ResetDisplaying results 501 - 1000 of 2740
Starts with: All | ~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z • Region: All | TwinsWorldEuropeAmericaAsia • Added: None | AscDesc • Modified: None | AscDesc • Status: All | Possible bad dump Dumped from original media 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
System: IBM PC compatible (remove filter)
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GermanyBravo ScreenFun 4/2004PCDumped from original media
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 4/2005 (Disc 1)
Dragon's Lair 3D
PCDumped from original media
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 4/2005 (Disc 2)
Dragon's Lair 3D
PCDumped from original media
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 5/2003
Bundesliga Manager X
PCGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 5/2004
Cultures 2: Die Tore Asgards
PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 6/02PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 6/2003
Caesar III
PCGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 6/2004
Ford Racing
PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 7/01PCGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 7/2003
Der Clou! 2
PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 7/2004 (Disc 1)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 7/2004 (Disc 2)
Pro Pinball: Timeshock!
PCEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 8/02PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 8/2003
King's Quest 8: Maske der Ewigkeit
PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 8/2004 (Disc 1)
PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 8/2004 (Disc 2)
Ragnarök Online Europe
PCGerman DB2004202 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 9/2003
Catan: Die erste Insel
PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 9/2004 (Disc 1)PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBravo ScreenFun 9/2004 (Disc 2)
Turok 2: Seeds of Evil
PCGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
PolandBravo Sport: Wydanie Specjalne na Piłkarskie Mistrzostwa Świata 2002PCDumped from original media
USABreach 3
Breach III
PCEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBumper Brain Puzzle PackPCEnglish UBW120Dumped from original media
USABureau 13PCEnglish Dumped from original media
GermanyBush Pilot: Adventures for FS2002/2004PCEnglish German Dumped from original media
ItalyButt-Ugly Martians: Campo di AddestramentoPC1.0Italian S0026677Dumped from original media
USABuzz Aldrin's Race into SpacePCEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBionicle (Disc 1)PC1.010 LEGO PC Games - Collectors Box / DiskyDanish English French German Italian Spanish WL 904923, WL 9049332 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBionicle (Disc 2)PC1.010 LEGO PC Games - Collectors Box / DiskyDanish English French German Italian Spanish WL 904923, WL 9049332 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBatman: Arkham Asylum: Game of the Year EditionPC1.0100% HitsEnglish French German Italian Spanish BAA3854AT-LB1-V2Dumped from original media
EuropeBatman: Arkham City (Disc 1)PC1.0100% HitsEnglish French German Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish BAC3854AT-Disc1Dumped from original media
EuropeBatman: Arkham City (Disc 2)PC1.0100% HitsEnglish French German Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish BAC3854AT-Disc2Dumped from original media
RussiaBitva za Britaniyu
Битва за Британию
PC1C: IgrotekaRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBlickrig: Smertel'naya sxvatka 2
Блицкриг: Смертельная схватка 2
PC1C: IgrotekaRussian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
RussiaBlitzkrieg (Disc 1)
PC1.01C: IgrotekaRussian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
RussiaBlitzkrieg (Disc 2)
PC1.01C: IgrotekaRussian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
RussiaBlitzkrieg II
Блицкриг II
PC1C: IgrotekaDumped from original media
RussiaBlitzkrieg: D'yavoly v xaki
Блицкриг. Дьяволы в хаки
PC1C: IgrotekaDumped from original media
RussiaBlitzkrieg: Operaciya "Sever"
Блицкриг: Операция "Север"
PC1C: IgrotekaRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBlitzkrieg: Smertel'naya sxvatka
Блицкриг: Смертельная схватка
PC1C: IgrotekaRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBlitzkrieg: Smertel'naya sxvatka III
Блицкриг. Смертельная схватка III
PC1C: IgrotekaDumped from original media
RussiaBandity: Bezumnyj Marks (Disc 1)
Бандиты: Безумный Маркс
PC1.01C: IgrushkiRussian SNOW BM02 1161 IR2 and more dumps from original media [!]
RussiaBandity: Bezumnyj Marks (Disc 2)
Бандиты: Безумный Маркс
PC1.01C: IgrushkiRussian SNOW BM02 1161 IR2 and more dumps from original media [!]
UkraineBrat'ya Piloty' 3D: Delo ob Ogorodny'x vreditelyax (Disc 1)
Братья Пилоты 3D: Дело об Огородных вредителях
PC1C: Kolektsiia ihrashokRussian Dumped from original media
UkraineBrat'ya Piloty' 3D: Delo ob Ogorodny'x vreditelyax (Disc 2)
Братья Пилоты 3D: Дело об Огородных вредителях
PC1C: Kolektsiia ihrashokRussian Dumped from original media
PC1.001C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
RussiaBoec SOBR (Disc 1)
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBoec SOBR (Disc 2)
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBolek i Lelek v detskom sadu
Болек и Лелек в детском саду
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekDumped from original media
RussiaBrat'ya piloty: Delo o serijnom man'yake
Братья пилоты: Дело о серийном маньяке
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBratva i Kol'co
Братва и Кольцо
PC1.01C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBrigada E5: Novyj Al'yans (Disc 1)
Бригада Е5: Новый Альянс
PC1.021C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBrigada E5: Novyj Al'yans (Disc 2)
Бригада Е5: Новый Альянс
PC1.021C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBroken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (Disc 1)
Сломанный меч 3: Спящий дракон
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBroken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (Disc 2)
Сломанный меч 3: Спящий дракон
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBumer: Sorvannye bashni (Disc 1)
Бумер: Сорванные башни
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBumer: Sorvannye bashni (Disc 2)
Бумер: Сорванные башни
PC1C: Kollekciya igrushekRussian Dumped from original media
RussiaBandits: Phoenix Rising (Disc 1)PC1.01C: OriginalsEnglish SNOW BO02 0239 IRDumped from original media
RussiaBandits: Phoenix Rising (Disc 2)PC1.01C: OriginalsEnglish SNOW BO02 0239 IRDumped from original media
SwitzerlandBubo?PC2. AuflageFrench German Italian Dumped from original media
EuropeBattle Arena Toshinden 2PC2in1 PackEnglish Dumped from original media
USABest Game Hits 2
30,000 Games (Disc 3)
PC30,000 GamesEnglish Dumped from original media
JapanBravely Second: End Layer: Special Mini Soundtrack: Hi-Res Data DVD-ROMPC3DS Game BundleSQEX 10488Dumped from original media
USABattle Chess
Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM
PC5 ft. 10 PAK Vol. 2English Dumped from original media
USABattle Chess
Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM
PC5 ft. 10 PAK Vol. 2English 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Blues BrothersPC5 Plus OneEnglish RU284Dumped from original media
EuropeBombuzalPC5 Plus OneEnglish RU275Dumped from original media
GermanyBaphomets Fluch II: Die Spiegel der Finsternis (Disc 1)PCAdventure Hall of FameGerman CD-W95-1810-G3Dumped from original media
GermanyBaphomets Fluch II: Die Spiegel der Finsternis (Disc 2)PCAdventure Hall of FameGerman CD-W95-1810-G4Dumped from original media
GermanyBack to the Future: The GamePCAdventure Klassiker - Vol. IIEnglish French German 00060312-01Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle Arena Toshinden 2 / ZeitgeistPCAll You Can Play: 10 Action-GamesEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBlade Warrior
