Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
| The Suffering | PC | 1.1 | Replay, Rerelease | | RP-0135-B1 | |
| Cossacks Anthology | PC | | Collectors Edition | | RP-0005-B1 | |
| Zax: The Alien Hunter | PC | | Original | | ROZAX00003LAB, ROZAX00005LAB | |
| Yetisports World Tour | PC | | Original | | ROYETI00000005LAB | |
| Yetisports Deluxe | PC | 1.10 | Original | | ROYETI00000002lab | |
| Yetisports Deluxe | PC | 1.04 | Original | | ROYETI00000000LAB | |
| World War III: Black Gold | PC | | Original | | ROWORLDWAR0004LAB | |
| World War III: Black Gold | PC | 1.0 | Original, Oranzzsoft | | ROWORLDWAR0003 | |
| Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROW844AG-CD | |
| Warhammer 40000: Rites of War: Digital Press Kit | PC | | Press Kit | | ROW-DPK | |
| Spelvin Goolie Private Eyeball Spelvin Goolie Private Eyeball: The World's Greatest Left-Handed Detective | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROW-10942 | |
| Stardate 2410.2: Crusade in Space: The Zardula Incursion | PC | 1.16 | Original | | ROW-10602 | |
| Transport Gigant (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | ROTRANSPOR0001LAB2 | |
| Transport Gigant (Disc 1) (Spiel CD) | PC | | Original | | ROTRANSPOR0001LAB1 | |
| Traffic Giant: Gold Edition Traffic Giant: US Edition | PC | 1.3 | Original | | ROTRAFFICG0017lab | |
| Torchlight | PC | | Original | | ROTORCHLIG0001LAB | |
| The Sting! 鬼計神偷 | PC | 2.01 | Double Platinum Collection | | ROTHESTING0013LAB | |
| The Sting! | PC | v2.0e | Original | | ROTHESTING0004USLAB | |
| The Nations: Gold Edition 美麗新國度2:黃金中文版 | PC | 2.02 | Double Platinum Collection | | ROTHENATIO0016LAB | |
| The Nations: Gold Edition | PC | | Original | | ROTHENATIO0015LAB | |
| The Nations | PC | | Covermount | | ROTHENATIO0003 LAB | |
| The Nations | PC | 1.02 | Original | | ROTHENATI0011 | |
| The Mark | PC | 1.330 | Original | | ROTHEMARK00003LAB | |
| 1914: The Great War (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 build 29 | Original | | ROTHEGREAT0000LAB2 | |
| 1914: The Great War (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 build 29 | Original | | ROTHEGREAT0000LAB1 | |
| Thandor: The Invasion | PC | 1.05.01 | Original | | ROTHANDOR00102LAB | |
| Thandor: The Invasion | PC | 1.05.01 | Original | | ROTHANDOR00101LAB | |
| Thandor: The Invasion | PC | 1.05.01 | Rerelease | | ROTHANDOR00008LAB | |
| S.W.I.N.E. (Play Disk) | PC | | LTAS! Rerelease | | ROSWINE0000005LAB2 | |
| S.W.I.N.E. (Install Disk) | PC | | LTAS! Rerelease | | ROSWINE0000005LAB1 | |
| Star Trek: Starship Creator Warp II | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROSTARTREK0000LAB | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 2) (Installa CD) | PC | 1.52.61407 | Original | | ROSPELLFOR0027LAB2 | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 1) (Installa/Esegui CD) | PC | 1.52.61407 | Original | | ROSPELLFOR0027LAB1 | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 2) (Install CD2) | PC | 1.52.61407 | Hammerpreis | | ROSPELLFOR0024lab2 | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 1) (Install CD1 / Play CD) | PC | 1.52.61407 | Hammerpreis | | ROSPELLFOR0024lab1 | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn: Songs of Winter SpellForce: The Order of Dawn: Songs of Winter: The Official Soundtrack to Breath of Winter | PC | | Limited Edition | | ROSPELLFOR0012LABST | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 3) (Install CD3) | PC | | Limited Edition | | ROSPELLFOR0012LAB3 | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 2) (Install CD2) | PC | | Limited Edition | | ROSPELLFOR0012LAB2 | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 1) (Install CD1 / Play CD) | PC | | Limited Edition | | ROSPELLFOR0012LAB1 | |
| SpellForce: The Breath of Winter | PC | 1.30 | Original | | ROSPELLFOR0005LAB | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 2) | PC | | Covermount | | ROSPELLFOR0003LAB2 | |
| SpellForce: The Order of Dawn (Disc 1) | PC | | Covermount | | ROSPELLFOR0003LAB1 | |
| Spaceforce: Captains | PC | | Original | | ROSPACEFOR0005LAB | |
| Spaceforce: Rogue Universe | PC | | Original | | ROSPACEFOR0002LAB | |
| Spaceforce: Rogue Universe | PC | | Original | | ROSPACEF0R0000LAB | |
| Söldner: Secret Wars: Reloaded | PC | 30600 | Original | | ROSOELDNER0021LAB | |
| Söldner: Gold Edition | PC | | Original | | ROSOELDNER0018LAB | |
| Söldner: Marine Corps | PC | | Original | | ROSOELDNER0014LAB | |
| Söldner: Secret Wars: Reloaded | PC | 30600 | Rerelease | | ROSOELDNER0008LAB | |
| Söldner: Secret Wars: Reloaded | PC | 30600 | Original | | ROSOELDNER0008LAB | |
| Söldner: Secret Wars | PC | 28054 | Original | | ROSOELDNER0002LAB | |
| Söldner: Secret Wars | PC | | Original | | ROSOELDNER0001LAB | |
| Ski Racing 2005 Ski Racing 2005 featuring Hermann Maier | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROSKIRACING0000LAB | |
| S²: Silent Storm (Disc 2) | PC | 1.2 | Original | | ROSILENTST0011lab2 | |
| S²: Silent Storm (Disc 1) | PC | 1.2 | Original | | ROSILENTST0011lab1 | |
| S²: Silent Storm (Disc 2) | PC | 1.1 | Gold Edition | | ROSILENTST0007lab2 | |
| S²: Silent Storm (Disc 1) | PC | | Gold Edition | | ROSILENTST0007lab1 | |
| S²: Silent Storm (Disc 2) | PC | | Gold Edition | | ROSILENTST0006lab2 | |
| S²: Silent Storm (Disc 1) | PC | | Gold Edition | | ROSILENTST0006lab1 | |
| S³: Silent Storm: Sentinels | PC | | Gold Edition | | ROSILENTST0004lab, ROSILENTST0006lab3 | |
| Sam & Max: Season One | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROSAMMAX000002LAB | |
