ResetDisplaying results 1 - 500 of 3322
Starts with: All | ~ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z • Region: All | TwinsWorldEuropeAmericaAsia • Added: None | AscDesc • Modified: None | AscDesc • Status: All | Possible bad dump Dumped from original media 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
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AsiaLaapbat Siusan
PC1.00OriginalChinese Dumped from original media
AsiaLairPS301.00OriginalChinese Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Portuguese Spanish Swedish BCAS 20014 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
AsiaThe Last GuyPS302.00OriginalChinese English BCAS 20073Dumped from original media
AsiaThe Last of UsPS301.00OriginalChinese English Korean BCAS 25015 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
AsiaThe Legend of Kyrandia: Book OnePC1.1Asia-CDEnglish French German ASCD-017, ASCD-017HB2 and more dumps from original media [!]
AsiaLEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4PS303.00OriginalDanish English French German Italian Spanish BLAS 50756Dumped from original media
AsiaLightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIIIPS301.00OriginalChinese Korean BCAS 20279Dumped from original media
PSP1.00OriginalChinese English Korean UCAS-40262Dumped from original media
AsiaLittleBigPlanet 2
PS301.00OriginalChinese English Korean BCAS 201132 and more dumps from original media [!]
AsiaLittleBigPlanet: Game of the Year EditionPS301.00OriginalChinese English BCAS 200782 and more dumps from original media [!]
AsiaLocoRoco 2
PSP1.02OriginalChinese English Korean UCAS-40222 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
AsiaLord of ArcanaPSP1.00OriginalEnglish UCAS 40330Dumped from original media
AsiaThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
魔戒 王者再臨
PS21.01OriginalChinese SLAJ 250192 and more dumps from original media [!]
AsiaThe Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
魔戒 第三紀元
PS21.01OriginalChinese SLAJ 25051Dumped from original media
AsiaThe Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
XBOXOriginalChinese English EA-016Dumped from original media
AsiaThe Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
PS21.01OriginalChinese English SLPM 652122 and more dumps from original media [!]
AsiaThe Lord of the Rings: War in the NorthPS301.00OriginalEnglish French Portuguese BLAS 50416Dumped from original media
AsiaLost in the RainPS301.00OriginalChinese English BCAS 20319Dumped from original media
ArgentinaLEGO RacersPC1.0Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Norwegian Spanish Swedish Dumped from original media
ArgentinaLEGO Rock RaidersPCColección 'Juega y Aprende'Dutch Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
ArgentinaLa Leyenda de la Isla PerdidaPCCovermountSpanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ArgentinaLiving Books: Marc Brown: El Cumpleaños de ArturoPCOriginalEnglish Spanish Dumped from original media
ArgentinaLiving Books: Mark Schlichting: Harry y la Casa EmbrujadaPCSerie MAXEnglish Spanish Dumped from original media
ArgentinaLiving Books: Mercer Mayer: Monstruito en la EscuelaPCOriginalEnglish Spanish Dumped from original media
ArgentinaLost Planet: Extreme Condition: Colonies EditionPCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Russian Spanish SYX26027Dumped from original media
AustraliaLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendPCBest of Atari13624Dumped from original media
AustraliaLaw & Order: Justice Is Served (Press Extras)PCPress KitDumped from original media
AustraliaLegend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole + Scooby-Doo! and the Spooky SwampPCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master QuestGCOriginalEnglish French German DL-DOL-D43U-AUS2 and more dumps from original media [!]
AustraliaLEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes (Asset Disc)PCPress KitDutch English French German Italian Russian Spanish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLEGO Batman 3: Beyond GothamPCOriginalDanish Dutch English French German Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLEGO Battles (Assets)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLEGO Indiana Jones: The Original AdventuresXBOX360PreviewDanish English French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (Media Kit)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (Print Preview Assets)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLEGO Island 2: The Brickster's RevengePCPFC012/DADumped from original media
AustraliaLEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (Screens)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (Eidos Assets)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLinks LS 1999 (Disc 1)PCOriginalEnglish SOS-02-0005-1-1Dumped from original media
AustraliaLinks LS 1999 (Disc 2)PCOriginalEnglish SOS-02-0005-1-2Dumped from original media
AustraliaLinks LS 1999 (Disc 4)PCOriginalEnglish SOS-02-0005-1-4Dumped from original media
AustraliaLipsXBOX360OriginalMS-2184Dumped from original media
AustraliaLollipop Chainsaw (Behind-the-Scenes Music Assets)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLollipop Chainsaw (Asset Disc)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaThe Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest + Super ScribblenautsPCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Game Assets: November 2004)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLords of MagicPC2.0.2.1Just Play Games!English 70195Dumped from original media
AustraliaLost Planet: Extreme Condition (Materials)PCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLucasArts Road Show 2008 AssetsPCPress KitEnglish Dumped from original media
AustraliaLumines Plus (Electronic Press Kit)PCPress KitDutch English French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
BrazilLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of DarknessPC1.0.0.49CovermountEnglish Portuguese 10000930Dumped from original media
BrazilLargo Winch: Empire Under Threat
Largo Winch: Império em Perigo
PCOriginalEnglish German Italian Spanish SORO 596 2210.02.0Dumped from original media
BrazilLegacy of Kain: Soul ReaverPC1.2CovermountPortuguese CDE50_CDADumped from original media
BrazilLEGO ChessPC1.0.0.1OriginalPortuguese WR-2003Dumped from original media
BrazilLEGO LegolandPC0.2.3.0OriginalPortuguese LOB08903540CDDumped from original media
BrazilLittleBigPlanet 3PS301.01OriginalEnglish Portuguese Spanish BCUS-81138Dumped from original media
BelgiumLeren LerenCDIOriginalDutch 819 0010Dumped from original media
Belgium, NetherlandsLEGO Rock RaidersPCDiceDutch DCG 601457Dumped from original media
Belgium, NetherlandsLilo & Stitch: Heisa op HawaïPCOriginalDutch Dumped from original media
Belgium, NetherlandsLucasArts Bonus CDPCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
Belgium, NetherlandsLucky LukePCOriginalEnglish French German Spanish LUCKYM45511Dumped from original media
BelarusLegends of Eisenwald (Original Soundtrack)PCExclusive EditionDumped from original media
BelarusLegends of EisenwaldPCOriginalBelarusian English French German Russian Spanish Dumped from original media
BelarusLegends of EisenwaldPC1.008Exclusive EditionBelarusian English French German Russian Spanish Dumped from original media
ChinaLabi Xiaoxin 2
PCZhima Kai MenChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLast Bronx
PC1.0OriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLaura De Kuaile Lixian
PCZhima Kai MenChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLaura He Ta De Xingxing
PCOriginalChinese 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ChinaLayer Section
PCEnglish Dumped from original media
ChinaLegend of Dragon Island
PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
ChinaThe Legend of Kyrandia: Book Three: Malcolm's Revenge
PC1.07OriginalChinese English French German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ChinaLegends of Might and Magic
PC1.0OriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLian'ai Wuyu (Disc A)
PCLian'ai Wuyu ZhuanjiChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLian'ai Wuyu: Mofa Xueyuan (Disc B)
PCLian'ai Wuyu ZhuanjiChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLian'ai Youxi Zhizuo Dashi 2
PC1.0OriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLiesha Qianhang 4: Taipingyang Hailang Ruanjian Buding
猎杀潜航4:太平洋海狼 软件补丁
PCOriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLiesha Qianhang II
PC1.1OriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLieyan Zhanji
PC2.0.5OriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLinghun Shizhe (Disc A)
PCOriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLinghun Shizhe (Disc B)
PCOriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLiuxing Hudie
PC1.04.15Danyue XiaoyaobaoChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLongwang Sanguo Yanyi
PC1.0.0.1Shiji Huigu JinianbanChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaLongzhanshi III
PCOriginalChinese 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ChinaLongzhanshi IV
PCOriginalChinese Dumped from original media
ChinaThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Disc 1)
PCOriginalChinese 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ChinaThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Disc 2)
PCOriginalChinese 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ChinaThe Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (Disc 3)
PCOriginalChinese 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
ChinaLords of Magic
PC1.00OriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
ChinaLost: Via Domus
PCOriginalChinese Dumped from original media
CanadaThe Legend of Lotus Spring (Disc 1)PCOriginalDumped from original media
CanadaThe Legend of Lotus Spring (Disc 2)PCOriginalDumped from original media
CanadaLEGO Creator: Harry PotterPCBilingual Version/Version BilingueFrench 4170771Dumped from original media
CanadaLemmings RevolutionPC1.0RereleaseEnglish French German Italian Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
CanadaLoki Demo Disk
