | Original | | CAP.X3-01 |  |
 | Rockman Dash 2: Episode 2: Ooinaru Isan ロックマンDASH2 エピソード2 大いなる遺産 | PC | | Kids Station Otoku Series | | CAPPC-01013 |  |
 | Dark Age of Camelot ダーク・エイジ・オブ・キャメロット | PC | | Original | | CAPPC-01017 |  |
 | Gore: Ultimate Soldier | PC | 1.45 | Original | | CAPPC-01022 |  |
 | Chaos Legion (Disc 1) カオスレ ギオン インターナショナル for PC | PC | 1.10 | Original | | CAPPC-01046-1 |  |
 | Chaos Legion (Disc 2) カオスレ ギオン インターナショナル for PC | PC | 1.10 | Original | | CAPPC-01046-2 |  |
 | Rockman X8 (Disc 1) ロックマンX8 | PC | | Original | | CAPPC-01051-1 |  |
 | Rockman X8 (Disc 2) ロックマンX8 | PC | | Original | | CAPPC-01051-2 |  |
 | Wizard's Climber ウィザーズクライマー | PC | | Original | | cara-80523 |  |
 | Uncle Torys no Daibouken アンクルトリスの大冒険 | PC | | Original | | CAT NO.IB97030 |  |
 | Kakesoba Ichidai-ki かけそば一代記 | PC | | Original | | CAT. IB96030 |  |
 | Kuro no Ken: Blade of the Darkness 黒の剣 | PC | | Original | | CBB-0001 |  |
 | Heavy Gear II ヘビーギア2 | PC | | Original | | CBFC-W1001E1 |  |
 | Suzumiya Haruhi no Gyakuten! 涼宮ハルヒの逆転 | PC | | Original | | CBT-0001 |  |
 | Suzumiya Haruhi no Gyakuten! 2+1 涼宮ハルヒの逆転2+1 | PC | | Original | | CBT-0002 |  |
 | Suzumiya Haruhi no Gyakuten! 3 涼宮ハルヒの逆転 3 | PC | | Original | | CBT-0003 |  |
 | Unlocked. | PC | | Original | | CCC-0084 |  |
 | Taikenban Cool & Create 体験版COOL&CREATE | PC | | Comiket 68 | | CCCD-0009 |  |
 | Ha La Ma Jiang Wang 哈拉麻將王 | PC | | Original | | CD 6250 |  |
 | Qin: Shihuangling Zhi Mi 秦:始皇陵之谜 | PC | | Zhengban 100 | | CD-017 |  |
 | Kuai Di Zhai Ji Bian 快遞宅急便 | PC | | Original | | CD-139 |  |
 | Descent 3 (Disc 1) ディセント3 | PC | 1.2 | Bundle Version Creative Labs OEM | | CD-C95-778-C1Ej1 |  |
 | Muppet Treasure Island (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | CDD-3113-101-JP |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | Rerelease | | CDD-3115-101-JP |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | Original | | CDD-3115-102-JP | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MechWarrior 2: Youhei Butai メックウォリア2 傭兵部隊 | PC | 1.05 | Original | | CDD-3580-101-JP | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Jesttax CD-ROM Lens Cleaner with Games Vol. 1 Jesttax CD-ROM レンズ クリーナー With ゲーム VOL.1 | PC | | Original | | CDL-888 |  |
 | Guochan Ling Ling Qi 國產凌凌漆 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | CDR014 |  |
 | NetStorm: Islands at War ネットストーム | PC | 10.37 | Original | | CDW-3980-101-JP |  |
 | Battlezone バトルゾーン | PC | 1.3 | Original | | CDW-3990-101-JP |  |
 | Battlezone 终极战区——战争地带 | PC | | Shiji Huigu Jinianban | | CDW-3990.101.US |  |
 | Nanikura なにクラ | PC | | Original | | CFLY-004 |  |
 | Ichimonji Takeru: Soudou no Joou (Jou no Maki) 一文字 武 双瞳の女王 | PC | | Original | | CH6LA0060 |  |
 | Ichimonji Takeru: Soudou no Joou (Ge no Maki) 一文字 武 双瞳の女王 | PC | | Original | | CH6LA0060 11T-WIN-0060-2 |  |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 1) リヴン ザ シークェル トゥー ミスト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | CH7KA0200-1 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 2) リヴン ザ シークェル トゥー ミスト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | CH7KA0200-2 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 3) リヴン ザ シークェル トゥー ミスト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | CH7KA0200-3 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 4) リヴン ザ シークェル トゥー ミスト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | CH7KA0200-4 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 5) リヴン ザ シークェル トゥー ミスト | PC | 1.0 | Original | | CH7KA0200-5 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | CRAVEx10: Demonstration クレイブ×テン オートデモ | PC | | Demo | | CHERRY.020722 |  |
 | Aries アリエス | PC | | Shokaiban | | CIRCUS-0001 |  |
 | Eternal Fantasy エターナルファンタジー | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | CIRCUS-0173 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Eternal Fantasy Taikenban Director's Selection エターナルファンタジー体験版 ディレクターズセレクション | PC | | Taikenban | | CIRCUS-0178 |  |