| Rim: Battle Planets | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RORIMBATTL0003LAB | |
| Rally Trophy: Volvo Cars Special Edition | PC | 1.01 | Original | | RORallyTro0014Lab | |
| Mega Score 113 (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | | | RORallyTro0004Lab | |
| Rally Trophy | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RORallyTro0003Lab, RORallyTro0004Lab | |
| Pusher | PC | | Original | | ROPUSHER000000LAP | |
| Panzer Elite Action: Dunes of War Dunes of War | PC | 1.44.12 | Original | | ROPANZERL0017LAB | |
| Panzer Elite | PC | 1.1 | Special Edition | | ROPANZEREL001LAB, ROPANZEREL002LAB | |
| Panzer Elite Action: Dunes of War | PC | | Original | | ROPANZEREL0014LAB | |
| Panzer Elite (Bonus-CD) | PC | 1.1 | Special Edition | | ROPANZEREL-BONUSCD | |
| Painkiller: Universe (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | ROPAINOVER0009LAB2 | |
| Painkiller: Universe (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | ROPAINOVER0009LAB1 | |
| Painkiller: Overdose | PC | 75.3 | Original | | ROPAINOVER0000LAB | |
| Neighbours from Hell 2: On Vacation | PC | 1.01 | Original | | RONEIGHBOU0001LAB | |
| Sangoku Engi x Sangoku Seishi 三國演義×三國正史 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RON003 | |
| Ryuuou Sangoku Engi 龍王三國演義 | PC | | Original | | RON002 | |
| Farming Manager | PC | | Original | | RON-FARMMAN-CD | |
| Disaster Response Unit Disaster Response Unit: THW Simulator 2012 | PC | | Original | | RON-DISASTER-CD | |
| City Builder | PC | 0.372 | Original | | RON-CITYAUS-CD | |
| Airport Ground Crew Simulation | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RON-AIRPORTG-DVD | |
| M&M's: Die Geheimformeln | PC | | Original | | ROMUNDMS00006LAB | |
| Michael Schumacher Racing World Kart 2002 | PC | | Original | | ROMICHAELS0003LAB | |
| Michael Schumacher Racing World Kart 2002 | PC | | Original | | ROMICHAELS0001LAB | |
| Michael Schumacher Racing World Kart 2002 | PC | | Original | | ROMICHAELS0000LAB | |
| Mayday: Conflict Earth | PC | 1.1a | Rerelease | | ROMAYDAYCO0003LAB | |
| Majestic Chess | PC | 1.03.0005 | Original | | ROMAJEST0003LAB | |
| TFX: Tactical Fighter eXperiment | PC | | Media Safari | | ROM-53367 | |
| Dust: A Tale of the Wired West | PC | | Rerelease | | ROM-53366 | |
| Summer & Winter Olympic Challenge | PC | | Original | | ROM-53360 | |
| Summer & Winter Olympic Challenge | PC | | Original | | ROM-53360 | |
| FX Fighter | PC | | Rerelease | | ROM-53358 | |
| Nerves of Steel | PC | | Rerelease | | ROM-53357 | |
| Al Michaels Announces: HardBall III | PC | | Media Safari | | ROM-53348 | |
| Cyclemania | PC | | Original | | ROM-53347 | |
| Who Killed Brett Penance? Who Killed Brett Penance?: The Environmental Surfer | PC | | Media Safari | | ROM-53342 | |
| Shadows of Cairn | PC | 1.0.022 | Rerelease | | ROM-53337 | |
| Disney · Pixar Toy Story 2: CD-ROM Sampler | PC | | Original | | ROM-4503 | |
| 8+1 Entertainment Pack: Game Pack 11 8+ One Game Pack 11 | PC | | Original | | ROM-1091 | |
| 8+1 Entertainment Pack: Game Pack 10 8+ One Game Pack 10 | PC | | Original | | ROM-1090 | |
| 8+1 Entertainment Pack: Game Pack 4 8+ One Game Pack 04 | PC | | Original | | ROM-1084 | |
| 8+1 Entertainment Pack: Game Pack 2 8+ One Game Pack 02 | PC | | Original | | ROM-1082 | |
| Raptor: Call of the Shadows | PC | 1.2 | Original | | ROM 2049 | |
| Hocus Pocus | PC | 1.1 | Original | | ROM 2047 | |
| Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold | PC | 2.10R | Original | | ROM 2045 | |
| Alien Carnage | PC | 1.0 | Kixx XL | | ROM 2044 | |
| Off Limits: Mizar | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10120 | |
| Off Limits: Cassiopeia | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10100 | |
| One Must Fall 2097 One Must Fall 2097 CD-ROM | PC | 1.1 | ROMWARE | | ROM 10017 | |
| Jazz Jackrabbit Jazz Jackrabbit CD-ROM | PC | 1.2 | ROMWARE | | ROM 10015 | |
| Brix 2 Deluxe Fantastic Games 1 | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 900 | |
| Epic Pinball | PC | 1.1 | Demo: ROMWARE | | ROM 10 801 | |
| Epic Pinball Epic Pinball 12 | PC | 2.0 | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 014 | |
| Xargon: The Mystery of the Blue Builders The Xargon Trilogy | PC | 3.0 | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 013 | |
| Dare to Dream | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 012 | |
| Solar Winds | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 010 | |
| Jill of the Jungle | PC | 1.2 | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 009 | |
| Robbo | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 008 | |
| OverKill | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 007 | |
| Kiloblaster | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 006 | |
| Zone 66 | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 005 | |
| Heartlight PC | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 004 | |
| Ancients I & II | PC | | ROMWARE | | ROM 10 002 | |
| King of the Road (Disc 2) (Bonus CD) | PC | | Original | | ROKINGOFTH0001LAB2 | |
| King of the Road (Disc 1) (Game Disk) | PC | 1.3 | Original | | ROKINGOFTH0001LAB1 | |
| K. Hawk: Survival Instinct | PC | | LTAS!-Budget | | ROKHAWK0000006LAB | |
| K. Hawk: Survival Instinct (Game Disk) | PC | | Original | | ROKHAWK0000001LAB1 | |
| K. Hawk: Survival Instinct (Bonus CD) | PC | | Original | | ROKHAWK0000001LAB1 | |
| Keep the Balance! | PC | | Original | | ROKEEPTHEB0004LAB | |
| Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 | PC | | Rerelease | | ROKAO200000001LAB | |