PC1.0All You Can Play: 10 Action-GamesEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBreakout: A Story of Bat Meets Ball...!PC1.0Arcade Triple Pack, ReplayEnglish French German Italian BROUTPCREGBFDI/A2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: Collector's Box (Disc 1)PCArt AssetsDumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: Collector's Box (Disc 2)PCArt AssetsDumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: Manual + Ref CardPCArt AssetsDumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: StandeePCArt AssetsDumped from original media
USABlade Warrior / Arnie 2PCAttack StackEnglish Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle for TroyPCBack to GamesEnglish CD 60664Dumped from original media
ScandinaviaBackpacker 3PCBackpacker 3: The CollectionDanish Norwegian Swedish EGA0009Dumped from original media
ScandinaviaBackpacker 3: AmericanaPCBackpacker 3: The CollectionDanish Norwegian Swedish EGA0010Dumped from original media
ScandinaviaBackpacker 3: MediterraneoPCBackpacker 3: The CollectionDanish Norwegian Swedish VVIS0163Dumped from original media
JapanBest Selection Hanafuda Tenkomori
ベストセレクション 花札 てんこもり
PCBakuhatsu-teki 1480 SeriesJapanese WNT-384Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Bullet
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Bullet Revellion
バルドバレット ーリベリオンー
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Force EXE
バルドフォース エグゼ
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Force Re-Action + Baldr Sky Core Defender + Baldr Sky Zero Extreme
バルドフォースRe-action・バルドスカイ コアディフェンダー・バルドスカイ ゼロ エクストリーム
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Heart (Disc 1)
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Heart (Disc 2)
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Heart EXE
バルドハート エグゼ
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky Dive1: Lost Memory
バルドスカイ ダイブ1 ロストメモリー
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky Dive2: Recordare (Disc 1)
バルドスカイ ダイブ2 レコルダーレ
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky Dive2: Recordare (Disc 2)
バルドスカイ ダイブ2 レコルダーレ
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky DiveX: Dream World (Disc 1)
バルド スカイ ダイブエックス ドリームワールド
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky DiveX: Dream World (Disc 2)
バルド スカイ ダイブエックス ドリームワールド
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky Zero (Disc 1)
バルドスカイ ゼロ
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky Zero (Disc 2)
バルドスカイ ゼロ
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky Zero 2 (Disc 1)
バルドスカイ ゼロ 2
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky Zero 2 (Disc 2)
バルドスカイ ゼロ 2
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldr Sky Zero 2 (Disc 3)
バルドスカイ ゼロ 2
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldrhead: Busou Kinyuu Gaiden
バルドヘッド ~武将金融外伝~
PCBaldr Masterpiece ChronicleJapanese Dumped from original media
JapanBaldur's Gate: Kakuchou Scenario-shuu: Tales of the Sword Coast
バルダーズ・ゲート 拡張シナリオ集 ~テイルズ・オブ・ザ・ソードコースト~
PC1.0.3.1Baldur's Gate (Kanzenban Value Pack) (Disc 6)Japanese HCJ-0321Dumped from original media
JapanBaldur's Gate: Kakuchou Scenario-shuu: Tales of the Sword Coast
バルダーズ・ゲート 拡張シナリオ集 ~テイルズ・オブ・ザ・ソードコースト~
PC1.3.5510Baldur's Gate (Kanzenban Value Pack) (Disc 6)Japanese 673-011872 and more dumps from original media [!]
ChinaBaldur's Gate (Disc 1)
PC1.0.430XBaldur's Gate + Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword CoastChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaBaldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword Coast
PC1.01.4315Baldur's Gate + Baldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword CoastChinese Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of AmnPC2.0.22956Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalEnglish French German Italian Spanish CD-1024921Dumped from original media
FranceBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Manuel)PCBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalFrench Dumped from original media
FranceBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 1)PC1.3.0.1Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalFrench CD-C95-1098-F1Dumped from original media
FranceBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 2)PC1.3.0.1Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalFrench CD-C95-1098-F2Dumped from original media
FranceBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 3)PC1.3.0.1Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalFrench CD-C95-1098-F3Dumped from original media
FranceBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 4)PC1.3.0.1Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalFrench CD-C95-1098-F4Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: Throne of BhaalPC2.5.26461Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalEnglish DVD-1024913Dumped from original media
FranceBaldur's Gate II: Throne of BhaalPCBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalFrench CD-C95-1265-FDumped from original media
FranceBaldur's Gate II: Throne of BhaalPC2.5.0.0Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn + Throne of BhaalFrench CD-C95-1265-FDumped from original media
USABaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Bonus Disc)PCBaldur's Gate II: The CollectionEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 1)PC2.0.23035Baldur's Gate II: The CollectionEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABaldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal (The Final Chapter)PC2.5.26461Baldur's Gate II: The CollectionEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBaldur's GatePC1.1.4315Baldur's Gate: 4 in 1 BoxsetEnglish French Italian Spanish CD-DVD-1024901Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's GatePC1.1.4315Baldur's Gate: 4 in 1 BoxsetEnglish French Italian Spanish CD-DVD-1024901Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of AmnPC2.0.23035Baldur's Gate: 4 in 1 BoxsetEnglish French German Italian Spanish DVD-1024913Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: Throne of BhaalPC2.5.26461Baldur's Gate: 4 in 1 BoxsetEnglish CD-1024921Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword CoastPC1.3.5508Baldur's Gate: 4 in 1 BoxsetEnglish CD-1024911Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate: Tales of the Sword CoastPC1.3.5508Baldur's Gate: 4 in 1 BoxsetEnglish French Italian Spanish CD-1024905Dumped from original media
EuropeBattle Isle 1 + Data Disk 1 / Battle Isle 93 / Battle Isle 2 + Scenery CDPCBattle Isle PlatinumEnglish Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle Isle 1 + Data Disk 1 & 2 / Battle Isle 2 + Scenery CDPCBattle Isle PlatinumGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle Isle 3: Schatten des Imperators (Disc 1)PCBattle Isle PlatinumGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle Isle 3: Schatten des Imperators (Disc 2)PCBattle Isle PlatinumGerman Dumped from original media
EuropeBattle Isle 3: Shadow of the Emperor (Disc 1)PCBattle Isle PlatinumEnglish German Dumped from original media
EuropeBattle Isle 3: Shadow of the Emperor (Disc 2)PCBattle Isle Platinum, PC Best BuyEnglish German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 4) (Bonus Disc)PCBattlefield 1942: The Complete CollectionChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish 1518477Dumped from original media
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 1)PC1.2Battlefield 1942: The Complete Collection, EA Warfare CollectionChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish 1518447, 16633372 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 2)PC1.2Battlefield 1942: The Complete Collection, EA Warfare CollectionChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish 1518457, 16633472 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 3)PC1.2Battlefield 1942: The Complete Collection, EA Warfare CollectionChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish 1518467, 16633572 and more dumps from original media [!]
