Region | Title | System | Version | Edition | Languages | Serial | Status |
 | Moorhuhn Total | PC | | Software Pyramide | | |  |
 | Moorhuhn Wanted Big Pack | PC | | Software Pyramide | | |  |
 | Musou Orochi 2 Ultimate 無双OROCHI2 Ultimate | PS3 | 01.01 | PlayStation 3 the Best | | BLJM 55082 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Warfighter メダル オブ オナー ウォーファイター | PS3 | 01.00 | Original, EA Best Hits | | BLJM 60541 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Megalith | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Medicopter 117 2: Jedes Leben zählt | PC | | Software Pyramide | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Matrix: Path of Neo 더 매트릭스: 패스 오브 네오 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Major League Baseball 2K6 メジャーリーグベースボール 2K6 | XBOX360 | | Original | | TT-2003 |  |
 | MasterCook Deluxe 8.0 MasterCook Deluxe: Version 8.0 | PALM | | Original | | P/N: 10397 |  |
 | Microsoft ActiveSync 3.1 Microsoft ActiveSync 3.1: Desktop Software for Microsoft Windows CE | PPC | | PDA System Bundle | | 0900 Part No. X06-10055 |  |
 | MacPeople 2003 11.15 マックピープル 2003 11.15 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | MacPeople Beginners Vol. 4 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | Multiwinia: Survival of the Flattest | PC | win32-multiwinia-retail.1.0.0 | Original | | |  |
 | MayaQuest: The Mystery Trail | PC | 1.0 | Original | | #HCD645 |  |
 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance マーベル アルティメット アライアンス | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJM 60026 |  |
 | Megazone 23: Aoi Garland メガゾーン23 青いガーランド | PS3 | 01.02 | Original | | BLJM 60037 |  |
 | Midnight Club: Los Angeles ミッドナイトクラブ・ロサンゼルス | PS3 | 01.01 | Rockstar Classics | | BLJM 60368 |  |
 | ModNation: Mugen no Kart Oukoku モッドネーション 無限のカート王国 | PS3 | 01.00 | Original | | BCJS 30041 |  |
 | Moe Moe Daisensou * Gendaiban++ 萌え萌え大戦争☆げんだいばーん++ | PS3 | 01.01 | SystemSoft Selection | | BLJS 10233 |  |
 | MotorStorm Complete モータストーム コンプリート | PS3 | 02.00 | Original | | BCJS 30019 |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 3 (Anzhuangpian) 明星志願3 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 3 (Youxipian) 明星志願3 | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 3: Xingguang Yuanwuqu 明星志願3:星光圓舞曲 | PC | 1.10 | Original | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 3: Yinse Huanxiangqu 明星志願3:銀色幻想曲 | PC | 1.20 | Original | | |  |
 | Monster Jam | PC | | Original | | 35447.101.US |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Airborne メダル オブ オナー エアボーン | PS3 | 01.00 | EA Best Hits | | BLJM 60114 |  |
 | Monopoly | PALM | | Original | | 357-0102-10 |  |
 | MobileTools | PALM | | Original | | 122-1201-10 |  |
 | Microsoft Expedia Streets 98 | PPC | 6.0 | Bundle Version OEM | | 1097 Part No. X03-27650 |  |
 | The Musical World of Professor Piccolo | MAC | 1.3 | Original | | P/N 691-0641-A |  |
 | Math Blaster: Ages 4-6 | PC | 1.0C | Original | | S630061 |  |
 | Missing (Install CD) | PC | | Original | | PCO436CD |  |
 | Missing (Play CD) | PC | | Original | | PCO436CD |  |
 | Medical and Engineering Joint Entrance Quiz | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SCES-55497 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Max Kids 2/2006 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mamatoto: A Record of War ママトト ~a record of war~ | PC | | Original | | ALS-0035 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Math Blaster Algebra | PC | 1.0 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Monopoly Monopoly CD-ROM | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Madden NFL 2003 | PC | | EA Sports Collection | | 1284807 |  |
 | Minna no Chizu 3 (Disc 1) みんなの地図3 | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJS 00139 |  |
 | Minna no Chizu 3 (Disc 2) みんなの地図3 | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJS 00140 |  |
 | Mirai Seiki Barbara 未来世紀バーバラ | PC | | Original | | HOCR-00093 |  |
 | Microsoft Windows Media Center Extender for Xbox v1.01 | XBOX | | Original | | XX-007 |  |
 | Mindscape's Brain Trainer | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Maximum DVD n.06: Aprile 2005 | PC | | | | |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat | PC | 1.1 | The Essential Collection | | 1000140.101.UK |  |
 | Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer (Disc 2) (Play) | PC | | Sold Out Software | | |  |
 | MacPeople 2002 12.1 マックピープル 2002 12.1 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | Mac Fan Internet 2001 5 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | Masque Slots | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing: Version 15 | PC | 1.0 | Encore | | 10029-CD |  |
 | Milo and the Magical Stones | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mighty Math: Zoo Zillions / Thinkin' Things: FrippleTown | PC | | Southwestern Kids' Collection | | 283873-CD |  |
 | Michael Schumacher Racing World Kart 2002 | PC | | Original | | ROMICHAELS0003LAB |  |
 | Michael Schumacher World Tour Kart Kart Schumacher | PC | 1.3 | EMCx: Gli Imperdibili | | |  |
 | Max Kids Dziewczynka 3/2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Musou Orochi Z (Anzhuang Guangdie) 無雙OROCHI 蛇魔 Z | PC | | Original | | 09.12.01084 |  |
 | Musou Orochi Z (Youxi Guangdie) 無雙OROCHI 蛇魔 Z | PC | | Original | | 09.12.01085 |  |
 | Me & My Pet ミー&マイペット | PS3 | 01.00 | Original | | BCJS 30057 |  |