Loki Demo CD
PCLinuxDumped from original media
CanadaLords of Midnight III: The Citadel
Lords of Midnight
PC64.006OriginalEnglish French German Italian Dumped from original media
SwitzerlandLama XPCOriginalEnglish French German Dumped from original media
CzechLéon Clifton: Stopa ZlaPC1.2.14.2Edice Hráčův RájCzech Dumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/2000 (Disc 2)
Conflict: FreeSpace: The Great War
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/2001 (Disc 2)
Requiem: Avenging Angel
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/2002 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/2002 (Disc 2)
Imperium Galactica (Disc 1)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/2002 (Disc 3)
Imperium Galactica (Disc 2)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 1/99PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/2000 (Disc 2)
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (Disc 1) (Install)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/2000 (Disc 3)
Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven (Disc 2) (Play)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/2001 (Disc 2)
Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor (Disc 1) (Install)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/2001 (Disc 3)
Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor (Disc 2) (Play)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/2002 (93) (Disc A)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/2002 (93) (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/95PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/97 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/97 (Disc 2)PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
CzechLevel 10/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 10/99 (Disc 2)
X-COM: Apocalypse
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/2000 (Disc 2)
Crusaders of Might and Magic
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/2001 (Disc 2)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/2002 (94) (Disc A)
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/2002 (94) (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/95PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 11/99 (Disc 2)
Dark Colony
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/2000 (Disc 2)
KKND2: Krossfire (Disc 1)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/2001 (Disc 2)
King's Quest VIII: Mask of Eternity
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/2002 (95) (Disc A)
Team Factor
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/2002 (95) (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/95PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/98 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/98 (Disc 2)
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 12/99PC2 and more dumps from original media [!]
CzechLevel 162 (Disc A)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 162 (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/2000 (Disc 2)
Dark Seed II
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/2001 (Disc 2)
V-Rally: Multiplayer Championship Edition
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/2002 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/2002 (Disc 2)
Earthworm Jim 3D
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 2/99PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/2000 (Disc 2)
International Rally Championship
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/2001 (Disc 2)
Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus (Install Disc)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/2002 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/2002 (Disc 2)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/98 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/98 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 3/99 (Disc 2)
Spec Ops
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/2000 (Disc 2)
PC1.0English 9810162 and more dumps from original media [!]
CzechLevel 4/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/2002 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/2002 (Disc 2)
Plane Crazy
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 4/99 (Disc 2)
Die Hard Trilogy
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/2000 (Disc 2)
Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/2002 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/2002 (Disc 2)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/95PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 5/99 (Disc 2)
Earth 2140
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/2000 (Disc 2)
Heroes of Might and Magic II: The Succession Wars
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/2001 (Disc 2)
Kingpin: Life of Crime
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/2002 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/2002 (Disc 2)
Hidden & Dangerous Deluxe
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/95PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 6/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/2000 (Disc 2)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/2001 (Disc 2)
Dark Vengeance
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/2002 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/2002 (Disc 2)
State of War
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/95PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 7/99 (Disc 2)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/2000 (Disc 2)
Seven Kingdoms
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/2001 (Disc 2)
Ve Stínu Havrana
PCCzech English Dumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/2002 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/2002 (Disc 2)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/95PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/98PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 8/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/2000 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/2000 (Disc 2)
Master of Orion II