JapanBattle Marine
PC068BB Games Online Game FantasistaJapanese disc_10Dumped from original media
JapanBomberman Online
PC25BB Games Online Game FantasistaJapanese disc_07Dumped from original media
USABejeweled 2 Deluxe
Bejeweled 2
PC1.1Bejeweled 2 / Peggle, PopCap 5 Star Favorites, 7 XP & Vista Edition (CD-R)English 0138 8/08 08-001202 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABurger IslandPC01.0.09.03Best BuyEnglish 02-9359-10Dumped from original media
EuropeB-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8thPC2.0Best of InfogramesEnglish French German 10094222 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBeetle Crazy CupPC1.0Best of InfogramesEnglish French German Spanish BECRAZPCBOGFDE/ADumped from original media
PolandBlurPCBest of Racing (Best of Activision)Polish 33315101PODumped from original media
GermanyBlitzkrieg: Angriff ist die einzige Verteidigung (Disc 1)PCBest PriceDumped from original media
GermanyBlitzkrieg: Angriff ist die einzige Verteidigung (Disc 2)PCBest PriceDumped from original media
GermanyBarbie als MeerjungfrauPC1.0cBestSeller JuniorGerman S0029088Dumped from original media
GermanyBarbie: Styling StudioPCBestSeller JuniorGerman S1002348Dumped from original media
EuropeBestsellers: Manuals / Demos / PromosPCBestsellers, Bestsellers: Top GamesEnglish MCLACDEU502 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABattlecruiser MillenniumPCBeta 2.0cDumped from original media
USABig Fish Games: Octoberfest!PCBig Fish GameClubDumped from original media
SwedenBilly Blade och Tidens Tempel
Billy Blade: Tidens Tempel
PC1.0BillysSwedish BB12996-148Dumped from original media
TaiwanBingfeng Zhi Gu (Disc 1)
PC1.06Bingfeng ChuanqiChinese CR016Dumped from original media
TaiwanBingfeng Zhi Gu (Disc 1)
PC1.3.0.1Bingfeng ChuanqiChinese RPG CR031Dumped from original media
TaiwanBingfeng Zhi Gu (Disc 2)
PC1.06Bingfeng ChuanqiChinese CR016Dumped from original media
TaiwanBingfeng Zhi Gu (Disc 2)
PC1.3.0.1Bingfeng ChuanqiChinese RPG CR031Dumped from original media
TaiwanBingfeng Zhi Gu: Handong Zhi Xin
PC1.40Bingfeng ChuanqiChinese CR018Dumped from original media
NetherlandsBioShockPC1.1BioShock + BioShock 2English French German Italian Spanish 5051743/DVDDumped from original media
NetherlandsBioShock 2PC1.0BioShock + BioShock 2English French Spanish 5054294/DVDDumped from original media
GermanyBetrayal in Antara (Disc 1)PCBirthright + Antara PackS0016620Dumped from original media
GermanyBetrayal in Antara (Disc 2)PCBirthright + Antara PackS0016621Dumped from original media
GermanyBetrayal in Antara (Disc 3)PCBirthright + Antara PackS0016622Dumped from original media
ItalyBlack & WhitePCBIS Collezione CD-ROMItalian Dumped from original media
USABlack & WhitePC1.100Black & White: DeluxeEnglish 12881072 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABlack & White: Creature Isle (Expansion Pack)PC1.4Black & White: DeluxeEnglish 12881172 and more dumps from original media [!]
UKBlair Witch Volume Two: The Legend of Coffin RockPC2.0.1.0Blair Witch Limited Edition Triple PackEnglish Dumped from original media
GermanyBleifussPCBleifuss QuattroGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBleifuss RallyPCBleifuss QuattroGerman Dumped from original media
EuropeBlitzkrieg (Disc 1)PC1.2Blitzkrieg Strategy CollectionEnglish CDR8092/BE2Dumped from original media
EuropeBlitzkrieg (Disc 2)PC1.2Blitzkrieg Strategy CollectionEnglish CDR8092/BE2Dumped from original media
USABig Kahuna WordsPC1.0 Build 16-mersBonus EditionEnglish Dumped from original media
JapanBroadband de Multiplayer Taisen! Saishin Game Emulator Nyuumon & Daizukan for Windows
ーブロードバンドでマルチプレイ対戦! 最新ゲームエミュレータ入門&大図鑑 for Windows
PCBook BundleEnglish Japanese Dumped from original media
UKBritannica Puzzle PotpourriPCBritannica Family CollectionEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
UKBritannica Quiz ShowPC1.0Britannica Family CollectionEnglish Dumped from original media
UKBritannica Sudoku UnlimitedPCBritannica Family CollectionEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
UKBritannica Word Games PlatinumPCBritannica Family CollectionEnglish Dumped from original media
UKBritannica Word SearchPCBritannica Family CollectionEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
UKBritannica World's Best SolitairePCBritannica Family CollectionEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
NetherlandsBalls of SteelPC1.0BudgetEnglish MMICDR 5294Dumped from original media
NetherlandsBedlamPC2.0BudgetDutch English French German Italian Spanish MMICDR 50592 and more dumps from original media [!]