 | Microsoft Casino | PC | | Original | | 0800 Part No. X05-87939 |  |
 | MacPeople 2001 10.15 マックピープル 2001 10.15 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | MacPeople 2002 11.15 マックピープル 2002 11.15 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | Medieval II: Total War (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | SEGA-PC037D2-UK | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Mark | PC | 1.330 | Original | | ROTHEMARK00003LAB |  |
 | Monkey's Adventures | PC | 1.2 | EMCx Entertainment Collection | | |  |
 | Mértola: Vila Museu | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | AVS 100001 |  |
 | The Movies | PC | | Original | | 32587.101.UK |  |
 | Magye Jeongi Disgaea 4 마계전기 디스가이아 4 | PS3 | 01.00 | Hangeulpan | | BCKS 10178 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MX vs. ATV Untamed 엠엑스와 에이티브이 언테임드 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLKS 20064 |  |
 | Muv-Luv マブラヴ | PS3 | 01.02 | Original | | BLJM 60546 |  |
 | Muv-Luv Alternative マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ | PS3 | 01.02 | Original | | BLJM 60547 |  |
 | Muv-Luv Photonmelodies マブラヴ フォトンメロディーズ | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJM 61200 |  |
 | Mary-Kate & Ashley: Dance Party of the Century | PC | 1.0.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Mahjong Fight Club: Zenkoku Taisenban 麻雀格闘倶楽部 全国対戦版 | PS3 | 01.04 | Konami the Best | | BLJM 60145 |  |
 | Monopoly / The Game of Life | PC | | Original | | 12-CB65 09/12 12-00182 |  |
 | Milton Bradley Classic Board Games | PC | | General Mills | | |  |
 | Machinarium | PC | | Original | | IQ9172 |  |
 | Major League Baseball 2K9 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJS 10051 |  |
 | Major League Baseball 2K11 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJS 10112 |  |
 | Madden NFL 09 マッデン NFL 09 | PS3 | 01.00 | Original | | BLJM 60088 |  |
 | Mirror's Edge 미러스 엣지 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLKS 20094 |  |
 | Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance 메탈 기어 솔리드 2: 서브스탠스 | PS2 | 1.02 | Original | | SLKA 35001 |  |
 | Max and the Magician | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mummy: Tomb of the Pharaoh | MAC | | Original | | CD-MCR-168-0 |  |
 | The Manhole: CD-ROM Masterpiece Edition | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mafia II | PS3 | 01.00 | Original | | BLJM 60270 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Metal Slug XX | PSP | 1.00 | Test Sample | | ULUS-10495 |  |
 | Monster Hunter Freedom Unite | PSP | 1.00 | Test Sample | | ULUS-10391 |  |
 | Mana Khemia: Student Alliance | PSP | 1.00 | Test Sample | | ULUS-10408 |  |
 | MotoGP 15 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJM 61297 |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 2 (Anzhuangpian) 明星志愿2 | PC | 1.0 | Dayu Jingdian Xilie Youxi | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 2 (Youxipian) 明星志愿2 | PC | 1.0 | Dayu Jingdian Xilie Youxi | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 2000 (Anzhuangpan) 明星志愿2000 | PC | 1.0 | Dayu Jingdian Xilie Youxi | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 2000 (Youxipan) 明星志愿2000 | PC | 1.0 | Dayu Jingdian Xilie Youxi | | |  |
 | Mori Juezhan (Disc 1) 末日決戰 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Mori Juezhan (Disc 2) 末日決戰 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Major League Baseball 2K8 メジャーリーグベースボール 2K8 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJM 60099 |  |
 | MLB | PSP | 1.00 | Original | | UCKS 45010 |  |
 | Metro: Last Light メトロ ラストライト | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJS 10218 |  |
 | Midway E3 2004 (Press Kit) | PC | | Press Kit | | |  |
 | Math Blaster for 5th Grade | PC | 1.1c | Original | | S02421 |  |
 | Millennium Gamepak | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Madden NFL 07 | PC | | Original | | 1522507 |  |
 | Major League Baseball 2K7 メジャーリーグベースボール 2K7 | PS3 | 01.02 | Original | | BLJM 60031 |  |
 | Mega Memory | PS2 | 2.22 | Unlicensed | | |  |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | X04-88674 FR |  |
 | MUD: FIM Motocross World Championship | XBOX360 | | Original | | LS-2028 |  |
 | Mahjong Haou: Dankyuu Battle 3 麻雀覇王 段級バトル3 | PS3 | 01.02 | Original | | BLJM 61030 |  |
 | Monster Planet 2255 モンスタープラネット 2255 | FMT | | Original | | HMB-226 |  |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 マイクロソフト フライト シミュレータ 98 | PC | 6.10 Build 421 | Rerelease | | R02806 |  |
 | Myst: Masterpiece Edition | PC | | Ubisoft eXclusive | | |  |
 | Monster Truck Madness | PC | 1.00.63 | Bundle Version Gateway OEM | | 0996 Part No. 000-31686 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator 98 | PC | | Bundle Version Gateway OEM | | 0797 Part No. 000-61941 |  |
 | Major League Baseball 2K10 | PS3 | 01.00 | Original | | BLJS 10090 |  |
 | Maori Language Zoomalong | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Madden NFL 98 (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 775617 |  |
 | Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor シャドウ・オブ・モルドール | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJM 61270 |  |
 | Maori Language Snap | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Momoko-chan for Me: Minarai Kangofu-hen ももこちゃん for me ~見習い看護婦編~ | PC-98 | | Original | | |  |