| Kao the Kangaroo: Round 2 | PC | | Original | | ROKAO200000000LAB | |
| Sphinix Gold | PC | | Original | | ROK 04 Art.-Nr. 6623 | |
| Punch 'n' Crunch | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ROK 03 | |
| Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure: Director's Cut | PC | | Original | | ROJACKORLA0001LAB | |
| Industry Giant II | PC | | Original | | ROINDUSTRY0025label | |
| Industry Giant II (Bonus CD) | PC | | Original | | ROINDUSTRY0025bonus | |
| Hotel Gigant | PC | | Original | | ROHOTELGIG0003lab | |
| Gothic Universe (Disc 2) | PC | | N3VRF41L | | ROGOTHICUN0000LAB2 | |
| Gothic Universe (Disc 1) | PC | | N3VRF41L | | ROGOTHICUN0000LAB1 | |
| Gothic 3: Götterdämmerung | PC | 1.85.22737.36 | Software Pyramide | | ROGOTHIC3A00044LAB | |
| Gothic 3 | PC | 1.60.25931.29 | Game of the Year Edition | | ROGOTHIC300005LAB | |
| Gothic 3 ゴシック3 | PC | 1.4.25516.1 | Original | | ROGOTHIC300000LAB | |
| Gothic II (CD d'Installazione 3) | PC | 1.32 | Original | | ROGOTHIC200006LAB3 | |
| Gothic II (CD d'Installazione 2) | PC | 1.32 | Original | | ROGOTHIC200006LAB2 | |
| Gothic II (CD d'Installazione 1 / CD Gioco) | PC | 1.32 | Original | | ROGOTHIC200006LAB1 | |
| Gothic II: Die Nacht des Raben | PC | | Gold Edition | | ROGOTHIC200003LAB4 | |
| Gothic II (Installations CD 2) | PC | | Gold Edition | | ROGOTHIC200003LAB3 | |
| Gothic II (Installations CD 1) | PC | | Gold Edition | | ROGOTHIC200003LAB2 | |
| Gothic II (Spiel CD) | PC | | Gold Edition | | ROGOTHIC200003LAB1 | |
| Gothic II: Die Nacht des Raben | PC | 2.5.0 | Original | | ROGOTHIC200002LAB | |
| Gothic II: Die Nacht des Raben | PC | | Rerelease | | ROGOTHIC200002LAB | |
| Gothic II (Spiel CD) | PC | 1.28 | Original | | ROGOTHIC200000LAB3 | |
| Gothic II (Installations CD 2) | PC | 1.28 | Original | | ROGOTHIC200000LAB2 | |
| Gothic II (Installations CD 1) | PC | 1.28 | Original | | ROGOTHIC200000LAB1 | |
| Gothic II: Die Nacht des Raben Gothic II: Offizielle Erweiterung | PC | 2.6 | Gothic Collector's Edition | | ROGOTHCC0000LAB6 | |
| Gothic II (Disc 3) | PC | 1.33 | Original, Gothic Collector's Edition | | ROGOTHCC0000LAB5 | |
| Gothic II (Disc 2) | PC | 1.33 | Original, Gothic Collector's Edition | | ROGOTHCC0000LAB4 | |
| Gothic II (Disc 1) (Play Disc) | PC | 1.33 | Original, Gothic Collector's Edition | | ROGOTHCC0000LAB3 | |
| Gothic (Install CD 2) | PC | 1.08j | Gothic Collector's Edition | | ROGOTHCC0000LAB2 | |
| Gothic (Install CD 1) | PC | 1.08j | Gothic Collector's Edition | | ROGOTHCC0000LAB1 | |
| Gorky Zero: Beyond Honor | PC | | Original | | ROGORKYZER0002LAB | |
| Gorky Zero: Beyond Honor | PC | | Original | | ROGORKYZER0001LAB | |
| Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon (Disc 4) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROGORASUL00006LAB, ROGorasul00005/4 | |
| Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon (Disc 3) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROGORASUL00006LAB, ROGorasul00005/3 | |
| Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROGORASUL00006LAB, ROGorasul00005/2 | |
| Gorasul: The Legacy of the Dragon (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROGORASUL00006LAB, ROGorasul00005/1 | |
| Gorasul: Das Vermächtnis des Drachen (Disc 4) | PC | | Original | | ROGorasul00001LAB4 | |
| Gorasul: Das Vermächtnis des Drachen (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | ROGorasul00001LAB3 | |
| Gorasul: Das Vermächtnis des Drachen (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | ROGorasul00001LAB2 | |
| Gorasul: Das Vermächtnis des Drachen (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | ROGorasul00001LAB1 | |
| Die Völker II: Gold Edition | PC | 2.00 gold (Build #34) | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAVOE0LAB | |
| Games Giant Vol. 1: Special Pack 1 | PC | | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIASPE0LAB | |
| Games Giant Vol. 1: Special Pack 2 | PC | | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIASPC0LAB | |
| Rally Trophy | PC | 1.01 | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIARAL0LAB | |
| Games Giant Vol. 1 (Patch CD) | PC | | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAPAT0LAB | |
| King of the Road | PC | 1.3 | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAKIN0LAB | |
| Der Industrie Gigant II | PC | | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAIND0LAB | |
| Die Gilde Europa 1400 | PC | 1.05 | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAGIL0LAB | |
| Fußball Manager Fun Soccer Manager | PC | | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAFUS0LAB | |
| Far West | PC | 1.0 DE Rev B | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAFAR0LAB | |
| Cultures 2: Die Tore Asgards | PC | | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIACUL0LAB | |
| Der Clou! 2 The Sting! | PC | 1.0d | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIACLO0LAB | |
| Games Giant Vol. 1 (Bonus CD) | PC | | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIABON0LAB | |
| Arx Fatalis | PC | 1.0.0 | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAARF0LAB | |
| AquaNox 2: Revelation (Disc 2) | PC | 2.159 | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAAQU0LAB2 | |
| AquaNox 2: Revelation (Disc 1) | PC | 2.159 | Games Giant Vol. 1 | | ROGAMESGIAAQU0LAB1 | |
| Sports Game Pack: Manager Edition | PC | | Original | | ROGAMEPACK0002LAB | |
| Fussballmanager Fun | PC | | Original | | ROFUSSBALL0000LAB | |
| Freak Out: Extreme Freeride | PC | | Original | | ROFREAKOUT0000LAB | |