NetherlandsBuccaneerPC1.0EBudgetEnglish MMICDR 5178Dumped from original media
USA, EuropeBattle Engine AquilaPCBundle Version ASUS OEMEnglish French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBattle RealmsPCBundle Version ASUS OEMEnglish ASUS V241-22 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBilly Blade: Temple of TimePC1.0Bundle Version ASUS OEMEnglish V472Dumped from original media
EuropeBallisticsPCBundle Version ATI OEMEnglish CD-W582930-PL2YE2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABFG Tech: Play It, See It, Buy ItPCBundle Version BFG Tech OEMEnglish Dumped from original media
USABattlezonePCBundle Version Diamond OEMEnglish 1000337.101.US, 75000212-100Dumped from original media
EuropeBattle Beast: The Ultimate Fight GamePCBundle Version IBM Aptiva OEMEnglish 89H1965Dumped from original media
USABattle BeastPCBundle Version IBM OEMEnglish 76H3694Dumped from original media
USABattle BeastPCBundle Version IBM OEMEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBig Mutha TruckersPCBundle Version Leadtek OEMEnglish French German Italian Spanish Y0300043Dumped from original media
EuropeBallisticsPCBundle Version NVIDIA OEMEnglish Dumped from original media
USABeyond the Third Dimension: The 3D World & Game BuilderPCBundle Version OEMChinese English French German Italian Japanese Spanish Dumped from original media
USABlack & White: Bonus Creatures CDPCBundle Version OEM1209307Dumped from original media
USABritish Open Championship GolfPCBundle Version OEMEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's GatePC1.1.4315Bundle Version OEM (DVD-ROM)English French German Italian Spanish CD-DV5-625-ECZ2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABaldur's GatePC1.1.4315Bundle Version OEM (DVD-ROM)English French Italian Spanish CD-DVD-625-GAEFISDumped from original media
USABattlezonePCBundle Version Orchid OEMEnglish 1000428.101.USDumped from original media
EuropeBlade RunnerPCBundle Version Pioneer OEM (DVD-ROM)English CD-DVD-985-PEE, V83-1162 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBig Mutha TruckersPCBundle Version PowerColor OEMEnglish French German Italian Spanish 252-0015010010Dumped from original media
PCBundle Version PowerVR OEMJapanese Dumped from original media
USABig WIG Software LockerPCBundle Version Sony OEMS001Dumped from original media
USABattlezonePCBundle Version STB OEM1000365.101.USDumped from original media
USABicycle Board GamesPC1.0Bundle Version Toshiba OEMEnglish 0801 Part No. X08-492722 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBionicle: Mysteries of Metru NuiPC1.0Bundled with LEGO Toa Metru: WhenuaCzech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese Russian Slovenian Spanish 42253952 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABloodRayne 2PC1.01.0000Bundled with Movie (DVD-ROM)English 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
UKBBC Tweenies: Ready to PlayPC1.0.5CBeebies FavouritesEnglish BBCMM108 V1Dumped from original media
EuropeBob the Builder: Can We Fix It?PCCBeebies FavouritesEnglish BBCMM107 V12 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBattle Stations & Road WarriorPCCD-ROM 10 Mark-ReiheGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBrutal: Paws of FuryPCCD-ROM 10 Mark-ReiheEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBioForgePCCD-Rom ClassicsEnglish R9895CXD2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABioForgePCCD-ROM Classics: Gold EditionEnglish 5689Dumped from original media
USABeyond the Wall of Stars
The Taran Trilogy: Quest One: Beyond the Wall of Stars
PCCD-ROM Ten PakEnglish Dumped from original media
GermanyBreedPCCDV LegendsGerman Dumped from original media
USABig Box of BloxPCCheapass GamesEnglish Dumped from original media
CanadaBeyond Good & EvilPC1.01Cheese HeadsDutch English French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
USABackyard Sports: BaseballPCChick-fil-AEnglish Dumped from original media
USABackyard Sports: BasketballPCChick-fil-AEnglish Dumped from original media
USABackyard Sports: FootballPCChick-fil-AEnglish Dumped from original media
USABackyard Sports: SoccerPCChick-fil-AEnglish Dumped from original media
GermanyBundesliga Manager ProfessionalPC2.0Classic LineGerman Dumped from original media
ItalyBattle Isle: The Andosia War
Battle Isle: La Battaglia di Andosia
PCBuild 207Classic PC CD-ROMItalian Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle Isle 3: Schatten des Imperators (Disc 1)PCClassicsGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle Isle 3: Schatten des Imperators (Disc 2)PCClassicsGerman Dumped from original media
FranceBattlezonePCCollection Légendes French CDW-3990.101.FRDumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Bonus Disc)PCCollector's EditionEnglish CD-C95-1098-BPPDumped from original media
EuropeThe Banner SagaPCCollector's EditionEnglish SOSM0004-DDumped from original media
ItalyBioForgePCCollezione CD-Rom by C.T.O.English French German Dumped from original media
HungaryBoiling Point: Road to HellPCCool GamesHungarian Dumped from original media
USABattlefield 1942 (Disc 2)PC1.31CosmiChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish CDR148D2, SJ061009Dumped from original media
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 1)PC1.2CosmiChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish Dumped from original media
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 2)PC1.2CosmiChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish Dumped from original media
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 3)PC1.2CosmiChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish Dumped from original media
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 4) (Bonus Disc)PCCosmiChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish Dumped from original media
USABoard GamesPCCosmiEnglish CDRAV721D1, SJ101506Dumped from original media
USABoard GamesPCCosmi 3 PakEnglish CHR721D1Dumped from original media
ItalyBad Boys II (Disc 1)PC1.00CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyBad Boys II (Disc 2)PC1.00CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
UKBad Boys IIPCCovermountEnglish SUN039dDumped from original media
PolandBakuś (Disc 1)
Morelowy Labirynt
PCCovermountPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBakuś (Disc 2)
Truskawkowa Zgadywanka
PCCovermountPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBakuś (Disc 3)
Czekoladowy zdobywca
PCCovermountPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBakuś (Disc 4)
Bananowa Układanka
PCCovermountPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBakuś (Disc 5)
Waniliowa Rzeka
PCCovermountPolish Dumped from original media
ItalyBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of AmnPC2.0.23035CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
PolandBatman: Sprawiedliwość Ponad WszystkoPC1.0CovermountPolish Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle Arena ToshindenPC2.1CovermountEnglish 27930Dumped from original media
PolandBattle Isle: The Andosia WarPCCovermountPolish Dumped from original media
ItalyBattle RealmsPCCovermountItalian Dumped from original media
FranceBattlezone II: Combat CommanderPCCovermountFrench Dumped from original media
ItalyBattlezone LitePCCovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
UKBecome a British Isles ExplorerPCCovermountEnglish 0577DDumped from original media
UKBecome a History ExplorerPCCovermountEnglish 1362ADumped from original media
UKBecome a Science ExplorerPCCovermountEnglish 1365ADumped from original media
UKBecome a World ExplorerPCCovermountEnglish 1366CDumped from original media
ItalyBig Scale RacingPC1.08 HCovermountEnglish German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBiing! Sex, Intrigen und SkalpellePC1.4CovermountGerman AP 9809Dumped from original media
ItalyBilly Blade and the Temple of TimePC1.0CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyBit StreetPC1.0CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyBlack ZonePCCovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ArgentinaBlade WarriorPC1.0.0.1CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
PolandBlair Witch Część I: Rustin Parr
Blair Witch Volume I: Rustin Parr
PCCovermountPolish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
SpainBlake Stone: Aliens of Gold
Tiempo 799: Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold
PCCovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
UKBlast ThruPC1.3CovermountEnglish 13-2852-10Dumped from original media
EuropeBlaster Simulator
Demolition Simulator: Blast Like a Pro!