 | D.C.V.: Da Capo Valkyrie Complex: Prelude Disk D.C.V. -ダ・カーポ ヴァルキリーコンプレックス- プレリュードディスク | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | CIRCUS-0216 |  |
 | Circus 10 Shuunen Kinen Shaon ROM: Kandou to Chousen no Ginban サーカス10周年記念謝恩ROM 感動と挑戦の銀盤 | PC | | Mailer | | CIRCUS-0254 |  |
 | D.C. III: Da Capo III D.C.Ⅲ ーダ・カーポⅢー | PC | | Taikenban Lite | | CIRCUS-0300 |  |
 | Sid Meier's Colonization: Create a New Nation コロナイゼーション | PC | | Kanzen Nihongoban for Windows | | CLWC 66 |  |
 | Puyo Puyo Tsuu ぷよぷよ通 | PC | | Original | | CMP60080 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Compile Gallery 123 コンパイル・ギャラリー123 ~ぷよぷよ―そして魔導物語へ~ | PC | | Original | | CMP80074 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sacrifice: Uzuki no Kubiwa サクリファイス ~疼きの首輪~ | PC | | Original | | CNDL-0001 |  |
 | Silver Gene: The Mutia Chronicle 1 シルバージーン the mutia chronicle 1 | PC | | Original | | CNDL-0002 |  |
 | The Legend of Eden 2 | PC | | Original | | CORC-1001 AFOON-001 |  |
 | Gatchaman Access ガッチャマン アクセス | PC | | Original | | CORG-5 |  |
 | Yakuman-ou 役満王 | PC | | Original | | COS-0001 |  |
 | Biohazard 2 (Disc 1) (Leon-hen) バイオハザード2 | PC | | Original | | CPC.BIO21A | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Biohazard 2 (Disc 1) (Leon-hen) バイオハザード2 | PC | 1.04 | Original | | CPC.BIO21A |  |
 | Biohazard 2 (Disc 2) (Claire-hen) バイオハザード2 | PC | | Original | | CPC.BIO21B | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Biohazard 2 (Disc 2) (Claire-hen) バイオハザード2 | PC | 1.04 | Original | | CPC.BIO21B |  |
 | Monster Hunter Frontier Online モンスターハンター フロンティア オンライン | PC | | Premium Package | | CPCS 01030 |  |
 | Devil May Cry 4 デビル メイ クライ4 | PC | | Original | | CPCS-01037 |  |
 | Street Fighter IV ストリートファイターⅣ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | CPCS-01050 |  |
 | Bionic Commando バイオニックコマンドー | PC | | Original | | CPCS-01055 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Dead Rising 2 デッドライジング2 | PC | | Original | | CPCS-01062 |  |
 | Lost Planet 3 (Disc 1) | PC | | Suuryou Genteiban | | CPCS-01095 |  |
 | Lost Planet 3 (Disc 2) | PC | | Suuryou Genteiban | | CPCS-01095 |  |
 | Mogui Da Xiagu: Dinamation Tanxian Youxi 魔鬼大峡谷: Dinamation探险游戏 | PC | | Bundle Version Acer OEM | | CR-004-96, CR-006-96 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Iris Jiaoshou Quwei Lüxingji: Haibin Lüxingji 艾丽斯教授趣味旅行记:海滨旅行记 | PC | | | | CR-014-97 |  |
 | Iris Jiaoshou Quwei Lüxingji: Shoulie Yuanzheng 艾丽斯教授趣味旅行记:狩猎远征 | PC | | | | CR-016-97 |  |
 | Bingfeng Zhi Gu (Disc 1) 冰風之谷 | PC | 1.06 | Bingfeng Chuanqi | | CR016 |  |
 | Bingfeng Zhi Gu (Disc 2) 冰風之谷 | PC | 1.06 | Bingfeng Chuanqi | | CR016 |  |
 | Bingfeng Zhi Gu: Handong Zhi Xin 冰風之谷:寒冬之心 | PC | 1.40 | Bingfeng Chuanqi | | CR018 |  |
 | End of Twilight 末日黎明 | PC | | Original | | CR021 |  |
 | Baldur's Gate (Disc 1) 柏德之門 | PC | 1.1.4315 | Shiji Diancang Zhongwenban | | CR037-1 |  |
 | Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast 柏德之門:劍灣傳奇 | PC | 1.03.5508 | Shiji Diancang Zhongwenban | | CR037-6 |  |
 | Bingfeng Zhi Gu II (Disc 1) 冰風之谷 Ⅱ | PC | | Original | | CR055 |  |
 | Bingfeng Zhi Gu II (Disc 2) 冰風之谷 Ⅱ | PC | | Original | | CR055 |  |
 | Wacky Races チキチキマシン猛レース | PC | | Original | | CRM-1844 |  |
 | Persian Wars ペルシアンウォーズ | PC | 1.7.4 | Original | | CRYC-W1002E1 |  |
 | SDS Star Divers スターダイバーズ | PC | | Original | | CS001 |  |
 | Gambler Densetsu Tetsuya: Janda: Yakuman Typing 勝負師伝説哲也 雀打 役満タイピング | PC | | Original | | CSTR 02033 |  |
 | Tantei Monogatari 探偵物語 | PC | | Original | | CSTR 04002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Gokudou Simulation: Teppoudama Jingi 極道シミュレーション 鉄砲玉仁義 | PC | | Original | | CSTR02022 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Desktop Character: Hokuto no Ken デスクトップキャラクター・北斗の拳 | PC | | Original | | CSTR02028 W212493 |  |