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/2001 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/2001 (Disc 2)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/2002 (92) (Disc A)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/2002 (92) (Disc B)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/95PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/96PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/97PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/98 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/98 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/99 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel 9/99 (Disc 2)
Flying Corps Gold
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel PC Game Collection 1.98 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel PC Game Collection 1.98 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel PC Game Collection 1.98 (Disc 3)
PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel PC Game Collection 2.98 (Disc 1)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel PC Game Collection 2.98 (Disc 2)PCDumped from original media
CzechLevel PC Game Collection 2.98 (Disc 3)
Colony 28
PCCzech Dumped from original media
DenmarkLær Om Dyr: DyrequizzenPCPixeline: Natur og TeknikDanish Dumped from original media
DenmarkLær Om Kroppen: Rejsen til Kroppens IndrePCPixeline: Natur og TeknikDanish Dumped from original media
DenmarkThe Legend of Kyrandia: Book OnePCEuro Power PackHITDANCD008Dumped from original media
DenmarkThe Legend of Kyrandia: Book OnePCEuro Power PackEnglish HITDANCD008Dumped from original media
DenmarkLEGO FriendsPC1.0.1.0DiceDanish DCG 901694Dumped from original media
DenmarkLEGO Øen 2: Kim Cool's HævnPSXOriginalDanish SLES-03300Dumped from original media
DenmarkLinie 3 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalEMI 4912242Dumped from original media
DenmarkLinie 3 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalEMI 4912232Dumped from original media
DenmarkLiving Ball
Living Ball: The World's Largest Pinball Game
PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeL.A. NoirePS301.02OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish BLES-009332 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeL.A. Noire: The Complete EditionPS301.00OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish BLES-014882 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeL.A. Noire: The Complete Edition (Disc 1)PCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish 5054904/DVD12 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeL.A. Noire: The Complete Edition (Disc 2)PCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish 5054904/DVD22 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeL.A. RushPSP1.01OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish ULES-00554Dumped from original media
EuropeLabyrinth of CreteCDIOriginalEnglish 810 0230Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Labyrinth of TimePCEA CD-ROM ClassicsEnglish E3425CXDDumped from original media
EuropeThe Labyrinth of TimeCD32OriginalEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLabyrinth: Over 15 Labyrinth GamesPCOriginalDutch English French German Dumped from original media
EuropeLairPS301.00OriginalChinese Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Portuguese Spanish Swedish BCES-00004 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLake Masters EXPS21.02Midas TouchEnglish French German SLES-503512 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLamborghiniXBOXBetaEnglish French German Italian Spanish RA-001Dumped from original media
EuropeLamborghini: American ChallengeCD32Amiga CD32 Special 1English 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLamborghini: American ChallengePCPocket Price GamesEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLamborghini: American ChallengePCOriginalEnglish 075220Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Land Before Time: Activity CentrePCBundle Version Packard Bell OEMEnglish 6733440001, BWSS005-98800ADumped from original media
EuropeThe Land Before Time: Big Water AdventurePSXOriginalEnglish SLES-04055Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Land Before Time: Maths AdventurePCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Land Before Time: Racing Adventure
The Land Before Time: Great Valley Racing Adventure
PSXOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-03448Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Land Before Time: Return to the Great ValleyPSXOriginalEnglish SLES-029812 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLand Maker
PSXOriginalEnglish SLES-026822 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLand of GenesisACDOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLand of GenesisACDOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLanderPCDiceEnglish DMM 005615Dumped from original media
EuropeLanderPCDVD-ROMEnglish French German Dumped from original media
EuropeLands of LorePCTemptationEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLands of Lore
Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos
PCCD1.02 DWhite Label, Westwood 10th AnniversaryEnglish French German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLands of Lore II: Guardians of Destiny (Disc 1)PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLands of Lore II: Guardians of Destiny (Disc 3)PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLands of Lore II: Guardians of Destiny (Disc 4)PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLands of Lore III (Disc 1)PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLands of Lore III (Disc 1)PC1.00OriginalEnglish WWE08801933D12 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLands of Lore III (Disc 2)PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLands of Lore III (Disc 2)PC1.00OriginalEnglish WWE08801933D22 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLands of Lore III (Disc 3)PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLands of Lore III (Disc 4)PCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLanfeust of Troy
Lanfeust de Troy