 | Maurice Sendak's Little Bear: Rainy Day Activities | PC | 1.0 | Encore Games Just for Kids | | 7420-CD3 |  |
 | Multimedialna Encyklopedia Powszechna | PC | 1.04.241 | WIEM 2007 | | EW-DVD-3 |  |
 | Muziek in Economie | CDI | | | | |  |
 | Metamor Panic: Doki Doki Youma Busters!! メタモル・パニック D♥KI D♥KI 妖魔バスターズ!! | PC | | Original | | WIC-5277 |  |
 | Mystery P.I.: The Lottery Ticket | PC | | | | SKU - E107899 |  |
 | Mayhem | XBOX360 | | Original | | EV-2008 |  |
 | Men in Black II: Alien Escape 맨인블랙 Ⅱ | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLPM 67533 |  |
 | Matchbox Cross Town Heroes | PC | | | | |  |
 | Monster Jam: Path of Destruction | XBOX360 | | Original | | AV-2188 |  |
 | MotoGP 14 | XBOX360 | | Original | | Q1-2005 |  |
 | Mystery Case Files: Ravenhearst / Hidden Expedition: Amazon | PC | | The Best of Big Fish Games | | |  |
 | Millie's Math House | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Mobile Suit Gundam: White Base: The 13th Independent Force 機動戦士ガンダム 第13独立部隊 ホワイトベース | PC | | Original | | BDE-50010 |  |
 | Mouse Trophy | PC | 2.03.31 | Original | | |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | DOS/V | | |  |
 | March! Offworld Recon | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Man vs. Wild with Bear Grylls | XBOX360 | | Original | | CV-2009 |  |
 | Mahjong Taikai IV 麻雀大会Ⅳ | PS3 | 01.03 | Original | | BLJM 60011 |  |
 | Move Fitness | PS3 | 00.01 | PlayStation Move Press Kit | | |  |
 | Mambo a Go Go マンボ ア ゴーゴー | KS573 | | Original | | A40 JA B02 |  |
 | Mario Party 4 | GC | Rev 1 | Original | | DL-DOL-GMPP-EUR |  |
 | Madeline Thinking Games マドレーヌとかんがえよう | PC | | | | CWJ-0014 CWJ-0015 |  |
 | Mission Soleil ミッション ソレイユ | PC | | | | YSRH-3001 |  |
 | Math Attack Gordiho Zábavné Počty II. Viry Opět Útočí | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: Youhei Butai メックウォリア2 傭兵部隊 | PC | 1.05 | Original | | CDD-3580-101-JP | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Madeline and the Magnificent Puppet Show パリのマドレーヌ すてきなにんぎょうげき | PC | | Original | | CWJ-0012 |  |
 | Mahoutsukai ni Naru Houhou 魔法使いになる方法 | PC | | Original | | TGL-970131 |  |
 | Maneki Neko no Koban まねき猫の小判 | PC | | Original | | TGL-951222 |  |
 | Max Kids Extra 1/2004 Anemone | Bubble Bobble Nostalgie | Krasnale 2 | PC | | | | |  |
 | MegaRace 3 | PC | SSV1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Me and My Horse | PC | | | | |  |
 | Madden NFL 11 マッデン NFL 11 | PS3 | 01.00 | Original | | BLJM 60259 |  |
 | Magic: The Gathering: BattleMage | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mah-jong マージャン | CDI | | | | PCIM-00019 |  |
 | Megapool: TV-Wandpresentatie (Uitgave Nr. 1, Februari 1996) | CDI | | | | |  |
 | Mobile Suit Gundam: Target in Sight 機動戦士ガンダム ターゲット イン サイト | PS3 | 02.00 | PlayStation 3 the Best, PlayStation 3 the Best Reprint | | BLJS 50002 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | My First ABC's & Spelling My First abc's & Spelling | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Minna de Taisen! AI Mahjong みんなで対戦! AI麻雀 | PC | 3.03 NM | PC Game Best Series | | |  |
 | Menghuan Feijichang 夢幻飛機場 | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator: WWII Europe Series マイクロソフト コンバット フライト シミュレータ WWII ヨーロッパ戦線 シリーズ | PC | | Original, Best Selections | | 708-CD-001, EMWB-7040 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MiG Alley ミグ アレイ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | MED-6380 |  |
 | Motian Dalou 摩天大樓 | PC | 1.2 | Original | | |  |
 | Mac Fan CD-ROM 2002-08-15 (Disc 1) | MAC | | | | |  |
 | Mac Fan CD-ROM 2002-08-15 (Disc 2) | MAC | | | | |  |
 | MechWarrior 3 | PC | 1.1 | Mega Family Choice | | CVE0012 |  |
 | The Matrix: Path of Neo 駭客任務 關鍵抉擇 | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLAJ 25072 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Frontline | PS2 | 1.01 | Original | | SLPM 65168 |  |
 | MechCommander 2 | PC | 1.0 | Original | | 0601 Part No. X08-11049 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mac Fan CD-ROM 2005-12 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | Mac Fan CD-ROM 2006-02 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | Magic: Die Zusammenkunft: Anfänger | PC | | Seventh Edition | | |  |
 | Mahjongg Investigations: Under Suspicion | PC | | Original | | 1957B |  |
 | Mantigimi Gelistiriyorum Mantığımı Geliştiriyorum | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Max Game 1-2/2005 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat メックウォリア2 | PC | | Rerelease | | CDD-3115-101-JP |  |
 | The Movies (Game Disc) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | The Movies (Bonus Disc) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Microsoft Pinball Arcade マイクロソフト ピンボール アーケード | PC | 1.01 | Best Selections | | EMWB-7044 |  |
 | Marvel: Ultimate Alliance: Special Edition | XBOX360 | | Platinum Hits | | AV-2010 |  |
 | Mekutte Nyan めくってニャン | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mein Pferdehof | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | MiruMiru 2001-nen 1-gatsudo Juchuugou 見る見る 2001年1月度受注号 | PS2 | 1.10 | Tentou Houei Kinshi | | PCPX 96608 |  |
 | My Sim Aquarium | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mango Plumo's Weather Adventure | PC | | Britannica Family Collection | | |  |
 | Mango Plumo's Space Adventure | PC | 2.3.0 | Britannica Family Collection | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Midnight Outlaw: Illegal Street Drag: Nitro Edition | PC | | Original | | P/N: 10247 |  |