 | The Lost One: Last Chapter of Eve (Disc 1) ザ・ロストワン | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | CSW-00504 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Lost One: Last Chapter of Eve (Disc 2) ザ・ロストワン | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | CSW-00504 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Lost One: Last Chapter of Eve (Disc 3) ザ・ロストワン | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | CSW-00504 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Lost One: Last Chapter of Eve (Disc 4) ザ・ロストワン | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | CSW-00504 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mystic Weaver (Kuro Disc: Rivas-hen: The Lord of Nightmare) ミスティック・ウィーヴァ | PC | | Original | | CSW-00542 |  |
 | Mystic Weaver (Shiro Disc: Shana-hen: The Saint Virgin in the HolyBright) ミスティック・ウィーヴァ | PC | | Original | | CSW-00559 |  |
 | Adam: The Double Factor (Disc 1) アダム ザ ダブルファクター | PC | | Original | | CSW-00603 |  |
 | Adam: The Double Factor (Disc 2) アダム ザ ダブルファクター | PC | | Original | | CSW-00603 |  |
 | Angel Snow | PC | | Original | | CSW-00634 |  |
 | Eve Zero: Ark of the Matter (Disc A) イヴ・ゼロ アーク オブ ザ マター | PC | | Original | | CSW-00665 |  |
 | Eve Zero: Ark of the Matter (Disc B) イヴ・ゼロ アーク オブ ザ マター | PC | | Original | | CSW-00665 |  |
 | Eve Zero: Ark of the Matter (Disc C) イヴ・ゼロ アーク オブ ザ マター | PC | | Original | | CSW-00665 |  |
 | Eve Zero: Ark of the Matter (Disc D) イヴ・ゼロ アーク オブ ザ マター | PC | | Original | | CSW-00665 |  |
 | Voice Mix Extra: Original CG Collection for Windows ボイスミックスエクストラ: Original CG Collection for Windows | PC | | Original | | CSW-VMEX0 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Tentama: 1st Sunny Side (Disc 1) 見習天使 | PC | | Original, Shuishoufu Chun'ai Tedian | | CV020 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Tentama: 1st Sunny Side (Disc 2) 見習天使 | PC | | Original, Shuishoufu Chun'ai Tedian | | CV020 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Separate Hearts 散碎的原色 | PC | | Original | | CV022 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Close to 思念百分百 | PC | | Original | | CV023 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Loulan Er: Lunhui Zhi Guiji 樓蘭貳 輪迴之軌跡 | PC | | Shoufa-ban | | CV042 |  |
 | The Conveni III: Ano Machi o Dokusen seyo ザ・コンビニⅢ ~あの町を独占せよ~ | PC | | Original | | CV3-020403 |  |
 | Madeline Thinking Games マドレーヌとかんがえよう | PC | | | | CWJ-0014 CWJ-0015 |  |
 | Next Graduation (Disc 1) 卒業NextGraduation | PC | | Original | | CZ016 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Next Graduation (Disc 2) 卒業NextGraduation | PC | | Original, Shuishoufu Chun'ai Tedian | | CZ016 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Disney's Tarzan Disney's Tarzan 액션게임 | PC | | Rerelease | | D6435 |  |
 | Growlanser I, II, III Desktop Accessories グローランサーⅠ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ デスクトップアクセサリー | PC | | Original | | DA-101 |  |
 | Koukidou Gensou: Gunparade March: Desktop Accessories 高機動幻想ガンパレード・マーチ デスクトップアクセサリー | PC | | Original | | DA-102 |  |
 | Winning Post 7: Special Data CD ウイニングポスト7 スペシャルデータCD | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | DATA-20919 |  |
 | Daisenryaku 大戦略 | PC | 1.00 | | | DAW-V.1.00 |  |
 | SilverMoon | PC | | Designer's Collection 01 | | DC-KM001 |  |
 | Freejia IV: Isolated Children フリージア フォー アイソレイテッドチルドレン | PC | | Original | | DCC-0002 |  |
 | Freejia IV: The End of Baptisma フリージアⅣ ジ・エンド・オブ・バプテスマ | PC | | Original | | DCC-0003 |  |
 | Kimi ni Steady (Disc A) キミにステディ | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | DCD-0035 |  |
 | Kimi ni Steady (Disc B) キミにステディ | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | DCD-00352 |  |
 | Sumeragi no Miko-tachi (Disc 1) (Install Disc) すめらぎの巫女たち | PC | | Original | | DCD-00531 |  |
 | Sumeragi no Miko-tachi (Disc 2) (Install Disc) すめらぎの巫女たち | PC | | Original | | DCD-00532 |  |
 | Doki Doki Windows Magazine Tokubetsu Zoukan: Sumeragi no Mikotachi どきどきWindowsマガジン特別増刊: すめらぎの巫女たち体験版 | PC | | Taikenban | | DCD-10531 |  |
 | Big Comics Manga ROM: Golgo 13 (Disc 1) BIG COMICS MANGAROM ゴルゴ13 | PC | | Original | | DD-H001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Big Comics Manga ROM: Golgo 13 (Disc 2) BIG COMICS MANGAROM ゴルゴ13 | PC | | Original | | DD-H001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Natsugoori 夏氷 ーなつごおりー | PC | | Original | | DE-0001 |  |