| Fate of Hellas: La Destinée de la Grèce Antique | PC | | Original | | ROFATEHELL0000LAB | |
| Evil Islands: Der Fluch der verlorenen Seele (Disc 2) Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul | PC | 1.06 | Rerelease | | ROEVILISLA0001LAB2 | |
| Evil Islands: Der Fluch der verlorenen Seele (Disc 1) Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Soul | PC | 1.06 | Rerelease | | ROEVILISLA0001LAB1 | |
| Europa 1400: The Guild | PC | | Original | | ROEUROPA140001LAB | |
| Eishockey Manager 2005 | PC | 1.11 | Original | | ROEISHOCKE0001LAB | |
| Die Völker II: Gold Edition | PC | | Original | | RODIEVÖLKE0008LAB | |
| Die Völker II: Aufstieg zum Königreich | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RODIEVÖLKE0004LAB | |
| Die Gilde: Gold Edition | PC | | Original | | RODIEGILDE0004LAB | |
| Die Gilde: Handel, Habsucht & Intrigen | PC | 1.00 | Original | | RODIEGILDE0000LAB | |
| Der Verkehrsgigant: Gold Edition | PC | | Original | | RODERVIRKE0000LA | |
| Der Industrie Gigant: Gold Edition | PC | | Best of JoWooD | | RODERINDUS0003BOLAB | |
| Der Clou! 2: Die Einbruchsimulation | PC | 1.0d | Original | | RODERCLOU20000LAB | |
| Dead Reefs: Das Relikt des Bösen | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RODEADREEF0000LAB | |
| Dawnspire | PC | | Original | | RODAWNSPIR0002LAB | |
| Desert Storm Command Deluxe First Strike: 4 Exciting Battle Games: Featuring Desert Storm Command | PC | | | | ROD-10591 | |
| Command Adventures: Starship | PC | | Original | | ROD 10931 | |
| Cultures 2: Gates of Asgard (Bonus CD) | PC | | Original | | ROCULTURES0001LAB2 | |
| Cultures 2: Gates of Asgard (Game Disk) | PC | | Original | | ROCULTURES0001LAB1 | |
| Cultures 2: Die Tore Asgards | PC | | Original, OranzzSoft | | ROCULTURES0000LAB | |
| Neighbours from Hell | PC | 1.00 | Original | | ROBOSENACH0000DVD | |
| 30:1 Limited Edition | PC | | Original | | ROBLURAYC00001LAB | |
| Beam Breakers | PC | | Original | | ROBEAMBREA0002LAB | |
| Beam Breakers (Bonus CD) | PC | | Original | | ROBEAMBREA0001LAB2 | |
| Beam Breakers | PC | | Original | | ROBEAMBREA0001LAB1 | |
| Robin Hood: Die Legende von Sherwood | PC | 1.0 | Original | | ROB019 - CD | |
| Arx Fatalis | PC | 1.13 | Original | | ROARXFATAL0002lab | |
| Arx Fatalis | PC | 1.1 | Original | | ROARXFATAL0000LAB | |
| Archangel | PC | | Original | | ROARCHANGE0004LAB | |
| Archangel (Bonus CD) | PC | | Original | | ROARCHANGE0001LAB2 | |
| Archangel (Bonus CD) | PC | | Original | | ROARCHANGE0001LAB2 | |
| Archangel | PC | | Original | | ROARCHANGE0001LAB1 | |
| Archangel: Die Verwandlung | PC | | Original | | ROARCHANGE0000LAP | |
| Agatha Christie: Evil Under the Sun Agatha Christie: Maldad bajo el Sol | PC | | Original | | ROAGATHACH0005LAB | |
| Swing Plus: Total Mindcontrol | PC | | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000SWI | |
| iPanzer '44 | PC | 1.10 | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000PAN | |
| Liberation Day | PC | | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000LIB | |
| Land der Hoffnung | PC | | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000LAN | |
| iF/A-18E Carrier Strike Fighter | PC | | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000IFA | |
| iF-22 Persian Gulf Version 5.0 | PC | 5.00 | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000IF2 | |
| Fallen Haven | PC | 1.0 | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000FAL | |
| Corum II: Dark Lord Legend of Corum Vol. II: Dark Lord | PC | | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000COR | |
| Clash | PC | | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000CLA | |
| iM1A2 Abrams: Amerikas Panzer Nr. 1 | PC | 1.07 | Absolute Strategy | | ROABSOLUTE0000ABR | |
| Limba și literatura romana clasele III-IV Limba și literatura română clasele III-IV | PC | | Original | | RNPCnr.06385 | |
| Super DubluClic Galactic: NTSF: Joc de Cultura Generala Matematica Super DubluClic Galactic: NTSF: Joc de Cultură Generală Matematică | PC | | Original | | RNPC S5002396 5552 | |
| Ring: La Leggenda dei Nibelunghi (Disc 6) | PC | Alpha 1.0 | Original | | RNI-CD6 | |
| Ring: La Leggenda dei Nibelunghi (Disc 5) | PC | Alpha 1.0 | Original | | RNI-CD5 | |
| Ring: La Leggenda dei Nibelunghi (Disc 4) | PC | Alpha 1.0 | Original | | RNI-CD4 | |
| Ring: La Leggenda dei Nibelunghi (Disc 3) | PC | Alpha 1.0 | Original | | RNI-CD3 | |
| Ring: La Leggenda dei Nibelunghi (Disc 2) | PC | Alpha 1.0 | Original | | RNI-CD2 | |
| Ring: La Leggenda dei Nibelunghi (Disc 1) | PC | Alpha 1.0 | Original | | RNI-CD1 | |
| Ring II: Twilight of the Gods (Disc 2) | PC | 1.00.0000 | Original | | RNGUK2P | |
| Ring II: Twilight of the Gods (Disc 1) | PC | 1.00.0000 | Original | | RNGUK1P | |
| Ring 2: Il Crepuscolo degli Dei (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | RNGIT2P | |
| Ring 2: Il Crepuscolo degli Dei (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | RNGIT1P | |
| Ring (Side A) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RNDV-CD/A | |
| Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen (Disc 6) (Install Disc) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RN-CD6 | |
| Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen (Disc 5) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RN-CD5 | |
| Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen (Disc 4) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RN-CD4 | |
| Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen (Disc 3) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RN-CD3 | |
| Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RN-CD2 | |
| Ring: The Legend of the Nibelungen (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RN-CD1 | |
| Subete no Michi wa Roma ni Tsuuzuru: Teikoku Kensetsu e no Yabou すべての道はローマに通ずる 帝国建設への野望 | PC | 1.01 | Original | | RMWC-21 | |
| Math Rabbit | PC | 2.03 | Super Saver | | RMR744AE-CD | |
| RollerCoaster Tycoon Mega-Pack | PC | | 100% Hits | | RMP3854AT-DISC1 | |
| Reader Rabbit's Math Ages 4-6 | PC | 3.0 | Original | | RMB744AE-CD | |
| Crayola Art Studio 2 Crayola Art Studio 2: The Ultimate Creative Studio for Kids! | PC | | Original | | RM50323 | |
| Outlaw Golf | PC | | Original | | RM-OUTGOLF-UK | |
| World Racing (Disc 2) Mercedes-Benz World Racing | PC | 1.1.1.INT | Original | | RM-MBWRDV-UK/ES | |
| World Racing (Disc 1) Mercedes-Benz World Racing | PC | 1.1.1.INT | Original | | RM-MBWRDV-UK/ES | |
| World Racing (Disc 2) Mercedes-Benz World Racing | PC | 1.1.1.DEF | Original | | RM-MBWRDV-D/F/DF | |
| World Racing (Disc 1) Mercedes-Benz World Racing | PC | 1.1.1.DEF | Original | | RM-MBWRDV-D/F/DF | |
| Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | RM-KOTT-UK | |
| Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | RM-KOTT-UK | |
| Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | RM-KOTT-UK | |
| 15,000 Sudoku Puzzles | PC | | Re:flex | | RLX040 | |
| LEGO Friends | PC | 1.0 | Re:flex | | RLX034 | |
| LEGO My World: School Skills | PC | 1.0 | Re:flex | | RLX031 | |
| Pinball Master 3D | PC | | Re:flex | | RLX027 | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear | PC | 2.05 | Re:flex | | RLX023 | |
| Word Games | PC | | Re:flex | | RLX003 | |
| Louis the Lion | PC | | Original | | RLLLCD | |
| Kevin the Kangaroo | PC | | Original | | RLKKCD | |
| Langrisser Digital Collection ラングリッサー デジタルコレクション | PC | | Original | | RLDC-51 | |
| Roland Garros French Open 2001 | PC | | Original | | RL1MULTICD1 | |
| Jet de Go! Let's Go by Airliner ジェットでGO! -LET'S GO BY AIRLINER- | PC | | Bakuhatsu-teki 1480 Series | | RJG-189-1 | |
| Thinking Rabbit Meisaku Adventure: Doukeshi Satsujin Jiken: Minton Keibu no Sousa File シンキングラビット名作アドベンチャー 道化師殺人事件 ミントン警部の捜査ファイル | PC | | Original | | RIV000026-00C00022 | |
| J. B. Harold no Jikenbo: D.C. Connection: Ai to Shi no Meiro J.B.ハロルドの事件簿 D.C.コネクション 愛と死の迷路 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | RIV000021-00C00015 | |
| J. B. Harold no Jikenbo: Kiss of Murder: Satsui no Kuchizuke J.B.ハロルドの事件簿 キス・オブ・マーダー 殺意の接吻 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | RIV000019-00C00014 | |
| Toudou Ryuunosuke Tantei Nikki: Ougon no Rashinban: Shouyoumaru San Francisco Kouro Satsujin Jiken 藤堂龍之介 探偵日記 黄金の羅針盤 翔洋丸桑港航路殺人事件 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | RIV000018-00C00013 | |
| Thinking Rabbit Meisaku Adventure: Toki o Koeta Tegami: The letter that over came time. シンキングラビット名作アドベンチャー 時を超えた手紙 The letter that over came time. | PC | 1.00 | Original | | RIV000017-00C00012 | |
| J. B. Harold no Jikenbo: Murder Club: Satsujin Club J.B.ハロルドの事件簿 マーダークラブ 殺人倶楽部 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | RIV000016-00C00011 | |
| Toudou Ryuunosuke Tantei Nikki: Kohakuiro no Yuigon: Seiyou Carta Renzoku Satsujin Jiken 藤堂龍之介 探偵日記 琥珀色の遺言 西洋骨牌連続殺人事件 | PC | 1.1 | Original | | RIV000015-00C00010 | |
| Riverworld Philip José Farmer's Riverworld | PC | | Original | | RIV-CD | |
| Riverworld Philip José Farmer's Riverworld | PC | | | | RIV-CD | |
| Riverworld Philip José Farmer's Riverworld | PC | | Original | | RIV-CD | |
| Ultimate Domain | PC | 1.0.0 | Ergo Software | | RIT026, TDG026 | |
| Rising Lands | PC | 1.1 Build Apr 07 1998 | Original | | RISLCDRGB | |
| Risk II | PC | 1.01e | Rerelease, Best of Infogrames | | RISK2PCB0GBFDNL/A | |
| Toudou Ryuunosuke Tantei Nikki: Kohakuiro no Yuigon: Seiyou Carta Renzoku Satsujin Jiken 藤堂龍之介 探偵日記 琥珀色の遺言 西洋骨牌連続殺人事件 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RHWD96031 | |
| J.B. Harold no Jikenbo: Manhattan Requiem: Yami ni Tobu Tenshi-tachi J.B.ハロルドの事件簿 マンハッタン・レクイエム 闇に翔ぶ天使たち | PC | | Windows95 Mystery Selection No.1 | | RHWD955121 | |
| J. B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (Disc 1) J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース | PC | | Rerelease | | RHWD5111 | |
| J. B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (Disc 1) J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース | PC | | Original | | RHWD5061 | |
| Rayman 3: Hoodlum Havoc | PC | 1.0 | Hits Collection | | RHH854BF-DVD | |
| J. B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (Disc 5) J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース | PC | | Original | | RH5065 | |
| J. B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (Disc 4) J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース | PC | | Original | | RH5064 | |
| J. B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (Disc 3) J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース | PC | | Original | | RH5063 | |
| J. B. Harold: Blue Chicago Blues (Disc 2) J.B.ハロルド ブルー・シカゴ・ブルース | PC | | Original | | RH5062 | |
| Golf: Sangaku Course-hen ゴルフ 山岳コース編 | PC | | Bakuhatsu-teki 1480 Series | | RGY-120-1 | |
| World War I | PC | 1.0 | Revival | | REV145 | |
| Mystery Case Files: Huntsville | PC | 1.6a | Revival | | REV134 | |
| Legion Arena | PC | | Revival | | REV133 | |
| Super-Bikes Riding Challenge | PC | 1.0 | Revival | | REV130 | |
| Face Factory Face Factory: For Use with The Sims 2 | PC | | Revival | | REV119 | |
| Cold Fear 零度恐懼 | PC | | Replaygem, Revival | | REV091 | |