PSP1.00OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish ULES-01022Dumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Deutsch: Level 1 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalGerman ILC 6030/01A2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLanguage Director: Deutsch: Level 1 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6030/01B2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLanguage Director: Deutsch: Level 2 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalGerman ILC 6030/02ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Deutsch: Level 2 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalGerman ILC 6030/02BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Deutsch: Level 3 (Disc 1)CDIILC 6030/03ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Deutsch: Level 3 (Disc 2)CDIILC 6030/03BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 1 (Disc 1)CDIRereleaseILC 6010/01ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 1 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalEnglish ILC 6010/01ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 1 (Disc 2)CDIRereleaseILC 6010/01B2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 1 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6010/01BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 1 (Disc 2)CDIRereleaseILC 6010/01BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 1 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalEnglish ILC 6010/01BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 2 (Disc 1)CDIRereleaseILC 6010/02ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 2 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalILC 6010/02ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 2 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6010/02BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 2 (Disc 2)CDIRereleaseILC 6010/02BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 3 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalILC 6010/03ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: English: Level 3 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6010/03BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Español: Level 1 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalILC 6040/01ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Español: Level 1 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6040/01BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Español: Level 2 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalILC 6040/02ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Español: Level 2 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6040/02BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Español: Level 3 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalILC 6040/03ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Español: Level 3 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6040/03BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Français: Level 1 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalILC 6020/01ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Français: Level 1 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6020/01BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Français: Level 2 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalILC 6020/02ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Français: Level 2 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6020/02BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Français: Level 3 (Disc 1)CDIOriginalILC 6020/03ADumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Français: Level 3 (Disc 2)CDIOriginalILC 6020/03BDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Deutsch: Level 1CDIOriginalILC 6030/01C2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Deutsch: Level 2 (Disc 0)CDIOriginalChinese Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Japanese Norwegian Portuguese Slovak Spanish Swedish ILC 6030/02CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Deutsch: Level 3CDIILC 6030/03CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: English: Level 1 (Disc 0)CDIRereleaseILC 6010/01CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: English: Level 1 (Disc 0)CDIOriginalChinese Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Japanese Norwegian Portuguese Slovak Spanish Swedish ILC 6010/01C2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: English: Level 2CDIRereleaseArabic Chinese Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Portuguese Slovenian Spanish Swedish Turkish ILC 6010/01C, ILC 6010/02C2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: English: Level 2 (Disc 0)CDIPromoChinese Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Japanese Norwegian Portuguese Slovak Spanish Swedish ILC 6010/02C2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: English: Level 3CDIOriginalILC 6010/03CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Español: Level 1CDIOriginalILC 6040/01CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Español: Level 2CDIOriginalILC 6040/02CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Español: Level 3CDIOriginalILC 6040/03CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Français: Level 1CDIOriginalILC 6020/01CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Français: Level 2CDIOriginalILC 6020/02CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Director: Guided Tour: Français: Level 3CDIOriginalILC 6020/03CDumped from original media
EuropeLanguage Learning with AstérixPC2.0Bundle Version Packard Bell OEMEnglish French Spanish 6705600000Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: AnniversaryPCSquare Enix MasterpiecesEnglish MTRMHVMB03Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: AnniversaryWIIOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-RLRP-EUR, RVL-RLRP-EUR-12 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: AnniversaryPC1.0Original, Collectors Edition, Premier Collection, Software PyramideEnglish French German Italian Spanish MTOMAVGE70, MTOMAVMB012 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: AnniversaryPC1.0Bundle Version Gainward OEMEnglish French German Italian Spanish G-TR012 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: AnniversaryPSP1.02Original, PromoEnglish French German Italian Spanish ULES-00826 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: AnniversaryPS21.02Original, Platinum: The Best of PlayStation 2, Collectors EditionEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-54674 