 | Konshuu mo Otsukare-saan! 今週もお疲れさーん! | PC | | Original | | DE-0002 |  |
 | Chaos Labyrinth ケイオス ラビリンス | PC | | Original | | DEBO-12003 |  |
 | Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2: Auto Demo CD-ROM 遙かなる時空の中で2 オートデモCD-ROM | PC | | Hibaihin | | DEMO-16424 |  |
 | Jungle Park ジャングルパーク | PC | | Original | | DFAS-01 |  |
 | Kaneko Kazuma: Dennou Akuma Zukan Ichi 金子一馬 電脳悪魔図鑑 壱 | PC | | Original | | DG-002 |  |
 | Doukyuusei Remake: Gouka-ban (Doukyuusei Remake) (Install Disc) 同級生 リメイク 豪華版 | PC | | Original | | DG-4002 |  |
 | Doukyuusei Remake: Gouka-ban (Doukyuusei: Original-ban) (Install Disc) 同級生 リメイク 豪華版 | PC | | Original | | DG4-002 |  |
 | English Dr. Kid 어린이 영어박사 | PC | | Original | | DGC3-0003 |  |
 | Densha de Go! Nagoya Tetsudou-hen 電車でGO!名古屋鉄道編 | PC | | Original | | DGM-078-1 |  |
 | The Game Series 1: Manabou! Igo Kojirou ザゲームシリーズ1 学ぼう!囲碁小次郎 | PC | 1.1 | Original | | DGS-01 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 2: Shougi ザゲームシリーズ2 将棋 | PC | 3.30 | Original | | DGS-02 |  |
 | The Game Series 2: Shougi ザゲームシリーズ2 将棋 | PC | 3.30 | Original | | DGS-02 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 3: Mahjong ザゲームシリーズ3 麻雀 | PC | | Original | | DGS-03 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 6: Reversi ザゲームシリーズ6: リバーシ | PC | | Original | | DGS-06 |  |
 | The Game Series: Basic Game Gallery 7: Trump 1 ザ・ゲームシリーズ ベーシックゲームギャレリー7 ~トランプ1~ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | DGS-07 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series: Basic Game Gallery 8: Trump 2 ザ・ゲームシリーズ ベーシックゲームギャレリー8 ~トランプ2~ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | DGS-08 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 9: Pinball Slamtilt ザゲームシリーズ9: ピンボールSLAMTILT | PC | | Rerelease | | DGS-09 |  |
 | The Game Series 9: Pinball Slamtilt ザゲームシリーズ9: ピンボールSLAMTILT | PC | | Original | | DGS-09 |  |
 | The Game Series 14: Kamui Light ザゲームシリーズ14: 神威Light | PC | | Original | | DGS-14 |  |
 | The Game Series 14: Kamui Light ザゲームシリーズ14: 神威Light | PC | | Original | | DGS-14 |  |
 | The Game Series 15: Sentouki Action Destroy Mover ザゲームシリーズ15: 戦闘機アクションデストロイムーバー | PC | | Original | | DGS-15 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 20: Tank Battle ザゲームシリーズ20: タンクバトル | PC | | Original | | DGS-20 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 23: Miya Souji ザゲームシリーズ23: 御社掃除 | PC | | Original | | DGS-23 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 26: Mahjong Puzzle Dalian: Toitsu-tori ザゲームシリーズ26 麻雀パズル 大連~対子取り | PC | | Original | | DGS-26 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 34: Quiz Jockey 1: Nihon Derby-hen ザゲームシリーズ34:クイズジョッキー1:日本ダービー編 | PC | | Original | | DGS-34 |  |
 | The Game Series 34: Sky Shootist ザ・ゲームシリーズ34 ~スカイ・シューティスト~ | PC | | Original | | DGS-34 |  |
 | The Game Series 36: Quiz Jockey 3: Elizabeth Jououhai-hen ザゲームシリーズ36: クイズジョッキー3: エリザベス女王杯編 | PC | | Original | | DGS-36 |  |
 | The Game Series 43: Action RPG: Dark Revenger: The Cageling (Zenpen) ザ・ゲームシリーズ43 アクションRPG ダーク・リベンジャー (前編) | PC | | Original | | DGS-43 |  |
 | The Game Series 44: Action RPG: Dark Revenger: The Cageling (Kouhen) ザ・ゲームシリーズ44 アクションRPG ダーク・リベンジャー (後編) | PC | | Original | | DGS-44 |  |
 | The Game Series 47: E-Crush ザゲームシリーズ47:E-Crush | PC | | Original | | DGS-47 |  |
 | The Game Series 48: Adventure Game: Mysterious House ザ・ゲームシリーズ48 アドベンチャーゲーム ミステリアスハウス | PC | | Original | | DGS-48 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 5: Neo Billiard: Pocket Billiards 3 ザゲームシリーズ5: ネオビリヤード | PC | | Original | | DGS-5 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Game Series 51: SF Race Game ザゲームシリーズ51: SFレースゲーム | PC | | Original | | DGS-51 |  |
 | The Game Series 53: Senryaku Space Battle ザゲームシリーズ53: 戦略スペースバトル | PC | | Original | | DGS-53 |  |
 | The Game Series 60: The Boxing ザゲームシリーズ60:ザ・ボクシング | PC | | Original | | DGS-60 |  |
 | The Game Series 68: Tategata Shooting ザ・ゲームシリーズ68 ~縦型シューティング~ | PC | | Original | | DGS-68 |  |