| 25,000 Sudoku Puzzles | PC | | Revival | | REV082 | |
| Tetris Worlds | PC | | Revival | | REV081 | |
| MotoGP 2 MotoGP Ultimate Racing Technology 2 | PC | | Revival | | REV079 | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear: Black Thorn | PC | 2.61 | Revival | | REV075 | |
| Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Mission Pack | PC | | Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Pack | | REV054 | |
| Mobil 1 Rally Championship | PC | | Revival | | REV048 | |
| LEGO Island | PC | 1.1 | Revival | | REV047 | |
| The Settlers III (Disc 2) | PC | | Revival | | REV036 | |
| The Settlers III (Disc 2) | PC | | Revival | | REV036 | |
| The Settlers III (Disc 1) | PC | | Revival | | REV036 | |
| The Settlers III (Disc 1) | PC | | Revival | | REV036 | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear | PC | 2.05 | Revival | | REV035 | |
| Rayman Gold | PC | 1.21 | Revival | | REV023 | |
| Time Commando | PC | | CD Expert Magazine | | REV. 15-A | |
| Return of the Phantom | PC | 2.02 | Hit Squad: Regenerator | | REGEN024 | |
| Special Forces | PC | 1.00 | Hit Squad: Regenerator | | REGEN020 | |
| Sword of the Samurai | PC | 445.01 | Hit Squad: Regenerator | | REGEN019 | |
| Airborne Ranger | PC | 441.03 | Hit Squad: Regenerator | | REGEN016 | |
| Sid Meier's Covert Action | PC | 447.01 | Hit Squad: Regenerator | | REGEN014 | |
| Wizkid: The Story of Wizball II Wizkid | PC | | Hit Squad: Regenerator | | REGEN005 | |
| Push-Over | PC | | Hit Squad: Regenerator | | REGEN001 | |
| ADI Spielerisch lernen: Mathe Klasse 3+4 | PC | | | | Ref. S074051012ZZZ | |
| ADI Junior: Spielerisch lernen 4-6 Jahre (Rechnen Lesen) | PC | | | | Ref. S071051012ZZZ | |
| Speed Demons | PC | | Original | | Ref: 65702162 | |
| Beach Volley Beach Volleyball | PC | | Hits Gold | | REF 656806 | |
| Goshi | PC | | Original | | REF 656480 | |
| Des Milliards de Kakuro | PC | | Original | | REF 656458 | |
| Maxi Casse-Tête 3D 2 | PC | | Original | | REF 655680 | |
| Hard to Be a God | PC | | Original | | Ref 3760137143779 | |
| Redneck Rampage: The Early Years | PC | | SoftKey (Special Edition) | | RED144AE-CD | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Mission Pack: Urban Operations | PC | 2.50 | Exclusive Collection | | RED142Y011-0039-0003-01 | |
| Shadow Watch | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RED142Y010-0039-0004-01 | |
| Tom Clancy's | PC | | Original | | RED 800 Y003 0031 0004-01 | |
| Force 21 | PC | | Original | | RED 782 Y009-0031-0004-01 | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mission Pack: Eagle Watch | PC | 1.50 | Original, Gold Pack Edition | | RED 782 Y005-0031-0004-01 | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six | PC | 1.03 | Original | | RED 782 Y001-0001-0007-01 | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six | PC | 1.03 | Original, Gold Pack Edition | | RED 782 Y001-0001-0001-01 | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear | PC | 2.03 | Original | | RED 257 Y006 0031 0007-01 | |
| Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear | PC | 2.02 | Original | | RED 257 Y006 0031 0001-01 | |
| Kisha de Go! 汽車でGO! | PC | | Bakuhatsu-teki 1480 Series, Bakuhatsu-teki 1480 Series (Rerelease) | | RDI-198, VDI-328-1 | |
| Densha de Go! 電車でGO! | PC | | Bakuhatsu-teki 1480 Series | | RDG-136 | |
| Warriors | PC | 1.1 | Rerelease | | RDE028 | |
| Panzer General | PC | | Budget | | RDE024 | |
| MegaRace | PC | | Budget Rerelease | | RDE002 | |
| RC Racing | PC | 1.0 | Family Fun Software | | RCV 10006370 | |
| Starsiege: Tribes | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RCV 10006366 | |
| RollerCoaster Tycoon | PC | 1.08.172 | Rerelease | | RCT1LABELD, RCTPCCOMPD/A | |
| Reader Rabbit's Toddler | PC | | Original | | RCP344CE-CD/UD | |
| Electro Body | PC | 2.001 | Collector's Edition | | RCP-2201 | |
| Sister Heart: Kokoro no Kakera Sister Heart ココロのカケラ | PC | | Original | | RCL-007 | |
| RedCat SuperKarts | PC | 1.0.0 | Original | | RCKARTDE | |
| Rayman Accompagnement Scolaire: CP (Disc 2) (Calcul) | PC | | le Club des Héros | | RCI864AF-CD2 | |
| Rayman Accompagnement Scolaire: CP (Disc 1) (Lecture) | PC | | le Club des Héros | | RCI864AF-CD1 | |
| Crazy Power Disc: Giga Exciting クレイジーパワーディスクパーフェクト | PC | | Original | | RCD-0006 | |
| Majewelick Impact | PC | | Original | | RCD-0003 | |
| Majewelune World Special | PC | 1.02.00 | Original | | RCD-0002 | |
| Metal Gun III: Shout of the Arms METAL銃III-Shout of the arms- | PC | | Original | | RCD-0001 | |
| Superbike Challenge | PC | | Racing 1500 Series | | RC-100744 | |
| Welcome to the Future | PC | 1.1 | Original | | RBS2016CDE | |
| Hyouka no Mau Sora ni 氷華の舞う空に | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | RBS-0008 | |
| Warlords III: Darklords Rising | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7076CDE | |
| WarBreeds | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7056CDG | |
| WarBreeds | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7056CDE | |
| The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Disc 4) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7047G(4) | |
| The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Disc 3) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7047G(3) | |
| The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7047G(2) | |
| The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7047G(1) | |
| The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Disc 4) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7047E(4) | |