PCCovermountDutch English French Dumped from original media
ItalyBlitzkrieg: Rolling ThunderPC1.2CovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
HungaryBlood II: The ChosenPC1.0CovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyBlood Omen 2: The Legacy of Kain Series (Disc 1)PC1.02CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyBlood Omen 2: The Legacy of Kain Series (Disc 2)PC1.02CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyBloodRayne (Disc 1)PCCovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyBloodRayne (Disc 2)PCCovermountItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ItalyBoiling Point: Road to HellPC1.00.0000CovermountEnglish French German Italian Spanish DVD_WMGiochi_40Dumped from original media
GermanyThe Book of Unwritten Tales: Die Vieh ChronikenPCCovermountG1DVD0115Dumped from original media
PolandBoomerang Breaker
PCCovermountPolish SELL 0140Dumped from original media
GermanyBrainDead 13PCCovermountDumped from original media
PolandBrave Dwarves 2PCCovermountPolish Dumped from original media
CzechBroken Sword II: The Smoking MirrorPCCovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyBrothers in Arms: Earned in BloodPC1.03CovermountItalian Dumped from original media
ItalyBrothers in Arms: Hell's HighwayPC1.0CovermountEnglish French Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
UKBruce Coville's My Teacher Is an AlienPCCovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
FranceBud Tucker in Double TroublePCCovermountFrench Dumped from original media
ItalyBuggyPCCovermountEnglish French German Italian Portuguese Spanish Dumped from original media
TurkeyBurnPCCovermountEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBeyond Good & EvilPCCovermount, Codegame KidsDutch English French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBig Mutha Truckers 2: Truck Me HarderPCCovermount, Solid GamesEnglish French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBlade Warrior
PC1.0Cyber DiamantEnglish cd-007Dumped from original media
EuropeBattleground: ArdennesPC1.1Deluxe Windows VersionEnglish Dumped from original media
ScandinaviaBackpacker 3PCDemoDanish Norwegian Swedish Dumped from original media
USABackyard Sports: Baseball 2007PCDemoDumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate (Non Interactive Demo)PCDemoEnglish Dumped from original media
USABaldur's Gate: Chapters I & IIPC1.1.0003DemoEnglish CD-C95-1071-02 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABallisticsPCDemoEnglish Dumped from original media
USABalls of Steel
Balls of Steel: Pinball on Steroids!
PCDemoEnglish 04-15309Dumped from original media
USABass Masters Classic: Tournament EditionPCDemoEnglish Dumped from original media
USABattle Arena ToshindenPCDemoEnglish Item No. 6567 / PN/1713310036Dumped from original media
USABattle Beast
Battle Beast: The Ultimate Fight Game
PCDemo70084Dumped from original media
USABattle RealmsPCDemoEnglish 610564-CDDumped from original media
Battlezone Sampler Demo
PCDemoDMO-3990.101.EBDumped from original media
USABattlezone II: Combat CommanderPCDemoEnglish DMO-1000504101.USDumped from original media
USABernie's Typing TravelsPC1.0DemoEnglish Spanish Dumped from original media
TaiwanBiohazard 3: Last Escape
惡靈古堡3 試玩版
PCDemoEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
JapanBit Disc Vol. 3PCDemoDumped from original media
USABlade of Darkness: Limited Edition Multi-DemoPCDemoEnglish MDENCDUS01Dumped from original media
USABlade Runner (Preview)PCDemoEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABloodRaynePCDemoEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBlue Byte Demo & Product Guide: Version 11/99PCDemoDumped from original media
EuropeBlue Byte Demo Disk: Version V/97PCV/97DemoDumped from original media
USABlue's Clues: Blue's Art Time ActivitiesPCDemoEnglish 04-22758CD CS01BLU002Dumped from original media
CanadaBrainDead 13PCDemoEnglish Dumped from original media
USABackyard Baseball 2001 & Backyard FootballPCDemo: Kool-AidEnglish Dumped from original media
GermanyBeetle JuPCDeutschland SpieltGerman Dumped from original media
EuropeBattle Chess
Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM
PC1.00DiceEnglish DMM 0140992 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBlackhawkPCDiceEnglish French German DMM 004242, DMM 004266, DMM 0142592 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBlade Runner (Disc 4)PCDiceGerman DMM 031792Dumped from original media
GermanyBleifuss FunPCDiceGerman DCG 004755Dumped from original media
GermanyBVS Solitaire SammlungPC4.0Die PyramideGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBallerspielePCDirekt Starter GamesDumped from original media
DenmarkBamse: Spil og LegPCDR StjernerneDanish Dumped from original media
DenmarkBamses JulerejsePCDR StjernerneDanish Dumped from original media
USABattle Chess
Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM
PC1.1Dual JewelEnglish CD-C95-1274-02 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABattle Chess II: Chinese ChessPCDual JewelEnglish CD-C95-1274-12 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBaldur's GatePC1.1.4315DVD-ROMEnglish French Italian Spanish CD-DVD-625-M242 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABaldur's GatePC1.1.4315DVD-ROMEnglish French Italian Spanish CD-DVD-625-0Dumped from original media
USAThe Barn (Disc 2) (Video Game & 8bit Music Soundtrack)PC1.1DVD-Video BundleEnglish Dumped from original media
USABloodRaynePCDVD-Video BundleEnglish Dumped from original media
JapanBaroque ShootingPC1.14EA Best SelectionsEnglish STMW-0108Dumped from original media
JapanBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 1)
バトルフィールド ベトナム
PC1.0EA Best SelectionsChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish EMWB-7065Dumped from original media
JapanBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 2)
バトルフィールド ベトナム
PC1.0EA Best SelectionsChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish EMWB-7065Dumped from original media
JapanBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 3)
バトルフィールド ベトナム
PC1.0EA Best SelectionsChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish EMWB-7065Dumped from original media
UKBattlefield 2PC1.0EA ClassicsChinese Dutch English French German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Spanish Swedish Thai DGX07704634DDumped from original media
PolandBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 1)PC1.2EA ClassicsChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish DGX08004504DDumped from original media
PolandBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 2)PC1.2EA ClassicsChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish DGX08004504D2Dumped from original media
PolandBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 3)PC1.2EA ClassicsChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish DGX08004504D3Dumped from original media
PolandBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 4) (Bonus Disc)PC1.2EA ClassicsChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish DGX08004504D4Dumped from original media
PolandBattlefield: Bad Company 2PCEA ClassicsPolish DGX07708035DDumped from original media
PolandBlack & WhitePCEA ClassicsPolish EAP08904021DDumped from original media
SwedenBlack & WhitePC1.0.0.1EA ClassicsSwedish EAN08903220DDumped from original media
EuropeBurnout Paradise: The Ultimate BoxPC1.0.0.0EA ClassicsChinese Czech English French German Hungarian Italian Polish Russian Spanish Thai EAX07706935D2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 1)PC1.20EA Most WantedDGX08005121D/GERDumped from original media
GermanyBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 2)PC1.20EA Most WantedDGX08005121D2/GERDumped from original media
GermanyBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 3)PC1.20EA Most WantedDGX08005121D3/GERDumped from original media
GermanyBattlefield Vietnam (Disc 4)PC1.20EA Most WantedDGX08005121D4/GERDumped from original media
EuropeBlack & White 2PCEA Most WantedDutch English French German Italian Polish Spanish EAX07705787DDumped from original media
USABlack & White 2 (Disc 1)PCEA Strategy Collection16634072 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABlack & White 2 (Disc 2)PCEA Strategy Collection1663417Dumped from original media
USABlack & White 2 (Disc 3)PCEA Strategy Collection1663427Dumped from original media
USABlack & White 2 (Disc 4)PCEA Strategy Collection1663437Dumped from original media
EuropeBattlefield 1942: World War II Anthology (Disc 1)PC1.6EA Value GamesChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish DGX08004307D1/OEMDumped from original media
EuropeBattlefield 1942: World War II Anthology (Disc 2)PC1.6EA Value GamesChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish DGX08004307D2/OEMDumped from original media
EuropeBattlefield 1942: World War II Anthology (Disc 4)PC1.45EA Value GamesChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish DGX08004307D4/OEMDumped from original media
USABattlefield 1942: The Road to Rome (Expansion Pack)PC1.25EA Warfare CollectionChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish 1663327Dumped from original media
USABattlefield Vietnam Redux (Disc 4) (Bonus Disc)PCEA Warfare Collection, Battlefield 1942: The Complete CollectionChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish 1518477, 16633672 and more dumps from original media [!]
Belgium, NetherlandsBlinky Bill KleuterPCEdisonDutch Dumped from original media
USABlast OffPCEducational Kit BundleEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyBeach King Stunt RacerPCEMCx: CollectionItalian Dumped from original media
USABeyond Good & EvilPC1.0EncoreDutch English French German Italian Spanish 35720-DVDDumped from original media
USABarbie Magic Fairy Tales: Barbie as RapunzelPCEncore (Games Just for Girls)10200-CD1Dumped from original media
USABarbie Magic Fairy Tales: Barbie as RapunzelPC2.0Encore (Games Just for Girls)English 10200-CD1Dumped from original media
IndiaBrain GamesPCEncyclopedia Games 2009-10 Deluxe EditionEnglish CD-130Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Big Red AdventurePCEuro Power PackEnglish French German Italian EU-71033Dumped from original media
EuropeBullet Power Game Vol. 48PCEuro Power PackEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBullet Power Game Vol. 9PCEuro Power PackEnglish Dumped from original media
USABicycle BridgePC2.0Expert SoftwareEnglish 8674 012 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABug!PCExpert SoftwareEnglish 6802 01Dumped from original media
HungaryBallPark 3DXPCEzt Vedd Meg!Hungarian Dumped from original media
ItalyBust-A-Move 3 DX
Bust-A-Move 3DX
PCFair Game: Quality ValueEnglish FG-19762 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBaku Baku
Baku Baku Animal
PCFamily PackEnglish MK 85086-50Dumped from original media
USABob the Builder: Can We Fix It?PCFamous Friends AdventuresEnglish 26900-CD4Dumped from original media
UKThe Britannica QuizmasterPC1.0Focus EssentialEnglish ESS409Dumped from original media
UKBumpsPCFocus EssentialEnglish ESS811Dumped from original media
USAThe Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (Disc 1)PCGabriel Knight Mysteries: Limited EditionDumped from original media
USAThe Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (Disc 2)PCGabriel Knight Mysteries: Limited EditionDumped from original media
USAThe Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (Disc 3)PCGabriel Knight Mysteries: Limited EditionDumped from original media
USAThe Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (Disc 4)PCGabriel Knight Mysteries: Limited EditionDumped from original media
USAThe Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (Disc 5)PCGabriel Knight Mysteries: Limited EditionDumped from original media
USAThe Beast Within: A Gabriel Knight Mystery (Disc 6)PCGabriel Knight Mysteries: Limited EditionDumped from original media
USABionicle: Prepare for the LightPC1.0Gahlok-KalCzech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Russian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish 4199274Dumped from original media
USABattlefield 1942 (Disc 1)PC1.31Game of the Year Edition (Cosmi)Chinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish CDR148D1, SJ061009Dumped from original media
USABattlefield 1942 (Disc 1)PC1.31Game of the Year Edition, EA Warfare CollectionChinese English French German Italian Japanese Korean Spanish 980427, 16633072 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABass Masters Classic: Tournament EditionPCGame On! Family EditionEnglish PCT01521Dumped from original media
USABrunswick Circuit Pro BowlingPCGame On! Family EditionEnglish PCT01751Dumped from original media
GermanyBrokerPCGame-PackGerman 801032 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBattle of BritainPC1.02Gamer's ChoiceEnglish Dumped from original media
ScandinaviaBeetle Bug 2PCGames For AllEnglish Dumped from original media
USAThe Boohbah ZonePC1.0Games Just for Toddlers: 5 Favorite GamesEnglish French Spanish 10573-CD1Dumped from original media
SwedenBamse i EgyptenPCGames4KidsSwedish ART.SE.47601Dumped from original media
USABloodstone: An Epic Dwarven TalePCGeneral Admission SoftwareEnglish Dumped from original media
USABackyard BaseballPCGeneral MillsEnglish AM0703R702 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABogglePCGeneral MillsDutch English French German Spanish AM801R22 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABogglePCGeneral MillsEnglish Dumped from original media
JapanBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Bonus Disc)
バルダーズ・ゲート2 シャドウ オブ アムン
PCGenteibanJapanese 673-02853Dumped from original media
JapanBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 1)
バルダーズ・ゲート2 シャドウ オブ アムン
PC1.3.0.1Genteiban, KanzenbanJapanese 673-028452 and more dumps from original media [!]
JapanBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 2)
バルダーズ・ゲート2 シャドウ オブ アムン
PC1.3.0.1Genteiban, KanzenbanJapanese 673-028462 and more dumps from original media [!]
JapanBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 4)
バルダーズ・ゲート2 シャドウ オブ アムン
PC1.3.0.1Genteiban, KanzenbanJapanese 673-028482 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBermuda Syndrome & Air PowerPCGold Games 2 (CD 15)English 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBermuda Syndrome & Air PowerPCGold Games 2 (CD 15)English SPI 046Dumped from original media
GermanyBleifussPCGold Games 2 (CD 3)German SPI 046Dumped from original media
GermanyBleifussPCGold Games 2 (CD 3)German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBleifussPCGold Games 2 (CD 3)German SPI 046Dumped from original media
GermanyBleifussPCGold Games 2 (CD 3)German SPI 046Dumped from original media
GermanyBaphomets Fluch (Disc 1)PCGold Games 2 (CD 6)German SPI 0462 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBaphomets Fluch (Disc 2)PCGold Games 2 (CD 7)German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBaphomets Fluch (Disc 2)PCGold Games 2 (CD 7)German SPI 046Dumped from original media
GermanyBiing! Sex, Intrigen und SkalpellePCGold Games 3 (CD 3)German SPI 047Dumped from original media
GermanyBattle Isle: Der Andosia KonfliktPCGold Games 5 (CD 8)German Dumped from original media
JapanBikini Karate Babes 2: Warriors of Elysia
ビキニカラテ2 エリジアの女戦士
PCGold PackEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBad Boys II (Disc 1)PCGrabitEnglish GDL136Dumped from original media
EuropeBad Boys II (Disc 2)PCGrabitEnglish GDL136Dumped from original media
EuropeBrain TeasersPCGrabitEnglish GDL204Dumped from original media
JapanBiohazard 2 (Disc 1) (Leon-hen)
PC2.00Great SeriesMKW-073Dumped from original media
JapanBiohazard 2 (Disc 2) (Claire-hen)
PC2.00Great SeriesMKW-073Dumped from original media
GermanyBallerburgPC1.00Green PepperGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBattlezone II: Combat CommanderPCGreen PepperGerman Dumped from original media
Construction Destruction
PC1.00.0000Green PepperEnglish Dumped from original media
GermanyDie Besiedlung ÄgyptensPCGreen PepperDumped from original media
GermanyBioShockPCGreen PepperEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
GermanyBlack & White 2PCGreen PepperDutch English French German Italian Polish Spanish EAX07704900D/GERDumped from original media
GermanyBurnout Paradise: The Ultimate BoxPC1.0.0.0Green PepperChinese Czech English French German Hungarian Italian Polish Russian Spanish Thai EAX07705560D/GERDumped from original media
UKBecome a World ExplorerPCGSPEnglish 1366ADumped from original media
EuropeBogglePCGSPEnglish 09972 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBraidPC1.015GSPEnglish 2355ADumped from original media
EuropeBrain Buster QuizPCGSPEnglish 0582ADumped from original media
EuropeBlitzkrieg 2PC1.0GSP White LabelEnglish 1606ADumped from original media
EuropeBlitzkrieg AnthologyPCGSP White LabelEnglish 1607ADumped from original media
EuropeBlitzkrieg: Rolling Thunder (Disc 1)PC1.2GSP White LabelEnglish 1604A12 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBlitzkrieg: Rolling Thunder (Disc 2)PC1.2GSP White LabelEnglish 1604A22 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBlitzkrieg: Burning Horizon (Disc 2)PC1.2GSP White Label: ReloadEnglish 1600A2Dumped from original media
Breakin 360°
PC1.0Hall of Game: 4Games Vol. 13German CD 60710Dumped from original media
JapanBattle Hanafuda
PCHappy Net 1000 Game SeriesJapanese SRRW 90Dumped from original media
SwedenBygg Båtar med Mulle Meck: SpecialversionPC1.00HemglassSwedish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBiolabPCHeureka ClassicsGerman Dumped from original media
JapanBaku Baku Animal: Sekai Shiiku Gakari Senshuken
ばくばくアニマル ~世界飼育係選手権~
PCHibaihinJapanese 670-8736Dumped from original media
ScandinaviaBirds of PreyPCHit Squad / Euro Power PackEnglish HITDANCD016Dumped from original media
FranceBeach Volley
Beach Volleyball
PCHits GoldFrench REF 656806Dumped from original media
USABomber CrewPCHuman Fall FlatChinese English French German Japanese Korean Polish Russian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USAThe Banner Saga (Installation Disc)PC2.24.50IndieBoxCzech English French German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABrütal Legend (Side 1)PCIndieBoxEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
USABrütal Legend (Side 2)PCIndieBoxEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
USABattle Arena Toshinden 2PCInterplay RereleaseEnglish CD-C95-1169-02 and more dumps from original media [!]
JapanBaldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (Disc 3)
バルダーズ・ゲート2 シャドウ オブ アムン
PC1.3.0.1KanzenbanJapanese 673-02847Dumped from original media
JapanBaldur's Gate II: Kanketsu-hen: Throne of Bhaal
バルダーズ・ゲート2 完結編 スロウン オブ バール
PC2.5.26498Kanzenban (Disc 5)Japanese 673-03314Dumped from original media
ItalyBugs Bunny & Taz: In Viaggio nel TempoPC1.0.3.0Kellogg'sItalian 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ScandinaviaBugs Bunny: Lost in TimePCKelloggsDutch English French German Italian Spanish HFBLITPCGFDEIN/ADumped from original media
GermanyBSE HunterPCKelly Media RereleaseGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
PolandBattlestations: MidwayPCKolekcja KlasykiPolish CENEGA 754/PCDVD-ROM/2009Dumped from original media
PolandBattlestations: Midway (Płyta dodatkowa)PCKolekcja KlasykiPolish CENEGA 754a/PCCD-ROM/2009Dumped from original media
PolandBrothers in Arms: Earned in BloodPC1.03Kolekcja klasykiEnglish Polish Dumped from original media
EuropeBaldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast: Manuals & PatchesPCLa Collection White LabelCD-XXX-5-03-MNM23Dumped from original media
GermanyBionicle (Disc 1)PCLEGO: 4 Games (Yellow)Danish English French German Italian Spanish DCG 904372Dumped from original media
GermanyBionicle (Disc 2)PCLEGO: 4 Games (Yellow)Danish English French German Italian Spanish DCG 904372Dumped from original media
FranceBalls of SteelPC1.0Les Grands Jeux: Collection "10 Ans de Jeux Vidéo"English CD 299Dumped from original media
GermanyBet on Soldier (Patch Version 1.0 zu 1.1)PCLimited Collectors EditionGerman Dumped from original media
GermanyBet on Soldier (Installations-DVD)PC1.0Limited Collectors EditionGerman 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABabylon 5: Arcade Series Entertainment Utility: Shadow WarsPCLimited EditionEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBattle of Britain II: Wings of VictoryPCLimited EditionDumped from original media
Europe, AsiaBattlefield 3 (Disc 1)
배틀필드 3
PCLimited EditionChinese Czech English French German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Spanish 15361EPWNJP, DGX07708264D12 and more dumps from original media [!]
Europe, AsiaBattlefield 3 (Disc 2)
배틀필드 3
PCLimited EditionChinese Czech English French German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Spanish 15361EPWNJP, DGX07708264D22 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABattlefield: Bad Company 2PC1.0.1Limited EditionEnglish French German Italian Japanese Polish Russian Spanish 1903607Dumped from original media
USABioShockPCLimited EditionEnglish French German Italian Spanish 21962-1Dumped from original media
PolandBolek i Lolek: Tajemnicze Zamczysko
Bolek and Lolek: The Mysterious Castle
PC1.0.0.0Limited EditionEnglish Polish Dumped from original media
GermanyBulletstormPCLimited EditionGerman DWY07707586D2 and more dumps from original media [!]
GermanyBotaniculaPCLimitierte ErstauflageChinese Czech English French German Italian Japanese Polish Russian Slovak Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeBarkanoid IIPCLinuxEnglish German Dumped from original media
GermanyBridge BuilderPCLinuxGerman Dumped from original media
UKBallisticsPCLinux (LGP)English Dumped from original media
EuropeBeach LifePC1.1M6 Game 2003French German Italian Polish Spanish Dumped from original media
Bleem! Key
PCMail OrderEnglish Dumped from original media
SwedenBamses CircusPCMaxSwedish 90011Dumped from original media
ItalyBeach VolleyballPCMcDonald'sEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
NetherlandsBrutal: Paws of FuryPCMega WareEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBureau 13PCMega WareEnglish French German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
USABodyworks Voyager: Missions in AnatomyPCMegapak 2English BOV-CD-1Dumped from original media
GermanyBaphomets Fluch (Disc 1)PCMegapak 8Dumped from original media
GermanyBaphomets Fluch (Disc 2)PCMegapak 8Dumped from original media
EuropeBroken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Disc 1)PCMegapak 8English Dumped from original media
EuropeBroken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Disc 2)PCMegapak 8English Dumped from original media
ItalyBattaglia Navale 3D
Il caro vecchio gioco diventa tridimensionale!
PCMicroforumEnglish Dumped from original media
ItalyBuon Compleanno, TimmyPC1.1MicroforumItalian Dumped from original media
USABattle Chess
Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM
PCMPCEnglish Dumped from original media
USABattle Chess
Battle Chess Enhanced CD-ROM
PC1.00 (DOS), 1.1 (MPC)MPC (Rerelease)English 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
SwedenBackPacker JuniorPC1.1MultilingualDanish English Norwegian Swedish Dumped from original media
PolandBeach SoccerPCNestléEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeBecome a Science ExplorerPC2.1NestléFrench German Italian EXPCD012 and more dumps from original media [!]
PolandBeach SoccerPCNestlé NesquikEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
JapanBoorp's Balls
PCNihongo-banJapanese TSYC-W1009E1Dumped from original media
USAThe Berenstain Bears: Learning at Home: Volume 1PC2.0Not for ResaleEnglish Dumped from original media
PolandBaldur's Gate + Opowieści z Wybrzeża Mieczy (Disc 1)PC1.1.4315Nowa eXtra KlasykaPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBaldur's Gate + Opowieści z Wybrzeża Mieczy (Disc 6) (Addon)PCNowa eXtra KlasykaPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBaldur's Gate II + Tron Bhaala (Disc 1)PCNowa eXtra KlasykaPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBaldur's Gate II + Tron Bhaala (Disc 2)PCNowa eXtra KlasykaPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBaldur's Gate II + Tron Bhaala (Disc 3)PCNowa eXtra KlasykaPolish Dumped from original media
PolandBaldur's Gate II + Tron Bhaala (Disc 4)PCNowa eXtra KlasykaPolish Dumped from original media
AsiaBrothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30PCNtertainment!Dumped from original media
USABionicle: Prepare for the LightPC1.0Nuhvok-KalCzech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Russian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish 4199265Dumped from original media
USABotania 10th Anniversary Commemorative CD
Botania: 10th Anniversary Commemoration Disc 2014-2024
PCOnline OrderEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeB-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8thPCOriginalEnglish French German 93516.DL2 and more dumps from original media [!]
RussiaB-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8th
B-17: Летающая крепость 2
PCOriginalFrench German Russian Dumped from original media
USAB-17 Flying Fortress: The Mighty 8thPCOriginalEnglish Product # 997142 and more dumps from original media [!]
B.A.S.E. Jumping с участием Валерия Розова
PC1.1.13OriginalRussian Dumped from original media
USAB.A.T. II: The Koshan ConspiracyPCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
ChinaBaa Souhok Lousil Daaiwuiga Sei Ninkap Soeng Hokkei Souhok Zunghap Linzaap
把數學老師帶回家 四年級上學期 數學綜合練習
PCOriginalChinese Dumped from original media
RussiaBabe ArcadePCOriginalRussian RUSSOBIT-M 206/20022 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeBabes & Balls: Xtreme Beach SoccerPCOriginalEnglish French German Dumped from original media
USABaby Einstein: Baby Newton: Fun with ShapesPCOriginalEnglish H8470Dumped from original media
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