 | Mystery Masters: Treasures of Mystery Collection | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mystery Masters: Twisted Tales | PC | | Collector's Edition | | |  |
 | Miyamura Yuuko no Miyamu o Sagase! 宮村優子のみやむーをさがせ! | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | CAT.IB96006 |  |
 | MobiClic No 93 Mai-Juin 2007 MobiClic N°93 mai-juin 2007 | PC | | | | |  |
 | The Mystery of the Druids Тайна Друидов | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 2 (Anzhuangpian) 明星志願2 | PC | 1.3 | XP Ban | | |  |
 | Mingxing Zhiyuan 2 (Youxipian) 明星志願2 | PC | 1.3 | XP Ban | | |  |
 | Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: WWII Pacific Theater (Disc 1) マイクロソフト コンバット フライト シミュレータ 2 WWII 太平洋戦線 シリーズ | PC | | Original | | 0900 Part No. X06-06778 |  |
 | Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: WWII Pacific Theater (Disc 2) マイクロソフト コンバット フライト シミュレータ 2 WWII 太平洋戦線 シリーズ | PC | | Original | | 0900 Part No. X06-06779 |  |
 | Mad Dog 2: Zolotaya Lixoradka Mad Dog 2: Золотая Лихорадка | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mad Dog McCree | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Myst III: Exile | PC | 1.21 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Moorhuhn Wanted Big Pack | PC | | Software Pyramide | | |  |
 | Mensch ärgere Dich nicht | PC | | Original | | 50401 |  |
 | Mind Grind | PC | | Original | | SPI039 |  |
 | Mordillo's Jungle Fever Mordillo Jungle Fever XXL | PC | | Original, Fun for Five | | Artikel Nummer 40228 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medicopter 117 2: Jedes Leben zählt: Add-On | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Midnight Racing | PC | | Dice | | DCG 003970 |  |
 | Metris: Gold Edition | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mario Maniac Eracha | PC | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Moorhuhn Schatzjäger 2 Moorhuhn Jump'n Run: Moorhuhn Schatzjäger 2 | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Moorhuhn Kart Thunder | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Myst V: End of Ages | PC | 1.0 | Original, Ubisoft eXclusive | | 5004138 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medal of Honor: Airborne | PC | | Value Games | | DWD07706451D |  |
 | Massive Assault | MAC | | Original | | |  |
 | Medieval: Total War (Disc 1) | PC | | Medieval: Total War + Viking Invasion (Software Pyramide) | | 30815.101.GM |  |
 | Medieval: Total War (Disc 2) | PC | | Medieval: Total War + Viking Invasion (Software Pyramide) | | 30815.101.GM |  |
 | Medieval: Total War: Viking Invasion Expansion Pack | PC | | Medieval: Total War + Viking Invasion (Software Pyramide) | | 30815.101.GM |  |
 | Monster Truck Destruction | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Mouse Trophy | PC | 02.02.16 | Original | | |  |
 | Merchant Prince II | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Machiavelli the Prince | PC | 1.0 | Original | | MP390225D01R | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Monopoly 2 | PC | | Tandem | | 1627 |  |
 | Madden NFL 2004 (Disc 1) | PC | | EA Most Wanted | | EAE08004876D/GER |  |
 | Madden NFL 2004 (Disc 2) | PC | | EA Most Wanted | | EAE08004876D2/GER |  |
 | Man of War II | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Mankind | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mafia (Disc 1) マフィア | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Mafia (Disc 2) マフィア | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Mafia (Disc 3) マフィア | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Möbius Link 2: Preiades Sisters メビウスリンク2 プレアデスシスターズ | PC | 2.20 | Original | | |  |
 | Meta-Doll Ai メタドールAI | PC | | Original | | WIC-5791 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Airborne 메달오브아너: 에어본 | XBOX360 | | Original | | EA-2038 |  |
 | Microsoft Home CD Sampler Microsoft Fury Trial Version | PC | | Original | | Disc Assy. 240-052-032 0895 Part No. 67471 |  |
 | Mixed-Up Mother Goose | PC | | Original | | 833104920 |  |
 | Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code | SRE | | RingWide | | DVR-0013D |  |
 | Multimedia Celebrity Poker | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Marine Malice: Le Mystere du Coquillage Vole | PC | | Drolement Futes | | |  |
 | Mad Tracks | PC | 1.20 | Fabryka Gier | | |  |
 | Maelstrom | PC | 1.0 | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Mest' boksera: Moskovskij kriminalitet Месть боксера. Московский криминалитет | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mafia (Disc 1) | PC | | Kolekcja Klasyki | | CENEGA 385a/PCCD-ROM/2006 |  |
 | Mage Knight: Apocalypse | PC | 1.02 | Original | | |  |
 | Master of Monsters 4: Hikari to Yami no Souha マスターオブモンスターズ4 ~光と闇の争覇~ | PC | 1.00 | Original | | 00J1420TA |  |
 | Melty Blood: Act Cadenza Ver. B メルティブラッド アクトカデンツァ Ver.B | PC | | Original, Shokai Genteiban | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Midnight Racing | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Midtown Madness Midtown Madness: Chicago Edition | PC | 1.0 | Kolekcja Klasyki Komputerowej | | CENEGA 135/2003 |  |
 | Midtown Madness 2 | PC | | Kolekcja Klasyki Komputerowej | | CENEGA 232/2004 |  |
 | Monster Truck Rumble | PC | | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Major League Baseball 2K12 メジャーリーグベースボール 2K12 | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BLJS 10169 |  |