| The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Disc 3) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7047E(3) | |
| The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7047E(2) | |
| The Journeyman Project 3: Legacy of Time (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7047E(1) | |
| Take No Prisoners | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RBB7026CDE | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 5) | PC | 1.0GE | Original, Myst: Die Trilogie | | RBB7017CDG[5] | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 4) | PC | 1.0GE | Original, Myst: Die Trilogie | | RBB7017CDG[4] | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 3) | PC | 1.0GE | Original, Myst: Die Trilogie | | RBB7017CDG[3] | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 2) | PC | 1.0GE | Original, Myst: Die Trilogie | | RBB7017CDG[2] | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 1) | PC | 1.0GE | Original | | RBB7017CDG[1] | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 4) | PC | | Original, Rerelease | | RBB7017CDE[4] | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 3) | PC | | Original, Rerelease | | RBB7017CDE[3] | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 2) | PC | | Original, Rerelease | | RBB7017CDE[2] | |
| Riven: The Sequel to Myst (Disc 1) | PC | 1.02 | Original | | RBB7017CDE[1] | |
| Warlords III: Reign of Heroes | PC | | Original | | rbb700blx | |
| Warlords III: Reign of Heroes | PC | | Original | | RBB7006CDG | |
| The Last Express (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | RBB0467CDG(3) | |
| The Last Express (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | RBB0467CDG(2) | |
| The Last Express (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | RBB0467CDG(1) | |
| Prince of Persia CD Collection | PC | | Original, Soft Price | | RBB0348CDE | |
| Prince of Persia Collection: Limited Edition Prince of Persia: Collector's Edition | PC | | Original | | RBB0347CDE | |
| Myst | PC | 1.0.3 | Original | | RBB0176CDG | |
| Myst | PC | | Original | | RBB0176CDF | |
| Myst | PC | 1.0.3 | Original | | RBB0176CDE | |
| Myst | PC | 1.0.3 | Original | | RBB0176CDE | |
| Myst | PC | 1.3 | Desktop Edition | | RBB01764CDE | |
| Red Baron | PC | 1.00 | Original | | RB1PC | |
| Ankh 2: Tutankhamen no Nazo アンク2 ~ツタンカーメンの謎~ | PC | | MMX Technology Pentium Processor Taiou | | RAY 97001 | |
| Ankh 2: Tutankhamen no Nazo アンク2 ~ツタンカーメンの謎~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | RAY 96001 | |
| Ankh: Pyramid no Nazo アンク ピラミッドの謎 | PC | | Original | | RAY 95010 | |
| Disney · Pixar Ratatouille | PC | | Just For Gamers | | RATZJFG JFG05-RATA-OBL | |
| Detektiv Bogey on a Run | PC | | Original | | RAP 70007 | |
| Rally Championships | PC | | Original | | RALLY 001 | |
| Radamantus G: The Black Arts ラダマントゥスG THE BLACK ARTS | PC | | Original | | RADG-9607 | |
| Rat Attack (Digital Press Kit: Summer '99) | PC | | Press Kit | | RAD844AB-CD | |
| Wing Commander: Armada | PC | | Original | | R9945CXD | |
| Ultima VIII: Pagan | PC | | Original | | R9925CXD | |
| System Shock | PC | F1.6C / F1.6S | Original | | R9915CXD | |
| Wings of Glory | PC | F1.6 | Original | | R9905CXD | |
| BioForge | PC | | Original, Bundle Version Gateway 2000 OEM, EA Classics | | R9895CXD | |
| BioForge | PC | | CD-Rom Classics | | R9895CXD | |
| Strike Commander | PC | | Zielona Seria | | R9615CD | |
| Wing Commander / Wing Commander II | PC | | Twin Pack CD-ROM Edition | | R9575CXD | |
| The Complete Ultima VII | PC | 3.4 | CD-ROM Classics | | R8955CXD | |
| Wing Commander: Armada | PC | | CD-Rom Classics | | R8935CXD | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 6) | PC | 1.04F | Original | | R8925CGD[6] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 5) | PC | 1.04F | Original | | R8925CGD[5] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 4) | PC | 1.04F | Original | | R8925CGD[4] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 3) | PC | 1.04F | Original | | R8925CGD[3] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 2) | PC | 1.04F | Original | | R8925CGD[2] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 1) | PC | 1.04F | Original | | R8925CGD[1] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 6) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[6] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 6) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[6] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 5) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[5] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 5) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[5] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 4) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[4] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 4) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[4] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[3] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[3] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[2] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[2] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[1] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | R8925CED[1] | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 6) | PC | | 3 Mega Games: Science-Fiction | | R8925CED | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 5) | PC | | 3 Mega Games: Science-Fiction | | R8925CED | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 4) | PC | | 3 Mega Games: Science-Fiction | | R8925CED | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 3) | PC | | 3 Mega Games: Science-Fiction | | R8925CED | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 2) | PC | | 3 Mega Games: Science-Fiction | | R8925CED | |