 | Ayufushi: Ayu no Fushigi na Eien あゆふし ~あゆの不思議な永遠~ | PC | | Original | | DGT-01011 |  |
 | Digimon Typing デジモンタイピング | PC | | Original | | DHWWC-50135 DHWWC-136 |  |
 | PostPet TypeLand Uchimomo PostPet TypeLand 打モモ | PC | | Original | | DHWWW-50077 |  |
 | %%: Fuuin no Otome %%(だぶるぱーせんてーじ) ~封印の乙女~ | PC | | Original | | DICD-0004 |  |
 | Disney's Toy Story: Activity Center Disney's トイ・ストーリー アクティビティー・センター | PC | | | | DIJH-0008 |  |
 | Disney's GameMania!: Timon & Pumbaa's Jungle Games ディズニーのゲームマニア ティモンとプンバァのジャングルゲーム | PC | | Original | | DIJW-0018 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | RayAssault | PC | | Original | | DIRP-0001 |  |
 | G-CIA (Secret Data File-1) | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_01 |  |
 | Shissou, Yankee Tamashii. 疾走、ヤンキー魂。 | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_02 |  |
 | MU Online ミュー 奇蹟の大地 | PC | 0.94.05 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_03 |  |
 | Lineage: The Blood Pledge (Episode XII: Aden) リネージュ | PC | 2.00j | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_04 |  |
 | Ragnarok Online ラグナロクオンライン | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_05 |  |
 | Fortress 2 ポトリス2 | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_06 |  |
 | Bomberman Online ボンバーマンオンライン | PC | 25 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_07 |  |
 | Powerful Pro Yakyuu Online パワフルプロ野球オンライン | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_08 |  |
 | Minna no Island みんなのあいらんど | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_09 |  |
 | Battle Marine バトルマリン | PC | 068 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_10 |  |
 | Kyoshouden 巨商伝 | PC | 0.994 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_11 |  |
 | Godius ガディウス | PC | 1.90 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_12 |  |
 | Cronous 眠らない大陸クロノス | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_13 |  |
 | Freegolf 2002 フリーゴルフ | PC | 03.28 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_14 |  |
 | N.Age Online エヌエイジ | PC | 011 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_15 |  |
 | Resonance Age: Lost Overlord | PC | 0.7f 03/06/17 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_16 |  |
 | Cosmo Gurashi: Online-teki Yasai Seikatsu コスモぐらし ~オンライン的野菜生活~ | PC | 1.12 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_17 |  |
 | Puzzle Bobble Online パズルボブルオンライン | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_18 |  |
 | Navy Field: Resurrection of the Steel Fleet | PC | 253JP | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_19 |  |
 | Laghaim: Eternal Chaos Online ラグハイムエターナルカオス | PC | 201j | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_20 |  |
 | Pop'n Taisen Puzzle-dama Online Pop'n 対戦 ぱずるだま Online | PC | β-Version 1.90 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_21 |  |
 | Z.E.R.O.C.U.P Proleague | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_22 |  |
 | Tenjouhi 天上碑 | PC | 1003j | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_23 |  |
 | Dai Tokyo 25-ji 大東京25時 | PC | 022 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_24 |  |
 | Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu VS 銀河英雄伝説 VS | PC | 1.08 | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_25 |  |
 | G-CIA (Secret Data File-2) | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_26 |  |
 | G-CIA (Secret Data File-3) | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_27 |  |
 | G-CIA (Secret Data File-4) | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_28 |  |
 | G-CIA (Secret Data File-5) | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_29 |  |
 | G-CIA (Secret Data File-6) | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_29-2 |  |
 | Lineage II: The Chaotic Chronicle | PC | | BB Games Online Game Fantasista | | disc_30 |  |
 | Jet de Go! Let's Go by Airliner ジェットでGO! -LET'S GO BY AIRLINER- | PC | | Original | | DJG-090-1 |  |
 | Holmes! Decchiage Meitantei ホームズ! でっちあげ名探偵 | PC | | Original | | DJN-006 |  |