 | Midway: E3 Preview, Logos, Screen Shots | PC | | Press Kit | | |  |
 | Mia: The Kidnap Caper (Disc 1) Mia's Big Adventure Collection: The Kidnap Caper | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mia: The Kidnap Caper (Disc 2) Mia's Big Adventure Collection: The Kidnap Caper | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | My Farm Life Hayatım Çiftlik | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Microsoft Knows Games Playable Trial Games | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mit Globi von A-Z | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Mystery Maze of Balthasar Castle | PC | 1.2 | Original | | |  |
 | Mafia II | XBOX360 | | Original | | TT-2173 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: La Segunda Guerra Mundial en el Pacífico (Disc 1) | PC | 7.50.000917.03 | Original | | 0800 Pieza n° X05-78898 ES |  |
 | Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2: La Segunda Guerra Mundial en el Pacífico (Disc 2) | PC | 7.50.000917.03 | Original | | 0800 Pieza n° X05-78900 ES |  |
 | Momi no Ki no Shita de: The Day of St. Claus もみの木の下で The Day of St. Claus | MAC | | Original | | |  |
 | Many Colors II | FMT | | Original | | HMG-126 |  |
 | Madden NFL 2004 매든 2004 | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLKA 25095 |  |
 | Misha & Koosha Panjam Dabastan ميشا و كوشا پنجم دبستان | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Memory Gwanli CD 메모리관리 CD | 3DO | RE | | | |  |
 | Mistmare (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 27014CD1 |  |
 | Mistmare (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 27014CD2 |  |
 | Macross Since 1983 マクロス since 1983 | PC | | Original | | LPUS-1089 |  |
 | Mix Candy みっくすキャンディ | PC | | Original | | IDES-051 |  |
 | Mix Candy 3 みっくすキャンディ3 | PC | | Original | | F&C-092 |  |
 | Moon. ムーン | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Ms: If It Is True... | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mugen no Zero 夢幻のゼロ | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mały Uczeń | PC | | | | |  |
 | Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine: Issue 17 April 2003 | PC | | | | MSS17-D/APR/03 |  |
 | Max Payne | PC | 1.0 | Take 2 Advantage | | |  |
 | Max Payne (Manuels d'Utilisation) | PC | | Take 2 Advantage | | |  |
 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Installation 1) | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Installation 2) | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Jeu) | PC | 1.00 | Original | | |  |
 | Metal Gear Solid (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | X05-87155 FR |  |
 | Metal Gear Solid (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | X05-87158 FR |  |
 | MiG-29 Fulcrum | PC | 1.00.49 | Best of Simulation | | |  |
 | Motus | PC | 1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine: Issue 33 July 2004 | PC | | | | WXP33-C/JUL/04 |  |
 | M1 Tank Platoon II M1 タンク・プラトゥーン2 | PC | 1.2J | MQ Value Price Series | | MMD-09100 |  |
 | Medal of Honor: Heroes | PSP | 1.00 | Platinum: The Best of PSP | | ULES-00559 |  |
 | Mafia II (Add-On Content Disc) | XBOX360 | | Classics | | TT-2185 |  |
 | Mr. Men & Little Miss: Mr. Bump Presents: Challenge Bonhomme et les Dames: M. Rigolo Présente: Challenge | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mad Dog II: The Lost Gold | 3DO | | Arcade CD-ROM | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration (Interactive Demo) | PC | | Demo | | CD-ICD-082-D |  |
 | Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine: Issue 16 March 2003 | PC | | | | MSS16-D/MAR/03 |  |
 | The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Desktop Accessories 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 デスクトップアクセサリーソフト | PC | | Original | | KYOG-HA91 |  |
 | Magye Jeongi Disgaea 마계전기 Disgaea | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLKA 25048 |  |
 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Disc 1) | PC | 1.01 | Original | | |  |
 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Disc 2) | PC | 1.01 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Massive Assault: Network Wars Massive Assault: Сетевые Войны | PC | 2.0.148 | Original | | |  |
 | Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne (Disc 3) | PC | 1.01 | Original | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Matchbox Demo CD | PC | | Demo | | |  |
 | Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (Play) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | PCD-5005-002 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Masque Slots Slots: Actual Casino Slot Machines! | PC | 1.0.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Masque Bingo and Double Pay Multi-Way Keno | PC | 1.0.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Mass Effect (Bonus Content Disc) | XBOX360 | | Classics | | MS-2235 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Memories Off 2nd メモリーズオフ 2nd | PSP | 1.02 | Original, 2800 Selection | | ULJM 05335 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Medieval Moves | PS3 | 00.01 | PlayStation Move Press Kit | | |  |
 | Move Mind Benders | PS3 | 00.01 | PlayStation Move Press Kit | | |  |
 | Mama ne goryuj (Disc 1) Мама не горюй | PC | | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Mama ne goryuj (Disc 2) Мама не горюй | PC | | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | |  |