| Wing Commander IV: The Price of Freedom (Disc 1) | PC | | 3 Mega Games: Science-Fiction | | R8925CED | |
| Wing Commander: Privateer | PC | | CD-ROM Classics | | R8885CXD | |
| Strike Commander / Wing Commander: Privateer | PC | | Twin Pack | | R8845CXD | |
| Crusader: No Remorse | PC | 1.07NV | Original | | R8815CGD | |
| Crusader: No Remorse | PC | 1.23 | CD-ROM Classics | | R8815CED | |
| Crusader: No Remorse | PC | 1.01 | Original | | R8815CED | |
| Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 4) | PC | | Original | | R8805CGD[4] | |
| Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | R8805CGD[3] | |
| Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | R8805CGD[2] | |
| Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | R8805CGD[1] | |
| Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 4) | PC | | Original | | R8805CFD[4] | |
| Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 3) | PC | | Original | | R8805CFD[3] | |
| Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | R8805CFD[2] | |
| Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | R8805CFD[1] | |
| Hornby Virtual Railway | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R8121 | |
| World in Conflict: 10 Day Trial Edition | PC | | PC Game Bundle | | R7258240 | |
| Jane's Combat Simulations: Advanced Tactical Fighters | PC | | Original | | R7235CGD | |
| Abuse | PC | 2.00 | Original | | R7225CXD | |
| F.E.A.R.: First Encounter Assault Recon | PC | | Demo | | R6027910 | |
| Empire Earth II: Exclusive Demo CD Empire Earth II: Pre-Order Bonus Disc | PC | | Pre-Order Bonus | | R6025010 | |
| Evil Genius | PC | 1.0 | Demo | | R6022310 | |
| The Cat in the Hat Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat | PC | | Game Demo | | R6012410 | |
| Thinkin' Things: FrippleTown | PC | 3.0 | Original | | R2632 a.3.02 | |
| Sammy's Science House | PC | 3.0 | Southwestern Kids' Collection | | R2522/8612a.7.01 | |
| MindTwister Math | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R1492/7509a.8.99 | |
| Thinkin' Things Collection 3 | PC | 1.02 | Original | | R1104-1/3072c.9.96 | |
| The Bard's Tale 新 冰城傳奇 | PC | | Original | | R052 | |
| Chex Quest | PC | | Original | | R02821 | |
| Chex Quest | PC | | Original | | R02821 | |
| Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 マイクロソフト フライト シミュレータ 98 | PC | 6.10 Build 421 | Rerelease | | R02806 | |
| Age of Empires マイクロソフト エイジ オブ エンパイア | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R02328 | |
| Age of Empires マイクロソフト エイジ オブ エンパイア | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R02328 | |
| Hellbender ヘルベンダー | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R01121 | |
| Close Combat クロース コンバット | PC | | Original | | R00865 | |
| Deadly Tide (Disc 4) (Level 14-15) デッドリー タイド | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R00864 | |
| Deadly Tide (Disc 3) (Level 9-13) デッドリー タイド | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R00863 | |
| Deadly Tide (Disc 2) (Level 4-8) デッドリー タイド | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R00862 | |
| Deadly Tide (Disc 1) (Setup & Level 1-3) デッドリー タイド | PC | 1.0 | Original | | R00861 | |
| The Making of the Batman Forever Video Game | PC | | Promo | | R00511 | |
| Sierra Products Demo America Online featuring Sierra Online | PC | | | | R00482 | |
| Typing Namidabashi: Ashita no Joe Touda タイピング泪橋 あしたのジョー 闘打 | PC | | Roomaji Nyuuryokuban | | R-9980209 | |
| Sanrio Character Encyclopedia サンリオキャラクター大百科 | PC | | | | R-10 | |
| Fire Emblem: Fuuka Setsugetsu Original Soundtrack (Bonus Disc) ファイアーエムブレム 風花雪月 オリジナル・サウンドトラック | PC | | Original | | QWCI-00010-7 / QWCI-00011-7 | |
| Qui Veut Gagner des Millions: Junior | PC | | Original | | QVJ854BF-CD | |
| The Perfect General II | PC | 1.01 | Rerelease | | QQP 812673 | |
| The Pure Wargame | PC | | Original | | QQP #119949 | |
| Mad Paradox 2 マッドパラドックス2 | PC | | Original | | QCD-9709 | |
| Shikigami no Shiro Evolution (Tokuten Data CD-ROM: Confidential) 式神の城 EVOLUTION | PC | | Ai | | Q68-00003 KI001E02 | |
| Shikigami no Shiro Evolution (Tokuten Data CD-ROM: Complete) 式神の城 EVOLUTION | PC | | Kurenai | | Q68-00001 KI001E01 | |
| Crayola Magic 3D Coloring Book: Amazing Animals | PC | 1.0 | Original | | Q1272 | |
| Crayola Make a Masterpiece | PC | 1.0 | Original | | Q1262/7273a6.99 | |
| Crayola Magic 3D Coloring Book: Favorite Places | PC | 1.0 | Original | | Q1252/7206a6.99 | |
| Crayola: First Ladies Costume Maker CD-ROM | PC | | Original | | Q1142/5797a.5.98 | |
| The Yukon Trail | PC | 1.12 | Rerelease | | PYT744CE-CD | |
| Infinite Stratos: Versus Colors インフィニット・ストラトス ヴァーサス カラーズ | PC | | Original | | PYNP0029 | |
| Inochi Mijikashi Tatakae! Otome: Miku no Negi Monogatari 命短したたかえ!乙女 ~ミクのネギ物語~ | PC | 3.5 | Original | | PYNP-0021 | |
| Inochi Mijikashi Tatakae Otome: Tomato Taisen Kurenai no Jin: Version2 命短したたかえ乙女 ~トマト大戦 紅の陣~ Version2 | PC | 2.0 | Original | | PYNP-0019 | |
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| Future GPX Cyber Formula: Sin Cyber GrandPrix 2: Boost Pack (Disc 1) 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ SIN CYBER GRANDPRIX 2 BOOST PACK | PC | | Original | | PYNP-0008 | |
| Future GPX Cyber Formula: Sin Cyber GrandPrix 2 新世紀GPXサイバーフォーミュラ SIN CYBER GRANDPRIX 2 | PC | | Original | | PYNP-0007 | |
| Cyber Grandprix Championship Ver 1.00 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | PYNP-0005 | |