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendPCSquare Enix MasterpiecesEnglish MTRMHVMB02Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendGCOriginalEnglish DL-DOL-GL8P-UKVDumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendPC1.0Original, Premier CollectionEnglish French German Italian Spanish MTOM7VMB812 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendPS21.00DemoEnglish SLED-540222 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendPS21.00Preview CodeEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendPS21.01Original, Platinum: The Best of PlayStation 2English French German Italian Spanish SLES - 539 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendPSP1.01Original, PSP Essentials, Platinum: The Best of PSPEnglish French German Italian Spanish ULES-00283 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: LegendPC1.2Sold Out SoftwareEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of DarknessPCSquare Enix MasterpiecesEnglish MTRMHVMB01Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of DarknessPS21.08Original, PlatinumEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-51227 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Disc 1)PC1.0 build 52MADEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Disc 1)PC1.0.0.39Bundle Version Gigabyte OEMEnglish 12DC1-09GM10-01-A, 252-00150100202 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Disc 1)PC1.0.0.49Bundle Version OEMEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Disc 1)PC1.0.0.49Bundle Version Sapphire OEMEnglish ST0214-D1Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Disc 2)PC1.0 build 52MADEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Disc 2)PC1.0.0.39Bundle Version Gigabyte OEMEnglish 12DC1-09GM10-01-B, 252-00150100202 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Disc 2)PC1.0.0.49Bundle Version OEMEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness (Disc 2)PC1.0.0.49Bundle Version Sapphire OEMEnglish ST0214-D2Dumped from original media
EuropeLargo Winch: Commando SAR
Largo Winch .//Commando SAR
PSXOriginalEnglish German Italian Spanish SLES-036882 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLargo Winch: Empire Under ThreatXBOXOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish US-0112 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLargo Winch: Empire Under ThreatGCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish DL-DOL-GLGP-EURDumped from original media
EuropeLargo Winch: Empire Under ThreatPCOriginalEnglish German Italian Spanish 2201214Dumped from original media
EuropeLargo Winch: Empire Under ThreatPC1.0DiceEnglish German Italian Spanish DCG 902440Dumped from original media
EuropeLargo Winch: Empire Under ThreatPS21.00OriginalEnglish German Italian Spanish SLES-510932 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLargo Winch: Empire Under ThreatPS21.01OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-50841Dumped from original media
EuropeLaser CleanPSXUnlicensedEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLaser LordsCDIOriginalEnglish 690 074-2, 810 0009, 814 00222 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLaser SquadPCBuzzDumped from original media
EuropeLaser Squad NemesisPC1.0.0.1OriginalEnglish French German JFC000525Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Last AirbenderWIIOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-SLAP-EUR-B02 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last AirbenderWIISpecial EditionEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-SLAX-EUU-B0Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Last Bounty HunterCDI1.03OriginalEnglish 811 00632 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLast BronxPCOriginalEnglish MK 85065-502 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLast BronxSS1.001OriginalEnglish MK81078-502 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last Dynasty (Disc 1)PCOriginalEnglish S4160220Z12Z12 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last Dynasty (Disc 2)PCOriginalEnglish S4160620Z12Z22 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLast HopeDC1.000UnlicensedEnglish NGDT DC-300JDumped from original media
EuropeLast Hope: Pink Bullets
DC1.000UnlicensedEnglish LHPBRE2-DCDumped from original media
EuropeLast Ninja 2: Back with a VengeancePC5 Plus OneEnglish RU320Dumped from original media
EuropeLast Ninja 3CD32OriginalEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last of UsPS301.00Original, Promo, Ellie Edition, Game of the Year Edition, Bundled with PlayStation 3Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French German Greek Italian Norwegian Portuguese Spanish Swedish Turkish BCES-01584 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last of UsPS301.00Original, Game of the Year Edition, Bundled with PlayStation 3English Polish Russian BCES-01585 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLast RebellionPS301.02OriginalEnglish BLES-00861Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Last Remnant (Disc 1)PCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Japanese Spanish 218 24805Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Last Remnant (Disc 1)XBOX360OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish SQ-20102 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last Remnant (Disc 2)PCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Japanese Spanish 218 24805Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Last Remnant (Disc 2)XBOX360OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish SQ-20102 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last ReportPSXOriginalDutch German SLES-00020Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Last ReportPSXOriginalEnglish French SLES-008892 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last ReportPSXDemoEnglish German SLED-01365Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Last ReportPSXOriginalItalian Spanish SLES-00029Dumped from original media
EuropeLast RitesPC1.01OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish LAST 7CD1ML2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Last StoryWIIOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-SLSP-EUR-E02 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLaura's Happy Adventures