 | Suya Suya Goopy Deluxe すやすやグーピーDELUXE | PC | | Original | | DJW-021 |  |
 | Cave Castle Cavalier ケイブキャッスルキャバリア― | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | DL001 |  |
 | Master Burner マスターバーナー | PC | | Original | | DNA-MB01 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Touhou Unreal Mahjong Revision2 東方幻想麻雀 Revision2 | PC | 2.2 | Original | | DNAS-MJR2 |  |
 | Shaftdiver シャフトダイバー | PC | 1.0 | Original | | DNAS-SDVR |  |
 | Heart of Hearts ハートオブハーツ | PC | | Original | | DOOR-0001 |  |
 | Heart of Hearts ハートオブハーツ 体験版 TRIAL DISC | PC | | Taikenban Trial Disc | | DOOR-0001T |  |
 | Postal 2: From Russia with Love ポスタル2 ロシアより愛をこめて | PC | 1337 | Original | | DR-008 |  |
 | Void ヴォイド | PC | | Muryou Taikenban | | DR00023 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Dorapeko どらぺこ! | PC | | Taikenban | | DRPK-TR |  |
 | Trans': Boku to Atashi no Kyoukaisen トランス ~僕とあたしの境界線~ | PC | | Original | | DS-001 |  |
 | Mirage 2 ミラージュ2 | PC | | Original | | DS-F005 |  |
 | Power Replay Wii-you パワーリプレイ Wii用 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | DS000097 |  |
 | Pro Action Replay Max プロアクションリプレイ マックス | PC | 1.01 | Original | | DS000118 |  |
 | Pro Action Replay Max 2 プロアクションリプレイ マックス2 | PC | | Taikenban | | DS000125 |  |
 | Pro Action Replay Max 2 プロアクション リプレイ マックス2 | PC | | Original | | DS000128 |  |
 | Wana no Kishi, Ginsen no Hime 罠の騎士 銀閃の姫 | PC | | Original | | DSNY-0016 |  |
 | PlayStation Programmer Tool: Technical Reference Version 4.4 | PC | 4.4 | Original | | DTL-D2350 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | PlayStation Programmer Tool: Technical Reference Version 4.6 | PC | 4.6 | Original | | DTL-D2360 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | PlayStation Programmer Tool: CD/DVD-ROM Generator Version 1.00 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | DTL-S15000 |  |
 | PlayStation Programmer Tool: Runtime Library Version 2.0 | PC | 2.0 | Original | | DTL-S2160 |  |
 | PlayStation Programmer Tool: Runtime Library Version 4.4 | PC | 4.4 | Original | | DTL-S2350 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | PlayStation Programmer Tool: Runtime Library Version 4.6 | PC | 4.6 | Original | | DTL-S2360 |  |
 | Net Yarou ze Software Development Disc ネットやろうぜ ソフト開発用ディスク | PC | 1.0 | Original | | DTL-S3040 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Daisenryaku V 大戦略 V | PC | 1.00 | Original | | DVW-V1.00 |  |
 | Final Fantasy VIII: Desktop Accessories ファイナルファンタジー Ⅷ デスクトップアクセサリーズ | PC | | Original | | DWMMD-00016 |  |
 | SimCity 3000 シムシティ3000 | PC | 1.0.557.0 | Original, DigiCube PC, Shokaiban | | DWOKD-00046, EMW-4047 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ultima Online: The Second Age ウルティマ オンライン ザ・セカンド エイジ | PC | 1.26.0 | DigiCube PC | | DWOKD-00047 |  |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Haouden 信長の野望・覇王伝 | PC | 1.0 | DigiCube PC, Koei Teiban Series | | DWOKD-00050, KN12-36101 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace スター・ウォーズ エピソード1 ファントム・メナス | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWOKD-00061 |  |
 | Sangokushi III 三國志Ⅲ | PC | 1.0 | Koei Teiban Series | | DWOKD-00071 |  |
 | SimPeople Deluxe シムピープル デラックス | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWOKD-00085 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki with Power-Up Kit 信長の野望・天翔記 with パワーアップキット | PC | 1.0 | Koei Teiban Series (2001) | | DWOKD-00114 |  |
 | Ultima Online: Age of Shadows ウルティマ オンライン 正邪の大陸 | PC | 3.0.8S | DigiCube PC | | DWOMS-00162 |  |
 | Aquazone II: Real Aquarium Simulator アクアゾーンⅡ | PC | | Original | | DWRMD-50157 |  |
 | SD Gundam: GGeneration DA SDガンダム GジェネレーションDA | PC | 1.00 | DigiCube PC Series | | DWRMS-00158 |  |
 | Virtua Cop 2 バーチャ・コップ2 | PC | 1.00 | DigiCube | | DWRPD-00011 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megami Ibunroku: Persona: Be Your True Mind 女神異聞録 ~ペルソナ~ | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPD-00054 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Sega Rally 2: Sega Rally Championship (Install Disc) セガラリー2 | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPD-00081 |  |