 | Mashed Mashed: Вдребезги | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mutant Мутант | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mass Destruction | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat | PC | 1.1 | Windows 95 / MS-DOS + NetMech | | CD2-3491-101-U3 |  |
 | M.I.A.: Missing in Action (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | 04-15503CD1 |  |
 | M.I.A.: Missing in Action (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 04-15503CD2 |  |
 | Monopoly Tycoon | PC | | Original | | Part No. 04-22258CD |  |
 | MacFormat Issue 117: June 2002 (Disc 2) | MAC | | | | MF/117/06/02 Disc 2 |  |
 | MahJong Quest III | PC | | Original | | 2183A |  |
 | Mahjongg Mahjong | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Maluch Racer | PC | | Deluxe | | |  |
 | Max i Maria na Zakupach | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mercedes-Benz Truck Racing | PC | 1.1.10 | Original | | |  |
 | Mi Primer Diccionario de Inglés | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Max Game 5/2003 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Microsoft Train Simulator (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | 0501 Part No. X06-20646 |  |
 | More War: The Return of the Horde | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mor Utopia (Disc 1) Мор Утопия | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Mor Utopia (Disc 2) Мор Утопия | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Math Blaster: Ages 7-9 | PC | 1.1s | Original | | S8499511 XP |  |
 | Math Blaster: Ages 9-12 | PC | 1.2s | Original | | S0362711 XP |  |
 | Multiply, Divide and Conquer: A Multiplication and Division Game | PC | 1.5 | Original | | HH639 |  |
 | Muumipappa ja Meri | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Muumit ja Näkymätön Lapsi | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Muumit ja Taikalamppu | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Muumit ja Taikatalvi | PC | | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Muumit Meren Aalloilla | PC | 1.2 | Rerelease | | |  |
 | Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing! For Kids | PC | | Original | | 2145010-590003 /1195Fh |  |
 | Mixed-Up Mother Goose Deluxe | PC | | Original | | S323420 |  |
 | MikroBitti: Huvi & Hyöty 2007 | PC | | | | |  |
 | MikroBitti: Huvi & Hyöty DVD 2008 | PC | | | | |  |
 | MikroBitti: Huvi ja Hyöty '06 (Huviromppu) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | MikroBitti: Huvi ja Hyöty '06 (Hyötyromppu) | PC | | | | |  |
 | MikroBitti: Huvi ja Hyöty 2005 (Hyötyromppu) | PC | | | | |  |
 | MikroBitti: Huvi ja Hyöty 2005 (Huviromppu) | PC | | | | |  |
 | MikroBitti: Tupla Huvi&Hyöty 2004 (Huviromppu) | PC | | | | |  |
 | MikroBitti: Tupla Huvi&Hyöty 2004 (Hyötyromppu) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Manchester United: Premier League Champions | CD32 | Amiga v1.0CD 22-Aug-1994 | Original | | |  |
 | Masque Slots II Masque Slots II: Actual Casino Slot Machines! | PC | 1.0.2 | Original | | |  |
 | Monopoly Casino: Vegas Edition | PC | 1.0 | Original | | Part No. 04-22607CD |  |
 | Might and Magic: World of Xeen (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | CDAC 051200 |  |
 | Might and Magic: World of Xeen (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | CDAC 051300 |  |
 | Mortimer and the Riddles of the Medallion | PC | | Original | | 5501830 |  |
 | Matma Matma 1-4 | PC | | Covermount | | SELL 0187 |  |
 | Mexanikus: Zvezdnoe protivostoyanie Механикус: Звездное противостояние | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Max Kids 4/2006 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Moja Pierwsza Niezwykła Encyklopedia Nauki | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Moja Pierwsza Niezwykła Encyklopedia Nauki | PC | | Nestlé Corn Flakes | | |  |
 | Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Yeonhap vs. Z.A.F.T. 기동전사 건담 SEED: 연합 vs. Z.A.F.T. | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLKA 25314 |  |
 | Mozart: Una Biografía Musical | CDI | | Original | | 816 0017 |  |
 | Meteosat Collection: Meteosat Exploration Project No. 1 | PHOTO-CD | | Original | | |  |
 | The Movies (Disc 1) The Movies: Фабрика грез | PC | 1.1 | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Movies (Disc 2) The Movies: Фабрика грез | PC | 1.1 | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | The Movies (Disc 3) The Movies: Фабрика грез | PC | 1.1 | 1C: Kollekciya igrushek | | | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Might and Magic: Platinum Edition (Might and Magic VI: Install Disc) | PC | 1.2 | Original | | PCD-5329-001 |  |
 | Might and Magic: Platinum Edition (Might and Magic VI: Play Disc) | PC | 1.2 | Original | | PCD-5329-002 |  |
 | Might and Magic: Platinum Edition (Might and Magic VII: Install Disc) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | PCD-5329-003 |  |
 | Might and Magic: Platinum Edition (Might and Magic VII: Play Disc) | PC | 1.1 | Original | | PCD-5329-004 |  |
 | Might and Magic: Platinum Edition (Might and Magic VIII: Install Disc) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | PCD-5329-005 |  |
 | Might and Magic: Platinum Edition (Might and Magic VIII: Play Disc) | PC | 1.0 | Original | | PCD-5329-006 |  |
 | Might and Magic: Platinum Edition (Might and Magic IX: Install Disc) | PC | 1.2 | Original | | PCD-5329-007 |  |