Laura und das Geheimnis des Diamanten
PCOriginal, Pink CDEnglish French German Dumped from original media
EuropeLaura's Happy AdventuresPCPurple CDEnglish French German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Lawnmower ManMCDOriginalT-160015-50Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Lawnmower ManMCDBundled with Magazine (Playable Demo - Mega Power Disc 9)Dumped from original media
EuropeLayer SectionPCOriginalEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLayer SectionPCAll You Can Play: 10 Action-GamesEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLe Mans 24 HoursPCPreviewDumped from original media
EuropeLe Mans 24 HoursPSXOriginal, Promo, Best of Infogrames, Best of Infogrames: Value SeriesEnglish French German Italian Portuguese Spanish SLES-01362 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLe Mans 24 HoursPCBest of Infogrames: SportEnglish French German Italian Portuguese Spanish LEMANPCBOGFDEIP/ADumped from original media
EuropeLe Mans 24 HoursPCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Portuguese Spanish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLe Mans 24 HoursPCRereleaseEnglish French German Italian Spanish LEMAN24PCGBFDIE/ADumped from original media
EuropeLe Mans 24 HoursPS21.00OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-501312 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLe Mans 24 HoursDC1.000Original, SampleEnglish French German Italian Spanish 952-0103-50, T-15111D-502 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLeaderboard GolfPS21.01Original, Pocket Price MidasEnglish SLES-539022 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLeadfootPCOriginalEnglish French German Dumped from original media
EuropeLeadtek Games GalleryPCBundle Version Leadtek OEMY0300035Dumped from original media
EuropeLeadTek Games GalleryPCBundle Version LeadTek OEMEnglish P/N: Y0300035Dumped from original media
EuropeLegacy of Kain: DefianceXBOXOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish ES-0152 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: DefiancePS21.00OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-52150 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Defiance (Disc 1)PC1.1OriginalEnglish MLOKDPEN812 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Defiance (Disc 2)PC1.1OriginalEnglish MLOKDPEN822 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Soul ReaverPSXOriginal, Eidos RicochetEnglish SLES-01301 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Soul ReaverPCOriginalEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Soul ReaverPSXDemoEnglish SLED-02252Dumped from original media
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Soul ReaverDC1.000Original, SampleEnglish 952-0038-05, T-36803D-052 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Soul ReaverPC1.2Sold Out Software, Sold Out Software (Covermount)English 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2PCPremier CollectionEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2PC1.02Sold Out SoftwareEnglish 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2PS21.02Original, PromoEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-501962 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegaia 2: Duel SagaPS21.00OriginalEnglish SLES-50891 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegendPSXOriginalEnglish SLES-00730Dumped from original media
EuropeLegend of CamelotPS21.00OriginalEnglish French German SLES-54864 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Dragoon (Disc 1)PSXOriginalEnglish SCES-03043Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Dragoon (Disc 2)PSXOriginalEnglish SCES-13043Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Dragoon (Disc 3)PSXOriginalEnglish SCES-23043Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Dragoon (Disc 4)PSXOriginalEnglish SCES-33043Dumped from original media
EuropeLegend of HerkulesPS21.02OriginalEnglish German SLES-52244Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Heroes: Trails in the SkyPSP1.00Collector's EditionEnglish ULES-015562 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold SteelPS301.02OriginalEnglish BLES-02209Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IIPS301.00OriginalEnglish BLES-02244Dumped from original media
EuropeLegend of KartiaPSXOriginalEnglish French German SLES-017102 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegend of KayPS21.00OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-529312 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Kyrandia: Book OnePC1.1OriginalEnglish French German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Kyrandia: Book OnePC1.1Westwood 10th AnniversaryEnglish French German 2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Kyrandia: Book OnePC1.3Hit SquadEnglish HITSQDUK 020Dumped from original media
EuropeLegend of LegaiaPSXOriginalEnglish SCES-01752Dumped from original media
EuropeLegend of MulanPSXOriginalEnglish French German SLES-04145Dumped from original media
EuropeLegend of PocahontasPSXPocket Price MidasDutch English German SLES-02955Dumped from original media
EuropeLegend of SayukiWIIOriginalEnglish French Italian Spanish RVL-RSZP-EURDumped from original media
EuropeLegend of SayukiPS21.01OriginalEnglish French Italian Spanish SLES-55123Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Spyro: A New BeginningGCOriginalDutch English French German Italian Spanish DL-DOL-G6SP-EUR2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Spyro: A New BeginningPS21.01Original, Platinum, Platinum: The Best of PlayStation 2Dutch English French German Italian Spanish SLES-54359 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the DragonWIIOriginalDutch English French German Italian Spanish RVL-RO8P-EURDumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the DragonPS301.02OriginalDanish Dutch English Finnish French German Italian Norwegian Spanish Swedish BLES-00382 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the DragonPS21.00OriginalDutch English French German Italian Spanish SLES-55163 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Spyro: The Eternal NightWIIOriginalDutch English French German Italian Spanish RVL-RO7P-EUR-B02 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Spyro: The Eternal NightPS21.00OriginalDutch English French German Italian Spanish SLES-548152 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegend of the DragonWIIOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-RLDP-EURDumped from original media