 | Sega Rally 2: Sega Rally Championship (Play Disc) セガラリー2 | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPD-00081 |  |
 | Growlanser (Install Disc) グローランサー | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPD-00092-A | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Growlanser (Key Disc) グローランサー | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPD-00092-B | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | 3x3 Eyes: Tenrin'ou Genmu (Disc 1) サザンアイズ ~転輪王幻夢~ | PC | | DigiCube PC Series | | DWRPD-00125-A |  |
 | 3x3 Eyes: Tenrin'ou Genmu (Disc 2) サザンアイズ ~転輪王幻夢~ | PC | | DigiCube PC Series | | DWRPD-00125-B |  |
 | Power DoLLS CV (Disc 1) (Game Disc) パワー・ドール CV | PC | | DigiCube | | DWRPD-00141-A |  |
 | Power DoLLS CV (Disc 2) (Mania Kit Disc) パワー・ドール CV | PC | | DigiCube | | DWRPD-00141-B |  |
 | Pro Pilot '99 (Disc 1) プロパイロット セスナ機マスター最短コース | PC | 1.0 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPM-00073a |  |
 | Pro Pilot '99 (Disc 2) プロパイロット セスナ機マスター最短コース | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPM-00073b |  |
 | Sequence Palladium シークエンス パラディウム | PC | | DigiCube, Media Kite Great Series | | DWRPM-00089, MKW-182 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5: Kanzenban: Eternal (Game Disc) A5 A列車で行こう5 完全版 ETERNAL | PC | 1.20 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPM-00094-A |  |
 | A5: A Ressha de Ikou 5: Kanzenban: Eternal (Beginners Guide Movie) A5 A列車で行こう5 完全版 ETERNAL | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPM-00094-B |  |
 | Hanabi Shokunin ni Narou no Kyuukyoku-ban: 2001-nen Natsu (Game CD) 花火職人になろうの究極版 2001年 夏 | PC | 2.0 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPM-00107-A |  |
 | Hanabi Shokunin ni Narou no Kyuukyoku-ban: 2001-nen Natsu (Ongaku CD) 花火職人になろうの究極版 2001年 夏 | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPM-00107-B |  |
 | Hanabi Shokunin ni Narou no Kyuukyoku-ban: 2001-nen Natsu (Guide CD) 花火職人になろうの究極版 2001年 夏 | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPM-00107-C |  |
 | Tomb Raider II トゥームレイダー2 | PC | | Tomb Raider II: Golden Mask (DigiCube PC Box) | | DWRPS-00009 |  |
 | Tomb Raider II: Starring Lara Croft: The Golden Mask トゥームレイダー2 ゴールデン・マスク | PC | | Tomb Raider II: Golden Mask (DigiCube PC Box) | | DWRPS-00009 |  |
 | Tomb Raider II: Starring Lara Croft: The Golden Mask トゥームレイダー2 ゴールデン・マスク | PC | | Tomb Raider II: Golden Mask (DigiCube PC Box) | | DWRPS-00009 |  |
 | Family Shougi 2000 ファミリー将棋2000 | PC | 1.0 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPS-00010 |  |
 | Dear Dog Best ディアドッグ ベスト | PC | 1.0 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPS-00022 |  |
 | Puyo Puyo Tsuu ぷよぷよ通 | PC | | DigiCube PC | | DWRPS-00033 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | F-22 Lightning II Fー22ライトニング2 | PC | | Game Fan 1980, DigiCube PC | | DWRPS-00039, TSM-W1003E1 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Koukou Yakyuu-dou CV | PC | 1.09 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPS-00044 |  |
 | Shanghai: Dynasty 上海ダイナスティ | PC | 1.2 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPS-00055 |  |
 | Lunatic Dawn III: Standard (Install Disc) ルナティックドーンⅢ スタンダード | PC | 2.0 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPS-00064 |  |
 | Lunatic Dawn III: Standard (Game Disc) ルナティックドーンⅢ スタンダード | PC | 2.0 | DigiCube PC | | DWRPS-00064 |  |
 | Relics: The Recur of Origin レリクス ザ リカー オブ オリジン | PC | | Rerelease | | DWRPS-00093 |  |
 | Gundam Tactics: Mobility Fleet 0079 ガンダムタクティクス MOBILITY FLEET0079 | PC | | DigiCube PC Series | | DWRPS-00111 |  |
 | Daisenryaku V: The Desktop Wars 大戦略 Ⅴ The Desktop Wars | PC | 1.03 | Original | | DWV-V1.3 |  |
 | The 4th Unit Act. 4: Zero 第4のユニット4ゼロ | PC | | Original | | DWWI-9907 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The 4th Unit Act. 5: D-Again 第4のユニット5ディー・アゲイン | PC | | Original | | DWWI-9908 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The 4th Unit Act. 3: Dual Targets デュアルターゲット -第4のユニット3- | PC | | Original | | DWWI9807 |  |