 | Might and Magic: Platinum Edition (Might and Magic IX: Play Disc) | PC | 1.2 | Original | | PCD-5329-008 |  |
 | Myst V: End of Ages | PC | 1.0 | Limited Edition | | 682523-DVD |  |
 | Mahjongg | PC | | INTER-ROM | | CD ROM 166.019 |  |
 | MagnaCarta II (Disc 1) 마그나카르타2 | XBOX360 | | Original | | NM-2065 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MagnaCarta II (Disc 2) 마그나카르타2 | XBOX360 | | Original | | NM-2065 | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine: Issue 13 Christmas 2002 | PC | | | | MSS13-D/11/2002 |  |
 | Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine: Issue 24 November 2003 | PC | | | | MSS24-C/NOV/03 |  |
 | Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine: Issue 28 February 2004 | PC | | | | MSS28-C/FEB/04 |  |
 | Magical Treasure: Kanojo wa Maid 2 マジカル★トレジャー 彼女はメイド2 | PC | | Original | | SKM-887 |  |
 | Mahjong Triple Wars Bangaihen: Sailor Wars with Yonin Uchi MAHJONGトリプルウォーズ番外編 セーラーウォーズ with 四人打ち | PC | | Original | | FSCR-003 |  |
 | Marine Rouge マリンルージュ | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mix Candy Lite みっくすキャンディLITE | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Momoiro Memori-Az ももいろメモリあず | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Maison Ikkoku: Kanketsu-hen: Sayonara, Soshite めぞん一刻 完結編 ~さよなら、そして~ | PC | | Maison Ikkoku Music Box Package | | |  |
 | Maison Ikkoku: Omoide no Photograph めぞん一刻 ~想い出のフォトグラフ~ | PC | | Maison Ikkoku Music Box Package | | |  |
 | Magic & Mayhem マジック&メイヘム | PC | 1.000 | Original | | TORM-6213 |  |
 | Moto Racer | PC | | | | ADX08801161D |  |
 | Multimedia Celebrity Poker | PC | | | | |  |
 | Montezuma's Return! | PC | | Original | | P/N 04-16486CSL | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Merchant Prince II | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Monkey Island Anthology (Disc 1) (The Secret of Monkey Island / Monkey Island 2: Le Chuck's Revenge) | PC | | Limited Run Games | | |  |
 | Monkey Island Anthology (Disc 2) (The Curse of Monkey Island / Escape from Monkey Island) | PC | | Limited Run Games | | |  |
 | Monkey Island Anthology (Disc 3) (Tales of Monkey Island - Part 1) | PC | | Limited Run Games | | |  |
 | Monkey Island Anthology (Disc 4) (Tales of Monkey Island - Part 2) | PC | | Limited Run Games | | |  |
 | Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Kkeunnaji Anneun Naeillo 기동전사 건담 SEED: 끝나지 않는 내일로 | PS2 | 1.00 | Original | | SLKA 25255 |  |
 | Mercer Mayer's Little Monster at School | CDI | 2.01 | Original | | 810 0171 |  |
 | Mahjong: Titanium Collection | PC | | Original | | 37140-DVD |  |
 | Mega Score 037 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 038 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Man of War II | PC | 1.01 | | | 04-18518CD |  |
 | Merlin's Apprentice | PC | | | | 310691065-2, 310691088-2 |  |
 | Mega Score 040 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 069 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 072 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 081 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 082 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 085 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 085 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 086 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 087 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 087 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 088 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 089 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 089 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 090 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 090 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 091 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 091 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 092 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 092 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 093 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 093 (Disc 3) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 094 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 094 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 095 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 095 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 096 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 096 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 100 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 097 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 097 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 098 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 099 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 099 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine: Issue 15 February 2003 | PC | | | | MSS15-D/FEB/03 |  |
 | Microsoft Windows XP: The Official Magazine: Issue 19 June 2003 | PC | | | | MSS19-D/JUN/03 |  |