EuropeLegend of the DragonPSP1.01OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish ULES-00695Dumped from original media
EuropeLegend of the DragonPS21.01OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-543132 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'HooleWIIOriginalDutch English French German Italian Spanish RVL-R9GP-EUR-B02 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'HoolePS301.01OriginalDutch English French German Italian Portuguese Spanish BLES-00964Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of the Prophet & the Assassin (Disc 1)PCOriginalEnglish LG1UK1PDumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of the Prophet & the Assassin (Disc 2)PCOriginalEnglish LG1UK2PDumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: Collector's EditionGCPromoEnglish French German Italian Spanish DL-DOL-PZLP-EUR2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: Four Swords AdventuresGCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish DL-DOL-G4SP-EUR2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Master QuestGCLimited EditionEnglish French German DL-DOL-D43P-EUR, DL-DOL-D43P-EUR-12 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordWIIDemoEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-DAXP-EUR-B0Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordWIILimited Edition, The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary EditionEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-SOUP-EUR-B02 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordWIIRev 1Original, Limited EditionEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-SOUP-EUR-B02 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: Skyward SwordWIIRev 2OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish RVL-SOUP-EUR-B0Dumped from original media
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: The Wind WakerGCPlayer's Choice, Limited EditionEnglish French German Italian Spanish DL-DOL-GZLP-EUR, DL-DOL-GZLP-EUR-012 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeThe Legend of Zelda: Twilight PrincessGCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish DL-DOL-GZ2P-EUR2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegendaryPCOriginal1036949-ADADumped from original media
EuropeLegendaryXBOX360OriginalGP-20032 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegendaryPS301.01OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish BLES-00405Dumped from original media
EuropeLegendsCD32OriginalEnglish French German Dumped from original media
EuropeLegends of Might and MagicPC1.0OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish 5228-02-006, 5228-04-006, 5228-05-006, 5228-06-006, 5228-07-006Dumped from original media
EuropeLegends of PegasusPCOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLegends of WrestlingGCOriginalEnglish DL-DOL-GLWP-EURDumped from original media
EuropeLegends of WrestlingXBOXOriginalEnglish AC-0032 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegends of WrestlingPS21.00OriginalEnglish SLES-501072 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegends of Wrestling IIGCOriginalEnglish DL-DOL-GL2P-EURDumped from original media
EuropeLegends of Wrestling IIXBOXOriginalEnglish AC-0152 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegends of Wrestling IIPS21.03OriginalEnglish SLES-51045 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLegionPC1.06bOriginalEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLegion ArenaPCRevivalEnglish French German Italian Spanish REV133Dumped from original media
EuropeLegion Arena (Disc 1)PCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeLegion Arena (Disc 2)PCOriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeLegion Arena: Gold Edition (Disc 1)PC1.0100 : 857OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeLegion Arena: Gold Edition (Disc 2)PC1.0100 : 857OriginalEnglish French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeLegion: The Legend of ExcaliburPS21.01Original, PromoEnglish French German Italian Spanish SLES-502732 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO Batman 2: DC Super HeroesWIIOriginalDanish Dutch English French German Italian Spanish RVL-S7AP-EUR-B02 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO Batman 2: DC Super HeroesPS301.00Original, EssentialsDanish Dutch English French German Italian Polish Russian Spanish BLES-01613 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO Batman 2: DC Super HeroesPC1.0.0.412210100% HitsDanish Dutch English French German Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish LBA3854AT-DISC1Dumped from original media
EuropeLEGO Batman 2: DC Super HeroesPC1.0.0.412210OriginalDanish Dutch English French German Italian Polish Portuguese Russian Spanish 2000072651/7000050501Dumped from original media
EuropeLEGO Batman 3: Beyond GothamPS301.00Original, EssentialsDanish Dutch English French German Italian Polish Russian Spanish BLES-02033 …2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO Batman: The VideogameWIIOriginalDanish English French German Italian Spanish RVL-RLBP-EUR2 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO Batman: The VideogamePS301.01OriginalDanish English French German Italian Spanish BLES-003322 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO Batman: The VideogamePC1.0OriginalDanish English French German Italian Spanish Dumped from original media
EuropeLEGO Batman: The VideogamePSP1.00OriginalDanish English French German Italian Spanish ULES-011512 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO Batman: The VideogameWIIRev 1OriginalDanish English French German Italian Spanish RVL-RLBP-EUR-B02 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO ChessPCEnglish Dumped from original media
EuropeLEGO CreatorPC1.00.0012OriginalEnglish 22011072 and more dumps from original media [!]
EuropeLEGO DimensionsPS301.00Starter PackDanish Dutch English French German BLES-02105Dumped from original media
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