 | Atelier Marie · Elie · Lilie: Desktop Accessories マリー・エリー・リリーのアトリエ デスクトップアクセサリーズ | PC | | Original | | DWWWC-50103, DWWWC-50104 |  |
 | Sakura Taisen 3: Paris wa Moeteiru ka: Desktop Accessories サクラ大戦3 ~巴里は燃えているか~ デスクトップアクセサリーズ | PC | | Tokubetsu Genteiban B | | DWWWC-50121~50123 |  |
 | PaRappa the Rapper 2: Desktop Accessories パラッパラッパー2 デスクトップアクセサリーズ | PC | 1.0 | Original | | DWWWC-50124 |  |
 | PostPet TypeLand 2 Uchimomomo PostPet TypeLand 2 打モモも | PC | | Original | | DWWWM-00163 |  |
 | Tales of Eternia: Desktop Accessories テイルズオブエターニア デスクトップアクセサリーズ | PC | | Original | | DWWWW-50083 |  |
 | Ban Tiao Ming 2 (Disc 1) 半条命2 | PC | | Original | | DXXHL204001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ban Tiao Ming 2 (Disc 2) 半条命2 | PC | | Original | | DXXHL204001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ban Tiao Ming 2 (Disc 3) 半条命2 | PC | | Original | | DXXHL204001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ban Tiao Ming 2 (Disc 4) 半条命2 | PC | | Original | | DXXHL204001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ban Tiao Ming 2 (Disc 5) 半条命2 | PC | | Original | | DXXHL204001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ban Tiao Ming 2 (Disc 6) 半条命2 | PC | | Original | | DXXHL204001 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Kurenai no Namida 紅涙 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | e-go991120 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen (Disc 1) キャッスルファンタジア 聖魔大戦 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | e・go! 001203 |  |
 | Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen (Disc 2) キャッスルファンタジア 聖魔大戦 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | e・go! 001204 |  |
 | Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen (Disc 3) キャッスルファンタジア 聖魔大戦 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | e・go! 001205 |  |
 | Castle Fantasia: Seima Taisen キャッスルファンタジア 聖魔大戦 | PC | | Original | | e・go! 981030 |  |
 | Men at Work! メンアットワーク! | PC | | Original | | e・go199990605 |  |
 | Moni Rensheng 模拟人生 | PC | 1.0 | Original, Rerelease | | EA-5015008-CDR | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | SimCity Societies Destinations 模擬城市:度假天堂 | PC | | Original | | EA208707 |  |
 | Söldner-X: Himmelsstürmer | PC | | Limited Edition | | EAS-0002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ether Vapor "Remaster" Ether Vapor Re. | PC | 200 | Original | | EDEL-0001, EDELWEISS - #0001a |  |
 | Astebreed (Game Disc) アスタブリード | PC | 1.0 | Original | | EDEL-0003, EDELWEISS - #0003 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Ian Livingstone's Deathtrap Dungeon デストラップ ダンジョン | PC | | Original | | EDJ-10001 |  |
 | Revenant (Disc 1) レブナント | PC | 1.00 | Rerelease | | EDJ-10004 |  |
 | Revenant (Disc 1) レブナント | PC | 1.00 | Original | | EDJ-10004 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Revenant (Disc 2) レブナント | PC | 1.00 | Original | | EDJ-10004 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Warzone 2100 (Disc 1) 未来開拓史 ウォーゾーン2100 | PC | 1.06 | Original | | EDJ-10005 |  |
 | Warzone 2100 (Disc 2) 未来開拓史 ウォーゾーン2100 | PC | 1.06 | Original | | EDJ-10005 |  |
 | Daikatana 大刀 | PC | | Original | | EDJ-10007 |  |
 | Space Invada!! Type Shinai to Tama ga Denai. SPACE INVA打!! / SPACE INVADERS!! タイプしないとタマが出ない。 | PC | | Original | | EF-SIV01 |  |
 | Biniku no Kaori: Netori Netorare Yari Yarare 媚肉の香り ネトリネトラレヤリヤラレ | PC | | Original | | EFED 090 |  |
 | Zyclunt ジィークラント | PC | | Original | | EG-1041JP |  |
 | Duo Princess デュオプリンセス | PC | 1.03 | Original | | EGS-0004 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Dash de Leilei ダッシュDEレイレイ | PC | 1.02 | Original | | EGS-0005 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Recettear: Itemya-san no Hajimekata ルセッティア アイテム屋さんのはじめ方 | PC | 1.11 | Original | | EGS-0013 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Strike Commander ストライクコマンダー | PC | 1.01 | Original | | EID-4001 |  |
 | The Dinonauts: Adventures in Space ダイナノーツ ダイノは宇宙飛行士 | PC | | Original | | EID-4013 |  |