 | Mega Score 079 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 101 (Disc 1) Babylon 5: I've Found Her: Danger and Opportunity | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 101 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 102 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 102 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 103 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 103 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 103 (Disc 3) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 104 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 104 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 105 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 105 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 105 (Disc 3) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 107 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 108 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 108 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 109 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 109 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 109 (Disc 3) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Misticheskie istorii: Tajny proshlogo: Edgar Allan Poe Мистические истории: Тайны прошлого: Эдгар Аллан По | PC | 1.5 | Original | | |  |
 | Morxuxn: Kollekciya 2: Snezhnyj desant + Revolyuciya Морхухн. Коллекция 2. Снежный десант + Революция | PC | | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 2004/483 |  |
 | Morxuxn: Legendy kartinga Морхухн. Легенды картинга | PC | 1.0 | Original | | RUSSOBIT-M 2004-486 |  |
 | Mega Score 106 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 106 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 110 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 111 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 111 (Disc 2) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 111 (Disc 3) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 114 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 118 (Disc 1) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 133 (Side A) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 133 (Side B) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 136 (Side A) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Mega Score 136 (Side B) | PC | | | | |  |
 | Machiavelli the Prince | PC | 1.1 | Classic Series | | 0-486-40-101 |  |
 | Museum Madness Museum Madness: A MECC Science and History Learning Mystery | PC | | SoftKey | | PMU944AE-CD |  |
 | Mario Teaches Typing 2 | PC | 2.0 | Rerelease | | 2223299-590002/I068dd |  |
 | Mój Pierwszy Niezwykły Atlas Świata | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Master of Monsters: Expansion Kit マスターオブモンスターズ エクスパンションキット | PC | 1.00 | Original | | 001J0343TA |  |
 | Mobil 1 Rally Championship | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Minato Gensou: Venice Fantastica 水都幻想 ~Venice fantastica~ | PC | | Shokai Genteiban | | RUNW-001 |  |
 | MediEvil | PSX | | Demo | | SCUS-94291 |  |
 | Mahjong Taikai III: Millennium League 麻雀大会Ⅲ ミレニアムリーグ | PS2 | 1.30 | Koei the Best, Koei Teiban Series | | SLPM 62191 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | Mahjong Escape: Ancient China | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Misticheskie istorii: Dzhek Potroshitel' Мистические истории: Джек Потрошитель | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Magistr Temple (Install Disc) マギステルテンプル | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Moujuutsukai to Oujisama: Snow Bride: Genteiban Tokuten Contents CD 猛獣使いと王子様 ~Snow Bride~ 限定版特典コンテンツCD | PC | | PS2 Game Bundle | | |  |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Disc 1) | PC | 10.0.60905.0 | Professional Edition (Gold Edition) | | 0806 Artikelnr. X12-62150-01 DE |  |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator X (Disc 2) | PC | 10.0.60905.0 | Professional Edition (Gold Edition) | | 0806 Artikelnr. X12-62151-01 DE |  |
 | Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Acceleration Expansion Pack | PC | 10.0.61637.0 | Gold Edition | | 0807 Artikelnr. X13-89156-01 DE |  |
 | MVP Baseball 2005 (Disc 1) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | MVP Baseball 2005 (Disc 2) | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | Mortal Kombat 4 Artwork: 11-5-98 | PC | | | | |  |
 | Math Workshop Math Workshop: Computation and Problem Solving Skills | PC | 1.1 | Original | | |  |
 | Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure | PS2 | 1.00 | Beta | | |  |
 | Mortal Kombat 4 | PC | | Preview | | |  |
 | Myth: The Fallen Lords | PC | Beta 4 | Review | | |  |
 | Myth: The Fallen Lords | PC | | Beta | | |  |
 | Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots | PS3 | 01.01 | Original, PlayStation 3 the Best | | BLAS 55004 … | ![2 and more dumps from original media [!] 2 and more dumps from original media [!]](/images/status/green.png) |
 | MLB 07: The Show | PS3 | 01.01 | Original | | BCKS 10006 |  |
 | MotorStorm 모터스톰 | PS3 | 01.00 | Original | | BCKS 10002 |  |
 | Mermaid Prism マーメイドプリズム | PS2 | 1.02 | Shokai Gentei Mermaid Box | | SLPS 25684 |  |
 | Mitsu x Mitsu Drops: Love x Love Honey Life 蜜×蜜ドロップス ラブ×ラブ ハニーライフ | PS2 | 1.02 | Genteiban | | SLPM 66380 |  |
 | Maihana Soumakyou: Uniting Barrage Action 舞華蒼魔鏡: Uniting Barrage Action | PC | 1.1.0 | Original | | |  |
 | MacFormat n. 4 | MAC | | | | |  |
 | Master of Orion II: Battle at Antares | PC | | Rerelease | | 99808 |  |
 | Metal Arms: Glitch in the System | XBOX | | Preview (Demo) | | |  |
 | Moje Pierwsze ABC | PC | | Original | | |  |
 | MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat | PC | 1.0 | Bundle Version IBM OEM | | 75H9452 |  |
 | Memories Off #5: Togireta Film メモリーズオフ#5 とぎれたフィルム | PSP | 1.01 | Original | | ULJM 05394 |  |